Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 14 Body Bead Condensation Set (5)

"Well. If that's the case, then you can leave here after I've finished forming. With Senior Huyan as your teacher, your future cultivation path will be much smoother."

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "It's not me, it's us. The teacher promised to help us both congeal and rubbing."

"I don't need it anymore." Shangguan Bing'er said lightly, "I don't have much money right now, but when I get rich, the money for this Yufeng boots condensed scroll will also be given to Senior Huyan. Also, Zhou Xiaopang, Let me emphasize again, you are you, I am me, and there is no relationship between me and you. I will test myself and work hard in my cultivation, and I will not take any light on you."

Seeing the firm light in Shangguan Bing'er's eyes, Zhou Weiqing fell silent.

Shangguan Bing'er didn't feel well when she said these words, but she never wanted to let Zhou Weiqing take advantage of her for free, even if it was just her mouth. Although she has lost her life to him, she will never allow others to trample on her dignity. She still deeply remembers that when she was very young, her mother once said to her that if you want others to respect yourself, then you must first respect yourself.

Seeing Zhou Weiqing's silent expression, Shangguan Bing'er thought he was angry, and couldn't help but feel a little apologetic in her heart. Just as she was about to say something to ease the atmosphere, she saw Zhou Weiqing raise his head again.

Zhou Weiqing gave Shangguan Bing'er a thumbs up, "Okay, battalion commander, you are worthy of being the Viscount of our Tiangong Empire. Self-respect, self-improvement, and self-love. Through what you just said, I found that I know you better and love you even more. You. This also strengthens my belief in pursuing you. You will definitely be my wife."

Shangguan Bing'er felt powerless for a while, seeing how serious he was, but he was teasing himself, how could this shameless guy be angry? I think too much.

"You rascal, get out of here. I won't give you a chance."

Zhou Weiqing, who was serious just a moment ago, suddenly turned into an affectionate stare, staring at Shangguan Bing'er with affection, and said, "How do you know my nickname?"

Shangguan Bing'er didn't understand and looked at him suspiciously, "What did you say?"

Zhou Weiqing continued to look at her affectionately, "I mean, my nickname is Rogue!"

"Go away—" Shangguan Bing'er kicked this guy with a kick. She didn't know if she would go crazy if she continued to get along with him.

Zhou Weiqing flashed quickly, a lazy donkey rolled, really rolled out a few meters, and then jumped up quickly, but instead of going out, he stuck his head out of the door and looked out.

Just when Shangguan Binger was about to kick his ass. The guy turned his head mysteriously. He lowered his voice and said, "battalion commander, I'm not kidding you anymore. Lend me some money, I'll be of great use."

Shangguan Bing'er asked suspiciously, "What are you borrowing money for?"

Zhou Weiqing took a step forward and wanted to talk to her, but Shangguan Bing'er took a cautious step back and pulled away, "Just stand there and talk. Don't ask me to borrow you if you don't make it clear."

Zhou Weiqing said in a low voice, "I'm going to rubbing the meaning beads myself."

"Huh?" Shangguan Bing'er looked at him in surprise, and said, "Why? Didn't you say that Senior Fengyu will help you do the rubbing?"

Zhou Weiqing said righteously: "I think you're right, we can't owe people too much. So, I decided to rub it myself."

Shangguan Bing'er snorted coldly, "Tell me the truth."

Zhou Weiqing's face suddenly collapsed, "I know I can't hide it from you. I'll just borrow two thousand gold coins. Didn't you say that Yizhu rubbed five hundred gold coins once? I want to try if my dark and evil attributes overlap, will I care? The process of bead rubbing appears. If it also happens, doesn't it mean that I can succeed in Yizhu rubbing in one go?"

Shangguan Bing'er's eyes lit up, "It makes sense, but I want to go with you."

Zhou Weiqing said: "You still don't worry about me? I won't use the money you gave me to do bad things.

The money given by the wife, of course, will be used in serious places. "

Shangguan Bing'er's eyes filled with murderous intent, "Zhou Xiaopang, what do you call me?"

"The battalion commander, of course the battalion commander."

Shangguan Bing'er snorted, "I can go with you to help you cover, otherwise, it's easy to be suspicious of you alone." In fact, her original intention was to monitor whether this guy is going to expand Indian Palace.

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said, "Then let's try it tomorrow. Anyway, we can only rub it once a day. I don't have enough energy right now."

Shangguan Bing'er said, "Tomorrow morning."

Zhou Weiqing said, "Okay. Let's rest early today."

"Stop talking nonsense, go to the hotel and withdraw the room, then go back to practice." Shangguan Bing'er found that after spending a long time with Zhou Weiqing, she became angry many times more than before. Even after joining the army, he deliberately became a lot more serious, and occasionally he would scold his subordinates. But far less than the number of times this guy angered himself.

After saying hello to Huyan Aobo, Zhou Weiqing went to the hotel to check out the room, and then returned to the courtyard again. This time, he didn't bother Shangguan Bing'er, but returned to his room.

After feeling his Heavenly Power, Zhou Weiqing discovered that the Heavenly Power he had consumed through body bead formation and bow test had recovered nearly one-third of it due to the automatic recovery of the four major deadly acupoints. With the help of his thoughts, he activated his two life beads, and he looked at the left side and then the right side. He felt a little itchy in his heart.

"I really want to find a place to try the power of this overlord bow. Unfortunately, the power of heaven is not enough. I don't know how many arrows my heavenly power can release with this overlord bow. No wonder the beautiful battalion commander said that heavenly power is the foundation of the Pearl Master. This lack of strength is really painful!"

After coming to Feituo City, Zhou Weiqing could say that his eyes were widened, and he had a new understanding of the profession of Tianzhu master. What he wanted to know most now was what adventures would happen when he went to rubbing Yizhu tomorrow. What is the black bead that he swallowed? Why do the two attributes of darkness and evil automatically overlap?


This is the last chapter of the second episode. Xiaosan has to think about it and continue to write the third episode, so let's make two updates today. Tomorrow Saturday, it will be delivered in three shifts. On Sunday night, not only will the Refinement Conference be held, but Xiaosan will also explode at that time. Thank you book friends for their support.

Two episodes have been written. Recently, everyone may feel that the plot is a little slow, but this is also impossible. After all, this is not a time-travel, and the setting is completely new. Many places must be understood by book lovers. Starting from the third episode, the plot will speed up a little, the body bead condensing has been completed, and then it is time for the rubbing of the meaning bead. The length of Yizhu rubbing will be very short. As for Zhou Xiaopang's rubbing skills, you can start to guess. Hehe, there are six attributes.

Thanks to the book friends for their continuous support, let us maintain the first place in the double list, and nothing else, Xiaosan will work harder to create to reward everyone for their support. Also, when I read a book review today, a brother reposted the one who forgot to bring toilet paper when he went to the toilet with only a 100-yuan bill and a picture of his girlfriend. It’s really…

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