Hearing people say it is far inferior to seeing it with your own eyes.

After leaving Fang Mansion, Fang Zheng's private carriage drove on the avenue. It was not as convenient as in the past. It had to stop and go, avoiding pedestrians from time to time.

The car curtain opens.

The crowds of people on the road were far denser than usual.

Luo Baotou said that the number of people pouring into the county recently has more than doubled the original population.

Never noticed it before.


It’s really seen.

The heavy snowfall a few days ago has just melted, and the snow seeped into the soil, turning the previously solid ground into a muddy mess.

Especially on the streets, there is a mixture of mud and dirt.

And individual figures are squatting, lying down, or leaning on the street corner. They are all in tattered clothes, their eyes are dull, and they are silent, like frozen sculptures.

There were shirtless, skinny children lying in the arms of their parents, snuggling for warmth.

There were old men covered in frostbite and even shivering, kneeling on their knees and holding up their skinny hands, begging for food.

"Poor, pitiful..."

"The great virtuous man..."

"Enjoy the stuttering food..."

Even the sound of begging was feeble.

Most of them had dull eyes, lying there motionless and lifeless, as if they were numb to despair about life and the future.

The carriage moved on.

Refugees lying on the street came into view one after another.


Too much!

They are densely packed, covering all the streets and pavements, leaving no gaps.

There were so many that even Fang Zheng, who had always been optimistic, had to look gloomy, and he felt as if there was a heavy lead hanging in his heart and he couldn't breathe.

How could so many refugees appear in just a few days?

"My boss."

Li San, who was driving, was good at observing words and expressions. He saw the confusion in Fang Zheng's eyes and whispered:

"The city gate is broken for some reason. It is being repaired these days, so there are so many refugees coming in. Normally, these refugees are outside the city."

"At that time, no one knew when he would die."

Founder is clear.

Still remember.

When he first came to this world, it was a cold winter like now, and the heavy snow had just passed, but he almost didn't make it through the night.


Two years have passed.

In the past two years, earth-shaking changes have taken place in him, but the lives of ordinary people in the different world have not improved at all, and may even get worse.

Arriving at Fangshi, the number of refugees finally decreased.

There are people from the government here to maintain order. The shop doors face outwards, and refugees are not allowed to block the door and affect their business. It is even more lively because of too many outsiders.

A cheerful voice came from the front.

"Crack the bamboo board, walk forward, and come to Zhang's clothing store."

"Ready-made clothing store, look around, the business here is extraordinary."

"Those who come from the south, those who go north, and those who buy in large quantities."

"Wave after wave, wave after wave..."

A group of beggars entered a clothing store holding bamboo sticks and broken bowls, shaking their heads. The beggar in front smiled and raised his bowl to beg.

Then he sang:

"Look at the boss, he's so happy. How many coins can he give?"

"The boss lady is so pretty and has a pretty little cherry mouth."

"Liu Yemei, Xiaomanyao, just pay for it."

"Five or ten is never too little, the God of Wealth will look for you every year!"

"Here, here!"

All the beggars agreed.

The boss hurriedly took out a few copper coins from his purse, put them in a broken bowl, and pushed the beggars away with his hands.

The landlady turned pale and hid behind the boss. Instead of the joy of being complimented, there was a hint of panic and fear in her eyes.

"It's a gang of beggars."

Li San was introduced by Wu Hai. He had been hanging out on the street for a long time in the early years and was more familiar with the situation in front of him than others.

He whispered:

"My boss, beggar gangs are not ordinary beggars. Most of them have certain organizations, and the leaders are quite capable."

"That's all if I can get money."

"If they can't get it, they will hold a grudge in their hearts, and it's all trivial to secretly sabotage business. It's not surprising that it's common to seek money, murder, and rape women."

Fang Zheng nodded slowly.

These beggars are all young. Although their clothes are in tatters, their complexions are ruddy and their eyes are bright. They are completely different from the refugees on the road.

Look at what happened just now.

It was said to be begging, but more like grabbing money.

The carriage moved on.

"It's time to give out porridge!"

"The master of Wenxiang Sect is here to give porridge!"


