Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 127 Killing Hundreds of Households

Wanbao Pavilion?

Fang's expression remained unchanged, but there was a thump in his heart.

After all, shopkeeper Ba fell into his hands and gained a lot of benefits from it, and even benefited from this that his cultivation level skyrocketed in a short period of time.

Isn't it because you discovered yourself?

probably not.

At that time, things were handled very cleanly, and everything was left in modern society. If it was really found out, the treatment would not be the same as it is now.

Fang Zheng muttered in his heart and followed the other party to the backyard obediently.

"Miss." The middle-aged scribe stood in front of the door and bowed:

"People brought it."

"Yeah." A gentle female voice came from the room:

"Let him in."


It was the master who appeared that night.


The middle-aged man pushed open the door and motioned for Fang Zheng to enter.

The inside and outside of the room were separated by a screen. The screen was painted with birds flying in flight. Only a hazy and graceful figure could be seen through the screen, seemingly arranging her long hair.


Fang Zheng handed over his hand, his attitude neither humble nor overbearing:

"I wonder what Xun Fang is here for?"

Although the other party's cultivation level is high, he is not very old, maybe even younger than himself, so there is no problem in calling him a girl.

"Fangzheng..." The hazy figure turned slightly, looking through the screen, and said in a leisurely voice:

"He suddenly appeared in Gu'an County more than two years ago. His origin is unknown. He is suspected to be a child of a noble family. He recently achieved the third-blood cultivation level."

"Befriended Zhang Mingrui, a disciple of Chunyang Palace, and learned some talismans."

"But so?"

"Fang is just an ordinary commoner, a commoner, so no girl should bother to investigate." Fang Zheng frowned slightly and said:

"As for the children of aristocratic families, it is even more nonsense."

"Really?" The female voice said noncommittally:

"never mind."

And said:

"My surname is Chen. People around me often call me Jiuniang. You can call me that too."

Chen Jiuniang?

"Jiuniang." Fang Zheng asked again:

"I wonder what happened to Xunfang?"

"I heard that you are looking for the Pulse Protecting Pill, are you preparing to enter the martial arts realm in the future?" Jiuniang's voice was soothing and she spoke slowly:

"Do you need any help?"

"This..." Fang Zheng hesitated:

"Without Jiuniang's trouble, we already have a way."

"That's good." Jiuniang nodded:

"At your current age, if you have a solid foundation, there is a good chance that you can break through to the realm of a martial artist. I will stay here for a while. If you have any questions about practice, feel free to come to me."


Fang Zheng looked up with confusion on his face.

Neither a relative nor an acquaintance, the other party's enthusiasm made it difficult for him to adapt.

"Heh..." Jiuniang chuckled upon seeing this and said:

"Someone saw Young Master Fang using his sword technique, and when he used the sword, there was a hint of thunder accompanying him. I guess he must have practiced the vowel thunder technique, right?"

Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

In the past few days, he has been following the Anxi Army on expeditions, and it is inevitable that he will show some skills. Unexpectedly, he will be noticed by others.

It is impossible to hide something like this, so he nodded and said:

"Luckily, I got a little profit."


Jiuniang sighed:

"The Vowel Thunder Method is a method found in ancient divine treasures. The specific method of practice has been lost long ago, and only a few future generations can practice it."

"I wonder if Mr. Fang is interested in the follow-up method?"

"With the complete vowel thunder method, one can become a martial arts master and a Taoist master."

"Follow-up method?" Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly and he said:

"Of course I'm interested, but with Fang's ability, it's hard to say whether he will become a martial artist or not. I really don't dare to hope for a follow-up method."

As for martial arts masters and Taoist masters, they don’t even know the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

"Don't be humble." Jiuniang's voice became solemn:

"If Mr. Fang can master the vowel thunder method, he is already an ordinary person. Moreover, warriors of our generation should be arrogant, so why can't we take it to the next level?"

"If you lose this energy, you won't be able to become a martial artist."

"Yes." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Been taught a lesson."

"I have spoken harshly." Jiuniang's voice slowed down, she raised her hand lightly, and something crossed the screen and landed on the table next to Fangzheng:

"This thing is given to the young master."

"I don't know who wrote "Nine Thunder Secrets". It contains a detailed description of the vowel thunder method. Young Master Fang should be of some help."

"Nine Thunder Secrets"?

Fang Zheng picked up the book and flipped through it a little, his expression became extremely solemn.

If the Vowel Thunder Method is a textbook in the hands of students, then this "Nine Thunder Secrets" is a textbook in the hands of teachers.

It contains a detailed explanation of vowel refa.

Get started,

It saves you a lot of detours.

