"What happened that night? Why did it feel like I suddenly had an enlightenment? Could it be that I am really a genius in martial arts?"

In the courtyard.

Fangzheng held his hands in a virtual embrace, like Tai Chi.

He slowly circled back and forth a few feet away, his movements slow and weak, like an old man exercising in the park early in the morning.


The internal organs, skin, flesh, muscles and bones in the body are trembling in an orderly manner, and invisible huge force is transmitted through the fingertips.

If you press it casually, you may have a huge force. If you step lightly, you can make a dent in the blue brick if you want.

At this time, he suddenly reached the state of having a god in his fist.

Commonly known as,

Martial arts will!

In this modern society, among the people who have practiced martial arts in ancient and modern times, there are clear records of only two people who have truly achieved this state.

There is spirit in the fist, and the strength can reach the ends of the hair.

Fangzheng moved his muscles and bones, feeling the changes inside and outside his body that were completely different from before.

It's hard to describe this feeling in words, it's like...

Do whatever you want!


As soon as the thought occurs, the energy and blood rise and fall, and the strength is everywhere, as if the inherent seal of the body has been opened, making it transparent.

This is a significantly stronger state than entering the bone marrow.

With the same physique, if there is a spirit in the fist, the force erupting from the bone marrow can be increased by more than 30%, and the reaction speed will be faster.

If we were to face Cai Jiuyuan at this time, even if we didn't have to kill him one word, we would still have a 60-70% chance of winning.

The key is,

Today, Fang Zheng has entered the third level of blood for the first time, and his strength is still growing rapidly.


The essence of the body blends with the spirit, and the eyes can emit a chilling light.

It is no longer an illusory feeling, but a will that can be real and not empty.

With the improvement of cultivation and the strengthening of thoughts, it may not be impossible to make people fall to their knees with no resistance with just one look.

It is recorded in ancient books that Sheng Yue Wu could force back an army with a gun alone, and Zhenren Zhang could scare away a group of tigers with just one look. That's it.

And he,

We are walking on the path of our predecessors.

"Actually, it's normal."

The Mo Yun Hidden Thunder Heart Technique transports qi and blood. Thanks to the blessing of martial arts will, even the speed of condensing qi and blood increases a lot.

Fang Zheng changed his mind:

"I have the supreme Taoist foundation forged by hundreds of days of foundation building, and I have studied hundreds of schools of thought. I have mastered all kinds of martial arts, and I have also practiced the concept of enhancing the power of the soul."

"And the cultivation level of three bloods."

"Both the physical body and the strength of the soul are far more powerful than those of ancient warriors, and they also have the guidance of powerful men from other worlds."

“There’s no reason why I can’t do things that my predecessors could do.”


Pushing gently with one hand, strength burst out from the palm of his hand, and a breeze blew up in the field, causing the soft training clothes on his body to tremble.

"Before Yue Wusheng, there was no one in the world who had a god in his fists; before Zhenren Zhang, there was no one in the world who could refine the internal organs, but Fang..."

"Standing on the shoulders of giants, we are where we are today."

"But even so, I should be a martial arts genius, right?"

Grinning, Fang Zheng shook his head slightly.

Unexpectedly, he felt the power of birth and death of thunder from the vowel thunder method, which not only allowed him to understand the realm of God in the fist, but also gained a deeper understanding of what he had learned.

The integration of many martial arts gradually took a new shape.


His own technique!

"Do whatever you want, all things will be unified..."

"Let's call it Xinyi Fist!"

It is called this because, firstly, the boxing method is indeed heart-centered and not limited to specific moves, and secondly, it is also because of Xingyiquan.


This is the boxing technique that Fang Zheng first came into contact with.

The predecessor of Xingyiquan was also called Xinyiquan.

"The method of transporting qi and blood and transporting energy and exerting force is almost the same whether it is in another world or here. It may even be stronger here."

Fang Zheng shook his sleeves lightly, stood in a three-position pose, and murmured to himself:

"After all, there are Taoist techniques, secret techniques, and true Qi realm warriors in this other world. There is no need to spend too much effort on transporting Qi and blood."

