At the right time, you can nourish your energy and collect your true Qi.

Collect when it is strong, mend it when it is damaged, gather it when it is scattered, take it when it is combined, store the Shenni Pills, and the Dantian Qi will rise.

When the gods guard the Kun Palace, the true Qi will automatically turn into Qi; when fire enters the water, the water will automatically turn into Qi.

The heat is evaporating and flowing endlessly; it seems to have a shape in a trance. This is the first time the medicine is born, so don't pick it up suddenly; if you think about it at all, your true energy will be lost.

Thanks to the sorcerer basics he learned from Zhang Mingrui, Fang Zheng could understand the techniques in the Twelve True Chapters of Black Fire.

According to the above-mentioned method, he silently mobilized the 'true Qi' in his body, raised his palms, and actually quietly emerged a stream of 'pure Yang Qi'. ’

Yang can make fire,

Can burn everything!

This is the core of Xuanhuo Jue.

It was also because Fang Zheng had cultivated Zhen Qi that he could get started so easily.

"come over!"

With one move with one hand, the leg bones beside him were wrapped in true energy, slowly suspended in the air, and then the 'true energy' entered, gradually reacting.

A puff of black smoke came out of it.

Along with the black smoke, a strange, cold, desperate, and angry aura surged toward Fangzheng's sea of ​​consciousness following the true energy.


Fang Zheng frowned slightly. This was different from what was described in the Mysterious Fire Treasure Refining Technique. Why did he feel like he was about to be refined by it.

The breath is sympathetic.

There was naturally a lot of murderous intent, anger and unwillingness in his heart, as if he was in a desperate battlefield, roaring crazily.

There were even scenes of hallucinations appearing in front of my eyes.

I just want to kill him!


Breathing out his turbid breath, Fang Zheng used his spiritual thoughts to outline a statue of a god in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Yan Junguan thought!

The intention to suppress the four extremes and eight desolations emerged from Yan Jun's body, instantly suppressing the distracting thoughts in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and spread towards the leg bones.

"That's right."

Fang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and his true energy wrapped around his leg bones again, and he was refining it according to the law without any haste, completely unaware of the danger of the situation just now.

He doesn't understand.

There are also many differences in magic weapons.

Some evil magic weapons have the ability to confuse people's hearts. If these magic weapons cannot be refined, they may even reversely control the practitioners.

There are some weapons in the picture novel, and those who possess them often turn into murderous demons. That weapon is similar to that.

The leg bones are obviously such evil magic weapons.

It's just that the evil thoughts contained in the leg bones are not deep, and the Founder's idea of ​​Yama Jun is not bad, so he can suppress the thoughts and try to refine it.

It's adventurous!

The soul and the sea of ​​consciousness are the most important things for practitioners. How can we allow foreign objects to intrude? If they leave a shadow, it can ruin a person's path.

Only Fang Zheng, who didn't understand anything, was so stupid and bold. Regardless of forced suppression, he secretly complied with the requirement of having no desires and no thoughts.

After all, he knew too little about the common sense of spiritual practice.

I do not know how long it has been.

Fang Zheng opened his eyes, and a vague connection appeared between him and the leg bones, which could already slightly activate the power hidden in the leg bones.

But if you want it to be as good as your arm, you still don’t know the year of the monkey, the month of the horse.

"I see……"

He tried his best to move his leg bones slowly and murmured:

"This magical weapon is taken from human bones. I don't know why it contains extremely terrifying evil energy. Therefore, it is not afraid of martial arts will, but has the power to destroy evil and shake the soul."

"The power of the magical weapon alone can severely damage Ming Qianhu, but the ability of the person controlling it is secondary."


"That Taoist priest makes his leg bones move as he pleases and change as he pleases. I am afraid that not only is his level of refining better than mine, but he also has a profound method of controlling objects."


"I couldn't stay!"

Fang Zheng shook his head regretfully, quite dissatisfied.

He had heard from Zhang Mingrui that most of the authentic cultivation sects had methods for controlling objects, and their subtleties were even better than the superior martial arts.

The key is……

There is no need to hold the object in hand, only mana and thoughts are consumed.

Think about it, if you can practice this method, your body will not shake, your hands will not move, and the magic weapon will fly out to kill the enemy on its own, how cool and unrestrained it will be?

The ancient Sword Immortal was nothing more than that!