In some places, no one even mentioned it, and no one would have thought that this gift was too heavy.

"Jiu Niang."

Fang Zheng looked at the screen and said seriously:

"Such a generous gift, I wonder what you want Fang to do?"

"Nothing needs to be done." Jiuniang said:

"Practice with peace of mind, cultivate your true energy as soon as possible and become a martial artist."


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.


Jiuniang continued:

"If Young Master Fang reaches the realm of three thunders, please go to Fucheng to find me. If you have the opportunity to give it to me, there may be a follow-up method to the vowel thunder method."

The Realm of Three Thunders?

After the vowel thunder method becomes a martial artist, it is divided into nine thunders. Among them, the realm of three thunders is the small Zhoutian Dacheng, and the nine thunders are perfect without leakage.

Founder is clear.

It seems that the other party needs a martial artist who has mastered the vowel thunder method to do something, so he found himself and gave him the method.

I don’t know,


But for now, it seems that it is harmless to him. Jiuniang even hopes that he will become a martial artist soon so that he can do things by then.

This is also true.

The reason why Chen Jiuniang came here was, firstly, to escort the goods, and secondly, to find someone who could master the vowel thunder method.

Her goal was not to be square in the beginning.

by chance.

The man disappeared, and Fang Zheng cultivated the vowel thunder method, so he showed up to win over him and gave him the method to show his goodwill.

"Master Fang."

While deep in thought, Jiuniang asked:

"I don't know why you mastered the vowel thunder method. Can you tell me?"

"This..." Fang Zheng said:

"To be honest, Fang's method is unique and difficult to replicate."

Unless someone can build a generator here.


Jiuniang sighed, she had expected this.

Those who had mastered the vowel thunder method before had either consumed some thunder spiritual fruit, or had come into contact with the treasures of heaven and earth that contained the power of thunder.

In short,

It is also difficult to reproduce.

She didn't think Fang Zheng was lying. After all, according to the investigation data, the method Fang Zheng had learned before had nothing to do with the vowel thunder method.

Having started in a short period of time, I can only say that my physique is special.

There is no other explanation.

After seeing Fang Zheng off, the middle-aged man lowered his head and asked:

"Miss, why don't you just take him back to the capital and keep an eye on him to prevent him from escaping after he succeeds in his cultivation."

"The power of thunder is extremely strong and yang, and most cultivators have the same character. They cannot tolerate any humiliation." Jiuniang said:

"It's not good if you lose his temper."

"What's more..."

She narrowed her eyes and said:

"The Chen family is in troubled times right now. Whether it can survive this disaster is anyone's guess. Taking him back may give others an advantage."

"As for that place..."

"It doesn't necessarily have to be someone who has mastered the vowel thunder method to open it. There may be other ways. You can't put all your hope in one person."

"Yes." The middle-aged man bowed his head in response.

"Not urgent."

Jiuniang closed her eyes and gently rubbed her temples:

"It hasn't been long since he attained the Three Bloods. I don't know when he will be able to cultivate True Qi. It will take several more years to reach the realm of Three Thunders. There is still plenty of time."

"If we really want to take him to Fucheng, we won't do it at this moment."


Middle-aged men should be again.





The cold wind blew over the ground and the dust was flying.

"The sky has changed."

Fang Zheng raised his head, his eyes flickering slightly:

"It looks like there will be thunderstorms in the next few days."


Wu Hai nodded:

"It will definitely not snow. The weather will get warmer after the thunderstorm. By then the snow will melt and the people's hard life will be over."

Fang Zheng smiled and said nothing.

He is now ready for everything. He has perfected the three bloods, acquired the pulse protection pill, and has all the skills. He only needs the east wind to reach the martial arts master realm.

east wind,

It’s a thunderstorm!

Thunderstorm weather helps the vowel thunder method to break through.

That's why he felt excited when he saw the weather changing, but it was not the end of the hard days as Wu Hai said.


Ming Qianhu gently pulled the reins and pointed at a few people:

"You guys go to the east courtyard and send someone to Master Song. The others will follow me."


Everyone should be.

Fang Zheng turned around and waved to the back. Wu Hai shouted and led a dozen women with messy long hair to the east courtyard.

This is the military camp.

It can be seen that Ming Qianhu really takes care of them. Outsiders are usually not allowed to enter the military camp, but not only can they come in, they even have something to do.

Non-confidences cannot do this.


Everyone in the Anxi Army knew that Fang Zheng was favored by Lord Qianhu, and no one dared to offend him easily except He Baihu.

"Ha ha……"

Before reaching the east courtyard, a burst of laughter could be heard.

After crossing the gate, the first thing that caught my eye was a group of warblers and swallows, and a man wearing only thin fur trousers, blindfolded and swooping around.

