Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 102 Melee Shangguan Fei'er (2)

"Zhou Xiaopang, how dare you." At this moment, after being hit by the Curse of Oblivion again, the female member of Zhongtian didn't fight anymore, she just glared at Zhou Weibi, and her life's shouting also revealed her original nature. sound. The crisp and pleasant voice was a little exasperated, and when he raised his hand, the light blade on the armguard claws lightly picked up, and a delicate human-skin mask had already flown out.

Zhou Weiqing, who was bursting with all his strength, had already rushed forward with the help of the storm. Suddenly seeing this scene, his whole body suddenly fell into a sluggishness. Because he found out that the beautiful face of the Zhongtian female team member was exactly the same as Shangguan Bing'er?

Although he told him rationally, the person in front of him was definitely not Shangguan Bing'er, and his strength was wrong. But even if it wasn't, it must be one of her two older sisters! How could Zhou Weiqing really hurt her?

In desperation, Zhou Weiqing, who was in the air, immediately released the Twin Hercules Hammer in his hand, and stomped on the ground with his right foot, which changed the direction of his forward charge.

The little witch was also surprised when she saw that the Zhongtian female team member showed her original appearance, and quickly released the shadow to follow and floated aside.

Seeing that Zhou Weiqing was about to pass by him, the Zhongtian female team member suddenly became angry and kicked his ass.

This female Zhongtian team member is none other than Shangguan Fei'er, who was unwilling after being captured by Zhou Weiqing for her first kiss. She provoked Zhan Lingyao and joined the Zhongtian team. She used a human skin mask to hide her original appearance and entered this dzi bead. in the finals of the competition.

Although Shangguan Fei'er's cultivation level is not as high as that of Shangguan Xue'er, she has been gifted with extraordinary talent since she was a child, and has a mutant double-heart bead. 8.N I would like to ask, if it is not for her extremely important position in the vast palace, "how can she labor a few gods to tailor a legendary suit for her? You know, there is only one of those gods left on the dzi bead island. The limitation is that the vast and infinite suits must be made for the palace masters of the previous generations of the vast palace, and there are no restrictions. The fame of the Vast Little Witch on Tianzhu Island even surpassed her sister Shangguan Xue'er, the future heir to the Vast Palace.

She never thought that with her own strength, she would lose to Zhou Weiqing and the little witch. Zhuan - although the other party is two people working together, but she herself has four god-level condensing equipment!

Zhou Luoqing was in the air and was kicked by her. He lost his balance immediately, slammed into a large forest, and then fell to the ground.

However, Shangguan Fei'er was also taken aback by this kick. When her foot hit Zhou Weiqing's cock, a powerful elastic force burst out from Zhou Weiqian's muscles, causing her right foot to go numb, and a swirling white light clearly appeared on Zhou Weiqing's body, which was dissolved. the strength of her feet.

Although she has reservations,

However, even if Zhou Weiqing's own defense ability did not take into account the factors of the demon transformation, it was far from being explained by the cultivation of a three-bead-level Tianzhu master.

The little witch looked at Zhou Weiqing from a distance, and asked in surprise, "Weiqing, what's the matter?"

Zhou Weiqing rolled over and got up from the ground, released his demon transformation, looked at Shangguan Fei'er with a depressed expression, and said, "How do I know what's going on? She's not Bing'er, nor should she be Shangguan Xue'er, you "Are you Shangguan Fei'er?"

Shangguan Fei'er sneered: "Thank you for remembering who I am." You threatened me? Zhou Weiqing said angrily, "I have already shown mercy. "

Shangguan Fei'er snorted disdainfully, "You two fight one another, how dare you tell me to be merciful? I entered the finals of this Dzi Bead Competition just for you."

Zhou Weiqing said doubtfully, "You entered the Dzi Bead Competition for me? Why? Don't you see it too?

on me? "

"Fart. You bastard, you take advantage of me and want to eat it up and don't admit it? If you don't give me an explanation, I won't let you go." Shangguan Fei'er was also angry. She has been the arrogant daughter of the sky since she was a child, and her first kiss was never clear. Her anger was even greater than that of Shangguan Xue'er.

Shangguan Xue'er, as the heir to the lord of the vast palace, is relatively rational. But she is different, she has always been vengeful. In the past, Zhou Weiqing was so cheap.

The witch goddess looked at Zhou Weiqing strangely, "Weiqing, you are too beast, even Bing'er's elder sister is not spared. It doesn't matter what happened to you, your personal grievances and grievances will be resolved by yourselves." Walk.

Zhou Weiqing was also annoyed, "You bastard! Didn't you see that she and Bing'er look exactly the same? They are triplets, who would recognize them? I offended her by accident, but I just kissed her. , when did Shangguan Xue'er give me ten, the big mouth made my face swollen for a few days, and this one gave me a lot of meat. Who told you to run over and take advantage of people without seeing clearly? Anyway, I don't care, you kiss me, you have to give me an explanation, otherwise I will never finish with you.