"Well, the leg bone...the name leg bone doesn't sound good. Since you have the power to shock souls and look like a stick, let's call you a fall pile."

"Down and out pile!"

Fang Zheng smiled with satisfaction.

I don't know who left this leg bone. After being sacrificed and refined by an expert, its power is terrifying. Could it be that the owner before death was a real person?




Outside the military camp.

One after another, figures appeared one after another.

"The stars are dim and the sun and moon have no light!"

An old man in gray robe looked up at the sky and said in a cold voice:


"When the blood shines!"

"This is natural." Director Ren Jiajia said slowly:

"This place will be filled with blood today. When it is done, you will get the Qianqiu Demon Sword and the Ren family will get Song Kewang's body. It will have nothing to do with it from now on."

"Brother Ren's words are really chilling." Master Li Xiang of the White Lotus Sect said with a smile:

"It's very unlucky to say such depressing words about parting ways before things are done."

"Do you believe it?"

"I do not believe!"

"Ha ha……"

The two laughed loudly at the same time, and then raised their arms together:

"Do it!"

As soon as the sound fell, several White Lotus disciples walked out first, sat down cross-legged on the altar that had been set up, and silently recited the mantra:

"The green talisman is the destiny, the cave is the punishment, the golden ax is in the lead, the thunder drum is behind..."

"Yin and Yang chaos..."


Several people chanted the mantra in unison. The sound was low and almost inaudible at first, but gradually it roared like thunder, as if thousands of people were roaring in unison.


Shaking the world.

As the word "disease" fell, invisible waves passed through the soldiers in the military camp and connected with the altar of blood sacrifice in the middle of the military camp.


The blood shot into the sky.

Invisible energy suddenly swept across all directions, and the strong resentment and death energy dispersed the evil energy condensed in the military camp to pieces.

There were even hundreds of families who vomited blood and were seriously injured on the spot.

Between heaven and earth, qi is in chaos.

Even if a master of magic is here, I'm afraid he won't be able to make any deductions.

"None of the four thousand families died or left here. The number of soldiers in the military camp has dropped sharply. Song Kewang is unable to control the overall situation while sitting at the altar."

"This is our best chance to get our hands dirty."




The earth trembled.

Nearly a hundred men in armor rushed out of the smoke, their long spears nearly ten feet long smashed through the wall, and charged towards the core area of ​​the military camp.

"Enemy attack!"


"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

The sudden change caused the stationed soldiers to fall into chaos. Fortunately, they were still able to organize a certain interception after fighting for a long time.

The bugle whistled throughout the city.


The armored men are all strong and strong, and their armor and stomach are so strong that they are not afraid of ordinary swords. They can easily penetrate the intercepting soldiers with their spears.

The sharp sword chopped flesh and blood into pieces.

"He is worthy of being a brave man trained by the Ren family. When a hundred people form a formation, he is as brave as ten thousand men. Even a martial artist would not dare to face him head-on."

One person praised:

"If you look at the Anxi Army, they are considered the elite among the elite, right?"

Ren Yan smiled and said nothing.

In order to support these people, the Ren family spends a lot of money every year. Many people feel that it is not worth it and that they cannot use it.

As everyone knows,

It is because of their presence that many people who want to take action on the Ren family are deterred.

Martial arts master?

There were nearly a hundred armored warriors, and even if the Great Zhou Tian Martial Master was surrounded by them, he would still be doomed if he could not escape in time.

"Advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, with weapons and weapons ready, and the evil spirit being unified, this is the way to train elite soldiers..." Li Xiangzhu narrowed his eyes and looked solemn:

"Brother Ren, is your ancestor a general in the army?"


Ren Yan shook his head:

"It's just luck that I got a military book."

The book of war!

The eyes of several people nearby changed slightly, and they couldn't help but look envious on their faces.

Throughout the dynasties, military books have been strictly prohibited by the imperial court. They are even stricter than the management of Taoist magic. An ordinary person would kill the nine tribes at a glance.

after all,

The book of war is a great weapon that can truly subvert the imperial court.

It is also because the current situation in the government is chaotic and changes are happening one after another, otherwise the Ren family would not dare to show such abilities.


Angry shouts came from afar.

The brave men of the Ren family finally ran into the elite of the Anxi Army, and their progress couldn't help but stagnate, while more soldiers from around them were gathering in a steady stream.

Although Yong Ding is brave, the number of guards is still too small compared to the Anxi army.

