Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 1601: I won't hate you


Without knowing it, the ghost sneaked into the second floor of the Deacon's Hall without knowing it. +,

Ye Xiuling looked at the entrance of the escalator, shook her head and said, "There is no guard at such an important place as the portal. The people in the Deacon's Hall seem to be pig brains."

"They are not pig brains, they are self-confident, believing that no one dares to enter the Deacon's Hall without permission."

Wutian smiled coldly and secretly asked Bird Saint to send out a token, then he grabbed the token and pressed it on the groove of the portal.

The token was shattered immediately, the light rained a little, and the portal burst into bright light.

"Who is opening the portal privately!"

When the portal opened, a loud shout rang downstairs.

Wutian looked at each other, walked into the portal almost at the same time, and disappeared in an instant.


Two figures appeared out of thin air, these were two golden armored guards, looking at the portal that was closing, their eyes were slightly gloomy.

However, they dared not pursue it.

Because the portal here leads not only to the eighth station, but also to the tenth station. In case the person who opens the portal privately goes to the tenth station, they will undoubtedly find their way to death.

"In the past few years, the major stationing areas have been caused by Wutian and Tianqiu Beasts. From now on, it is best to send someone to guard the portal."

"Today is different from the past. The situation in the Sea of ​​Stars is now a bit chaotic. It is true that someone should be sent to guard, lest people take advantage of the loopholes."

The two discussed a few words before leaving.

Tenth station!

This is a frightening place!

The sea beasts here are at least the Ten Tribulations Gods. Normally, no one dares to set foot here. Even the Ten Tribulations Gods among humans must think twice. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the No.

On a square about a thousand feet away, a cold portal is located in the center. From a distance, it looks like a lonely old man, lonely and lifeless all around.


The portal was very bright, and a man and a woman walked out of the door one after another. There was no suspense. The two were naturally Wutian and Ye Xiuling.

The two of them stood in front of the portal, scanned the surroundings, and gradually frowned.

The tenth garrison is also a city, but it has a very long and ancient atmosphere, and it clearly exists for an unknown number of years.

Looking around, there is not a single figure in the huge city. On the sky, the sun is shining brightly, but they feel a little chill in their hearts, as if they have come to a ghost city!

Do not!

This is actually a ghost city, with no people alive, no corpses, and a gloomy atmosphere around it. With all the legends about this place, I am afraid it is a **** of ten calamities, and I don't want to stay here for a while.

Ye Xiuling hid behind Wutian, and she looked around timidly, and said: "Wutian, it doesn't seem to be fun here, or let's go back!"

Wutian said: "I think it's okay, you have to go back and go back by yourself."

Now that he is here, he must explore this mysterious place and leave empty-handed. It is not his character, and by the way, he will scare this woman.

"I really didn't find that there is something fun here, please, let's go back!"

Ye Xiuling begged, but Wu Tian didn't eat this set in a coquettish tone, and just ignored it.

The conversation between the two gave this lonely city a touch of life.

"Go, go shopping in the city."

Wutian said, and walked towards the northern city area. The sound of footsteps echoed in the square. Ye Xiuling couldn't help but hurried to follow.

On the streets, the buildings on both sides are densely dusty, and no one has been here for many years.

Wutian stopped in front of a other courtyard, and was about to push the door to enter. Ye Xiuling hurriedly ran in front of him and said timidly: "Don't go in, what if there is something dirty?"

Wutian wondered: "The ground is full of dirt, what are you afraid of?"

"I didn't mean that." Ye Xiuling looked around carefully, and whispered: "I'm talking about ghosts."

There is no heaven and happiness. Even mortals don't believe that there are ghosts in this world. Ye Xiuling's deity would believe it, which is really funny.

"If you want to be scared, hide behind me."

He naturally didn't bother to enlighten, and said lightly, pushed Ye Xiuling aside, then opened the courtyard door, and strode in.

In the other courtyard, weeds are overgrown and extremely desolate.

Ye Xiuling hurried behind Wutian in a panic and entered the attic.

In the attic, dust was piled up, filled with an unpleasant musty smell, and there was no trace of people.

"Wutian, let's go!"

Ye Xiuling became more and more frightened, even her voice was shaking.

There is no innocence and some curiosity, it is really strange that such a person who is not afraid of the sky and the earth is afraid of a city without people.

Regardless of Ye Xiuling's dissuasion, Wutian went to the second and third floors and took a closer look. Apart from the dust on the floor, he found nothing of value.

"Let's go, let's go to the next courtyard."

Looking at the trembling Ye Xiuling behind her, she was amused all the time, and then she went downstairs and entered another courtyard, again to no avail.