Zhou Weiqing snorted coldly, "Whatever you want. If you have the ability, you can kill me." Qiu

Just as the atmosphere was gradually becoming rigid, suddenly, the sky lit up again, and a signal flare of the vast palace lit up again.

Shangguan Fei'er's face changed. Although she was willful, she still knew that the overall situation was the most important thing. Seeing that the second flare also lights up, this can only prove a problem, the Zhongtian team is in big trouble.

"I'll settle the account with you later." After speaking, she jumped up and moved towards the direction where the signal was sent.

To gallop away.

Looking at the direction she was leaving, Zhou Weiqing looked depressed. What is this! A future opponent, Shangguan Xue'er, has already caused him a lot of headaches, and here comes another unreasonable Shangguan Fei'er. Moreover, he is so strong that he can't handle it alone. There is also the quirky little witch and the straightforward Yaoer in his arms who caused him big trouble. Counting his Binger...

It is said that three women are in one show, and now I have such five women by my side, and they all have a prominent life experience. intertwined relationship with each other. How are you going to live after this!

After seeing Shangguan Yan's "I'm gone, the little witch came to Zhou Weiqing's side and said apologetically, "Weiqing, I don't know if it was a misunderstanding, I thought you really took advantage of her. You won't blame me.

Zhou Weiqing glanced at her angrily, "What's wrong? Let's go, let's go and see, what happened to the Zhongtian team, and they fired two flares." In any case, the Dzi beads must be completed first. Let's talk about the competition. After leaving Tianzhu Island, the sea is wide and the fish leaps, and the sky is high and the birds fly. It's a big deal to get rid of these girls. Wait until your strength is enough, then come back and leave. There are too many women, which is really a headache! Although Zhou Weiqing likes beautiful women, he is more afraid of trouble. Moreover, among the other girls, except for the accident that Tian'er and him had a deep relationship, Shangguan Xue'er and Mayfair had a semi-hostile relationship, and the little witch was involved with him, mostly for profit. Get rid of them, Zhou Weiqing will not be half-distracted to bury the burden.

Zhou Weiqing, the little witch Qin Zhu, who had already jumped up, clearly felt a little coldness from him. He can't help but frown, this man looks simple and honest on the surface, treacherous on the inside, and always looks like a seductive Mimi, but in fact, few people know what his true thoughts are. The elusive feeling of tick species is even more confusing.

From the perspective of the little witch herself, when she first saw Zhou Weiqing, she felt that she didn't like this man. The reason why he has always followed Zhou Weiqing, even sacrificing his looks to seduce him, is more for the future development of Yao cult.

But as the contact time extended, she found that Zhou Weiqing could always bring her surprises. Obviously only the three-bead cultivation base, but it is always possible to do what others cannot.

Women like strong men, especially women from the Holy Land. If they want to conquer their hearts, they must first have the strength to conquer them.

Zhou Weiqing's strength is naturally not enough, but his talent and potential for development are undoubtedly revealed in this Yaozhu competition. Although he is not handsome, his peculiar bad temperament makes the little witch more and more pleasing to the eyes of him. Just now, when Zhou Weiqing turned to leave, she suddenly felt a bit inexplicable in her heart. Lost, she knew that in Zhou Weiqing's heart, she was far inferior to Tian'er.

While she was thinking wildly, when she looked up, she saw that Tian'er, who had transformed into a fat cat, had returned to Zhou Weiqing's shoulder at some point. He was looking back at her, and there was a certain provocation in his eyes.

The little witch glared at her, hurriedly jumped up, and chased Zhou Weiqing forward. At the same time, a life-attribute recovery skill landed on Zhou Weiqing, treating him previously by Shangguan J! The pain of being kicked.

Opportunities must be seized. It was still what the little witch was thinking at this time. As for when the opportunity will appear, she doesn't know, but she is convinced that there will always be an opportunity.

In such a short time, Shangguan is stingy! The child has disappeared. However, with the guidance of the signal gentleman's light, the orientation is always correct.

Zhou Weiqing didn't move very fast, because he had to rely on the Immortality Technique to recover the energy he had used up. The little witch had consumed a lot of energy before, but she didn't have the ability of Zhou Weiqing, and it was much slower to recover. The two of them walked unhurriedly in the direction where the flares were shining.

Today, I would like to thank you for giving your real name to thank you, because it will look messy. But I have to say one thing in general, thank you. Your reward gives me not only a monetary reward, but also a spiritual support. You will reward me because it is worth it, right?

thank you all.

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[Niu Wen's non-advertising novel dedication]

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