The shouts came from not far away, and the crowd became restless and began to rush towards the direction of the sound. From a height, it looked like a wriggling ant colony.

"Wen Xiang Cult?"

Fangzheng said curiously:

"Li San, do you know about this sect?"

"I don't know." Li San shook his head and said:

"I have never heard of the Wenxiang Sect when I was little, and it was only in the past few days that I learned that there is a group of people giving porridge in the city in the name of the Wenxiang Sect."

"The porridge they serve is very generous and can fill your stomach. It's completely different from the one at the Yamen."


Pursing his lips, Li San lowered his voice and said:

"My boss, who preaches and accepts believers when disasters are rampant, is most likely a cult!"

"However, because they have been giving out porridge, there are too many people and refugees guarding the place where they are giving out porridge, which can easily cause chaos, so the people from the Yamen did not use force."

For the refugees, the Wenxiang Sect is their only savior. If the Yamen dares to take action, it will definitely cause chaos.

Fang Zheng understood and said again:

"Is there really a mage?"

"Impossible." Li San shook his head repeatedly:

"I've seen their so-called 'magicians', they are just a few low-class magicians who use blinding methods to confuse ordinary people."


"How could it be possible to be ranked second in a county?"

"Ha..." Fang Zheng chuckled:

"Refugees, beggar gangs, and the Wenxiang Sect, Gu'an County is really becoming more and more chaotic."


Li San nodded, looking worried.




Coiled Snake Martial Arts School.

Che Zhongyang, the handsome and tall third disciple of the martial arts school, stepped out, his eyes fell on Fang Zheng, he snorted softly, stretched out his hand and pointed inward:

"Master Fang, please!"

"Thank you."

Fang Zheng handed over.

Che Zhongyang is Du Qiaoyun's husband, an outstanding disciple of the martial arts school, with third-level cultivation, and the future master of the martial arts school.

He didn't have a good impression of Fang Zheng.

Because during the time he left, Du Qiaoyun was almost defeated first. Although Du Qiaoyun denied this in every possible way, the soft sword was the evidence.

He couldn't afford such a good soft sword after years of hard work, but it was given away by a man named Fang. Who would believe it if he said there was nothing wrong with it?


Everything is over.

The junior sister had her heart set on me, but the one named Fang couldn't get her.

Arriving in the backyard, Du Sheng was lying on a soft chair to rest.

After not seeing him for a while, he looked more and more haggard, with wrinkles on his face and sparse hair on his head, like an old man in his nineties.

The energy and blood in his body was extremely weak, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind.


Che Zhongyang came closer and spoke in a low voice:

"Master Fang is here."

"Well..." Du Sheng slowly opened his eyes, his cloudy eyes were dim, looked in the direction of Fang Zheng, and waved his hand:


"Senior Du." Fang Zheng put down the gift in his hand:

"I brought some ginseng over here to replenish my body."

"I'm determined." Du Sheng chuckled and shook his head:

"But I don't need it anymore."

He knows his body well. Ever since the battle with the Green Wolf Gang, he has been severely injured and difficult to treat. He is only able to hold on until now with medicine.

He wouldn't live long.


After squinting at Fang Zheng, Du Sheng's eyes flashed:

"Master Fang, are you successful in refining your internal organs?"

Hearing this, Che Zhongyang couldn't help but look surprised. He turned his head and saw that this man had become a third-blood warrior like himself?

"You can't hide it from Senior Du." Fang Zheng admired and handed over his hand:

"Just refining the internal organs."

"Young Master Fang deserves to have a profound background. He has reached the third level of blood in just two years." Du Sheng praised in audio:

"If you practice martial arts early, I'm afraid you will have gained your true energy."

He attributed Fang Zheng's rapid progress in martial arts to a good foundation, which further confirmed that Fang Zheng was born in a great family and could develop his body like this without practicing martial arts.

Little did I know.

Fang Zheng really only started practicing martial arts two years ago.

Today's achievements are due to the resources of the two worlds, and they have nothing to do with the so-called mysterious family.

But this needs no explanation.

Can't explain it either.

"Senior Du."

