When Fang Ci's first store opened, Fang Zheng did not show up at the scene. Wen Lei was very unhappy about this, but she only got a reply that she was busy with something.

I don’t know what happened, but you didn’t even come to the opening of a store?

Qilipu square porcelain old shop.

Second floor.

The void rippled like water.

A figure carrying a wooden box half as tall as a man appeared out of thin air. The figure habitually glanced around and then put the wooden box aside.


Opening the wooden box, more than thirty pieces of porcelain came into view.

Most of them are Lei Zhonghong porcelain.

The blood-red porcelain with thunder patterns is like a piece of exquisite art, transparent, pure, dazzling, and sparkling with a faint halo.

In addition to Lei Zhonghong porcelain, there are several unique pieces of porcelain in the wooden box, as well as several thick books.

Porcelain is mostly in the shape of animals.

Such as monkey-shaped pottery pots, snake-shaped dishes, etc...

As for the books, Fangzheng asked the yamen officials to acquire them from high-end through some special channels, and they were all about "porcelain firing".

"Appreciation of Porcelain of the Past Dynasties", "A Brief History of Animal Porcelain", "Encyclopedia of Porcelain of the Past Dynasties"...

The technology for firing porcelain in other worlds is not weaker than that of modern society, it is even stronger, because the firing of some porcelain requires the use of magic.

The finished products after using spells are mostly extraordinary.

Like thunder and popular porcelain.

You need to attract the power of thunder to chop.

You know, the Wang family is just a porcelain-making family in a small place like Gu'an County, and is simply inconspicuous in other worlds.

There are certainly many similar porcelains not only from the Wang family.

The most well-known porcelain that has been developed for many years is animal porcelain. It is said that this series of porcelain can capture the souls of beasts for one's own use.

The porcelain is shaped beautifully.

“Something similar to bone china, but more sophisticated.”

Fang Zheng flipped through the pages and gave an evaluation based on his own porcelain firing skills:

"The ashes and blood of corresponding livestock and wild beasts are mixed into the clay embryo, then molded into shape by the hands of the craftsman, and the finished product is fired with magic."


"There is actually a soul-binding spell."

The so-called bone china,

It refers to the addition of animal bone powder during the firing of porcelain. Due to certain chemical reactions, the fired porcelain is as thin as paper, as white as jade, and sounds like a chime.

It was popular for a while, and today high-quality bone china is still worth a lot of money.

As for animal porcelain.

It is a specialty of another world.

According to different animal shapes, there are many classifications.

Ruma porcelain is porcelain shaped like a horse. Not only does it look like a horse, but the porcelain itself is added with horse bone meal and blood.

Coupled with some mysterious methods, it looks like a living thing after taking shape.

This is a widely spread firing technique in other worlds. According to Zhang Mingrui, its origin is the ghost pot made by evil demons.

The ghost jar is a vicious magical weapon used to trap ghosts.

It traps people's souls in ghost jars and releases them to harm people when needed. Almost most evil demons do this.


I don’t know since when, animal porcelain appeared in the market. The firing method is similar to that of ghost pots, which is to replace humans with animals.

"The imperial court strictly prohibited the flow of magical artifacts to the people, and locking up the soul was detrimental to moral integrity, so the so-called animal porcelain rarely used magic."

"But even so, the development of animal porcelain firing is still remarkable."

Picking up the snake-shaped porcelain plate, Fang Zheng caressed the surface. This porcelain cost him a full three taels of silver, and it was definitely considered the finest porcelain.

Both the outer glaze and the inner embryo are extremely extraordinary.

"No wonder it can occupy a place in Fucheng. Sure enough, there are some tricks. The top porcelain from another world is no worse than Lei Zhonghong porcelain."


"It's obviously better."

"If you can imitate..."

"We could also use more square porcelain products. Although Lei Zhaohong porcelain is good, it doesn't look good with only such a product."

Putting down the snake-shaped porcelain plate, Fang Zheng carefully took out a miniature porcelain vat in the shape of a strange animal.


There is also talk of famous porcelain in other worlds, but above famous porcelain, there is another level, which is the top luxury porcelain.

To be able to become a precious porcelain, it is all the best among the best.

For example, the piece in his hand is a piece of precious porcelain. It cost more than one hundred taels of silver to get it, which is terrifying.

"The dragon gives birth to nine sons, and the prisoner ox is the best."

Touching the ridges on the surface of the porcelain, Fang Zheng whispered:

"This strange beast is the prison cow."

"The limit of the development of animal porcelain is to mix animals, mixing the bones and blood of various livestock and wild beasts, and firing corresponding exotic animal porcelain."

"Sure enough!"

to be honest.