"The dojo is placed in a screw shell just because of the limitation of vision."


"When it comes to the skills of power generation in the body-refining realm, at least the warriors in Gu'an County are far inferior to me, so they can be considered a small trump card."

"Da da……"

The sound of footsteps also caused his movements to pause slightly.

"Boss Fang."

A hotel service staff appeared not far away, bowed his head and said:

"The party has begun."


Fang Zheng slowly put away his movements:

"Come here."


A few days ago, Councilor Zhao successfully defeated his competitors by five points and was elected as the new mayor of Qu City.


It was a banquet for him to prepare for the successful election.

The people invited naturally have a certain status in Qu City, either business celebrities or celebrities.


Also one of the invitees.

As Fang Ci's influence gradually expanded, he had a place in both the Qushi Porcelain Industry Guild and merchant organizations.

He can even be regarded as the most dazzling celebrity entrepreneur in recent years.

Even though he is relatively low-key, he often disappears without knowing his whereabouts. He never accepts interviews, and no photos have even been released.

Today, Fang Zheng is wearing custom-made casual clothes, as old-fashioned as ever. He walks among the crowd with his hands behind his back, nodding from time to time when he meets acquaintances.

In the middle of the banquet, Councilor Zhao...Mayor Zhao was speaking.

"The top priority now is to solve the problem of Fuhong's restructuring as soon as possible, as well as the working families whose income has dropped sharply due to the restructuring."

Zhao Jiaxin was wearing a suit, with a serious expression on his face, and said in a deep voice:

"In addition, the restructuring has exposed many problems. My view remains the same. If there are problems, investigate the problems. If there is corruption, investigate the corruption."

"No matter who you are, as long as there is a problem or if it is found out, you must not lift it up high and put it down gently."


His voice was solemn and his face was upright.

Under the continuous shooting and recording, there is no blind spot in the physical performance, and the fullness of emotions makes people moved.

Faced with the inquiries from invited reporters, he talked eloquently.

"In recent months, tens of thousands of working-class families have flooded into the market. Many people cannot find suitable jobs and have gone to places they shouldn't go."

Zhao Jiaxin sighed:

"I heard that many housewives became prostitutes and even used their homes as business premises to attract customers."

"This kind of behavior is very undesirable, but..."

"We should also realize what makes them make such a decision. I believe no one is willing to do such a thing."

"Strictly investigating prostitutes is one thing, but solving people's living problems is fundamental..."


There was thunderous applause.

The photographer took photos of Zhao Jiaxin repeatedly. The reporter took out his notes and wrote something down. He must have thought about tomorrow's promotional draft.

Fang Zheng sighed:

"That is nice."

"Humph!" A disdainful voice sounded:

"Before each speech, he had to practice many times at home and receive guidance from experts. Of course, he performed very well, but a performance is still a performance after all."

"Can't hide his selfish nature!"

"You have too much resentment." Fang Zheng did not look back, looked at the people on the stage, and said calmly:

"But the people believe that what is going to be done next is indeed good for the people. Your father is an excellent politician."


Zhao Jin snorted coldly, looking at the stage with eyes full of disgust:

"That's because they haven't seen his true face. I can't wait to go up and tear his face apart to see if his heart is black."

"He is your father." Fang Zheng frowned:

"No need to be too vicious."

"Father?" Zhao Jin clasped his hands:

"The father who left his daughter in the hands of robbers and ignored me? The father who threw me abroad and didn't call me once for a year?"

Fangzheng was silent.

"Boss Fang." At this time, Xia Hong, who was wearing a backless dress, came over. She held a glass of red wine in her hand and took a sip with her beautiful eyes gleaming:

"It's been a while since I last saw you. You've become more and more charming."

This is true.

Although Fang Zheng is not ugly, he is too balanced in all aspects, and his first impression is that he is ordinary.

But since practicing martial arts.

He is equivalent to a second growth, his height has increased a lot, his body is slender and not weak, and he also has a strong masculine spirit.

Even the skin has become much tighter.

Xia Hong likes this kind of man the most. He has connotation and a manly flavor. Otherwise, he wouldn't tease him again and again.


There are differences again.