Fangzheng raised his hands and asked:

"Stepping into the third level of blood, Fang only knew that he had to gather his energy and blood to attack the realm of true energy, but he didn't know exactly how to do it."

"That's why I came here to ask my senior for advice."

"Ha..." Du Sheng chuckled, his voice hoarse:

"Master Fang thinks too highly of Du. I'm just a third-blood person. I've never set foot in the True Qi realm, so I don't know much about it."

His voice paused slightly, he slowly sat up straight and said:

"As for condensing Qi and blood, it is mostly a unique secret method, and it is not convenient to reveal it even if there are ancestral teachings."



"Yes." Che Zhongyang held his hands.

"Go and get that copy of "Hu Zhenren Talks about the Changes of Qi and Blood." Du Sheng said:

"Send it to Young Master Fang."

"This..." Che Zhongyang's expression changed, and then he sighed helplessly:


Watching Che Zhongyang leave, Du Sheng chuckled and shook his head:

"young people……"

"Condensing Qi and blood is easy to say and difficult to say, but there are many talks about it in the methods you practice. Don't you know, Mr. Fang?"

"I don't know." Fang Zheng sat upright:

"I was about to ask for advice."

"The so-called three changes of qi and blood are all quenching the body." Du Sheng's voice was tired, but he still managed to speak:

"The strength of the skin and flesh, the strength of the periosteum, and the essence of the five internal organs are all changes in qi and blood. Condensing qi and blood is the self-integration of the power of the skin, flesh, periosteum, and internal organs."

"Three of them are combined into one, and when you raise your hands or feet, you have tremendous strength, and you can hit the realm of true energy."

"However, the condensation of Qi and blood damages the essence of the body and cannot be used more than once. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to succeed in the true Qi realm a second time."


"It may cause a huge loss of strength."

"So I, Luo Baotou, and Xu Seng all know that there is no hope of attacking, so they will not force it anymore. However, Mr. Fang can give it a try when his energy and blood are strong."

Fang Zheng frowned, secretly crying in his heart.

He is no longer a novice in martial arts. It can even be said that he has learned from hundreds of schools of thought and is much better than Du Sheng in terms of martial arts background.

So as soon as the other person opened his mouth, he knew something was wrong.

Integrate Qi and blood?

Panshe Martial Arts School uses consistent methods for skin refining, bone refining, and internal organs refining. Even the martial arts are from the same origin, so integrating them is naturally simple.

And he...

The martial arts learned are all kinds of different, but there is no one focus at all. How to integrate them?

Even if you can,

I'm afraid it's not as easy as imagined.


While talking, Che Zhongyang came back with a book, threw the book to Fang Zheng, and hurried to Du Sheng to help him lie down.

"You are not in good health and cannot speak so much."

"Senior Du."

Fang Zheng stood up at the right time:

"I won't bother you any more."

"Brother Fang." At this time, a familiar voice sounded from behind, which also made Che Zhongyang curl his lips, with a slight displeasure on his face.

Qian Yingxing came and said crisply:

"We've just arrived, why rush to leave? Why don't you just sit down?"

"Miss Du." Fang Zheng turned around and was slightly startled when his eyes fell on Du Qiaoyun:

"This is..."


Visible to the naked eye, Du Qiaoyun's belly was slightly bulging, indicating that she was already pregnant. In this case, it would take at least several months to carry the child.

"Not bad." Che Zhongyang walked up to Du Qiaoyun, supported his lover with one hand and caressed his slightly bulging belly with the other, and said proudly:

"Young master Fang, don't forget to come over when the child celebrates his full moon."

Du Qiaoyun looked shy and gently patted her husband's hand away.


Fang Zheng nodded:


"Miss Du is not pregnant yet. She is pregnant at this time. From now on..."

Giving birth to a child will definitely consume a lot of energy and blood, and then you have to work hard to take care of the baby. It can be said that the future of martial arts is ruined. Real heroes among women will only consider the matter of children after they have succeeded in martial arts.

"It doesn't matter." Che Zhongyang's eyes narrowed:

"I will protect her."

"Young Master Lao Fang is worried." Du Qiaoyun sighed:

"I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve the third level of blood, and... I don't regret it."






