"Master Yin Tan!"

"Altar Master!"


The beggars didn't hear the sound of the knife, and they were confused for a moment. Seeing this, they didn't care about anything else, and they all shouted and ran towards the backyard.

Before reaching the backyard, a roar came from inside.

"How brave!"

"You dare to commit such a crime in the Beggar Clan's headquarters, you deserve to die!"

It’s Lord Yin Fang Yin Tan!

Along with the roar, a blazing force roared out, and the backyard suddenly turned into a furnace, and strong winds stirred up waves.

Yin Fang is nicknamed the "Wind and Fire Dragon", partly because of his bold and unrestrained personality, which is as fast as the wind and fire, and partly because of the unique method he practices and his scorching inner energy.

Six Yang Palm!

This palm is so blazing that everything in it will be burned.

Not to mention that Yin Fang is a master of cultivating Zhenqi.


The window sash shattered and burned into ashes in an instant. Even the wall made of solid soil was easily penetrated by the force of the palm, and the edges of the hole showed a charred black color.

Fangzheng's figure flashed and fell back crazily, with fear in his eyes.

The two of them were more than ten feet apart, but he seemed to be in a furnace. Even his eyebrows and hair under the mask were slightly curled due to the high temperature.

The hot palm energy turned into reality?

Martial arts master!

The Beggar Clan actually has such masters in Gu'an County?


Before he had time to think about it, he rolled like a long snake and swam to avoid the force of the palm. As if there were springs under his feet, he jumped violently over the courtyard wall.

"Want to escape?"

Yin Fang narrowed his eyes:

"The person who killed me still wants to leave?"

"Leave me alone!"

He stepped forward and ran straight into the courtyard wall.

The wall, which was made of a mixture of blue bricks and mud, was like soft tofu in front of him, breaking into pieces and collapsing when he touched it.

Fang Zheng's fleeing figure also came into view.

Raise your hand,

The true energy gathered, and a dangerous warning sign suddenly came.


Gunfire rang out.

The moment Fang Zheng turned around, Yin Fang felt a warning sign in his head. His palm stopped in the air, and his whole body turned into a line of fire and threw it out diagonally.


"Peng Peng Peng!"

Fang Zheng fired four shots again.

Then he put away his gun and roared, his eyes flashed with lightning, and he slashed with the knife.

Among the thunder-hiding methods in the Divine Gun Hall, there is a secret method called Lei Lei Jue, which can draw out the power of thunder hidden in the body.

In a short period of time,

Can increase speed and strength.

The reason why Cai Jiuyuan was able to escape strongly when faced with his One-Word Clear Heart Slash was because he used this method.


Fang Zheng used the Thunder Drawing Art to stimulate his body's potential, and then used the Yi Zi Clear Heart Slash, stepping over two feet of ground in one step and slashing straight to Yin Fang's neck.

Under night.

A flash of sword light cut through the darkness.

Stay for a long time.


Yin Fang groaned, cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and raised his palms in front of him.


The energy exploded, and the two figures retreated simultaneously. Fangzheng rolled and fell into the darkness, then jumped straight into the distance with a few flickers and disappeared.

Yin Fang leaned back and moved back more than ten feet against the ground before barely stopping.

"Altar Master!"

"Master Yin Tan!"


It was only then that the beggars in Zhang's mansion arrived belatedly.

"I'm fine."

Yin Fang raised his hand, separated the arm that came to support him, lowered his head and looked at his waist, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes showed surprise:

"What a powerful hidden weapon!"


He groaned, the true energy in his body gathered in his waist, his muscles trembled, and he forced a bullet out of his body.


The warhead hit the ground.

The front end is strikingly flat.

"Altar master?"

"Just now..."

"That man killed Jiao Gu." Yin Fang narrowed his eyes and reached out to rub his waist. The wound muscles closed to stop the blood from flowing out:

"This man has great swordsmanship and must have understood the true meaning of martial arts, but..."

"What kind of hidden weapon is it?"

Although there are not many third-blood warriors who understand the true meaning of martial arts, they are not uncommon in Fucheng, and for Yin Fang, they are nothing.

But the hidden weapon is really powerful.

Even he himself was hit by the attack without realizing it, and it was difficult to gather his strength in a short period of time. Otherwise, how could he not be able to keep the other party?

"Check!" he said in a muffled voice:

"I want to see who dares to attack the Beggar Gang!"


All the beggars responded.




Fang Mansion.


Fang Zheng groaned and jumped into the room from the back window. His feet went weak and he almost collapsed on the ground. It took him a long time to catch his breath, and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

"The true energy realm martial artist is truly amazing."