The man was slightly fat, drooling from the corner of his mouth, and looked a little mentally retarded.

But his movements were extremely fast, and he pounced lightly like a cheetah. The girls tried their best to dodge, but he still knocked them to the ground one by one.

They seemed to be playing a childish game.

But it was a bit too much.

How can a weak woman, especially a woman who has never practiced martial arts, withstand the attack of a cheetah, with skin and flesh bruises ranging from minor bruises to severe rib fractures?

The man did not hold back his strength.

Therefore, the men were excited to play, but the women all looked frightened.

"Ha ha……"

After pounced on the last woman, the man took off his blindfold, revealed his slightly dull eyes, and grinned:

"They've all been caught. Who was the first one to catch just now?"

After hearing this, everyone looked at one of the women. The woman's face was pale and her eyes were frightened. When the man turned his head, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Then it starts with you."

The man grinned and appeared beside the woman. Regardless of the woman's condition, he reached out and pulled the woman's clothes.

His brute force could tear an iron sheet in half, not to mention her clothes. In the blink of an eye, the woman's clothes were messy, and the man became more and more excited when he saw this.

Breathing also became heavy.

"Master Song."

At this time, Fang Zheng cupped his fists and raised his hands:

"We brought people here."

"Yes." The man stopped what he was doing, as if he was unhappy because his interest was interrupted. He turned around and waved:

"I got it, I'll stay here, you can get out!"

Fang Zheng lowered his head, avoiding the indecent scene in the scene, and slowly backed away.

The next moment.

Piercing screams rang out from the courtyard.

"Young Master Song has been tempering his body since he was a child. Although he is stupid, his cultivation level is not low. Even a third-blood warrior is vulnerable to him. How could those women withstand his whipping?" Wu Hai sighed softly:

"I heard that two corpses are thrown out of the courtyard every day."

"I'm not afraid of madmen, I'm afraid of madmen who know martial arts, especially madmen who have no humanity but animal desires." Li San also said:

"Rushing people every day..."

"Shh." Wu Hai shook his head:

"Be careful what you say."

"Let's go." Fang's expression remained unchanged as he walked towards the military camp.


"grown ups!"

Ming Qianhu came to the center of the military camp. The leader of the army, Deputy Commander Song Kewang, stood behind him, cupped his hands and said:

"The people delivered it today."


Song Kewang spoke slowly:

"How many?"

"Thirty-seven people, two jars of blood and essence." Ming Qianhuang bowed his head.

There was a sudden silence in the field.

"Thirty-seven people." Song Kewang narrowed his eyes:

"Among the four thousand households, I like you the most, but... you always disappoint me."

"Back to your lord." Ming Qianhu said:

"Although there are many evil demons in the city, they are still numerous. After a period of suppression, it will not be easy to catch them again."

"Anyone who has colluded with the White Lotus Sect has already taken down his humble position!"

"Really?" Song Kewang said in an indifferent voice:

"Then why the number brought by others has not been reduced. Do you want to say that they killed good people and took credit for themselves, and took advantage of ordinary people?"

"I don't dare to do this in a humble position."

Ming Qianhu hurriedly knelt down on one knee.


Song Kewang snorted coldly:

"The Qianqiu Sword is about to take shape and needs enough blood. I don't care what method you use, a sufficient number of lives are needed here."

"This matter is related to whether I can become a master, and there is no room for error!"

"Get down!"

Ming Qianhu raised his head, looked past Song Kewang, and looked at the sword in front of him that was embedded in a pool of blood. A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry to say goodbye!"

Qianqiu Sword?

It’s just a magic sword!




Fang Mansion.

Since Kong Baihu occupied the courtyard, Fang Zheng and others could only huddle in a few rooms in the backyard, separated by fences into simple courtyard walls.

Wu Hai and Li Sanqi shared a room with eight people, and a few girls shared the same room.

Only Founder

Still a separate room.

Fortunately, a few people have caught Ming Qianhu's eyes recently, and they have gradually gained some fame in the Anxi Army, and Kong Baihu's attitude has also improved a lot.

At least,

Nothing bad happened, and living in the same compound was fine.


Taking a deep breath, Fang Zheng sat cross-legged and silently performed the vowel thunder method.

The thunder in the body is constantly roaring, shaking the muscles, bones, and internal organs. While tempering the physical body, it is also slowly strengthening the Qi and blood.

With the improvement of cultivation level, the growth rate has become extremely slow, and it has obviously reached a certain limit.

Three bloods complete!

There is no way to advance in the realm of warriors. You just need to adjust your body's energy and blood and wait for the thunderstorm to come before you can try to break through.