Although Lei Zhonghong porcelain is good, he is still worried about the smell of wine and the depth of the alley, but if it is such a strange beast mixed with porcelain, there is no need to worry.

Because even people who don’t know the goods can see its goodness.

Put together with famous porcelain in modern society, the gap can be clearly seen.

"As expected of Bao porcelain!"

"If it can be imitated, square porcelain will be able to secure its position in the porcelain luxury goods industry and there should be no problems."


The cell phone beeps.


"Boss Fang." Wen Lei's voice came from the mobile phone, with a little excitement in her tiredness:

"Yesterday's sales data came out."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows. He had been busy with animal porcelain in another world these past few days. He didn't even come back from the opening of a store. He didn't know the sales situation yet, so he couldn't help but ask:

"How many?"

"two millions!"

Wen Lei's voice trembled:

"Among them, two large pieces of half-meter-high porcelain were sold, earning more than one million yuan, and six small pieces of porcelain worth one or two hundred thousand yuan."

"There are still a few scheduled guests."

"Coupled with the fact that videos from major online influencers started to be uploaded yesterday, Lei Zhaoxingci has begun to attract a small amount of attention on the Internet."

"that is……"

“Not enough porcelain is being produced.”

"I still have about thirty pieces here, which will be delivered to the store later." Fang Zheng said:

"If you make a reservation, try to delay the delivery time. I heard that Hermès bags need to be ordered a year in advance. We might as well learn from this."

"in addition……"

"The porcelain factory will start working as soon as possible and try to fire the red porcelain. As long as it can be fired here, the output will increase."

Two million!

For ordinary people, it is an astronomical figure, but now that it falls on Fang Zheng's ears, it is hard to be upset.

From this point of view, he indeed has the mentality of a rich man.

"Yeah." Wen Lei replied:

"I have arranged that there will be thunderstorms in a few days. Are you sure that this kind of weather is necessary for firing porcelain?"


Fang Zheng said:

"Leizhong porcelain can only be fired during thunderstorms, so the output will not increase in the future. This is also in line with the tone of luxury goods."

"Heh..." Wen Lei chuckled:

"All right."

"One more thing, didn't you say you wanted to find a celebrity to endorse Fang Ci? Senior Sister Chen Wan said she was interested."

"Her endorsement fee is six million for two years, which is considered a friendly price."

"Six million." Fang Zheng nodded:

"That's it. I'll contact her agency after a while. If there's no problem, you'll be responsible for finalizing the contract."


Wen Lei should be.

The company has abundant funds and a clear future. Now she is very motivated. As for the original Tongchuang, she has long forgotten about it.




Don’t let the green smoke grow old when you miss lovesickness. Send a bouquet of flowers to your old friend.


Fang Zheng stood in front of Shi Xin's tombstone and looked at the photo above. The old man's voice and appearance were still in his mind, and he couldn't help but sigh and put down the flowers.

"Old Shi."

"With a friend like me, you should be content."

He straightened up and murmured:

"After searching for so long, I still can't find your murderer. I'll try my best. I'll take one last shot and end it."

"You're already dead anyway. Even if I avenge you, you won't survive, right?"

"If you don't answer, I'll treat it as if you agreed."


"Good friend, here's a glass of wine to you!"

After chattering for a long time, he opened the wine bottle and spilled the wine in front of the grave. He pondered for a long time before withdrawing his thoughts and walked inside.


There is also an old friend.

Qin Yining.

His first love, or...

Former lover.

Although he said he had let it go, to this day, except for Qin Yining, Fang Zheng has never really had a relationship.

He comes every year on his death anniversary.

This year is no exception.

The tomb had been carefully cleaned, and flowers were placed in front of the tomb. The petals had not withered yet. It seemed that the worshipper had just left.


A familiar voice sounded from behind:

"You came."

"Yes." Fang Zheng nodded and looked back. A young woman who looked somewhat similar to Qin Yining was standing not far away.

Qin Shuman.

Qin Yining's sister, they are several years apart. When Fang Zheng and Qin Yining were in love, she often followed him.

That's how the title of brother-in-law came about.

Then he asked:

"You haven't left yet."

"I know that my brother-in-law will definitely come. Of course, he can't leave until he meets someone." Qin Shuman smiled and said:

"I graduated from college."

"Really?" Fang Zheng's eyes were filled with confusion, and he paused before saying:

"so fast."

"Yes." Qin Shuman came to him and stood side by side, looking at his sister's photo on the tombstone, she was still so young and beautiful.

I couldn't help but sigh in a low voice:

"Time flies."

"What are your plans after graduation?" Fang Zheng put down the flowers, wiped off the dust on the photos, turned around and walked toward the layman, saying as he walked:

"Stay in Haizhou or come back? Or go somewhere else?"

