"it's me."

The man under the mask turned out to be He Jiangdong, deputy director of the Public Security Department.

He is over forty years old, but he is well-maintained, with sharp eyes and shiny skin. Some people believe him even if he is said to be thirty years old.


Looking at Zheng Kuo, He Jiangdong sighed with emotion:

"You are a dandy, but you still have some courage, but I underestimated you."

Being able to negotiate demands under the threat of a sharp knife may seem simple but is actually very difficult. According to his experience, it may not be possible for one out of ten people.

This spoiled rich second generation could actually do it.

It's something unexpected.


"never mind!"

He turned the sharp blade in his hand, swiped it back and forth in front of Zheng Kuo's eyes, and said:

"Since you know who I am, you should know my methods. If it falls into my hands, no matter who it is, they will be honest in the end."

"Say it!"

He Jiangdong's eyes narrowed:

"Where is the necklace?"

"In...in the hands of a weirdo." Zheng Kuo's throat rolled and his eyes were filled with fear. Of course he had heard of the other party's methods:

"I do not know who he is."

"Weird?" He Jiangdong frowned:

"What kind of weird trick?"

"He... is very powerful." Zheng Kuo said:

"Moreover, he said that you would come to me and ask me to cooperate with him to find out who you are."


He Jiangdong frowned and his eyes suddenly flashed:




Crisp applause came from behind, and Fang Zheng, who had taken off his mask, walked out of the darkness on dead branches, with the hilt of the knife looming behind him.

His body was covered in blood, but it all came from others.

The bloody smell that had not dissipated just after the killing permeated the entire place, making the two people in the place feel cold and retreat subconsciously.

"As expected of Director He, his guess is accurate."

Fang Zheng put down his hands, looked at the other person, and sighed:

"No wonder Director He said he wouldn't find the murderer who killed my friend. It turned out to be you. Who would catch you yourself?"


He shook his head softly, speechless.


He's actually the deputy director of the Public Security Department?

This result was far beyond his expectation.

But if you think about it carefully, there are actually many clues pointing to He Jiangdong.

But after all, he is not an expert in this field, and his brain is not very good. He likes to do things recklessly and subconsciously ignores them.


He Jiangdong shrank and hid behind Zheng Kuo. He pinched Zheng Kuo's neck with one hand and pressed a sharp blade against Zheng Kuo's temple:

"If you take one more step forward, I will kill him!"


Fang’s face remains unchanged:

"Director He doesn't think that he can threaten me like this, does he?"

While he was speaking, his footsteps did not stop, and he was approaching the other party step by step, and He Jiangdong could only pull Zheng Kuo back.


Fangzheng tilted his head, his eyes showing confusion:

"With Director He's status, why would he do such a thing?"

"My status?" He Jiangdong grinned and his eyes became complicated:

"What is my identity? What is my status?"

"Do you know how much my monthly salary is now?"

"Hmm..." Fang Zheng touched his chin:

"How many?"

"Seven thousand!" He Jiangdong spat wildly:

"I am the deputy director of the Public Security Department, and my monthly salary is only 7,000. I can't even have enough money for my children's milk powder at the end of the year!"

Seven thousand?

In fact, it’s not too little.

But definitely not too much.

You know, skilled porcelain craftsmen in Qu City can earn tens of thousands a month, so seven thousand is really not much.

"Then what..."

Fang Zheng pursed his lips:

"Don't you have good welfare benefits? It doesn't cost money to see a doctor, your house is subsidized, and there aren't that many places where you can spend money."


He Jiangdong snorted coldly:

"Every person I arrest, what comes out of their fingers is more than my annual salary. Do you think I will be willing to see this kind of thing every day?"

"I have been smart since I was a child and have studied hard for many years. My talent and hard work exceed those of most people, but I can only earn a little money."


His eyes were wide open and his expression was ferocious:

"Those people can own tens of millions of dollars just because they have strong connections. I have struggled all my life and I can't even afford a house."


Pointing at Zheng Kuo, He Jiangdong said:

"You don't have any skills, but you can inherit hundreds of millions of assets just because you are born well. Do you think it's fair?"

"Is the Zheng family's money clean?"

"I have understood a truth very early on: anything in this world that can be inherited through blood is immoral."

"But so what?"

"I have fought, but what has changed?"

Fangzheng was silent.