"Do it!"

Li Xiangzhu moved his muscles and bones, a bright red color appeared in his eyes, and when he put his foot down, his whole body shot out like a sharp arrow.

After a few flashes, he rushed into the military camp.

He held two curved scimitars, and blood and flesh flew everywhere wherever he passed, leaving almost no enemies in sight.

Along with him, there were several martial arts masters and some third-level blood warriors. They were all masters of martial arts and could easily cut a passage through the crowd.

"Daozhang Yuan."

Ren extended his hand to indicate:


"Come on, come on." Taoist priest Yuan gently stroked his beard and sighed helplessly:

"For the sake of our long-term friendship, Pindao did it once."

As he spoke and waved his long sleeves, more than a dozen flaming golden lotuses flew out and headed towards the military camp. The moment they came into contact with the wooden object, a raging fire ignited.

The fire was so fierce that it was like pouring heavy oil.


Taoist priest Yuan flexed his fingers to make the secret, and tapped forward:

"Fengcheng, come out!"

Following his movements, the burning flames in the camp suddenly gathered inward, and then a soaring fire phoenix flew out from it.


The fire phoenix looked up to the sky and howled, then swooped down, spitting flames from its mouth and charging wildly. The flames burned wherever it passed, and all the soldiers screamed miserably.

All of a sudden.

Fires shot into the sky and screams continued.



"It's the mage!"

"Dragon Gate Mysterious Fire Technique!" Someone looked up to the sky and roared:

"Which mage of the Dragon Gate Sect is here? Do you know what the crime of attacking the imperial military camp is? Does the Dragon Gate Sect want to be expelled?"


Daochang Yuan snorted coldly:

"court death!"

The fire phoenix folded in the air and crashed in the direction of the sound.


A huge flame ball emerged out of thin air, the rapidly expanding air formed a small mushroom cloud, and smoke curled down from the surrounding area.

And the explosive core...

Even if he is a martial arts master, he is afraid that his body will be gone.

Ren Yan's eyes shrank, and the fear in his heart increased sharply. No wonder everyone said that you should never provoke a mage. The lethality of a well-prepared mage is really terrifying.

Just one blow caused the morale of the soldiers in the camp to drop sharply.




In front of the altar.

Song Kewang sat cross-legged, unmoved by the fighting outside.

Not far in front of him, a bloody long sword was inserted in the center of the altar. The blade of the blood sword swayed slightly with a strange color, which also reflected Song Kewang's fanatical eyes.

"The more people die, the sooner the Qianqiu Sword will take shape."

With his many years of marching experience, how could he not know that something was wrong in the city recently?

How could he not know the consequences of forcing the Ren family into danger?


Just what I wanted!

As for how many people will die?

So what!

As long as you become a martial arts master, everything will be worth it.


The tent was cut open by a sharp blade, and a ray of light came in from the outside. At the same time, the blade reflected the cold light, making Song Ke squint his eyes.

Someone rushed towards me with a sword and roared:

"The thief named Song, today I will avenge my brother!"


Song Kewang raised his eyebrows:

"I killed too many people, so I probably can't remember it, but it doesn't matter, you have to go down to see the so-called brother you call me anyway."

As he spoke, he reached out with one hand, ignoring the flickering sword light, and easily reached into the person's chest, pulling out a steaming heart along with the ribs.

With a flick of his hand, the body was thrown into the altar.

Watered with blood, the long sword at the altar trembled farther and farther away, like a drunk man shouting to the sky to express his joy.

"What a dragon explorer!"

"Sure enough!"

Li Xiangzhu appeared nearby with a scimitar in his hand. The blade was facing away from him, and he gently cut open the skin and flesh of his forehead, letting the blood flow on the blade.

Mouth whispers:

"Disciple Li Xing, respectfully invite the Lord to come!"


Song Kewang sighed:

"The White Lotus Sect is just trouble."

It is easy to enter the White Lotus Sect's gods, and it is not difficult to practice. There are also divine subjugation techniques in the follow-up. Once the gods are invited into the body, the strength will skyrocket, even for martial arts masters.

Such a method...

It's really unreasonable.


The ground shook slightly, and Ren Yan's figure also appeared on the scene. It could be seen from his ability to rush through the chaotic battlefield unscathed.

His strength is also not weak.

The head of the Ren family, who has always regarded himself as a businessman, is actually a master of martial arts, and he must have cultivated Zhenqi.