Today's Founder is majestic and majestic, and the movement of his eyes carries a kind of captivating power. Just looking at him makes people's hearts beat faster.

Look at the whole scene.

Upon closer inspection, it turns out that no one can match it.

Even the proud member of the Zhao family, Councilor Zhao, had an aura that was more frivolous than the one in front of him.

So manly!

Xia Hong licked the corner of her mouth, feeling hot all over her body, and subconsciously wanted to move closer to Fang Zheng.

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Jin stood sideways and stopped in front of her, his eyes cold:

"I haven't heard the ancients say: men and women cannot be intimate, and you are married and have children, so don't get so close to Brother Fang."

"It turns out to be Miss Zhao." Xia Hong smiled delicately:

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention just now."

"Hmph!" Zhao Jinqiong wrinkled her nose slightly:

"Who can you see?"

The look in this woman's eyes just now almost made her tremble. She was still wearing such revealing clothes, her buttocks were almost exposed. It was so shameless.

She gestured backward and said:

"Xia, your husband is flirting with another woman behind the scenes, why don't you go and see?"


Xia Hong looked back and shook her head gently:

"Don't pay attention to him."

"Boss Fang, I just wanted to report to you on the recent publicity situation. By the way... celebrities from the Southern Dynasty will come to hold a meeting in a while. If Fang Ci is interested in investing, we can take the opportunity to promote it. Square porcelain.”

"Maybe, maybe I can go abroad."

"For business matters, you can contact Wen Lei." Fang Zheng said calmly:

"I've been busy with some things recently, so I don't have time for the moment."

Xia Hong has Wen Lei’s contact information.


During this period, Fang Ci's business was almost entirely handled by Wen Lei, and he had little involvement in production, sales or promotion.

"Oh!" Xia Hong pursed her lips and said curiously:

"Boss Fang is really a busy man. I heard from Manager Wen that you often go missing and can't be found. It makes me wonder what you are busy with."

"..." Fang Zheng thought for a while and said:

"Practice martial arts."

"Hehe..." Xia Hong smiled coquettishly, her body trembling wildly, her beautiful figure rippling against the backdrop of her tight-fitting dress.


Zhao Jin cursed in his heart.

But she had to admit that Xia Hong's figure was exaggeratedly good, like a ripe peach, and even she was a little envious of it.

"Boss Fang is really good at joking. With your current wealth, why do you need to practice martial arts?"


She looked Fangzheng up and down, her gaze paused below, and said:

"Even if you don't mention your net worth, how many people can match your skill, Boss Fang? Could it be that... you are the legendary martial arts idiot?"

"Maybe." Fang Zheng chuckled, looking sideways not far away:

"The congressman is here."

"Boss Fang!"

The new member of the Zhao family has not yet arrived, but the voice has already preceded him. With an enthusiastic face, he stretched out his hand to hold Fang Zheng, swaying back and forth, and said with gratitude:

"Thank you, thank you for your support!"

"Mr. Zhao, you're welcome." Fang Zheng smiled lightly:

"I believe my choice is right, so many people support you."

"Yes." Zhao Jiaxin said:

"I will definitely not let down the people's expectations, and Xiao Jin..."

He looked at the cold-faced Zhao Jin beside him, sighed, reached out and patted Fang Zheng on the shoulder, leaned closer, and whispered:

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Fang Zheng shook his head.

That night, Zhao Jin was kidnapped by Su Weijun, Pan Zi and others, and he was the one who rescued him. This could not be said clearly, but several people knew it.

That's why.

Zhao Jin's attitude has changed drastically recently, and she has gradually become closer to Fang Zheng, and even stopped looking for her friends.

"Boss Fang."

Zhao Jiaxin left, but his secretary Qian Ni did not follow him. Instead, he smiled and shook hands with Fang Zheng:

"The business of square porcelain is getting better and better, and Lei Zhaohong porcelain is even more exquisite among porcelains. My father-in-law has always wanted to buy it but has never been able to buy it."

"Really?" Fang Zheng said:

"Next time the kiln opens, I will ask someone to keep one piece, but I will give it to Secretary Qian."

