Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 3009: Keep going, count the romantic figures

Zhao Yi’s heart was dripping blood, but when he thought that he had just pitted the Wang family, enough to make up for these losses, he felt a lot of peace. He also glanced at the Sun family and Zhang family, and said, "This money must be spread. These two families can't all be taken out by my Zhao family, and they have to go there."

Thinking of this, my heart feels a lot more comfortable.

Sun Shi and Zhang Ke are not fools. They caught Zhao Yi's gaze at once, their hearts sank, and they immediately guessed what Zhao Yi meant. The faces of the two patrons were extremely ugly.

"Ten billion, is there a higher price?"

The host shouted several times, but there was no response in the venue.

The host sighed and looked a little reluctant, and said: "If I have money, I would be willing to chase it down. Hey, what a pity, being poor is the original sin. Congratulations, Lord Shoulong, and happy to shoot the halberd."

"Hahahaha!" Shoulong laughed wildly, overjoyed, and flew to the auction stage directly, reached out his hand to grab the halberd, and shouted, "The Zhao family wants the money."

Zhao Yi said bitterly: "Sure enough."

Then looking at the Zhang Family and Sun Family, the two Patriarchs said bitterly: "Sure enough." Very depressed.

Just when Shoulong's five fingers were about to touch the halberd, an extremely fierce aura burst into the air.


It is a small red arrow.

Shoulong's face changed drastically, and he caught a glimpse of not far away, Gao Yi drew his bow and opened his arrow, facing him.

"Damn it!"

Shoulong hurriedly turned around, avoided the arrow, and said angrily: "Dare you do something at the auction?"

Gao Yi said coldly: "This is the last lot. You have already taken it, which proves that the auction is over."

Seeing that the host didn't mean to object, Gao Yi laughed wildly. He teleported over in a flash, with a longbow combat knife in his hand, and he slashed towards Shoulong.

The auction venue suddenly became chaotic, yelling and running away.

Under the aftermath of the battle between the two, the halberd gently rotated in the air, bursting out from time to time, as if calling his own relatives.

The two of them fought for a while, trying to suppress their own strength, so as not to fly the auction venue. After all, the auction was huge and they couldn't afford it.

Suddenly a strange laugh came, and when the dome went dark, a hideous ghost flew over like a bat and rushed towards the halberd.

Shoulong and Gao Yi were shocked, stopped in their hands, and were about to kill the bat ghost. They didn't want the river mussel to compete with the fisherman for profit.

But a faster speed, flashing, appeared in front of the bat ghost, pinched the formula with both hands, slammed a thunder and lightning, released a strong thunder in the palm of the palm, and blasted out.


The bat ghost screamed and greeted it with the same palm.

"Boom!" The huge energy storm that formed shook both of them fiercely, taking several steps back.

But the bat ghost seemed to hurt more, after all, the supernatural powers like thunder and lightning had greater restraint on ghosts, but it was also more difficult to cultivate.

"Two four-star ghost emperors again!"

"It's Sixi the Bat King and the Thunder Soul!"

Many people did not flee, but were watching the battle. The four-star ghost emperors who are hard to see on weekdays appeared today.

Zhao Yi thought that the ancient temple soul mine he led would be the most dazzling event in this auction, but he didn't expect it to be completely compared.

The four of them immediately fell into a melee, and terrifying energy continued to burst out, flooding in all directions.

Just as everyone was about to flee, suddenly a wave of coercion dropped, eliminating all these aftermaths.

I saw the auction host knotted his hands, his whole body shone brightly, his eyes flashed, and he directly opened a barrier, suppressing the aftermath of the four people's fight.

Everyone realized that the original host's cultivation base was still higher than the four, and it was very likely that he had even stepped into the five-star ghost emperor.

The four of them were surprised, and the battle slowed down a bit.

The host said coldly: "The idlers and others can leave, but those who have not sold the auction items can not leave or die!"

You can't even die, this auction is really domineering.

When everyone saw that it was safe, they didn't escape.

Zhao Yi originally wanted to leave first, so as not to be affected, but when he saw that the host seemed to have the power of a five-star ghost emperor, he immediately relaxed and continued to watch the battle.

The host stared at the halberd, and the waves in his heart were ups and downs. The higher the cultivation level, the better he could understand the importance and preciousness of the halberd.

Finally, he swallowed hard, and said hey: "Anyway, the auction is over. I am off work now, not the host of the auction, just an ordinary ghost repair."

The four people in the fight were all taken aback and seemed to realize something.

I saw that the host waved his sleeves, and a frenzied force swept away, directly pressing on the four of them.

"Not good!" The four of them were shocked, and hurriedly stopped, and each made a move to bang the host.

"Boom!" Huge energy surged over the auction venue, and the whole building began to fall apart.

The host suppressed the four with one person's strength, and was still able to do so. With a grinning grin, he stretched out his hand to grab the halberd.

The halberd shook slightly and flew in the direction of the host.

The four four-star ghost emperors were all startled and angry, desperately attacking the host, and wanted to join forces to suppress them.

At this moment, the halberd suddenly stopped, and it seemed that it was affected by the huge spiritual pressure, bursting out a powerful divine brilliance, shooting out thousands of meters of light, across the entire auction venue, this huge vision, almost visible throughout the city, Amazing everyone.

"this is……"

The host and the four ghost emperors were all stunned in their hearts, and they didn't understand what had happened, but the more mysterious the war halberd, the more excited their hearts were.

In that Shenhui, in addition to the suffocating power of the Five Elements, there are countless original powers that radiate out and shock people.

Suddenly a faint voice sounded, and it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, "It's really interesting exercises. If you don't think of practicing, the baby will come back by yourself."

The voice was very light and delicate, as if it was spoken casually, but it could be clearly transmitted to everyone's ears in such a chaotic situation, and the expressions of Mortaka and others changed drastically.

Mrs. Wang, who had been lying on the ground, was already extremely desperate. Suddenly she was taken aback. The voice seemed very familiar. Turning her head and looking around, she found that Yang Qingxuan, who had been sitting cross-legged cultivating, was nowhere to be found.


The halberd turned in the air, and the terrible power suddenly exploded, forming a river of brilliance in the air, and then turned into a brilliant streamer, shooting into the sky.

There was a slender figure standing there at some point, reaching out to grab the halberd.

The frequency of the whole person and the halberd instantly became one.

Everyone clearly felt that the moment the halberd fell into that person's hand, the extreme cheerfulness erupted, forming an invincible edge.

The man went hunting, with his left hand behind him, holding a halberd in his right hand, walking down in the air, flashing brilliant lights in his eyes, and said with a chuckle: "Everything is going on, count the romantic figures, and look at the present!"

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