Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 299 Lovers are in the dust (2)

There was a wry smile on Xue Aotian's face... "I couldn't even keep the Snow God Mountain, what is the title of the number one person in the world? Snow God Mountain no longer exists."

"No." Shangguan Tianyang looked at Xue Aotian squarely, "Brother Xue, I deeply regret the catastrophe of the Snow God Mountain, but both you and the Snow God Mountain have sacrificed everything for the survival of the mainland. I'm here to participate. Before this Holy Land Competition, I just received news that the Denton Empire has started to wage war against our Zhongtian Empire. It is entirely conceivable that if we fail the battle here, then the entire continent will be wiped out. Snow Brother, as long as you are willing, our vast palace can give up half of the area of ​​Tianzhu Island and give it to the Snow God Mountain, so that you can rebuild the glory. At the same time, I promise you that the food needed by the Empire of Ten Thousand Beasts for winter every year, we Zhongtian The empire is out. Of course, Brother Xue also has to send orders to let all ethnic groups in your country control the population.

Hearing Shangguan Tianyang's words, Xue Aotian couldn't help being moved, "Tianyang, what are you saying is true? I don't need it on Tianzhu Island, but if you can solve the problem of food and clothing for my Empire of Ten Thousand Beasts, then, resist The Danton Empire also counts as part of our Ten Thousand Beast Empire. Aoying, Yingbing, you can go now and order ten elite legions to assist the Zhongtian Empire."

"Yes." Xue Aoying and Gu Yingbing agreed respectfully. She turned around and was about to leave. Before she left, Gu Yingbing deliberately glanced at Tong Weiqing in the sky in the distance.

"Wait a minute." Shangguan Tianyang hurriedly said: "You can't go there rashly, Tianyue, let's go. Accompany the tiger king and the lion king. I won't say thank you, Brother Xue, there is Wushuang today. Everyone who teaches is here, everyone has heard my words, and they will definitely be honored.”

A rare smile appeared on Xue Aotian's face, and he took the initiative to stretch out his right hand to Shangguan Tianyang, Shangguan Tianyang laughed, and also extended his right hand to hold Xue Aotian's.

The two masters of the two holy places who had fought for a lifetime were completely reconciled under such circumstances, and at the same time, the problem of the living beings in the northern part of the continent was solved.

After Shangguan Tianyue told her daughters a few words, she left quickly with Xue Aoying and Gu Yingbing. In fact, from his inner point of view, he is unwilling to leave at this time. This battle is not over yet, whether Zhou Weiqing can defeat Fen Tian is very important. But he also understood that neither Shangguan Tianyang nor Xue Aotian had any confidence in the final outcome of this battle. To find a reason for them to leave at this time was to keep the last spark of fire for their respective holy places. what!

Just when Shangguan Tianyue and the others left, that was the moment when the white-gold light suddenly spread from Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er.

"It's done, god-level. Both of the hearts are gods." Shangguan Tianyang almost cheered.

He and Xue Aotian were indeed not very optimistic about this decisive battle.

The gap between Zhou Weiqing and Fen Tian was too great, and Fen Tian had spent so long to build up his strength, the extent of his improvement could be imagined. But now it's different. Tian'er and Zhou Weiqing have entered the god level at the same time. You must know that both of them possess holy power! It is the creation of the Holy Power. The two of them work together to deal with Fen Tian, ​​and the possibility of winning is much greater.

Zhou Weiqing slowly opened his eyes, feeling the completely different holy energy in his body and the pleasure of all the sublimation, and a smile appeared on his face.

At this time, whether it was him or Tian'er, there was a feeling of being washed away, and the temperament of the two had also undergone earth-shaking changes. Originally, Zhou Weiqing still carried a bit of evil spirit around him, but now he is like the most upright gentleman in the world. Easy-going, warm, righteous, kind, almost all positive breaths can be easily obtained from him.

Tian'er was the same, but her holy energy fluctuations were weaker than Zhou Weiqing's.

The breakthrough of holy power is always different from that of heaven. Zhou Weikan and Tian'er, with the help of the power of feedback from the stars, finally broke through the gods. Zhou Weiqing was promoted to the intermediate level of the god level, and Tian'er was the first level of the god level. After all, Zhou Weiqing was the initiator of this promotion, and Tian'er was the one who benefited the most. She crossed several bottlenecks this time.

"Don't worry, what will surprise you is yet to come." Long Shiya said to Shangguan Tianyang and Xue Aotian with some smugness. Seeing that his precious apprentice has also become a god, and his strength is far greater than his own, this Six Jue Divine Sovereign has only excitement and joy in his heart, not to mention the pride.

Xue Aotian and Shangguan Tianyang didn't hide their jealousy towards Long Shiya, they glared at him before focusing on Zhou Weiqing, waiting for the miracle that Long Shiya said would appear.