Stretching out his right hand, the palm of his hand was scorched black, and the tingling sensation extended to half of his arm.

Roll up your sleeves,

It can be seen that the blood vessels on the arm are bulging, like twisting earthworms, and the muscles are shaking slightly, and every shaking is accompanied by a burst of pain.


"You can still do this with a knife. If it really falls on you, it won't be a big deal. A three-blooded warrior may not be able to withstand three punches and two kicks."

"It's a good thing I have a gun, otherwise it would be terrible."

As his thoughts swirled, the corners of Fang Zheng's eyes twitched slightly.

The threat of firearms is not as great as he imagined for the True Qi Realm warrior, at least such is the case for small firearms such as pistols.

There is a threat,

But not enough to be fatal.

The martial artist's speed is too fast, and his sense of danger is even more acute, so it is almost impossible to hit the vital point; his body is extremely terrifying, and landing on the waist and abdomen can only affect his movements.


If there are ten or eight guns blocking people in a small alley and firing them randomly, even a martial artist will have no chance of surviving.

"Fortunately, it's not without gain."

Fang Zheng grinned. Although his smile was not pretty, he felt truly happy.

Jiao Gu is dead,

Nothing will happen to Fang Mansion for the time being.

not to mention,

There are also unexpected gains.

He struggled to pull out a black cloth bag from his waist. The palm-sized cloth bag was made of unknown materials. The surface was smooth to the touch and as delicate as skin.

This thing comes from the woman who drives demons.

It has an easy-to-understand name, Yanggui Dou.

Also called Wugui Dou.

It is a magic weapon used by evil people.

This object can nourish ghosts, and can be used to help kill enemies when used against them. It can also drive ghosts to do shady things, such as five ghosts carrying and stealing things.

Ghosts are invisible and difficult to see with the naked eye.

Although it is overkill for stealing chickens and dogs, it is indeed very suitable, especially in modern society, where there are no warlocks and no one can cure it.


Fang Zheng shook his head:

"I'm a good person, and I make enough money to spend, so I don't need to steal."

Opening the Five Ghost Pocket, a strange talisman was woven with silk thread inside, and there were densely packed words as big as rice grains next to it.

What is recorded above is the method of raising ghosts.

The method is extremely detailed, covering everything from how to raise ghosts to how to control ghosts. Even if you are not a warlock, you can use your own blood and essence to raise ghosts.

However, nourishing ghosts with essence and blood will damage longevity.

"Isn't this a complete inheritance?"

Fang Zheng tightened his grip on Wuki Kabuto and looked at his injured arm again:

"Recuperate first."



Lightning flashes.

Fangzheng sat cross-legged in the grid composed of electric arcs, silently practicing the vowel thunder method and the thunder hidden method, and his every breath and every breath coincided with the flashing of the arc.

The lightning flashed and died, and the injuries on the arms were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the physical body is tempered.

"It is worthy of being a superior inheritance, indeed extraordinary."

Opening his eyes, Fang Zheng was thoughtful:

"The power of thunder to create and destroy seems to be the nemesis of the true energy of martial arts. At least the scorching energy in Master Yin Tan's technique can be eliminated by the vowel thunder method."

"If I also cultivate my true energy, I won't be afraid of the opponent's fire energy."

"The Ancient Thunder Department..."

"I wonder if there is any such inheritance?"

Since acquiring the Vowel Thunder Method, he has specially collected some ancient books about the ancient world, the authenticity of which is difficult to distinguish.

He even learned from Zhang Mingrui’s mouth what a divine treasure is.

It is said that in the extremely distant ancient times, there were human beings who were able to observe the heaven and earth, gods, and all things. They understood the great principles and principles, and understood many Dharma methods, which were compiled into a book.

It is called the ancient divine treasure.

When the gods are hidden, the human race will flourish.

Time has passed and the ancient sacred treasures have been lost, but from time to time some scattered contents appear in the world.

One-word clear heart slash and vowel thunder method both come from Shenzang.

In addition to Shen Zang, there is also Tao Zang.

I don't know how many years ago, the Zhou Dynasty unified China, suppressed the princes, established Taoism, and the sages established the Sandong Taoist Canon.


From this it prospered.

Today's Xuantian Dao, Tianshi Dao, Fangxian Sect, and even Chunyang Palace, etc., if we look for their roots, most of them are related to Sandong Daozang.


As time goes by, Tao Zang has also been scattered in the world, and it is no longer complete.

Previous Dynasty.

That is, the Chu Dynasty.

The founder of the country was ambitious and wanted to learn from the ancestors and then establish Taoism.

