Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 3 The battalion commander's chest muscles are really good (2)

"Zhou Xiaopang, come here." Shangguan Bing'er's stern voice came from inside, Zhou Weiqing was stunned for a moment, then he remembered that he was calling him, and hurriedly walked in.

Various military supplies were placed in the huge tent, most of which were standard equipment of archers. Shangguan Bing'er's sword did not retract its scabbard, but slapped it directly on the table, and said to the soldier in the tent who was in charge of distributing the equipment, "Give him a set of equipment and let him get out of the way."

There are more than a dozen soldiers in the tent who are responsible for sorting and distributing equipment. They don't know what happened before, but it is very strange. How could the battalion commander who has always been kind suddenly become so angry. A veteran quickly took out a set of archer equipment, walked over to Zhou Weiqing and handed it to him.

Zhou Weiqing hurriedly followed. Those were two sets of military uniforms, including socks, shoes, and clothes, as well as a leather armor, a longbow, two pots of feather arrows, and a hood.

Among the various arms, only the archers have the hood, and its function is not to block the wind, but to block the light. Archers need good eyesight to aim. If they are facing the sun, they will obviously be greatly affected. Therefore, archers will have such a hat to shade to enhance shooting accuracy.

The veteran finally gave Zhou Weiqing three gold coins and said, "This is the first year's military pay, you can go home one day to settle down. We will gather here in the camp tomorrow morning. Remember, don't abuse the weapons. When you come to gather tomorrow , you must wear a military uniform. Understand?"

"Understood." If Shangguan Bing'er hadn't appeared, Zhou Weiqing might have been excited when he got these things, but he is still addicted to the feeling in his hand, thinking in his heart that he would never wash his hands for a short time after returning home. . Naturally, there is nothing to be excited about.

According to normal procedures, as the battalion commander, Shangguan Binger should say a few words of encouragement at this time, but how can she say it now? He just looked at Zhou Weiqing fiercely. Zhou Weiqing was covered in hair from her eyes, and he didn't dare to stop there. He took the things and hurried out of the camp.

Shangguan Bing'er looked at the back of him leaving, and thought to herself: Zhou Xiaopang, Zhou Xiaopang, wait for me, this time can't be in vain.

If Zhou Weiqing knew what Shangguan Bing'er was thinking now, then this bitch would definitely answer: Would you like to touch it back? Or: My chest muscles are not as developed as yours!

After walking out of the tent, Zhou Weiqing saw that there was no one around. When he turned around, he saw a place next to the tent with a latrine written on it. There was also a strange mark on it that he didn't recognize.

bathroom? Great.

He hurriedly ran in with his equipment. This toilet is much cleaner than expected, but there is only one place, and there is a special wooden door, and there is no smell inside.

Zhou Weiqing found a clean place to put his equipment there, and ripped off his clothes in three or two hands. Before, there was only a large coat and no underwear, which made it very uncomfortable to wear. Now that I have a military uniform, I naturally have to put it on first.

After taking off his coat, he was already clean and there was nothing left. He was not in a hurry to get dressed, and stood there to put some water in a big way.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door behind him. Zhou Weiqing subconsciously looked back while placing the water. A person walked in from outside. Wasn't it Shangguan Bing'er who got angry in the tent just now?

As soon as Shangguan Bing'er entered the toilet, he saw Zhou Weiqing's white buttocks, and he was shaking and shaking just after the water. This scene made Shangguan Bing'er's whole body stunned, and Zhou Weiqing turned around at this moment. The two looked at each other, and two screams sounded almost simultaneously. The most bizarre thing was that Zhou Weiqing's voice was even more exaggerated than Shangguan Bing'er.

Shangguan Bing'er's pretty face flushed with shame, and she retreated in a flash. Zhou Weiqing also hurriedly shook the bird and quickly put on the military uniform, secretly saying, this is bad. With a long bow on his back and a quiver on his back,

Put on a hood, deliberately lower the brim, and walk out quickly. I thought in my heart that it would be best to get out.

"Stop." Shangguan Bing'er shouted angrily, looking at Zhou Weiqing, her pretty face turned pale with anger, "You exhibitionist erotic maniac. You stand here and wait for me, and I'll take care of you when I come out." Now, she has flushed into the toilet.

Coincidentally, Shangguan Bing'er came out to go to the latrine, and the special symbol on the latrine means that the battalion commander only uses this latrine. After all, she is a girl and has a Tianzhu master. It is no exaggeration to say that Shangguan Bing'er is the future hope of the Tiangong Empire. Therefore, the captain of the regiment specially approved such a special toilet for her.

When she wanted to go to the toilet, Zhou Weiqing grabbed her, and that was the delay. After Zhou Weiqing left, her anger subsided for a few minutes before she walked out of the tent to go to the toilet, but who knew that she saw Zhou Weiqing again, and a naked Zhou Weiqing. For a while, he was embarrassed and angry, but he was also confused. At this time, I was even more anxious, and I wanted to beat Zhou Weiqing fiercely to relieve his hatred, but he had to solve his own physical problems first!

Standing here and waiting? Zhou Weiqing thought to himself, the fool is just waiting here, maybe you will lose your temper tomorrow.

This guy didn't take the beautiful battalion commander's order seriously at all, and ran away with a bow. Quickly out of the camp, turned around and entered Tiangong City.

When Shangguan Binger came out of the toilet, the pornographic maniac Zhou Xiaopang in her eyes had already disappeared, and she hated Shangguan Binger's teeth but couldn't find anyone.

Back in Tiangong City, Zhou Weiqing first found a hotel to stay in, and then the innkeeper asked for a pen and paper, and wrote a letter to his father. The content is as follows:

Dad, you always say I'm a waste, and I think I'm a waste myself, so I won't bother you at home. People say that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles, so I decided to go out and explore by myself, maybe I can make a name for myself. Also, please cancel the marriage of Princess Difuya. She's a talented girl, I'm a waste, so don't delay her, not to mention Her Royal Highness doesn't look down on us. Not much else to say, take care of my mother and don't look for me. I'm more afraid of death than anyone else, and I'll definitely come back alive, don't worry.

After writing the letter, I went out to find a shop specializing in delivery, and paid the money to let the delivery person deliver the letter to my home tomorrow. Then go straight to the blacksmith shop. Since he is going to be a soldier, he must also put safety first. As he wrote in his letter, he is more afraid of death than anyone else. He will enter the new barracks tomorrow, and he cannot leave easily. Preparation.

Growing up in Tiangong City, Zhou Weiqing was very familiar with the environment here. He was young, and he was scolded every day at home. He decided to leave, and he immediately felt like a bird out of a cage. As for homesickness This kind of emotion, at least temporarily, will not exist.

Soon, Zhou Weiqing found the nearest blacksmith shop and walked in.


Does it look good? Feel free to vote. Two more today. I will strive for the third shift tomorrow, but everyone must be strong in their collection and voting! In this way, the junior will be more motivated. Oh, by the way, I forgot to say, if you have a monthly pass, please vote for Bacchus first. Our dzi will not be available until next month. thank you all.

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