The biggest emotion in their hearts is regret. When they first knew or knew Zhou Weiqing, they all had the opportunity to take Zhou Weiqing into account. Unfortunately, they didn't show enough sincerity at that time.

While Long Shiya was speaking, Zhou Weiqing's right hand had been slowly raised, holding his head high. Immediately after that... a loud voice burst out from his hand, a green halo instantly rushed out, and it turned into a huge jasper dragon in the air, circling above Zhou Weiqing's head.

The white-gold light that diffused in the air instantly converged, madly rushing into the Jasper Dragon's body, actually rendering its body into white-gold. After completing the ninth circle, the gigantic dragon body turned around and rushed towards Zhou Weiqing's body.

At this moment, in order not to affect Tian'er, Zhou Weiqing temporarily let go of her hand, and the white light flashed into the dragon's body, and a strong white-gold light erupted around Zhou Weiqing.

"What is that?" Xue Aotian asked dully.

But Shangguan Tianyang's voice trembled a little, "That's the eleventh legendary suit, he, he actually has the eleventh legendary suit, how is this possible..."

Shangguan Tianyang knew very well that Zhou Weiqing's eleventh piece was different from the eleventh piece of his Vast Promise Suit. Only a god-level powerhouse can truly display the power of a divine suit, not to mention, Zhou Weiqing himself is not an ordinary god-level! He is a god-level god with holy power. Even if he is also promoted to god, the power of this legendary suit can never be compared with him. The current No. 1 ranking of the Vast Promise Suit has been completely replaced at this moment.

At this time, the purple-black light ball on the other side also changed.

Layers of purple-black halos began to converge inward, the originally huge ball of light gradually shrank, and the figure of the big crab in the sky gradually disappeared. But an idea of ​​destroying the sky and the earth rose into the sky, forcibly squeezed the surrounding white-gold light, and the tyrannical force of destruction erupted in a desperate gesture.

Just like the Evil God had disappeared, the God of Destruction had also disappeared, and Fen Tian's figure reappeared in everyone's sight. However, now he has a lot of different.

The legendary suit on his body turned a weird dark purple, and his arms became extraordinarily thick. From both sides of his back, four long, joint-like legs extended from each other, as if eight crab legs had grown out of thin air.

The most terrifying thing was the weapon in Fen Tian's hand, the epee. It was still an epee, but it wasn't his Fentian epee, but the kilometer-long epee of the God of Destruction.

It is asking, what kind of visual experience is a person who is less than two meters tall, but holds a heavy sword with a purple light that shines for thousands of meters in his hand!

Behind Fentian, there seems to be a black hole. No, to be precise, it is a purple hole. The periphery is a deep black and purple, while the center is a strange dark green. The rhythm will produce layers of distorted light around it, frantically swallowing all the attribute energy in the air. Even the white-gold holy power seemed to be swallowed up by some of the golden light it recorded, while the white light was repelled.

"Zhou Weiqing." Fen Tian's voice sounded like thunder in the air, and two strong dark purple rays of light spit out from his eyes. Zhou Weiqing chopped off in midair.

"Ah!" A scream suddenly sounded, and a strange golden light slammed into Fen Tian at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye. With Fen Tian's cultivation base at this time, his body was sluggish, and the speed of the sword of destruction suddenly slowed down a bit.

This golden light shot out from Tian'er's forehead, her spiritual attributes, the condensed holy power, and the achievement of the Holy Spirit Pill, even Fen Tian would be affected.

The divine scepter can reach the sky... Dao Zhanran's white-golden light turned into a huge shield of light to meet Fentian's attack.

A bang, a collision of creation and destruction.

The white-gold rays of light scattered in all directions, and the shield was broken. But the Sword of Destruction was finally swayed a bit, and it didn't fall on Zhou Weiqing.

Tian'er stepped out and was already 100 meters in front of Zhou Weiqing, her eyes stared at Fen Tian in the distance, and circles of white-gold halo were continuously released from her body.

The divine scepter drew a circle in the air, and the Star God Realm quietly emerged, and thousands of brilliant white-gold stars shot out in the direction of Fen Tian.

Fen Tian snorted angrily, the space behind him suddenly turned purple-black, the terrifying power of destruction turned into a halo and spread out, all the white-gold starlight erupting from the Star God Realm was all 100 meters in front of him. It turned into a circle of ripples and disappeared. And the sword of destruction in his hand has been cut out again, this time, the target has become Tian'er.

"Holy, seal." Tian'er let out a coquettish cry, the stars in the sky suddenly changed, turning into a huge six-winged Seraphim suspended there, his hands turned into a mysterious symbol in a very short time, and the rays of light turned into a mysterious symbol. Sheen, the symbol has been shot out, and it is in the middle of the sword of destruction.

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