During those hundred years, the Chu Dynasty collected all kinds of laws in the world, suppressed all kinds of traditions and sects, and built a nine-layered heavenly palace to collect all the treasures in the world.

Heavenly Palace,

It is said that there are countless rare treasures in the world, hence its name.

This Taoist collection collects folk skills and ancient secrets, compiled by a group of real masters, and has a total of 1,800 volumes. It is called the treasure of the Heavenly Palace.

After five hundred years of political instability, the previous dynasty showed signs of destruction and was overthrown by the current dynasty. The Tiangong Daozang was also lost among the people.

In other words, the Dao Zang mentioned in the world is not one, but actually three.

Ancient divine treasure!

Three-hole Daozang!

Heavenly treasure!

It’s impossible to say which one is more complete and which one is stronger. After all, modern people may not be inferior to the ancients, but it is generally believed that the three Taoist caves in the middle are the best.

Because many Taoist traditions in the world are related to it.

As for the ancient divine treasure...

There are only a few rumors among the people, and there are many taboo places among them. Only some cults are still pursuing it.


Exhaling softly, Fang Zheng slowly moved his wrist.

The injury has not fully recovered, but it no longer affects normal activities.




"The Beggar Gang's station in Zhang Mansion was picked upon!"

"Jiao Gu is dead too!"

"It's really satisfying..."

"Be careful what you say."

In the courtyard, Wu Hai and others gathered together and whispered.

"What should we do now?"

"I heard that each family has started to call their own nursing homes back, and the patrol team has dispersed. So isn't our money wasted?"

"If you want to tell me, it's a good thing. There are beggars milling around here every day. I always feel guilty in my heart."

"I heard that a great master came from the Beggar Clan, but he doesn't care?"

"You are said to be a great master, how can you care about trivial matters like ours?"



Fang Zheng covered his mouth and coughed lightly before walking out.



"Master Fang."

Everyone stood up and saluted. Liu Qinghuan, who was eating melon seeds under the tree, also stood up. His eyes flickered slightly as he looked over, but he hesitated to speak.

"My boss."

Wu Hai took a step forward and said:

"Beggars' Gang..."

"I understand." Fang Zheng raised his hand and interrupted him:

"What do you think?"

"This..." Wu Hai hesitated and said:

"Without nursing home patrols, if we encounter another large-scale refugee riot, we might not be able to see the hospital with just a few of us."


"Recruiting more nursing homes?"

"At this time, where can we find a suitable nursing home?" Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Even if they are recruited, they may not be luring wolves into the house."

"That's what my boss said." Old Liu nodded anxiously:

"The villain thinks it's better to set up a trap to intercept the refugees as soon as possible. When the time comes, you can still resist it."

The situation in the city was getting worse and worse, and even they felt a sense of urgency.

No one is sure when the riots will come.

But I'm sure,

Before the snow melts, there will definitely be another unrest.

"Hmm..." Fang Zangzheng was deep in thought, turning his head to look at Liu Qinghuan and the two girls:

"Do you two have any opinions?"

"Jin Shu said that you can go to Xieliu Lane." Liu Qinghuan said crisply:

"There are poor families there, and they have suffered two refugee attacks. There is nothing left but a mess. People from the White Lotus Sect will definitely no longer be interested."

"And here..."

"The people living here are all wealthy families. Their families have money and, more importantly, food. Those refugees who are hungry will definitely not be spared."

"You might as well go to Xieliu Lane to take a break for a while."



This proposal is unexpected, but if you think about it carefully, it is indeed feasible.

And there's another reason.

There are few people in Fang Mansion!

With only ten people in total, even if they sneak into Xieliu Lane, they won't attract anyone's attention, which is not the case for other big families.


Old Liu looked embarrassed:

"What to do with the things at home?"

"Things are lost, you can buy them again. Life is lost, but there is really nothing." Fang Zheng smiled and waved his hand:

"I don't care, so why should you?"


He made a decision:

"Wu Hai."


"You take Li San and go to Xieliu Lane at dawn to check the situation."


"Old Liu."


"Take a few of them to tidy up the carriage in the backyard. If this plan works, we will try to bring as much food as possible. We can't go hungry."


"Two girls." Fang Zheng looked at Jin Shu and Liu Qinghuan.

"Master Fang." Jin Shu said:

"If you have anything to do, just ask."

"I'll ask you two to help me with clothes and cloth." Fang Zheng looked at Old Liu's daughter and said with a smile:

"Girl, take the two sisters to the back."

"Yes." Lao Liu's daughter replied abruptly:

"Sister, come with me."


Three days later.

