Heavenly Martial Art

Chapter 836: Awakening into a real dragon 5 times

Although he knew that all this was very difficult, Yang Chen still had to give it a try unswervingly.

"Hey, young master, you know, what you are going to do is very risky. And the journey is far away. So many people from the fire beast and human tribe want to kill you. If you go out like this, this is not..." Yu Ban still said Worry.

"Senior Yu Ban, this junior has made up his mind." Yang Chen said solemnly.

He did this not only for the sake of the wake, but also for his sister. In this regard, he had no choice.

Seeing that Yu Ban could not persuade him, he did not try to persuade him any more. He just said reluctantly: "Young Master, this trip is extremely dangerous, so you must be careful. If there is really trouble, return to the Kingdom of Tiandu God. , I and Tiandu Divine Kingdom welcome you at any time."

"Thank you, Senior Yu Ban." Yang Chen said.

"Haha, young master, what are you thanking me for? Speaking of which, I haven't seen those two stupid bears and Golden Claw for many days. This time I leave, let me see them again." Yu Ban said.

Only then did Yang Chen realize what he had overlooked. That's right, Black Mountain Black Bear and Golden Claw were able to achieve what they are today because of their feuding relationship with Yu Ban. How could Yu Ban have no feelings for these three monsters?

How dare Yang Chen be vague and immediately released the three monsters.

Heishan Wuxiong was in a daze and didn't know what to say. Jinzhao was very clear-headed and looked at Yu Ban gratefully and said, "Old man!"

Yu Ban nodded with satisfaction, and then said with a somewhat surprised tone: "Young Master, I didn't expect that the Golden Claw has evolved into an anaconda after following you for some time. And from the changes in its aura, it seems that it has experienced the royal family. Awakening, successful?"

"Well, that's it." Yang Chen grinned: "This time I entered the secret realm of purple energy, the territory of the fire beast. I also broke into the third layer. Who knew that the royal family of fire beasts was awakening there? Land, haha, this junior asked Golden Claw to go to that place to awaken, who knew it would actually work!"

Yu Ban touched his beard: "Okay, not bad. The Golden Claw has awakened, but these two stupid bears are a little behind. When will they reach the fifth level of Yuanwu Realm? I have already prepared for them to awaken." The environment, but the understanding of these two stupid bears is too poor, when will they be able to improve faster?"

As he spoke, Yu Ban glared at the two Black Mountain Black Bears angrily.

The two Montenegrin black bears were still confused and didn't know what was going on, scratching their heads and looking left and right.

Yang Chen was shocked because of what Yu Ban said: "Senior Yu Ban said... awakening? Is there an environment in Tiandu God that can allow these two brothers to awaken?"

"Haha, young master, who was the emperor during his lifetime? During the battle between humans and monsters, one of the biggest trophies of Emperor Tiandu was the capture of a place where the royal family awakened. However, the place where the royal family awakens is applicable to It belongs to the earth demon." Yu Ban said with a smile.

"Earth Demon?" Yang Chen was stunned.

Yu Ban said slowly: "Young Master, you don't know this. Earth demons are very dependent on the power of the earth. In the place where they awaken, the power of the earth is very sufficient. And unfortunately, the Black Mountain Black Bear is also Monsters that rely heavily on the power of the earth, it can be said that True Dragon Tianfeng is the king of the sky, then Black Mountain Black Bear is one of the kings of the earth!"

Yang Chen suddenly realized: "So, isn't this royal awakening place captured by Emperor Tiandu a tailor-made awakening place for these two stupid bears?"

"We're not stupid!"

"That's right." The two Black Mountain Black Bears said unconvinced.


Yu Ban knocked the two stupid bears on the head: "You are still not convinced that you are running? If you were really not stupid, you would have met my requirements long ago, but what about you?"

The two stupid bears of the Black Mountain Black Bear were completely wilted.

Yu Ban then said with emotion: "As you said, young master, this place of awakening is simply tailor-made for these two stupid bears. If these two stupid bears awaken after meeting the conditions for awakening, then it will be true. The fish jumped over the dragon gate and soared into the sky."

"So there is such a thing, why didn't you tell me earlier, Senior Yu Ban?" Yang Chen said with a bitter smile.

"Because you, the young master of this land, have to reach the half-step of the earth martial arts realm before you can unlock the authority. If you have not reached the half-step of the earth martial arts realm, you, the young master of the awakening land, will not be able to let the Black Mountain Black Bear in. So I will not let you in for the time being. Tell you, young master. But in my opinion, it is not difficult for you, young master, to reach the half-step earth martial realm. But these two stupid bears really make it difficult for me, old man, to feel at ease." Yu Ban sighed.

Yang Chen said seriously: "You can rest assured that I will do my best to make these two stupid bears meet the awakening requirements."

The Black Mountain Black Bear is also its brother, but he has many things to do along the way and has no time to take care of these two brothers. Now that the matter of awakening is brought up, Yang Chen is naturally duty-bound and has the obligation to awaken these two stupid bears.

"Well, in that case, you have to pay more attention, young master. In addition, when it comes to awakening, Golden Claw can also participate. Golden Claw, you have to work hard," Yu Ban said.

"It can also participate? But hasn't Golden Claw awakened once?" The two Black Mountain Black Bears were confused.

Yu Ban rolled his eyes: "How do you two stupid bears compare with the Golden Claw? The Golden Claw is fully involved in the five elements, and even when it becomes a real dragon, it can't fall into the five elements at all. Wind, thunder, light and darkness, calling wind and rain, are easy for it. "

"The two of us are no worse than it after awakening." The two Black Mountain Black Bear brothers were very dissatisfied.

Golden Claw chuckled and said: "You two stupid bears, don't be so naive as to compete with me. I didn't listen to the old man, I have all five elements, how can you compete with me?"

Yang Chen looked at the fight between the two sides, laughed dumbly, and said curiously: "Senior Yu Ban, I know that the Golden Claw is fully involved in the five elements, but if it is really fully involved in the five elements, then is it really going to awaken? Not five times?"

"Young Master, although for ordinary monsters, it is very rare to awaken once. But for Golden Claw, awakening is more like a burden. As you said. It is different from other monsters. It has to There are five kinds of awakenings, metal, wood, water, fire and earth, all are good. And they all have to be the place where the royal family awakens."

Yang Chen took a deep breath.

If it is true as Yu Ban said, then for Golden Claw, a good thing has turned into a bad thing. I had to awaken five times in one go, and it was the place where the royal family had to awaken. How could an ordinary person endure this?

Even Yang Chen felt extremely headache.

"What if we don't carry out the five awakenings?" Yang Chen asked with a frown.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence, but that he really doesn't believe that five such places can be found in the human domain!

"If it doesn't undergo the five awakenings, it will never become a true dragon!" Yu Ban shook his head gently.

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