"General Song, today's situation is entirely due to your insistence."

Looking at Song Kewang, Ren Yan shook his head gently:

"You are so cruel and unkind, no wonder even the thousands of households around you can't look down on you. It's not God who wants to kill you, but you are looking for a way out."


A fire phoenix spread its wings and enveloped the tent. The high temperature caused the tent to burn fiercely, and rags wrapped in flames fell from above.

"Dead end?"

Song Kewang slowly stood up straight with disdain on his face:

"Just a few of you?"


Li Xiangzhu's figure suddenly disappeared on the spot, and the strange noise was just because he was moving too fast, making the sound of his clothes being ripped out of the air.

This sound was fierce and fierce, like the impact of a heavy object, suppressing all the roars around him.

He actually took action without saying anything.


The crescent moon sword suddenly appeared out of thin air.


The light of the sword split and turned into more than a hundred afterimages, surrounding Song Kewang and cutting them down, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.


Two fingers inserted into the sky full of sword light, and with just a flick, the sword light shattered, and Li Xiangzhu couldn't help but groan.

What a force!

What a speed!


Ren Yan shouted in his mouth, and the ground beneath his feet suddenly exploded. Amidst the smoke and dust, he held a three-foot short stick and attacked him.

The short stick in his hand looks inconspicuous, but in fact it weighs more than a hundred kilograms. It is difficult for ordinary people to even pick it up, but it is as light as straw in his hand.

The fierce force made the flat land suddenly feel like a gust of wind.

at the same time.

The sky fire phoenix opened its mouth again, spitting out a line of scorching fire, and wrapped it around Song Kewang, followed by several martial arts masters.


Song Kewang raised his head and spoke softly. His voice was full of loneliness and melancholy, which made people feel sad and even his movements slowed down.

Martial arts will!

Can it affect the martial arts will of a warrior?

Li Xiangzhu's body shook, and the scimitar in his hand was slashed out again. The sword light fell in profusion, and he attacked his opponent with all his strength.


There was a loud noise.

A strong wind rose from the tent wrapped in flames, and several figures flashed back and forth inside. From time to time, third-level blood warriors and even warriors were thrown out.

"Touch the ground!"

Ren Yan roared, his clothes ripped open, revealing black and bluish skin, and the stick in his hand was smashed downwards by the strong wind.

This strike has the potential to open mountains.


Song Kewang raised one hand high to block the incoming stick, but his body was unable to hold on anymore. He knelt down on one knee, and the stone platform on the ground shattered.


He looked at Ren Yan with surprise on his face:

"Zombie skill?"

"No!" Ren Yan growled, holding sticks in both hands and pressing down, veins popping out on his arms:

"It's the Heavenly Corpse Kung Fu!"


A flash of sword light suddenly appeared from behind, and dozens or hundreds of crescent-like sword lights converged toward the center, forming an arc that cut straight through Song Kewang's heart.

at the same time.

Several lines of fire appeared around Song Kewang, and they suddenly shot inwards.

Others also took action.

Killing moves appear frequently!


The smoke rolled up and swept around, covering everything. The chaos seemed to suddenly stop, and everyone turned their heads to look.


A strong wind blew.

The smoke and dust cleared.

The scene upon entering made many people's eyes shrink, and some people's faces showed ecstasy.

But seeing Song Kewang standing in the middle, several weapons stopped forcefully just three inches away from him, unable to move any further.


Ren Yan clenched his teeth and stared at the blood:

"Protective Gangjin!"

Only those who have reached the third level of martial arts and have cultivated a perfect body can have Gang Jin to protect their bodies. This is inconsistent with the information he has received.

Wu Liu and Da Zhou Tian may seem to be just one step away, but they are worlds apart.

"Not bad." Song Kewang smiled calmly:


"Go to hell!"

He suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the stick and pulled it in front of him, then grabbed Ren Yan's neck with his right hand, and gently twisted it in the opponent's unwilling eyes.


"Heavenly Corpse Kung Fu?"

"It's nothing more than that!"

Leaving the body behind, Song Kewang glanced around coldly.

Everyone who was swept by his eyes felt a chill in their hearts and turned pale.


"Let's go!"


Like birds whose nests had been blown up, figures jumped out from the altar at the core of the camp and fled madly in all directions.


Song Kewang hummed:

"Now that you're here, why bother leaving?"

