Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 3380: Meet again, the war breaks out

On the ten thousand zhang ice field, Yang Xuanzang sat vacantly, his whole body was shrouded by a white enchantment, exuding holy brilliance.

Over the past few days, he has been immersed in the Dao induction chapter, aware of his Dao body, so that the power of the physical body is completely integrated with the true essence and the soul to achieve a complete state, no difference.

Although his realm has not improved, his understanding of heaven and earth has increased a lot.

On this day, his induction touched the sword talisman in the Shenhai again, only slightly blocked, and then poured into the talisman, sensing the power of the talisman.

Slowly, he was able to get closer to the sword talisman, trying to form a balance and harmony on a certain frequency and energy.

Suddenly, an extremely icy chill appeared in his heart, as if there was a pair of cold eyes in the void, staring at him to see through all his secrets.

Those cold eyes penetrated all the rules and obstacles, and instantly fell on the sword talisman.

"Om", a slight trembling came from the sword talisman.

Yang Xuanzang trembled, and immediately freed from the extremely cold fear, feeling the sword energy spread all over his body, dispelling the chill.

He opened his eyes in horror, and stared at the pupils in the void, they were actually the eyes of the ice dragon!

The opponent's eyes were full of murderous aura, roaring like a tide.

Yang Xuanzang's divine consciousness shook for a while, and the radiance of the Tao body instantly expanded, and then contracted into his body to protect the sea of ​​consciousness.

The two faced each other again.

Yang Xuanzang calmed down his mind, anyway, he went out, what if the other party is the eternal supreme.

He also stared at the ice dragon, and his momentum slowly rose.


The ice dragon snorted coldly, a bit more murderous.

Yang Xuanzang said, "Your training is over? There is still time for me to wander in the sea of ​​knowledge?"

The ice dragon's face was angry and shouted: "You take yourself too seriously. You can visualize the world and sense the world. What are you? Get out!"

Yang Xuanzang was not angry either, and sneered: "I'm here, I don't want to go, you come and bite me."

The ice dragon trembled, and with his supreme respect, he was so provoked by people, but at this moment there was nothing to do.

He gritted his teeth and said: "How can I be fooled if you want to lead me out!"

Yang Xuanzang ridiculed: "If you have the ability, you will hide for a lifetime."

The ice dragon said angrily: "When I come out, the first one will kill you!"

Yang Xuanzang said: "A gentleman can't chase a horse with a word. If you weren't the first one to kill, you would not be a dragon or a dog."

The ice dragon roared madly.

The feelings of the two were interrupted instantly.

Yang Xuanzang returned to his senses, and suddenly sensed the vibration below the earth, and intense cold air came from the ice.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly became vigilant.

Yang Xuanzang showed his fiery eyes and stared at the passage for a while, but a lot of cold air gushed out, and soon there was no movement and his calm was restored.

His pupils shrank slightly, and he was thinking.

The ice dragon was so excited that he did not show up like this, fearing that the problem was still greater than what Jialin and himself had expected.

All have reached the eternal supreme realm, is it so difficult to fully grasp the power of the supreme?

Or is it another reason?

Yang Xuanzang couldn't figure it out, recalling the various expressions, actions and words of the ice dragon before, trying to find the flaws.

Suddenly, his mind moved, Shen Nian returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, slowly approaching the sword charm.

It seems that when the ice dragon sensed the sword talisman before, his expression was a bit solemn.

"This sword talisman is terrifying, and I don't know what kind of existence it is. Isn't even the eternal supreme jealous?"

Yang Xuanzang's spiritual consciousness merged into the past.

Since the mind of the Dao Induction Chapter was able to touch the sword talisman, he was slowly able to reach the sword talisman with his own frequency.

That vast and terrifying power was immediately under the induction of divine consciousness. It seems that this rune contains the ultimate meaning of the sword, as long as it is touched, it will be broken.

Yang Xuanzang suddenly thought that when this ice dragon hadn't evolved to supreme, he had dealt with himself in the frozen world. It was the power of this sword talisman that broke through the void and fled here.

If he could master the power of this sword talisman, perhaps he could deal with that ice dragon.

Yang Xuanzang was a little excited, but he knew clearly that the difficulty of mastering this sword talisman was no less than killing an ice dragon.

But there is always hope.

He immediately calmed down and ran the Dao Sensation Chapter again, sensing the sword charm.

A few more days passed.

Suddenly, a sharp voice pierced the sky sounded, with great urgency and panic: "No!"

Yang Xuanzang's mind was shocked, and he immediately recovered, suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the past with fiery eyes.

I saw countless ice qi churning up below the ground, and two teams of people had been guarding the passageway to monitor the situation inside. At this moment, they had turned into ice men and broke directly.

The ice land seemed to be boiling, countless cold energy turned into sharp swords, and directly shot into the void, making indiscriminate attacks.

There are also a large number of figures surging in the ice, all of them are ice-formed, thousands of thousands, the number far exceeds them, they are all rushing forward and killing.

This change was so fast that even the two monitoring teams were killed instantly, with no response.

When everyone reacted, those icy arrows had already been shot in front of them.

Various ice formations also erupted one after another.

At this moment, a huge formation emerged from the void, dividing the world into two layers like a water mirror.

"Bang bang bang", a large number of ice formations and ice arrows hit the formation, all of which were blocked.

Everyone took a deep breath of air, only to recover, and they entered the state in an instant, and one after another shot.

Several people in the main formation pinched their hands to the center of the formation, and the formation turned slightly, as if the table top had been turned over.

Suddenly, as if the sky was overturned, the unparalleled force of terror was suppressed.

The ice transforming spirits and ice arrows that rushed into the formation were all "boom" burst, turned into ice chips and fell back below.

Then countless sword lights flickered in the void, and ten thousand sword lights appeared around the three powerful swordsmen, which turned into a sword channel, and slashed down.

"Bang bang bang."

The sword is like rain, continuously cutting into the earth.

The three of them sensed the energy flow and the aura of life between heaven and earth completely relying on their spiritual thoughts.

Each sword looks messy, but in fact it is extremely accurate.

After the sword rain fell, the icy spirits were almost drastically reduced by half.

Suddenly one of them trembled with sword marks on his fingers, suddenly opened his eyes, and shouted: "Here!"

With a lightly hooked finger, thousands of sword shadows gathered in an instant, forming a huge sword formation in front, rushing into the ice.

"Bang bang bang."

As soon as these swords touched the front, they were immediately blocked by invisible force, and then they were all frozen, and then a handle burst into pieces.

The terrible cold came back.

The expressions of the three of them changed drastically, and they stepped on the position of the formation and retreated in an orderly manner.

Jialin's pupils shrank, and he shouted, "Shoot!"

The three of them were repelled, immediately exposing the ice dragon's position, and other overwhelming forces rushed past and blasted into the void.

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