Several strong horses galloped on the muddy road. When they were approaching a manor, several people on the horses turned over and jumped down.

Strong body shape.

There were already more than ten people dressed in white waiting at the entrance of the manor.

When the leader fell to the ground, the men in white all knelt down on one knee and shouted:

"Welcome Master Jia Xiang!"

"Welcome Master Jia Xiang!"


The loud shouting made the rich man next to him even more frightened.

White Lotus Sect!

This group of people occupied his own manor and used it as a stronghold for the congregation to gather. Although he was unwilling to do so, he did not dare to complain.


But if anything goes wrong, he will kill someone!


Jia Xiangzhu had plain features and a scar on his face. He nodded when he heard the voice, looked up at the big red lantern hanging at the door of the manor, and grinned:

"Whose place is this?"

"Master of Hui Xiang." The rich man's body trembled, he hurriedly stepped forward, cupped his hands and said:

"It's a place for villains."

"I heard that the incense master is coming. I have already ordered my servants to prepare wine and food. I have also decorated the place with lanterns and colorful decorations to welcome the incense master."

"Yeah." Jia Xiangzhu looked sideways with a strange look in his eyes:

"Do you know who we are?"

"This..." The rich man hesitated and whispered tentatively:

"Wen Xiang Cult?"

"Zhenren Wenxiang is one of the real protectors of our religion. Why do we teach?" Lord Jiaxiang raised his hands to the sky and asked again.

"White Lotus Sect." The rich man said:

"The younger one is also a member of the White Lotus Church and is willing to use his family property to worship the Holy Mother."

"So you know!" Jia Xiangzhu sighed.


The rich man looked up, looking puzzled.

"You know, why do you still use red lanterns?" Master Jia Xiang's expression suddenly changed, and he appeared in front of the rich man in a flash, slapped his hand out, and cursed angrily:

"Don't you know that red is unlucky for us in the White Lotus Sect?"


The air made an explosive sound under his palm.

The rich man's head was whipped with a huge force, and he rotated 360 degrees on his neck. His body lifted off the ground and landed heavily several meters away, making no sound anymore.

The bones in his neck cracked, and he was already dead and could no longer die.


Jia Xiang advocated spitting on the ground with a sinister look on his face:


"court death!"

The faces of the people behind the rich man instantly turned pale, their arms trembled, and there was a smell of urine. It was clear that some people were frightened by the scene in front of them and became incontinent.

"Incense Master." A man in white clasped his fists and cupped his hands:

"I will change it into a white lantern, and the red satin inside will be replaced by white silk."


Master Jia Xiang nodded obediently and stepped forward:

"Is Lord Liu Xiang here?"


"Lead the way to find him."



A melancholy sound.

A young man with a beautiful face sat in the middle, hugging several women on the left and right, looking drunk and laughing from time to time.

The women's appearance was not outstanding, and their ages varied. Some could even be mother and daughter, but he obviously didn't care, and even enjoyed it a little.

Seeing several people approaching, the man smiled and said:

"Brother Jia is here!"

"Sit down quickly, you guys go accompany Master Jia Xiang."

He stretched out his hand and separated several women in the field. The women's eyes were frightened, but they did not dare to resist his understanding. They obeyed the instructions and approached Master Jia Xiang honestly.

"No need."

Master Jia Xiang waved his hand to separate the women, with a gloomy look on his face:

"Jia is not a womanizer. Master Liu Xiang, you should keep it for yourself."

"Pah!" The man patted his forehead, his face suddenly filled with realization:

"I forgot that Master Jia Xiang's practice requires abstaining from female sex. Hey... I have lost more than half of the joy of life. Why bother?"

"Heavy snow has sealed the mountain." Jia Xiangzhu's expression remained unchanged and he said:

"The Master estimates that there will be a heavy snowfall nearby in a few days. This means that Gu'an County is now an isolated city. Even if trouble breaks out, reinforcements will not arrive within half a month."


"We come back again and again, and we may not be able to arrive in a month."

"We can start!"

The man narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. There was enthusiasm in his eyes, and he stretched out his five fingers and inserted them into the chest of the woman next to him.


With one hand, he took out a still beating heart.


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