"Things are getting worse."

Wu Hai rubbed his hands, his face full of anxiety:

"Today I went to the refugee area in disguise, and there were people from the Wenxiang Sect there who were giving out porridge. It was thick porridge, and they said it might not be available anymore."

What do refugees do when they have enough to eat but no next meal?

You can guess it if you think about it.

"Even if the refugees die in the rioting night, they will not be willing to starve to death in vain." Jin Shu spoke slowly:

"Everyone knows that the food piled in the warehouses of wealthy people in the city is enough to feed the people in the city for a year, which is more than enough."

"But they just won't take it out."

"If you are greedy enough, you will only reap the consequences..."

"Miss Jinshu." Old Liu said:

"My boss is not the kind of person who hoards things."

"Yes." Jin Shuyin said with a smile.

"Master Fang is naturally different from others."

"Actually, it's not just refugees." Wu Hai raised his head and said:

"There are some people in the West City who are obviously not short of food, but the situation is not right. I am afraid they want to take advantage of the situation and get rich overnight."

"This..." Old Liu looked stunned:

"Are they crazy?"

A riot is imminent. Instead of trying to stay away, I want to fan the flames.

"There are many people like this." Liu Qinghuan pursed her lips:

"It's always been quite a lot."

"It's getting late." Fang Zheng stood in the courtyard with his hands behind his hands, looking at the gradually darkening sky, then slowly turned around and said:

"lets go."


Everyone should be.


In the past few days, they had already planned the route to Xieliu Alley, choosing paths that were usually deserted and would not attract anyone's attention.

The night is dark.

no wind,

There was deathly silence in the city.

A group of more than ten people from the Fang Mansion came out from behind, pulling three inconspicuous wheelbarrows, and silently disappeared into a narrow alley.

"Da da……"

"Crunch... crunch..."

The sound of footsteps and rutting wheels was steady and orderly.

There are refugees in the alleys, too.

They squatted at the base of the wall, their eyes blank, like lifeless clay sculptures, watching people walking by without any reaction.



There was a sudden roar.

Everyone froze and looked at each other.


A roar followed:

"Starving to death is death, and fighting to the death is death. Since you are going to die no matter what, why not grab a few people on my back and follow me forward!"

"The food in the Ren family's warehouse is piled up in mountains, and the gold and silver treasures are piled in boxes after boxes." Another voice sounded:

"Come in and share the food, gold and silver!"

"The food in the yamen granary would rather feed rats than starve us. How many wives and children have died, why not give it a try!"

"Come on!"

"Beat the rich and divide their property!"


The chaos became louder and louder, gradually becoming deafening. Fires broke out in the city, illuminating the dark night.

It makes people feel an inexplicable restlessness.

In the corners of the house, in the ruins, and in the mud, refugees slowly raised their heads, their dead eyes gradually glowing with ferocious coldness, and their bodies stood up.

One after another, figures appeared from every corner of Gu'an County, looking towards the area where wealthy households were located in the city.

West Market.

A group of people roared and rushed into stores one after another and began to smash, smash, and loot.


It is spreading at an unstoppable speed, and the core of the chaos is the area where the rich and powerful businessmen in the city, headed by the Yamen, are located.

"Gulu..." Lao Liu's throat rolled and his arms trembled.


Fang Zheng said in a muffled voice:

"Don't stop."

The convoy continued on.


The refugees on both sides suddenly rushed forward and reached out to pull out the things on the wheelbarrow.

"Get away!"

Wu Hai, Li San and others stepped forward to stop the refugees, relying on their strong bodies to suppress resistance and throwing them into the corner.

"If you can find a real rich man, don't mess with us!"


"Go quickly."

"Ignore them."

The convoy sped up and rushed towards Xieliu Alley. The path they chose was already sparsely populated, and the farther they went, the farther away they were from the chaos.


The destination is already visible.


Fang Zheng's eyebrows moved slightly, and he turned over and jumped up to the wall on one side.

"My boss." Wu Hai raised his head:

"What's wrong?"

"I met a group of people I've been looking for." Fang Zheng waved his hand:

"You go over first, I'll come as soon as I can."

"Then..." Wu Hai hesitated for a moment, then nodded:

"Master, be careful."

Before he finished speaking, the square on the wall had disappeared.

Green Wolf Gang!

There are actually people from the Green Wolf Gang in the city?

Didn't they go to Changtu Mansion?

Is it possible...

Back again?

Fang Zheng has not forgotten that the person who killed his uncle was Hu Yanting, the seventh-level leader of the Qinglang Gang. Now that he has found clues, he cannot let them go.

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