After a pause, he said:

"I don't understand any big principles. I only know that you killed my friend. You owe money to pay debts and kill people to pay for your life. It's just and fair."


He Jiangdong said angrily:

"Childish, what are friends? What has he given you? What do you owe him? It's just your wishful thinking."

"And...I can also be your friend!"

Having said this, his eyes lit up and he said:

"With your martial arts skills and my status in the Public Security Department, if we join forces, wouldn't we get whatever we want?"

"Maybe." Fang Zheng shrugged:

"But it definitely won't work in this life."

Before he finished speaking, He Jiangdong pushed Zheng Kuo fiercely, turned around and ran away.

They are definitely not opponents in action, and if they can't reach an agreement after talking, it is natural to save their lives first and leave first. We will talk about the necklace later.


Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes:

"Can you escape?"


His body flashed, and he jumped out as fast as a cheetah.

The speed is so fast that it can put the world champion to shame.

He Jiangdong, who was running wildly, turned around when he heard the sound. He was horrified when he saw Fang Zheng's speed, and swung the sharp blade behind him.


The sharp blade swiped across Fang Zheng's cheek. Seeing that he was about to get close to the opponent, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and pounced hard to the side.



Gunfire rang out.

Unlike the Su Weijun just now, He Jiangdong's marksmanship was precise, fast, and concealed, and he shot towards the rear from between his arms.

Missing a hit, he suddenly turned around and pulled the trigger repeatedly.



Founder's body was like a spiritual snake, twisting and turning in the grass. His body shape changed and his speed was astonishing. He ducked and hid behind a tree.


He let out a soft breath, and a layer of cold sweat quietly appeared on his forehead.

He lowered his head and looked at his right leg, where he saw a scratch from a bullet.

Good guy!

As expected of the deputy director of the Public Security Department, he was indeed insidious. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he might have fallen.


Even a third-blood warrior cannot defeat the sharp edge.

‘If I had known that we would encounter this situation, I would have brought a gun with me, and the Soviet Guards guy didn’t even leave a single bullet. ’

‘Trouble! ’

Several members of the Soviet Guards also had guns in their hands, as well as crossbows with short-range lethality comparable to pistols, but they did not pose much of a threat.

He Jiangdong is different.

This guy's marksmanship is amazing. He can hit almost anywhere within ten meters. Even he almost hit the target just now.


Seeing Fang Zheng avoid the bullet, He Jiangdong's heart couldn't help but shrink, and his eyes were filled with fear.

So fast!

This guy is simply not human. His explosive speed is extremely terrifying. His body movements are so flexible that he is faster than a monkey. He can avoid it even at such a close distance.

How did he do that?

His thoughts turned and he roared loudly:

"How do you want to give up?"


"I can give you money. Longgang's tens of millions of severance packages are in my hands. As long as you ask, the money will be yours."

"Mr. Zheng also has an overseas account with nearly 100 million US dollars in it. If you want, we can share it equally!"

He turned around, held the handle of the gun tightly, and said seriously:

"Boss Fang, I sincerely want to make friends with you. If you are willing, I can go to your friend's grave to pay my respects."

"No need to go to such trouble." Fang Zheng used the cover of trees to get closer and shouted:

"I will take your head to worship my friend."


He flashed and appeared behind He Jiangdong. The long knife on his back was unsheathed, and then he swayed and disappeared behind the tree.


The gunfire rang out, but only hit the trunk of the tree.

Five shots!

Fang Zheng took a deep breath and jumped out again. At the same time, he waved his hand and several stones shot out, heading towards He Jiangdong's front door.



Eight shots!

Fang Zheng hid behind the tree, his heart pounding, his blood and energy all over his body seemed to be boiling, and there was a surge of heat coming from his internal organs.

This feeling of passing by on the edge of life and death was really too exciting, and it made all the cells in his body agitate.

Many martial arts, methods, and luck came to mind one by one.

Refining the internal organs,

There seems to be some progress.

Fortunately, he has not stopped practicing Diao Chan Jin these days, which makes his internal organs very resilient, otherwise it would be really dangerous.

Come again!


Figures flickered.


Gunfire rang out.


After successive misses, the bullets in the pistol became less and less. He Jiangdong's expression began to be full of panic, and he kept retreating backwards.

"Do you really want to kill everyone?"

