Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 9 Purple Dragon Bow (1)

"Yes." Mao Li walked to the other side of Shangguan Bing'er's starting position and sat down.

Zhou Weiqing watched from the sidelines, he found that the Maori squadron leader seemed to have no interest in the handsome young man, he didn't even look at him, and sat in his seat with no expression.

Shangguan Bing'er and Zhou Weiqing looked at each other, Zhou Weiqing's eyebrows twitched slightly towards her, this small gesture seemed very natural, no one would pay too much attention, but Shangguan Bing'er, as a Tianzhu master, was also a bow and arrow Hand, how good is your eyesight? Coupled with her familiarity with Zhou Weiqing, a trace of hatred flashed in her beautiful eyes. Sometimes, she really wanted to give this guy a good beating.

"Zhou Xiaopang, stand behind me. From today onwards, you will be the first soldier of the battalion commander." Shangguan Bing'er gave Zhou Weiqing a ruthless look, and gave the order in a very calm tone.

"Yes." Zhou Weiqing agreed, and was about to walk behind Shangguan Bing'er. How good it is to be her personal soldier, not to mention that it is more convenient to learn the knowledge of Tianzhu masters, Zhou Weiqing is very satisfied with getting along with each other day and night. Fortunately, in front of so many people, this guy is still a little restrained, just in the bottom of his eyes Showing a hint of pride.

"Wait a minute." At this moment, a discordant voice suddenly appeared. Zhou Weiqing also had to admit that the voice of Qingyue sounded quite good. It was the handsome squadron commander who spoke.

"What? Is there anything wrong with Captain Xiao?" Shangguan Bing'er turned to look at the handsome young man, the hatred in his eyes disappeared immediately, his eyes were calm, even softer.

The handsome young man known as Captain Xiao nodded slightly, and made no secret of his eager eyes as he looked at Shangguan Bing'er, and said, "Batch commander, of course it should be assigned a personal soldier in your capacity. However, as a Your personal soldiers should not only be able to handle some simple daily affairs for you, but also take on the responsibility of protecting you and following you. Xiaopang is just a recruit this week, so I'm afraid it will be embarrassing, right?"

As long as Shangguan Bing'er didn't face Zhou Weiqing, she would not lose her composure easily. She smiled slightly and said, "Captain Xiao thinks that I need the protection of my personal soldiers? What other candidates do you recommend?"

When Captain Xiao spoke, Zhou Weiqing had already stopped, and his sense of vigilance increased greatly. I am afraid that no matter whoever was able to clearly see the affection that Captain Xiao had for Shangguan Bing'er, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but look at him a few more times. , secretly slandered, why does this guy have a bitch face? It is said that Xiaobai face has no good intentions, and it is not a good thing at first glance.

Originally, he didn't have any extravagant expectations for Shangguan Bing'er, but after he himself became a Tianzhu master, our Zhou Weiqing and Zhou Xiaopang's personal soldiers have taken Shangguan Bing'er as his property very righteously. Of course, His scheming that should never have appeared in a thirteen-year-old boy wouldn't let him show it directly.

Hearing Shangguan Bing'er's rhetorical question, Captain Xiao said sternly: "With the battalion commander's strength, he naturally does not need the protection of a small personal soldier, but whether he can shoot arrows as a recruit is a problem, and if he goes out with the battalion commander, is he lost? What is your face? What’s more, even if you don’t need the protection of your personal soldiers, your personal soldiers must keep up with you on the battlefield. I am bleak and willing to resign as squadron commander and follow the battalion commander, swearing to protect the battalion commander to the death comprehensive."

Captain Xiao's words were righteous and dignified, and Zhou Weiqing was almost moved by him with the look of death. I cursed in my heart: Can you die if you don’t pretend?

Shangguan Bing'er smiled sweetly, and said, "Thank you Captain Xiao for your kindness, but Captain Xiao is the mainstay of our three battalions. How can I let you take up the post of this little personal soldier? As for Zhou Xiaopang, although he is a recruit, But after my test in the past few days, he can still be made, and he has practiced some bows and arrows before, so he can still be qualified for the post of personal soldier."

Xiao Se frowned slightly and said, "Batch commander, I don't think it's better than this? Let this recruit named Zhou Xiaopang show us his abilities on the spot, so we can rest assured."

Shangguan Bing'er still looks tepid,

Facing the bleak Yiyi, she didn't show her superior's strength, "Okay, let's follow what Captain Xiao said. I just don't know how Captain Xiao intends to test my personal soldier?" The same is true, in this third battalion, although she is the battalion commander, Xiao Se's influence is much greater than her. Even the title is not under her, and behind her, there is a strength that Shangguan Bing'er must be afraid of.

Xiao Se stood up, lifted it up, and took out a longbow from the side of the seat. His longbow is similar to Shangguan Bing'er's, the bow body is purple. Zhou Weiqing was very clear about this material.

The star wood in the Star Forest of the Tiangong Empire can be made into a longbow in ten years, but generally speaking, the star wood used by the army is at least 30 years old, because only in this way, the star wood is tough enough. As for the purple longbow used by Xiao Se and Shangguan Bing'er, the bow body is also made of star wood, but it is more than a hundred years old star wood.

The star tree itself presents a dark red color, and after a hundred years of growth, it transforms into a deep purple. The surface shows a delicate texture like a cow's hair. If you look closely, you can also see fine golden light spots. This is also one of the origins of the name of the star wood. The characteristics of this century-old star wood are called Niu Mao Venus.

Starwood grows for more than a hundred years, and it will have a qualitative leap in itself, and its strength and toughness will be greatly enhanced. The star bow made of 100-year-old star wood has at least three times the pulling force of ordinary star bows, and requires more than 100 kilograms of pulling force to open it. Similarly, its range is much farther, with an effective attack range of up to 500 yards, and if it is motivated by the power of the sky, it can even be farther. Therefore, it is also called Zichen Bow, and each Zichen Bow is worth at least 100 gold, and the price varies according to the quality. This thing is not something that an ordinary squadron leader can use. Even a country like the Tiangong Empire that is famous for bows must be equipped at the level of a battalion commander.

Xiao Se took his Zichen bow and walked in front of Zhou Weiqing, looked at him with a half-smile, and said, "Zhou Xiaopang, right? As long as you can pull my Zichen bow away, it proves that you are a battalion commander. Qualification of a personal soldier. Try it, use all your strength to breastfeed, but don't use too much force, it's not good if you pee your pants."

The bleak words immediately caused the roaring laughter of the hairless squad leaders. Especially the ten team captains who were sitting in his starting position before, even smiled and leaned back and forth, not paying any attention to Shangguan Bing'er sitting in the commanding position.


In order to make it more enjoyable for everyone to watch, I will put two updates in the morning, so that the sense of continuous reading can be stronger, hehe.

Xiaosan has always been kind, and even more so with book friends. Your clicks, recommendations, and collections are very important to Xiaosan. Please don't forget.

Uh, there is one more thing I always forget to mention. When you vote for updates, try to vote in 3000 or 6000 words. 9,000, 10,002, the little three can't eat it if he wants to, so he can only watch it in a hurry, haha.

The third one will be released around 5pm, thank you.


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