"I want to come back."

Qin Shuman said:

"My friends from my youth are all here. You can hang out with them during breaks. But the salary in Qushi is not high, and my parents want me to stay in Haizhou."

"My boyfriend..."

"You also want me to stay in Haizhou."

"I have a boyfriend." Fang smiled, like a brother who cares about his sister:

"What's your personality like?"

"It's okay." Qin Shuman straightened his hair and frowned slightly:

"His family is too rich and I don't feel comfortable with it. Although he treats me very well, I don't think the two of us will be together for long."

"The most important thing is to be happy together. Family backgrounds don't necessarily have to be the same." Fang Zheng said slowly:

"It's rare to have a lover."

"It's different." Qin Shuman's eyes were troubled:

"My boyfriend is fine, but his mother is rather snobbish. If my situation is known, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will inevitably have conflicts."

"Just thinking about it now makes me feel numb."

"The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"I can't help you with that."

"If you want to come back, you can make a call. I'm doing some small business now and know some people. It shouldn't be a problem to help you find a suitable job."

"Let's talk about it." Qin Shuman hasn't made a decision yet:

"Haizhou is pretty good too."

Fang Zheng glanced at her and silently looked away.

You can tell.

Qin Shuman should be very satisfied with her boyfriend, but she is a little afraid of her boyfriend's family, and even afraid of marriage.

The actual situation is actually more complicated.

Qin Shuman's boyfriend is an only son in the family. His father is busy with business, so he has been raised and cared for by his mother since he was a child, and he does not dare to disobey.

He didn't dare to tell his mother that the person he was talking to was from a very poor family.


In Haizhou, where the average price is nearly 100,000 yuan, their family cannot afford to buy a house, which means they are poor. Even if they have a house, they can only be considered as having enough food and clothing.

Everything is fine between the two of them, but as long as they talk about family, they will have conflicts, which will make each other very tired. If this continues, no matter how passionate the love is, it will not be extinguished.


After walking out of the cemetery, Qin Shuman said:

"How did you get here?"

"Take a taxi."

"Take my car back." Qin Shuman raised the car keys in his hand and said with a smile:

"My parents bought me a gift to celebrate my graduation from college."


There is nothing wrong with being upright.

This is a domestically produced car that costs less than 100,000 yuan. It is not expensive but has all the necessary features. The configuration inside is at least better than his pickup truck.

Turn on the radio, and the latest news is, not surprisingly, related to the restructuring of Fuhong.

"It is reported that the case of the laid-off workers of Hongyun who beat and killed a Chase director a few days ago has made progress, and the Public Security Bureau has announced the identity of the suspect."

"Su Weijun, age 43, former Hongyun Logistics Manager..."

"Pan Ming, age..."


"These people secretly colluded in Hongyun Logistics, used the logistics system to secretly sell the company's materials, formed gangs, and misappropriated the company's property."

"Unsatisfied that the company's restructuring would harm their own interests, it aroused workers' hatred, leading to the death of Datong Group's director and damaging the business environment..."

"Currently, several people have been arrested and several are still at large. If anyone with information provides clues, the Public Security Department will reward them."


"These are dangerous individuals and they are suspected of possessing firearms. If you find any traces of them, report them to the Public Security Department immediately. Do not act rashly."

"What a mess." Qin Shuman sighed:

“I feel like the music market now is not as good as it was when I was a kid.”

"Yes." Fang Zheng retracted his attention:

"Fuhong's restructuring involves too many people. Tens of thousands of employee families are affected, and hundreds of thousands of people are affected. This is not a small number."

“It’s not normal if it’s not chaotic.”

How many thousand is the total population of Qu City?

When hundreds of thousands of people are suddenly destroyed and their living conditions change, it will naturally cause restlessness. Moreover, there are many inside stories behind Fuhong's restructuring.


There was a sudden loud noise from ahead.


Qin Shuman slammed on the brakes, causing the wheels to rub against the ground. He barely avoided a collision with the car in front of him and stopped diagonally on the curb.

Her face turned pale instantly:

"what happened?"

"have no idea."

Fang Zheng shook his head, lowered the window and looked in the direction of the chaos, only to see a black business car roaring past the intersection.

Traffic lights are useless.

Many vehicles braked suddenly, causing more commotion.


As the two cars passed each other, with Fang Zheng's amazing hearing, he could faintly hear a man's cry for help from inside the commercial car.


A shout came from the front:

"Someone kidnapped the son of Mr. Sun of Boyue Real Estate!"

"Stop that car!"

"Kidnapping?" Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly:

"What a courage."