"I have money!"

"I have a house in Haizhou and Kyoto each worth tens of millions. As long as you ask, I will transfer the property rights to your name."


He Jiangdong looked up to the sky and roared:

"Be a human being and don't bully others too much!"

Thirteen shots!

Fang Zheng seemed to have never heard He Jiangdong's voice. The number of gunshots going off ran through his mind one by one, and he ducked and approached again.



He Jiangdong's pistol was not fully loaded, and with a crisp click, his face instantly turned pale.


Fang Zheng's eyes lit up and he suddenly swooped forward.

With his speed and the distance between the two of them, even if He Jiangdong carried the magazine with him, there would be enough time to change the magazine.


He Jiangdong suddenly turned around and raised his left hand slightly.


Fang Zheng's eyes narrowed, and the hair on his body exploded. A cold feeling rushed from his tailbone to the back of his head, making his body suddenly stiffen.

Second gun!

He Jiangdong actually had a second gun on him!


He Jiangdong snorted softly, the fear and anxiety on his face had disappeared, and he showed a sinister expression. He looked straight at Fang Zheng and pulled the trigger hard.

Not only did he have a second gun, but he also practiced holding it in his left hand just for emergencies.


Even the panic just now was just a disguise.


All for this moment.


Gunfire rang out.


At the same time as the gunshot, a melodious sound of a knife also rippled through the field, and the surrounding dead branches and leaves were repulsed by invisible force.

One word, clear heart!


There was nothing in front of Fang Zheng's eyes, and time seemed to freeze here. There was only one escaped bullet approaching him.


The long knife drew an arc in the air and struck the bullet at an incredible speed, and then the light of the knife suddenly became bright.

dark night,

It seemed like a sudden light.

Fang Zheng landed heavily.

He Jiangdong's body stiffened. He slowly lowered his head and looked at Fang Zheng on the ground. His face was full of surprise and disbelief, and he said slowly:

"Good...fast knife."

The words just fell.

A bloodstain appeared between his eyebrows. The bloodstain expanded and extended to his crotch, completely splitting him in two.


The two halves of the body fell to the ground at the same time.

Fang Zheng was lying on the ground, looking up at the stars. It seemed as if all his strength had been exhausted. It was extremely difficult to even move his fingers.

a long time.

"Wow... wow..."

The siren of the Sheriff's Department sounded in the distance.

Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly, he struggled to get up from the ground, rolled over He Jiangdong, and then glanced at Zheng Kuo who was hiding behind the tree.

A dodge,

Already disappeared in place.




"Fang Zheng?"

On the way back to the car.

Zheng Kuo curled up and wrapped himself in a thick blanket. His lips were pale and bloodless. He just nodded repeatedly in the face of Zhou Ping's questions.

Beside him, Zhao Jin, whose eyes were dull, moved slightly when he heard Fang Zheng's name, and then fell into dead silence again.


Officer Lin put down his cell phone, turned around and said:

"There were five corpses on the boat, four from Su Weijun, one from He Shu... and one from He Jiangdong. The murderer killed ten people in total."


He hesitated for a moment and whispered:

"He Jiangdong and Su Weijun both have guns in their hands."

In martial arts dramas broadcast on TV, people often say that I have to fight ten people with one person, but in fact it is almost impossible to fight ten people with one person.

Unless the gap is too big.

And almost all of the ten people who died tonight were burly men and ruthless.

The key is……

And guns!

In this situation, all people are killed, and the person who takes action...

Really human?

Zhou Ping did not speak, and rarely even ordered to summon Fang Zheng. Instead, he lowered his head and fell into deep thought, not knowing what he was thinking.


The wheels scraped against the ground and stopped at the intersection of the official road.


The back door opens.

Councilor Zhao, who looked excited, rushed into the carriage first and looked at Zhao Jin, who had a dull look in his eyes:

"Jin'er, you're okay. It's great that you're okay."

He was excited and incoherent. He didn't know where to put his hands. He just held Zhao Jin's arm and shook it back and forth, with tears in his eyes.

Opposite the excited Councilor Zhao, Zhao Jin's expression was extremely indifferent, even showing an undisguised disgust.

"I'm fine. Are you disappointed?"

"Why do you say that?" Councilor Zhao stiffened:

"I am your father."