"Leave me alone!"

Like lightning, he shuttled through the crowd. One martial artist after another fell to the ground with three health points, and the soldiers in the military camp also began to counterattack.

Shortly after.

Song Kewang took Li Xiangzhu's unwilling head and threw it on the altar. He looked at the blood seeping into it and licked the corners of his mouth.

"It's still a little bit... It's still a little bit..."


A soldier knelt on one knee and said in a trembling voice:

"All the incoming thieves have been killed."


Song Kewang nodded lightly, stepped to the altar, suddenly grasped the handle of the Qianqiu Demon Sword, and slowly pulled it out under the gaze of others.


He held the sword in his hand and pointed into the distance:

"Go to Ren's house!"

"It should be enough once we get there."




"Master Kong, I accept it with kindness, but my sister will not go to Fucheng with you. She has someone she likes... Mr. Fang."

Liu Qinghuan's words echoed in Kong Baihu's mind.


He lowered his head and sighed:


"Young Master Fang has an extraordinary family background and is both civilized and military. He is beyond the reach of me, a rough old man. Miss Jinshu has been able to stay in Fang Mansion for so long..."

"How can there be no friendship between the two of them?"

"It's just my wishful thinking. How could a being like a god turn into a human being and fall in love with a rough guy like me?"

Because the front and back yards were blocked, Kong Baihu could only go around in a circle and come back from the front door. As soon as he stepped into the courtyard, he heard a muffled sound.



Piercing screams followed closely.

what happened?

Kong Baihu's face froze and he rushed towards the second entrance.


"Xu Qing!"

Kong Baihu's eyes narrowed, but he saw that his subordinate, who was also a brother and colleague for many years, was screaming on the ground holding his broken arm.

And his arms...

At this moment, in Master Song's hands, he was being swallowed as food.

The scene of eating human flesh and blood is horrifying.

"grown ups!"

Someone yelled:

"He's a madman!"


Kong Baihu's heart sank.


Young Master Song raised his head when he heard the sound, and suddenly appeared in front of the roaring man. He reached out and clasped his shoulders with his hands, and then pulled hard.


A person was torn in half alive by him.


Mr. Song was covered in blood and grinned:

"I want to eat meat."

As he lowered his head to gnaw on the corpse in his hands, he actually didn't even distinguish between human flesh and animal flesh, and would directly kill people just to eat meat.

Kong Baihu gritted his teeth and growled:

"Where's the meat?"

"No more." One person looked pale and shook his head:

"The city is in chaos. There is no extra meat for... Young Master Song to eat. There are not even any chickens in the nearby yards."

They never expected that the other party's appetite would be so terrifying, eating more meat in one meal than all of them could.

several meals,

The stock of meat has run out!


Mr. Song stopped what he was doing and stared at Kong Baihu with his scarlet eyes:

"This meat doesn't taste good, I want to eat meat!"

"..." Kong Baihu's breathing stagnated, as if someone was holding his heart, and an extreme sense of crisis came to his mind.

"Young Master Song."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said word by word:

"Men's meat is thick and sour, so it doesn't taste good, but women's meat is tender and tastes better."

Then he waved to others:

"You guys bring the women from the courtyard here."


Young Master Song threw away the corpse in his hand and said:


"Really." Kong Baihu bowed his head in agreement, and his expression suddenly changed:

"Xu Qing!"

"don't want!"

But seeing Xu Qing, whose arm had been torn off, get up from the ground, holding a short knife with one arm, he reached behind Mr. Song and slashed with the knife.

"You madman, go to hell!"

His eyes widened, murderous intent rising into the sky.


The sharp blade struck Mr. Song's skin, slightly denting it, and then stopped. His full blow only scratched a little of the skin.



Young Master Song yelled, waving his arms wildly, and sent Xu Qing flying out.

At the same time, he reached out and touched the back of his neck. Only a trace of bright red appeared on his hand, but it also made Mr. Song's eyes wide open and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding!"


"It's you!"

He suddenly turned around and looked at Xu Qing, who was lying on the ground dying. He appeared in front of him and kicked out hard.

"You did it!"

"Go to hell!"

"Go to hell!"

Xu Qing vomited blood, and almost all the bones in his body were broken. He was thrown off the ground by the huge force and hit the wall hard.


The wall collapsed and he tumbled into the backyard, the life in his eyes completely disappearing.

"Xu Qing!"