A sudden loud noise interrupted Fang Zheng's practice.

"Thieves, please leave!"

Someone yelled.

There was a crunching sound of bricks and tiles on the roof, and the sound of hurried footsteps outside was getting closer and closer.

"what happened?"

He frowned, stood up and pushed the door open to go out. He saw a group of people rushing into the backyard and slashing with swords, cutting the fence and wall into pieces.

The outer door of the backyard fell to the ground.

The person in charge is very familiar.

"He Baihu!"

Fangzheng’s eye sockets shrank:

"What do you mean?"

"A thief escaped here." He Baihu opened his eyes wide and scanned the audience:

"He was leading people to hunt down some rebels. I saw them disappear with my own eyes. I suspect they were hidden by you!"

He waved his hand and said:

"Search for me!"

"Nonsense." Fang Zheng stepped forward and stopped the other party:

"I, Lord Qianhu, are at odds with the demons of the White Lotus Sect. Why are we hiding the thief? Are you looking for trouble?"

"Do you really think Fang is afraid of you?"

"What?" He Baihu looked murderous:

"We were ordered to capture the rebels, and you want to stop us?"

After saying this, the people brought by He Baihu held down the hilts of their swords, Wu Hai and others also raised their spears, and the atmosphere became tense.

"What's going on?" Kong Baihu from the front yard heard the sound and hurried over. Seeing this, he hurriedly said:

"We are all our own people. Please don't be impulsive. Put down the weapons in your hands first. If you have anything to do, let's talk slowly and slowly."

"One of our own?" He Baihu snorted coldly:

"He deserves it too!"

"It's just a plaything that was lucky enough to please Master Qianhu!"

"I can't compare to Mr. He" Fang Zheng said softly:

"Obviously he was a soldier brought by Ming Qianhu, but he turned to Li Qianhu. As expected, he is a mother if he has breasts, no matter who is kind to him."

"What the hell are you talking about?" He Baihu roared angrily. Fang Zheng's words severely stimulated his fragile nerves, and he swung his mace:

"court death!"


The knives and maces collided, and sparks flew everywhere.

Others want to swarm forward and fight, and a fire fight is about to take place.

"Don't do it."

Kong Baihu yelled and separated the two of them with his hands:

"Speak well if you have something to say!"

"Master Fang, please stop saying a few words."

"Everyone, stop it. If anyone takes action, please don't blame Kong for being rude!"

With his brute strength, and the soldiers from the front yard arriving one after another, he forcibly separated the two groups of people, creating a passage in the middle.

"Fang was about to take a rest, but someone kicked in the door and broke in. Anyone else would be angry." Fang Zheng stretched his muscles and weighed the knife in his hand:

"He, if you want to make gestures, just say so. Fang will accompany you to the end."

"Humph!" He Baihu looked disdainful:

"Just you?"

"He led people to hunt down the rebels, and saw them disappear from your place with my own eyes. I have already told you that there is something wrong with you."



"That's enough." Kong Baihu shouted, looking sideways at Fang Zheng:

"Since Mr. Fang is sure that there is nothing wrong with him, let He Baihu do a search. Brother He will naturally leave if he gives up."

"There's no need to go to war."

"Brother Kong, are you sure he is really chasing the thief this far?" Fang Zheng said.

"This..." Kong Baihu hesitated.

He knew very well that He Baihu didn't like Fang Zheng and often found trouble. It was possible that he kicked in the door tonight with the intention of humiliating him.


After all, the two are colleagues.

"Master Fang, calm down." He whispered:

"Let him search it and leave if nothing happens. Otherwise, I'm afraid he won't give up today."

"That's all if the thief is found." Fang Zheng said:

"What if I don't find it?"


He Baihu pushed away the crowd and walked inside:

"I saw them fleeing here with my own eyes. How could they not find anyone? They all went in and searched for me. I even dug three feet into the ground to find the person."

As soon as Fang Zheng moved, he was grabbed tightly by Kong Baihu and shook his head to signal.


The door of the house was kicked open, and the people led by He Baihu rushed in and rummaged through the boxes and cabinets. They seemed to be looking for someone, but in fact they destroyed them at will. Wu Hai and others didn't look good.


In the second room lived Jin Shu, Liu Qinghuan and Lao Liu's daughter. The three girls huddled together timidly and allowed a group of burly men to rummage through the room.

"Get off!"

He Baihu turned his eyes, reached out and pulled the old Liu woman to the ground, and stared at the gauze brocade book:

"With your head and face covered, can't you see the light?"

He said and reached for the towel.


The two women screamed.

The face towel was pulled off, revealing ordinary facial features, unremarkable in the dim candlelight.