"Yes!" Zhao Jin suddenly stood up with a crazy expression and roared loudly:

"I'm so honored to have a father like you. You regard your daughter as a bargaining chip in the election. You are really a good father to me!"

"I should die!"

"If I die, it will be easier for my dad to run for office, right?"


"Don't touch me!"

"Jin'er." Councilor Zhao looked pale and his hands were trembling:

"It's not like this……"


Qian Ni coughed lightly from below:

"Director Zhou, can you come down and say a few words?"


Zhou Ping looked embarrassed and hurriedly got out of the car.

When the two of them came to a deserted place, Qian Ni whispered:

"Congressmen already know what happened. The Public Security Department made every effort to rescue the kidnapped hostages. They were not afraid of the brutality of the gangsters and killed the kidnappers one by one."

"However, two hostages were unfortunately killed..."

"Wait a minute." Zhou Ping raised his hand and said in a solemn voice:

"Secretary Qian, the matter was over when we came here."

"It's not us who save people..."

"Who is that?" Qian Ni raised his eyebrows.

"It's Fang Zheng." Zhou Ping said:

"Zheng Kuo said it himself."

"Then he must have seen it wrong." Qian Ni shook his head:

"I talked to Boss Fang on the phone. He said that he has been staying in Qilipu today and has not gone anywhere or been here."

"..." Zhou Ping opened his mouth.

"What?" Qian Ni said:

"Director Zhou, do you have evidence that Boss Fang has been here? The evidence alone cannot be established. Zheng Kuo's words alone cannot be used as evidence."

Zhou Ping was silent.

"As for He Jiangdong..." Qian Niang narrowed his eyes:

"This person secretly colluded with the kidnappers. He was actually a bully who brought trouble to one side, and was related to Fuhong's restructuring and beating of the chairman of Datong."

"He Jiangdong and Mr. Zheng are the obstacles to the restructuring."


"Now that everything has been resolved and the two of them have been brought to justice, Director Zhou shouldn't have any objections, right?"

Zhou Ping raised his head and didn't say anything for a long time.

"I know that Director Zhou has been investigating He Jiangdong. The reason why He Jiangdong took such a dangerous risk to find Mr. Zheng was because he noticed your actions." Qian Ni said:

"The credit is yours."

Zhou Ping shook his head.




Brand street.

Fang Zheng got out of the car, patted his sleeves, and walked forward.

He made an appointment with the owner of Mai Mi Club to discuss the matter.

Ten p.m.

Except for certain types of work that require overtime, most people have eaten and drank enough, or are scrolling through their mobile phones or lying in bed.

And here it is.

The busyness has just begun.

"handsome guy."

A slightly pungent aroma came from behind, and the soft touch made Fang Zheng avoid it subconsciously, and turned around to ask:

"Is something wrong?"

Behind him is a woman about thirty years old.

Thanks to the good environment provided by modern society, women in their thirties do not look old, and can even be said to be in their prime.

Belongs to the age of just ripeness.

The youthfulness has faded away, and she knows how to take care of men better.

The woman has average facial features but an excellent figure.

She is also very good at showing off her own advantages. Her tight-fitting long skirt highlights her graceful figure, while her face is covered with heavy makeup.

The colorful lights add a bit of charm.

"Would you like to play?"

The woman smiled and said:

"Not expensive."

Fang Zheng turned his head and looked at the other party's somewhat stiff smile, slightly worried eyes, and hands that he didn't know where to place.



"..." The woman opened her mouth and smiled dryly:

"I'm new here, but I'm very clean, so this handsome guy can rest assured."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng raised his head and glanced around, a flash of doubt in his eyes:

"A lot of new people have come here recently."

"Yes." The woman nodded, pointed to several women soliciting customers nearby, and said:

"We are retired from good fortune. We used to be from good families. Now we have no choice but to find something to do here."

"Why do you do this?" Fang Zheng shook his head.

“If you don’t do this, what else can you do?”

The woman smiled bitterly:

"So many people have been laid off all of a sudden. There are several times more women on the street, and the prices are cheaper. Do you want to give it a try, handsome guy?"

She is still diligent about her business.

Fang Zheng shook his head, took out a few hundred dollars and put it in the woman's hand, then stepped forward.

Along the way.

There was a constant flow of warblings, and from time to time someone made a deal.

Who knows, among them...

How many good families?

How many families?

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