"Brother Qing!"


Several people from Kong Baihu jumped out of the breach. Seeing that their former friends were no longer alive, they couldn't help but look angry in their eyes.


Looking at Young Master Song who was still roaring to himself, several people lowered their heads one after another, suppressing the unwillingness in their hearts.


A woman's scream came from a room in the backyard, and was immediately muffled.


The cry did not go unnoticed by Mr. Song. He blinked with ecstasy on his face and ran toward the direction of the sound, muttering:


"Young Master Song!" Kong Baihu's expression changed drastically and he stepped forward hurriedly:

"There are many women in the front yard. I've already asked people to bring them over. Whether you want to play, it's no problem."

"Get away!"

Young Master Song waved his arms, looking impatient.

Unparalleled power surged forward, and even though Kong Baihu was an outstanding warrior among the three-blood warriors, he couldn't help but fall backwards, with a look of despair on his face.


Under Mr. Song's strange strength, the door panel of the house was so weak that it fell into pieces with a slight bump from him. There were also screams of terror inside.

Several people stumbled out from behind the window sash.



Mr. Song smashed the wall, his face filled with ecstasy:

"Beautiful woman!"

"What a beautiful woman!"

In his life, this was the first time he used the word beautiful to describe a woman. In the past, women were just playthings or food to him.

Jin Shu tripped over a stone and fell to the ground with a scream. His long hair was messy and his beautiful eyes looking back were filled with fear.


Young Master Song was breathing heavily, and suddenly stretched out his hand to tear at the clothes he was holding out, and in just a few strokes, his upper body clothes were completely torn off.

"Young Master Song!"

Kong Baihu appeared in front of Jinshu, his throat rolled, and he said:

"Don't be impulsive. There are many girls in the front yard..."

"Get away!"

Delicious food was in front of him, but Mr. Song didn't listen to his nagging at all. He waved his big hand and knocked Kong Baihu away, then rushed towards Jinshu.


Liu Qinghuan rushed out screaming with a hairpin in hand and stabbed Young Master Song in the waist.


The hairpin in her hand was an unknown object, but it actually pierced Young Master Song's skin, penetrated three inches into his flesh, and was immediately thrown away.

Falling to the ground and screaming.

Facing Jin Shu in front of him, Mr. Song had forgotten even the pain, drooling at the corner of his mouth, and stretched his hands closer and closer.




A huge boulder fell from the sky and hit him hard on the head.

The boulder was torn apart, and Young Master Song was stunned. His body swayed and he barely managed to steady himself, and he touched the top of his head with his hand.

on hand,

Full of blood.


"I'm bleeding again..."


He held his head in his hands, tears and runny nose bursting out, and his mouth kept whining with pain.

"Young Master Song."

Kong Baihu's face turned pale, he subconsciously threw away the broken millstone in his hand, approached cautiously, and said:

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a skin injury. Come back with me. There are plenty of women in the front yard for you to play with."

"It's you!"

Mr. Song suddenly turned his head and glared at Kong Baihu with his straight eyes:

"You want to kill me?"


Kong Baihu's steps stagnated and he shook his head slowly:

"No humble job."

"It's you!" Mr. Song shouted:

"You all deserve to die!"


The figure shook, and Kong Baihu flew backwards, hitting the wall heavily. Several people around him were also enveloped by the shadow of Song Shao's fist.

punch out,

Killed on the spot.

"grown ups!"


"Fight him!"

For a moment, the place was in chaos.

Even Wu Hai and others were involved, and the murderous Young Master didn't understand what it means to affect innocent people.

Kong Baihu and others were all elite members of the Anxi Army, and almost all had blood-replacement cultivation. In addition, they had been fighting on the battlefield for many years, so their methods were very good.




One after another, figures landed on the ground.

Kong Baihu's knees went weak, and Mr. Song pulled his hair and drove him to the ground. His legs were almost broken on the spot.


Young Master Song yelled, with an angry look on his face:

"It's all the opposite!"

He stomped his feet angrily, reached out to grab one person, and directly crushed the opponent's throat bone, making Kong Baihu roar angrily. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not withstand the opponent's incomparable strength.

"How dare you attack me?"

Mr. Song's eyes widened, full of confusion and anger:

"How dare you?"

He has been pampered by his father since he was born, and everything goes as planned. He has never met anyone who disobeys him, and he will sometimes be killed on the spot.