When He Baihu saw this, his eyes lit up:

"There is indeed something wrong with the human skin mask!"

He said and reached for his hand again.


The mask was ripped off by him, and Jin Shu couldn't help but scream in pain. His bare hands were half-covered, but he couldn't cover up his charming face.

There was silence.

He Baihu moved too quickly, and Jin Shu covered his face in time. In fact, not many people could see clearly, but after just one glance, the appearance was deeply engraved in their hearts.


Kong Baihu's throat rolled and his eyes were dull.

He Baihu also froze on the spot, subconsciously taking two steps back, as if feeling guilty for his rude action just now.

There is a beauty in the north, peerless and independent;

A smile can captivate a city, and another smile can captivate a country.

Fangzheng's mind flashed through the poem sung by Liu Qinghuan, and he couldn't help but sigh. No wonder Qinghuan said that this poem was written for Jinshu.


The beauty is breathtaking.

Even someone like him, who had been bombarded with countless refined pictures, couldn't help but lose consciousness the moment he saw Jin Shu's appearance.

other people,

There is no need to say more.

"grown ups."

At this time, a person came over:

"Neither is the room next door."

"Oh!" He Baihu came back to his senses, threw away the human skin mask in his hand, and said with an indifferent expression:

"No one, forget it."

"They were stopped just now. The culprits may have escaped long ago. They are lucky."

He said with a big wave of his hand:

"let's go!"


The night is dark.

The cold wind blew in his face, and the coldness invaded his body. He Baihu's dazed consciousness was suddenly shaken, and the cold light returned to his eyes.

With his thoughts turning, he slowly stopped.

"grown ups!"

A person next to him looked sideways:

"What's wrong?"

"Beauty." He Baihu licked the corner of his mouth and his eyes flashed:

"Excellent beauty!"

"My lord is talking about the woman wearing the human skin mask just now." One person said with a smile:

"The villain has not seen her appearance, but if she can charm the adults, she must have an appearance that will enchant the common people."

"I saw it, it was so beautiful." The other person didn't have so many refined words, his eyes were wide open, and he looked like he was salivating:

"If I could do it just once, I would be satisfied in this life!"

"Rude!" someone yelled angrily, then grinned:

"But that's what I thought too!"

"Ha ha……"

Everyone laughed.

"It's a pity that there is someone named Fang, so we can't meet him." A sigh interrupted the laughter, and one person sighed:

"With such a beautiful woman by my side, I am afraid that the party will continue day and night. The guy named Fang is really enviable."


He Baihu's eyes twitched and he clenched his steel teeth:


"The more I think about what happened today, the angrier I get. A pariah dares to contradict me. Come back with me and kill that guy directly to vent my hatred."

"Sir." Everyone's expressions changed:

"The person named Fang has caught the attention of Lord Qianhu."

"So what?" He Baihu suddenly turned his head and glared at his men:

"For a mere untouchable, how can Qian Hu punish He so heavily? Besides, with that beauty in hand, why worry about glory and wealth?"

Just give that woman to the general...

You may not be able to have thousands of households!



After sending away the reluctant Kong Baihu and letting the others go back to their rooms to rest, Fang Zheng walked to the back of the room and reached out to clasp his hands on the ground.


With a muffled groan, the 'ground' was lifted up by him.

Two figures jumped out.

Surprisingly, it was Che Zhongyang and Du Qiaoyun.

He Baihu did not lie. He was indeed chasing the person, and the person was indeed hiding here, but he had never been found.

"Master Fang."

Du Qiaoyun looked grateful:

"Thank you very much."

"It doesn't matter." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"This is not a place to stay for a long time. It is best to leave as soon as possible just to be safe. If possible, it is best to leave the city and hide."

"Hmph!" Che Zhongyang snorted coldly:

"The Anxi Army says they are officers and soldiers, but in fact they are worse than bandits. They force good people into prostitution and kill good people for credit. Those who do all kinds of evil will be punished by God sooner or later."

"I heard that Young Master Fang is also helping them."

Fang Zheng's eyes narrowed.

"Senior brother." Du Qiaoyun pulled Che Zhongyang's sleeve:

"Stop saying a few words. Those captured by Mr. Fang are demons from the White Lotus Sect. They are different from others. Thanks to Mr. Fang for rescuing us today."

"Yeah." Che Zhongyang snorted and said:

"Master Fang, I advise you not to help the tyrants do evil. You must know that God is watching what you do, and there will be retribution for certain things you do."

"Ha..." Fang Zheng was speechless, rolled his eyes and said:

"You two should go. For the sake of Master Du, I will help you this time. I don't know what will happen next time we meet."


As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to show off.