"Really?" Qian Ni's eyes lit up:

"Then thank you very much. I will pay the amount when the time comes. Don't forget it, Boss Fang."

"Forget about the money." Fang Zheng waved his hand:

"I'll send money to the secretary."

"No, no." Qian Ni waved his hands repeatedly:

"I don't dare to ask you to do this. If Mr. Zhao hears about it, my position as secretary may be over. I can pay as much as I want."

"In this way..." Fang Zheng didn't force it:

"Oh well."

"One more thing." Qian Ni said:

"The mining license required by Boss Fang should be available in a while, and then you can mine jade by yourself."

"But the output there may not be high, so you have to be mentally prepared."

"It doesn't matter." Fang Zheng's eyes lit up:

"Thank you!"

If he has a mining license, he can 'produce' jade by himself. In the past year, too much jade has flowed into the market through his hands.

Already arousing suspicion in some people.

With a mining license, you can cover up one or two things.

This is one of the reasons why businessmen invest in congressmen. As long as the status of the other party rises, the businessmen will be able to reap sufficient benefits.

"It should be." Qian Ni continued:

"There is also the mining scope of Fugui Porcelain Factory. Since Yuanjia Village has no objection, it can definitely be approved, but some places need to be blasted."

"Boss Fang should know about this, right?"

"Understood." Fang Zheng nodded with a smile on his face:

"Don't worry, I'm already contacting a qualified demolition unit. It will definitely not disturb the residents or damage the original terrain."

"That's not it..." Qian Ni came closer and whispered:

"Some people say that Boss Fang is secretly hoarding high-risk explosives. This is a serious matter. Mr. Zhao asked me to warn you."

"With your method, you shouldn't need explosives, right?"

"Yes." Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly:

"I see."

It's not useful here, but not necessarily in another world.




Different world.

Fang Mansion.

Wu Hai walked out of the warehouse, looked at the sky, and sighed helplessly.

"How about it?"

Old Liu, the gatekeeper, asked:

"How much food is left in the house?"

"You can still eat for seven or eight days." Wu Hai said:

"Don't worry about food. Our boss has never treated us badly. Before we left, he told us that if we don't have enough food, we can buy it."

"No matter how expensive it is, we can afford it."

There are not many people in the Fang Mansion, and there are still a few hundred taels of silver left by Fang Zheng. According to the current price of food, it is more than enough to last for a month.

"I know." Old Liu smiled dryly:

"I'm just... a little worried. The weather is getting worse and worse. I don't know how long it will take for it to clear up. The city is getting more and more chaotic."

"Yes!" Wu Hai was worried about this, shook his head and said:

"But don't worry too much. There are guards patrolling outside, and there are two third-blood warriors standing guard. The refugees are not all fools. They will be fine."

"Something happened to the Zhang family last night." Old Liu sighed:

"There were more than 20 people in the family, and only a few women were left dead, and they were all screwed up."

"..." Old Wu's eyes darkened:

"The Zhang family didn't pay, and the nursing home didn't patrol there. We're fine here."

"hope so."

Lao Liu could only convince himself in this way, otherwise it would not be an option to be frightened every day.



"Open the door!"

"Open the door quickly!"

At this time, a hurried door knock sounded, and chaos became a mess.

"What's going on?" Old Liu was stunned:

"It's Huo Laosan!"

Huo Laosan is a member of the Beggar Clan. He follows Hall Master Jiao Gu and leads a team of guards to patrol the surroundings every night.

"Open the door." Wu Hai thought for a while and said:

"I'll go get the others."

"This..." Lao Liu hesitated for a moment, then nodded:


The outer door of Fang Mansion was not repaired, but the fallen door was put up again and heavy objects were used to block the back to prevent outsiders from breaking in.

open the door.

A group of beggars swarmed in, twenty in number.


Old Liu's expression changed and he said anxiously:

"How is this going?"

"It's nothing." Huo Laosan held a green bamboo stick and pointed at the ground and said:

"Our brothers are looking after your homes and nursing homes. How can we live outside without a roof over our heads? Aren't there many empty houses in your mansion?"

"Make some space for the brothers to stay and have a good rest so that they can do things easily."

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