On the surface, Boyue Real Estate is a private real estate company, but in fact the second largest shareholder is Qushi Urban Investment, which is not much worse than Fuhong Group in terms of assets.

Mr. Sun?

Boyue's boss' surname is Li, and Mr. Sun should be just a senior executive of the group.

But even so, kidnapping in broad daylight is still news that Qu City has not seen for many years.

"Let's go."

Withdrawing his gaze, Fang looked calm:

"It has nothing to do with us."


Qin Shuman nodded repeatedly, pressed the steering wheel with trembling hands, and took several deep breaths to calm down his panic.

"This station is reporting an urgent message."

On the radio, the host's solemn voice came:

"It is reported that Su Weijun and others were hiding somewhere in the suburbs of Qu City. An hour ago they broke into a private winery where a banquet was being held and kidnapped several people."

"Including Congressman Zhao's daughter..."


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

This group of people was so courageous that they did not escape as quickly as possible when faced with the wanted order from the Public Security Department. Instead, they forced their way into the winery and kidnapped the congressman's daughter.


Kidnapped several people!

I'm afraid that everyone's status is not low.


The cell phone rings.


Fang Zheng answered the call, smiled lightly and said:

"Officer Lin, we haven't contacted you for a while."

"Boss Fang." Officer Lin said in a quick voice:

"Have you been watching the news?"

"What's wrong?" Fang Zheng's expression remained unchanged.

"The Su Weijun...the people from Hongyun Logistics kidnapped several rich second generations, including the congressman's daughter." Officer Lin said:

"They are now demanding ransom or else they will break up the vote."

"Really?" Fang Zheng looked back, but he didn't expect this group of people to be so fast, and then said:

"This has nothing to do with me, right?"

He really couldn't think of any connection.

"Boss Fang." Officer Lin's throat rolled and he said:

"This group of people are lawless and come from Fuhong. They may be related to the death of your friend. I know that you are very skilled in martial arts. Can you help..."


Fang Zheng hung up the call directly and threw the phone aside.

If it was some time ago, he might have actually trusted the other party, but after some investigation, he found that Su Weijun did not know Zhang Yongfeng at all.

There is no relationship between the two.

It's understandable that the man surnamed Lin wants him to save people, but it's too much to lie to people.


Qin Shuman turned his head and looked:

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Just put me in front. Be careful when you go back. Qu City is not very safe recently. It's okay not to come back..."


Qin Shuman nodded, parked the car and watched Fang Zheng leave.

Then pick up your phone and make a call.

"Book comics."

The voice on the other side was gentle and gentle, which made her both loved and annoyed.

"Since you went to Qu City, you might as well give my mother a small gift when you come. She will be very happy to know that you brought it."

"Small gift?" Qin Shuman pouted:

"Is it OK for a few dozen yuan?"

"Don't make trouble." Jin Jie smiled bitterly:

"I see that a kind of porcelain has recently appeared on the Internet called Lei Zhaohong Porcelain. It is a product of your Qu Market. Go buy one and bring it back."

"Lei Zhaohong Porcelain?" This is an unfamiliar name. Qin Shuman sighed silently:

"It's expensive again, isn't it?"

"Not expensive." Jin Jie said:

"You can buy one for more than ten or two hundred thousand."

"Isn't it expensive to buy a piece of porcelain for more than ten or two hundred thousand?" Qin Shuman raised his forehead and said:

"Or do you pay for it?"

"Of course." Jin Jie advised:

"Don't worry, we will be a family after we get married. My money is your money, and it will be the same for whoever spends it."

"Jin Jie." Qin Shuman stamped his feet:

"I'm not a rich girl, and you don't need to hide it from your mother. If it's not suitable for me if I don't have money, we'd better forget it."


Jin Jie's voice was urgent and he quickly comforted her. It took him a while to calm down his girlfriend's emotions.

"The place that sells porcelain is in the busiest commercial street over there. The name of the store is Fang Ci. I'll send you the location later."

"Wait a minute." Qin Shuman was stunned:

"What did you say the name of that shop was?"

"Fang Ci." Jin Jie said:

"What's wrong?"

"Fang Ci." Qin Shuman looked puzzled, thought for a while and shook his head gently:

"It should be the same name."

Brother-in-law's square porcelain is in Qilipu, not in the commercial street, and a piece of porcelain costs more than 100 or 200 yuan, which Fang Zheng himself may not be able to afford.




the other side.

Fang Zheng raised his head and looked at the villas covered by green shade, and gently pressed his peaked cap.

"Mr. Zheng, the chairman of Fuhong."

"Old Shi, this is the last time. I hope the target this time knows who killed you, otherwise I really have no choice."

As I mentioned a few days ago, I will take two days off tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to do a physical examination.

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