If I had known that Che Zhongyang was so eccentric, I shouldn't have been so soft-hearted at that time. Could this person have been stimulated and become mentally disturbed?


Che Zhongyang was about to say something, but was interrupted by Du Qiaoyun pulling his sleeve and saying crisply:

"Sorry to trouble Mr. Fang, you...be careful too."

"Senior brother."

"Let's go!"

Watching the two of them go away, Fang Zheng shook his head, returned to the room, sat cross-legged, and silently performed the exercises, intending to adjust his breath.

After a while.


He opened his eyes:

"Sluggish thoughts hinder practice."

A wave of depression rushed straight to his forehead, causing thoughts to flood his mind. Frustration, anger, and murderous intent were intertwined, and he could not calm down.


With an angry curse, Fang Zheng stood up:


"Kill the man named He and ask for peace."




On the long street, nine figures were rushing towards Fang Mansion.

He Baihu took the lead, his maces weighing dozens of kilograms were behind his back, and the heavy armor did not affect his movements.

If the intention of killing has substance, it points far ahead.


On the roof, Fang Zheng's figure appeared out of thin air. Several people below him raised their eyebrows slightly, looking surprised.

What a coincidence!

All have the same plan.


With a soft chuckle, Fang Zheng took off the Five Ghost Pocket from his waist, flicked out a drop of blood essence, and chanted in a low voice:

"The sky is clear and the earth is clear, the soldiers follow the seal, and the generals follow the orders... The five ghosts come quickly to receive the orders and obey them quickly, as urgent as the law!"


Wugui Kabutu trembled slightly, and black air surged out from it, turning into five ghosts in the air, screaming towards Fangzheng.

The whistling sound cannot be heard, but it is like a steel needle piercing the sea of ​​consciousness.


Fang Zheng hummed, his eyes filled with coldness:

"How dare you counterattack after receiving my essence and blood?"

Yan Junguan thought!

Martial arts will!

The thoughts of the sea of ​​consciousness are outlined, and the Dharma of Lord Yama is gathered, and the intention of coercion in all directions and the four extremes comes out of the body, and the incoming ghosts are suddenly stopped.

Waves of fear and surrender came.

"Raise something you don't know well!"

Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and pointed downward:



The black clouds are like a curtain, weighing heavily on my heart. It seems that if you stand on a high place and reach out, you can touch the dark sky.

Except for some dim starlight, there is no halo between heaven and earth.


He Baihu's forward figure pointed suddenly, frowned, and looked forward with confusion in his eyes:


"Something...is coming."

Before he finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly became dark, and even the thin starlight was completely obscured.

It was like a dark barrier covering the entire long street.

Not only can't you see anything inside, but you can't hear the slightest sound from outside.

"Something's wrong!"


"what happened?"


Everyone unsheathed their swords and formed a battle formation to surround the city.

"It's a ghost."

He Baihu licked the corner of his mouth:


Ghosts are intangible and invisible to the naked eye, unless you cast a spell to open your eyes, or become a mage or martial artist.

The reason why ordinary people can see it in some cases is because the ghosts' auras interact with each other when they do evil, and they can 'see' it at that time.

Seeing here is not discernment with the naked eye, but a special sense.

That is to say.

Ghosts do not appear on their own initiative, and it is difficult for ordinary people to detect their existence.


A dark wind suddenly arises.


The ghost howls were like steel needles, piercing straight into the skull. Even a warrior with tough skin and rough flesh could feel his head swelled by the stabs from the ghost howls.

Everything in front of me became blurry.


He Baihu roared, and the energy and blood in his body surged up like an oven, suddenly erupting.


The five ghosts appeared in the air, screaming under the impact of energy and blood, and their attacking movements were also stagnant.


The soldiers braced themselves up and charged forward with their weapons brandished. The evil aura they had gained from hundreds of battles on the battlefield was the nemesis of ghosts and ghosts.

All of a sudden.

The ghosts in the field suddenly dispersed, and it seemed that they would turn into smoke and disperse in the next moment.


On the roof, Fang Zheng shook his head and said:

"The evil spirit on the battlefield is indeed the nemesis of ghosts and ghosts. The five ghosts can suppress the three-blood masters, but they are vulnerable to the military formation."


"The five ghost transportation method is not useless."

"The yin and yang are reversed, the reincarnation of the five ghosts is reversed, turn it around for me!"

With a flick of a finger, the situation on the field changed again.

The spirit of the five ghosts was shaken, and they let out a roar again. The Yin Qi gathered into a vortex, wrapping all the soldiers together and spinning wildly.

If the vortex has substance, it will be difficult to move forward.

