Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 15 Zong-level Heavenly Beast Intent Pearl Rubbing Seal (4)

"Smoothing the gun before the battle, can you do it?" Shangguan Bing'er looked at him suspiciously. While talking, he took off the Zichen bow and handed it to him.

"Let's see the result." Zhou Weiqing took Zi Chen's bow and ran away excitedly. Although he didn't know what the recruits would compare to, from the age of seven, his father had trained him according to the military's requirements. Before joining the army, the worst thing about him was his physical fitness and strength, but at this time he was already a dzi bead. Master, even if he doesn't use dzi beads, his physical quality is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Self-confidence comes from strength.

three days later.

In the military camp outside Tiangong City, a horn sounded early in the morning, and groups of soldiers quickly walked out of the camp and lined up outside the military camp.

The total number of soldiers is about 2,000, of which more than 1,000 are the battalions of the Fifth Regiment who are responsible for recruiting soldiers this time, and the other 1,000 are recruits this time.

Each of the ten battalions of the Fifth Wing recruited a squadron of troops to supplement front-line combat and non-combat attrition.

After three months of training in the boot camp, the new recruits in front of them all looked like soldiers. At least they stood there with their backs upright and their new military uniforms on, and they were somewhat majestic.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing was standing in an inconspicuous place in the recruit squadron of the third battalion, but he was carrying Shangguan Bing'er's Zichen Bow on his back.

In front of the more than 2,000 soldiers in the formation, stood more than a dozen officers, and the leader was Shangguan Bing'er, who was wearing a battalion-level officer's uniform. This time the Fifth Regiment went to Tiangong City to recruit troops, and she was the battalion commander. The rest of the high-ranking officers of the regiment were all on the front line, and they were all officers at the level of the squadron leader.

Surrounded by the squadron leaders, Shangguan Bing'er walked forward in a valiant manner. At this time, she was obviously a little more dignified than usual. Her eyes swept over the two thousand soldiers in front of her, and she said solemnly. : "It's an honor to be assigned by the Division Headquarters of the Fifth Wing to be responsible for this recruitment. My name is Shangguan Bing'er, and I am the battalion commander of the Third Battalion of Bow and Arrow of the Fifth Wing."

The veterans are better. Most of them have seen this beautiful battalion commander, but the new recruits are different. There are some riots in the original strict lineup.

"Wow, the number one beauty in the empire! It's actually the battalion commander of the third battalion of our fifth wing?"

"Hey, did you know? The recruits of our third battalion have seen the battalion commander long ago when they received the equipment."

Zhou Weiqing felt proud listening to the discussions of the soldiers around him, and thought to himself: That's my wife. Of course, he wouldn't say it out loud.

The discussion sounded one after another, and the recruits were obviously a little loose. A squadron leader in charge of recruit training shouted: "Silence."

The recruits in the recruit battalion were quiet for a while. Although they were recruited according to each battalion, they were all organized in the recruit camp during the training. Now that the recruit camp is over, they will return to the team and return to their respective camps after the recruit competition.

Xiao Se stood beside Shangguan Bing'er, looked at the chaotic scene in front of him, and pouted in disdain. The battlefield is a man's world, this Shangguan Bing'er still doesn't understand this, why did he grab my battalion commander position? Isn't he a Tianzhu master? What an amazing thing.

The next step was routine. Under the leadership of the squadron leaders of the battalions of the Fifth Wing, the recruit battalion was disbanded, and the recruits from each battalion returned to their own battalions. After completing this, Shangguan Bing'er appeared again.

"Okay, starting today, the thousand brothers in the recruit battalion will officially belong to my fifth wing. Now, it's time to test the results of your hard training in the previous three months. Among the recruits, the best performers Soldiers, will be directly promoted to the rank of squad leader. Battalions, get ready to start."

"Yes." After the squadron captains agreed respectfully, they quickly led their respective men to form an array.

The fifth wing was originally an infantry wing. Among the ten battalions, four were archer battalions, and the other six were four light infantry battalions and two heavy infantry battalions.

There is no doubt that the two hoplite battalions are the ace battalions of the Fifth Wing. The officers in charge of these two battalions were also the deputy commanders of the Fifth Wing. Of course, they are not here, but on the front lines.

Because of the different arms, the so-called recruit competition is not ten battalions together, but is carried out according to arms. Otherwise, what's the point of having carefully selected heavy infantry and light infantry carry out a recruiting competition together?

The three main arms of the battle were quickly divided into three parts. The recruits of the two battalions on the heavy infantry side were very simple. They charged in formation, and the two battalions fought against each other. They did not use weapons, and they competed purely for strength. Those who are overwhelmed are immediately eliminated, and the victory continues until the winner is finally determined, and the last winner will also be directly awarded the title of squad leader. Be aware that the hoplite squad leader sometimes has more authority than the squad leader of a regular battalion. Therefore, this reward is also the best today.

There are two competitions for the recruits on the light infantry side. One is to rush into the formation, which is similar to that of the heavy infantry. The other is the combat ability of individual soldiers. There is no need to draw lots. Five hundred people, whoever they encounter is whoever is knocked down, and then the next round, with a quarter-hour rest between each round, until the final winner appears.

The recruit competition does not mean much to ordinary recruits, it is just a formality, but it is different for those who are motivated. Being able to stand out from the many recruits is not just as simple as being promoted quickly to become a squad leader, but also leaves a strong mark in the history of the military. The promotion in the future will also be easier than other officers, such as Xiao Se, which belongs to this category.

The archer battalion's recruits were the most peculiar. There were four battalions, divided into two sides, with 200 recruits. The distance between them was 200 yards, and then they shot each other with headless arrows. These arrows are all stained with white ash. As long as they hit, they will leave traces on the opponent. Those who are shot will immediately withdraw from the battlefield. It can be said that it is the easiest one in the recruit competition.

But in this simple way of recruiting recruits, it also has its inner meaning. Let me ask, how many recruits can be accurate from two hundred yards away? It's nice to be able to shoot that far. Therefore, for the recruits of the bow and arrow battalion, this method is the most direct and effective way to select talents. Several squadron leaders, even the battalion commander Shangguan Bing'er, are watching there. And they are also responsible for commanding the new recruits in the battalion. Of course, this is an open field, and it is not so easy to dodge.

At this time, the two sides of the field were already lined up, with the first and second battalions on the left, and the third and fourth battalions on the right. The first round of this recruit competition is not just the competition of recruits, but also the competition between each battalion. If one side shoots down the other side, it is a manifestation of overall strength.


This is the first watch today, the fourth watch today, the second watch will be in the afternoon, and when the refinement meeting is held at 12 o'clock in the evening, there will be two watch changes. There are four in total. Let's break out to thank everyone for your support, and welcome book friends to come to tonight's enrichment conference, at least thousands of essences will be given to you.

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