Wutian stood on the street, his brows twisted together.

Ye Xiuling asked, "Isn't it a dead city? What's so strange?"

Wutian said: "It is said that this place is extremely dangerous, but we have been here for so long, and nothing happened. Isn't it strange?"

"Looking at you, do you want something to happen?"

Ye Xiuling is angry and funny. She is already scared to death, but this guy is still in the mood to think about these problems. Instead of thinking about these useless problems, she should be comforted and comforted, so that she feels a little safe. It is really a wooden head. A sympathetic man.

Wutian suggested: "Or, shall we find it separately?"

Ye Xiuling didn't even think about it, she said, "No, what a joke, you are a big man, can you bear to leave me a weak woman? If something happens to me, you will be responsible?"

"Weak girl?"

Hearing these words, Wu Tian sneered, and his figure flashed, turning into a stream of light, and directly swept to a other courtyard in front of him.

"You're such a **** man, you don't know Lianxiangxiyu at all!"

Ye Xiuling stomped her feet with anger. She looked around and found no ghost shadow. Jiao Chu couldn't help shaking, and hurried to chase Wutian.

However, when she entered the attic and searched all three floors, she did not see Wutian.

"Wu Tian, ​​where are you? Come out!"

Ye Xiuling called, but did not respond.

"Please, stop playing, come out quickly, can't I apologize for you?"

She cautiously searched for a moment, but still could not find Wutian, calling anxiously, her eyes full of helplessness.

"Xiao Wutian, are you really good like this?"

In the Star Realm, Xiao Wuhao looked at the picture ahead, frowning slightly.

"Grandpa Niaosheng feels that such a woman should clean up, otherwise she really regards herself as a queen, and others can let her entertain." Niaosheng gloated.

Wutian smiled faintly, turned his head to look at the bird saint, and said: "Go help summon the blood mane cow, I will search this ghost city well."

"Is it necessary?" Niao Sheng puzzled.

"Of course there is. The world says that the tenth station is the core area of ​​the central sea area. The sea beasts here are the gods of the ten calamities. But why is this city still intact? No one is guarding this city, why are those sea beasts? Not occupy this place?" Wutiandao.

"It's not easy, there must be some powerful restrictions or seals in the city." Bird Saint Road.

Wutian shook his head and said: "Impossible. I have already secretly checked it just now. I didn't sense the aura of prohibition and sealing. I guess that somewhere here, there should be a powerful treasure protecting this city."

"It seems reasonable. That way, I will call them right away." After Niaosheng said, he spread his wings and quickly disappeared into the second space.

Xiao Wuhao retracted his gaze and looked at Wutian said, "Xiao Wutian, I ask a question, and you must answer me honestly."

Wutian asked: "What's the problem?"

Xiao Wuhao said: "If, I am if, if one day, you find that I am lying to you, what will happen to you?"

"What are you lie to me?" Wutian was taken aback for a while, somewhat puzzled.

Xiao Wuhao said: "I'm just if, in short, you answer me."

Wutian thought about it carefully and said, "If you really lie to me, I won't blame you, because I know that you are all for my good."

Xiao Wuhao said again: "Then what if I harm you? Or make you lose something, such as cultivation?"

"Did you have a fever? Otherwise, why do you always ask some weird questions?" Wutian reached out his hand to touch his forehead, but was slapped by Xiao Wuhao, staring at him angrily, and said: "I am Energy body, how can you have a fever? I think your head is sick."

Wutian shook his head and burst into laughter, looked at the woman in the front screen, and immediately trembled.

At this moment, Ye Xiuling, curled up in a corner of the wall, muttered to herself, her two jade arms hugged tightly together, her thin body shivering, her eyes full of hesitation and despair, even in the corner of her eyes, she could still be clear See the tears!

Obviously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she is now extremely scared.

He was really wondering, how could such a woman who is not afraid of being afraid of something unnecessarily afraid of ghosts?

To be honest, Wu Tian was a little unbearable, no matter how unreasonable this woman was, she was always just a woman, and it seemed a bit too much to leave her alone.

But when he thought of the humiliation he suffered in the ninth station, he was relieved.

But anyway, as a man, he should have the demeanor of a man, and he can't just caress about a woman because of certain things.

When he was about to go out, Xiao Wuhao suddenly said, "Xiao Wutian, if one day, I betray you, please don't hate me."

Wutian was stunned, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Don't worry, I won't hate you."

To be precise, he didn't take it to heart at all, just as Xiao Wuhao suddenly became nervous. After all, Xiao Wuhao has been helping him since he was a child. Until now, he had known him for a long time, so how could he betray him?

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