There are also ghost claws protruding from it, and when they touch the physical body, the flesh and blood shrives immediately at the place of contact, and the essence is consumed rapidly.

at this time,

The battle is to see which one can hold on to the end: the ghost's yin energy, the soldier's yang energy, or the evil spirit.


He Baihu looked up to the sky and roared:

"Assaulting and killing officers and soldiers should be punished!"


A flash of sword light flashed by, and the body of the person behind him stiffened, a crack appeared on his neck, and the vitality in his eyes dimmed instantly.

The ghost claws poked out of the whirlpool at the right time, grabbed the corpse and dragged it into the whirlpool, spitting out a pile of dead bones in the blink of an eye.

The sword flashed continuously,

There were several more bodies in the field again.

One goes down and the other goes up.

The ghosts were replenished with essence and blood, and gradually recovered. On the contrary, the soldiers had to be wary of elusive opponents, and the pressure increased sharply.


He Baihu gritted his teeth and screamed angrily, crossed his maces and slammed them forward.


He smashed a gap in the whirlpool with fierce force, and then his body flashed and appeared outside the whirlpool transformed by the five ghosts.

What came face to face was a flash of sword light.


The swords and maces collided, and sparks flew everywhere.

"It's you!"

He Baihu's eyes widened:

"Fang, I knew there was something wrong with you!"


Fang Zheng snorted softly and slashed with his sword without saying a word.

Is there anything left to say now?

The sword flashed like a waterfall, slashing more than ten people in an instant. Although He Baihu tried his best to resist, he was still slashed backwards with trembling arms.

how come?

Why is the opponent so strong?

His strength can be said to be the best among many hundreds of families. A pair of heavy maces can break rocks, but now he is at a disadvantage.

Three bloods complete!

The person named Fang is not new to the third level of blood at all!

He hides it so deeply!

Seeing that he was about to fall into a desperate situation, He Baihu's eyes were bloodshot, his head stretched forward and his neck bulged slightly.

Like a panting toad.



His breathing became heavier and heavier, like a bull roaring, muffled drumming, and even the air flow was reversed, and the force exploding in his hands became stronger and stronger.

Wait until the blood boils to the extreme.


The toad swallowed the sky!

He rushed forward, his muscles were like lumps of iron at this moment, his clothes and armor were stretched and twisted, and the fierce power exploded.

Charge forward and wield your mace with force and violence.

Even if there was a fierce tiger in front of him, faced with the crazy hammer blows, he would probably be smashed into a pile of pulp in the blink of an eye.


Fang Zheng's eyes lit up and he advanced instead of retreating.


The soil exploded under his feet, and the sword light in the field skyrocketed.

The physical body tempered by the vowel thunder method made Fang Zheng's seemingly slender body contain terrifying and unparalleled power.

This time the sword was swung.

Rising like wind and powerful like thunder.

The extreme speed and power even broke through the air, emitting a scream like a sound barrier, and collided with the incoming weapon.


The energy exploded, and a wave of energy visible to the naked eye erupted from the impact point of the mace.

The swords and maces collided wildly, and the energy kept bursting out. The two people's bodies intertwined in the air, and countless fierce energy swept around them.

The hard wall was actually cut with cracks by the strong wind.


The two of them crossed each other, and their bodies suddenly froze.


Fang Zheng exhaled softly and slowly put away the knife:

"As expected of He Baihu, he was able to push Fang to this point, but..., after all, I am still better."

"Gulu..." He Baihu opened his mouth, and blood foam surged in his throat. He turned around to look with eyes filled with unwillingness, and then fell to the ground.

Bo Bo blood gushes from his throat.

The armor leaf protecting the neck was actually torn apart by the blade.

"Just kidding."

Fang Zheng turned around, shrugged and shook his head:

"If it weren't for the fact that you were wearing armor, I wouldn't even have to use the Thunder Drawing Technique. I could easily crush you with just strength."

While talking.

The killing in the rear also came to an end.

The few remaining people were unable to resist the five ghosts and turned into withered bones one after another. Seeing that there was another corpse in the field, the five ghosts screamed and pounced again.

The corpses of third-blood warriors are a great tonic for them.

"Fortunately, Gouki Kabuto helped me, otherwise it would have been really troublesome."

Fang Zheng squinted his eyes, thoughtfully.

In terms of strength, He Baihu was much weaker than him, but he had armor, desperate moves, and the help of others forming a formation.

Even if he is Fangzheng, he can't face it head-on.


He uses a gun!


This is crucial.

Even first-blood warriors are not that easy to kill after wearing armor. Second-blood warriors wearing armor can even go hand in hand with third-blood warriors.


