Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 475: Enchantment failure, wild gas storm

Yang Qingxuan stunned, and said in surprise: "You can feel that the waste gas is flowing, gather here."

Everyone raised their heads one after another, observing the direction of the waste air around them, and the divine consciousness spread to the largest extent.

Sure enough, I found that the uncomfortable depression was due to the flow of waste gas.

Fang Can patted the two heads of the two-headed tiger, his face was dignified, and he said solemnly: "Fear is not just the reason for the flow of waste, this tiger is very afraid."

The two-headed tiger roared exhaustively, his eyes were full of fear, his originally compliant hair became hard and his hands, his limbs trembled slightly, and his body was vigilant.

Xiao Da's expression was ugly, and he said solemnly: "Everyone is wary, it is very likely that a powerful barren beast has appeared!" He turned to the two mages and said, "The two masters, please continue, don't be disturbed by the outside world."

Hu Tong and Mr. Lu looked at each other, both nodded, speeding up the research.

Around the entire altar, the air has become very depressed, and everyone's heart is heavy. The greatest fear of people is to face the unknown.

Suddenly, a flash of red light flashed through the air, and it shot at a very fast speed.

If it weren't for everyone to raise their vigilance to the highest, it would be difficult to find out, that strand of red light, as thin as hair, as fast as lightning, flashed in the air and shot under the two-headed tiger's neck.

The roar of the two-headed tiger stopped immediately, and a drop of blood leaked from the originally white plush neck.

The drop of blood quickly turned green, and then the entire huge tiger body, including the two heads, all turned green.


Fang Can was taken aback, his eyes widened, and he wanted to touch the two-headed tiger, but he stretched out his hand halfway, and then shrank back. After all, it was too poisonous and some did not dare.


The two-headed tiger finally gave a weak cry and fell to the ground, completely dead.

Everyone trembled in their hearts, this is the tiger in the middle stage of Yuanwu, just hanging up silently. Everyone just felt cold in their hands and feet, and didn't know what monster they were facing.

Yang Qingxuan's figure flashed and flew down from the altar to check the wound of the two-headed tiger.

Brother Yuan raised his throat with a heart, and said in surprise: "Beware of poison!"

Yang Qingxuan said calmly: "Don't worry, I will be fine."

He took out an ordinary iron sword, fiddled with it under the tiger's neck, and saw the tiny wound, his eyes condensed, and he slowly said, "It's like a crimson poison needle, but..., why not Was blocked by the barrier of the altar?"

As soon as this problem came up, everyone reacted, "Yes, what's the matter?", "Could it be that the barrier is malfunctioning?"

Yang Qingxuan stared at the tip of the iron sword, all under the green venom, and began to corrode, he said condensedly: "The power of this red light should be enough to provoke the enchantment, there must be something unknown to us. s reason."

Fang Can was in a mess because of the death of the summoned beast, and said in fear: "Young Master Qingxuan, look...Should we evacuate first? It would be too dangerous to stay here."

Yang Qingxuan glanced at him indifferently, and comforted: "Be calm, nothing terrible. We have occupied the altar for a few days, and there is no danger. Even now, the poisonous scorpion only dared to hide in the dark. Dare to come out, it shows that it fears us."

"Yes, Brother Qingxuan is reasonable. Everyone must be calm. It is extremely dangerous if you are in disorder. From now on, who dares to talk nonsense about escaping and evacuation, disturbing people's hearts, don't blame me Xiao. Don't miss the old feelings, you're welcome!"

Xiao Da's face was sullen, and evil spirit flashed in his eyes.

Everyone had never seen such a terrible expression on his face, they closed their mouths, and dared not say to leave.

Brother Yuan also flew down, took a look at the tiger's wound, and speculated: "If you want to kill this two-headed tiger silently, I'm afraid that it will also have eight eyes, or even ten eyes!"

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, and said, "If there are only eight or ten eyes, I am not worried. But now I can't find a trace. There is no shadow of a crimson scorpion in all four. I am afraid it will be even worse. For a powerful existence."

As he was talking, suddenly there was a flash of red light in the sky, shooting away at Yang Qingxuan.

Many people yelled "Ah", and saw a white light passing by, and Yang Qingxuan threw the iron sword in his hand.

With a "bang", the red light shot through the iron sword and shot directly in front of him.

Yang Qingxuan didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly took out Douguishen to block him, and made a "bang" again before shattering the red light, and his arms were slightly numb.

His face changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "This poisonous scorpion has at least ten eyes!"

The ten-eyed crimson poisonous scorpion is equivalent to the existence of the environment, and everyone's face changed as soon as this statement was made. But they were crowded and powerful, and the poisonous scorpion obviously did not dare to show up. It seemed that they were indeed afraid of them, and this was a little relieved.

At this moment, fluctuations began to emerge in the distant space.

A large amount of waste gas converged to the center of the ripple, as if something terrible was hidden in the void, the waste gas of the devourer.

I saw that near the ripples, a series of tornadoes formed by waste gas began to appear, there were a total of nine tornadoes, and there seemed to be frightening things in them.

The nine tornadoes whirled, and hit the altar.

Everyone could see clearly that in every tornado, there was a crimson scorpion, large and small, with different eyes, but they all showed fierce light and murdered all over.

Yang Qingxuan skimmed through the nine tornadoes, filled with doubts, muttered to himself: "Four eyes, six eyes, eight eyes, ten eyes, and a second eye, what's going on..."

These nine crimson venomous scorpions seemed to be put together temporarily.

Everyone hurriedly backed away, narrowing the scope to three or four feet in front of the altar, hoping that the barrier could block these crimson poisonous scorpions.

But soon, they were horrified to discover that although these crimson poisonous scorpions had a violent aura, they were completely unaffected by the barrier, and directly shuttled in.

The windstorm that rolled up was like a sharp knife, hung on everyone, cutting the skin, very uncomfortable.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes burst into light, and he shouted: "Nine people come to deal with these ten eyes with me, and the rest deal with the other eight!"

As he said, the figure flashed and rushed over, looking for the ten-eyed crimson scorpion.

Brother Yuan stomped anxiously and exclaimed, "Why are you so impulsive?!"

But Yang Qingxuan's sword had already pierced the storm of ten-eyed crimson poisonous scorpion, and a large amount of sword energy was twisted in, letting the wild qi storm gradually calm down, revealing the true face of ten-eyed.

Brother Yuan didn't care about this much anymore, so he drew out the lamenting sword and supported him.

The rest of the warriors were anxious to stay away from those ten eyes. Seeing Yang Qingxuan took the initiative to rush to deal with the ten eyes, they were all overjoyed and hurriedly shot to meet the other eight poisonous scorpions. Only a few people rushed over to help Yang Qingxuan resist.

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