Even the elite of the Anxi Army are not all fully armored. As long as there are still vital points exposed, experts can find opportunities to take advantage of them.

Facing ghosts and ghosts, armor is not only useless, but becomes a burden.


The remnants of the five ghosts in the field disappeared one after another with Fang Zheng.


"Bank notes?"

The stack of silver notes brought back by the Five Ghosts made Fang Zheng smile:

“I thought I was going to work in vain, but I didn’t expect there was an unexpected gain.”

Although the armor is valuable, it cannot be taken away.

On the other hand, He Baihu and others actually had banknotes hidden in their bodies.

The small amount of banknotes cost ten taels, and the large ones were one hundred taels or even five hundred taels. The thick stack of banknotes in his hand contained more than one thousand three hundred taels.

Moreover, it is a bearer bank note issued by Tianshi Daoxing, which can be used anywhere in the country. As long as you find any prefecture and city, you can exchange it into cash at the bank.



There was a knock on the door.


"I am Lao Kong."

"Kong Baihu?" Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly, he put away the banknotes and stood up to open the door:

"It's so late, Lord Baihu, why don't you take a rest?"

"Hey!" Kong Baihu waved his hand:

"Brother Fang, don't go out. Just call me Lao Kong. Speaking of what happened today, it was my fault, Lao Kong. I failed to stop the man named He and let him disturb you all."

"I'm so sorry."

He looked apologetic and his eyes were full of shame.

"How dare you."

Fang Fang was surprised:

"Kong...Brother Kong is out."

What is this for?

Conscience discovery?

"That..." Kong Baihu's eyes indicated:

"Can you come in and sit down?"

"Of course." Fang Zheng turned sideways hurriedly:

"Brother Kong, please!"

"Haha..., bother me." Kong Baihu laughed loudly, and at the same time stretched out his right hand hidden behind his back, holding a wine bottle in his hand, and said:

"I've been in Gu'an County for a while, and I live in Brother Fang's house. It sounds like a lot of trouble. It's rare that I'm free today. Can we have a drink?"

"Brother Kong, you're welcome." Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes:

"If you have something to say, you might as well say it."

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

The other party didn't occupy Fang Mansion for a while. He could do it at any time if he wanted, but he chose this late night.

Something doesn't look right.


Kong Baihu smiled dryly, and a blush appeared on his dark cheeks, as if he was... shy?

"Brother Fang..." He licked the corners of his mouth and asked in a low voice:

"I wonder what the relationship between that Jinshu girl and Brother Fang is?"

"Miss Jinshu?" Fang Zheng said thoughtfully:

"She is Fang's tenant. There was a refugee riot in the city some time ago. In order to take refuge, she temporarily stayed in Fang's house. It doesn't matter."

"Ah!" Kong Baihu's eyes lit up:

"Isn't she Brother Fang's concubine?"


"Brother Fang called her Miss Jinshu. How could she be his concubine? It turned out that she was just a tenant, staying temporarily. I wonder if she has a husband's family?"

He was rambling with excitement on his face, which also brought Fang Zheng back to his senses.

It seems.

This one has fallen in love with Jinshu.


With Jin Shu's appearance, I am afraid that normal men would not be tempted to see him, but Kong Baihu's shy face, like an innocent virgin, is unexpected.

After thinking for a while, Fang Zheng said:

"I'm not familiar with Miss Jinshu, and I don't know if she has a husband. If Brother Kong is interested, Fang can ask her when she has time."

"I'm interested, I'm interested." Kong Baihu nodded anxiously:

"Brother Laofang is here."

He picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp:

"I respect you!"

"Easy to say."

Fang Zheng chuckled upon hearing this and raised his glass as well, understanding what the other party was thinking.

One of them deliberately got closer to each other, and the other was happy to do so. After coming and going, they drank frequently and the atmosphere became warm.

While he was drinking happily, Fang Zheng's ears trembled slightly and he looked outside with a surprised look on his face.

Kong Baihu also heard the strange noise and frowned and turned his head.

"It's really lively."

Fang Zheng shook his head:

"In my small courtyard, people come and go at night, so it's rare to be quiet."


The outer door of the backyard was kicked open again, and a group of Anxi soldiers rushed in with angry faces.


"Get out of here!"

"What's wrong?"

"what happened again?"


"What's wrong?" A soldier stepped out and said angrily:

"He Baihu was intercepted and killed on the long street. Fang, was it you who did it?"


Before Fang Zheng could speak, Kong Baihu stood up:

"He Baihu just left, and I was drinking with Brother Fang. I didn't have time to go out and harm people. Could it be that you suspect that Kong is also a murderer?"

Hearing this,

The soldiers who rushed in couldn't help but look at each other.

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