Things that were taken for granted were broken.

He only felt angry and confused, and he didn't realize that he had gone too far, and it was natural for him to kill someone, so there was nothing strange about it.


He clenched his fist with five fingers and smashed down hard with his huge fist.

The crazy and chaotic will was the first to hit the sea of ​​consciousness, making Kong Baihu look desperate and unwilling.

Martial arts will!


Can such stupid and mentally retarded people understand the will of martial arts?


How unfair!


The fist stopped in the air, and a big hand stopped in front of Kong Baihu.

Fang Zheng frowned and glanced around, saying:

"How is this going?"


Pointing at Young Master Song:

"Why are you here?"

As far as the eye can see, the backyard is a mess.

Wu Haikou vomited blood and fell to the ground. Jinshu's complexion was pale, Liu Qinghuan was unconscious, and Li San's broken arm was unknown whether he was alive or dead.

The house collapsed, and the faint cry of a baby could be heard below.


Fangzheng chuckled, his heart gradually becoming cold.

"You also want to go against me?" Before Kong Baihu could say anything, Young Master Song opened his eyes, raised his leg and kicked out:

"Go to hell!"


Fang Zheng blocked the side kick and his body shook uncontrollably.


What a great power!

The vowel thunder method is the best at tempering the physical body, and he has reached the realm of two thunders, but compared to his opponent, he is still slightly inferior.


Kong Baihu took the opportunity to break free and slashed with a knife.


The blade passed through Young Master Song's throat and tore open the flesh, but that was all. Such terrifying defense power made people look despairing.


Young Master Song's fist hit Kong Baihu's waist, breaking several ribs.

But his movements froze in place, and he looked down at his chest. A blood-stained blade penetrated his heart from behind.

Wisps of electric light danced on the blade.


"What should we do now?"

Everyone gathered together and surrounded Young Master Song's body.


A moment of pleasure.

But thinking about the consequences, everyone looked horrified.

This was General Song's only son. Once people knew about it, General Song's revenge would be tantamount to disaster for them.

"It can be said that it was done by evil demons and has nothing to do with us."

Fang Zheng touched his chin and looked at the pale Kong Baihu:

"Is there any problem with your people?"

He didn't care. The worst he could do was leave. Of course, it would be better if nothing happened. The first thing to do was to ensure that the news would not be leaked.

Wu Hai and others are definitely worthy of trust.

other people……

Not necessarily.

Kong Baihu narrowed his eyes, and then winked at the two people around him.



The sword flashed.

Several uninjured Anxi soldiers fell to the ground one after another. They were not injured before because they were not of the same mind as these others.


The last person tried to escape, but was still chased and chopped to the ground. He cursed loudly:

"Kong, if you think you can escape, General Song will not let you go!"

"You don't have to worry about it anymore."

Kong Baihu looked gloomy and slashed it down with his sword.


"The worst I can do is fall into a trap and become a bandit. Anyway, I have already had enough time with the Anxi Army. The world is so big, where is there no place to hide?"

With his mind at ease, he no longer felt that things were difficult.

"Brother Fang."

Turning around, Kong Baihu looked at Fangzheng:

"Song Kewang has a ruthless nature. He has killed countless people for his son. This time, he has even lost his humanity for the sake of refining the sword."

"Whether it's the work of evil demons or not, I'm afraid we all will have a hard time escaping..."

"He has used some kind of secret technique on his son. Once something happens, it will cause a reaction. We don't have much time left."


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"Brother Kong means that Song Kewang will come here?"

"Of course." Kong Baihu looked surprised:

"Brother Fang, is it possible that you still want to resist?"

"To be honest, although Kong came from Song Kewang's personal soldiers, I don't know the depth of his cultivation. This person hides it very deeply."

Even if he has no hidden cultivation, he is still a perfect warrior of the Great Zhoutian and cannot be matched by anyone.


Fang Zheng smiled lightly:

"Brother Kong doesn't know. My place...should be the most dangerous place in Gu'an County."


When everyone heard this, they all looked surprised.

Not only Kong Baihu, but also Wu Hai and Liu Qinghuan didn't understand the meaning of Fang Zheng's words. Where is the danger in Fang Mansion?






Three black shadows penetrated the roof and jumped into the sky. They collided with terrifying force in the air and exploded into circles of air waves visible to the naked eye.

"Bronze-armored corpse!"

Song Kewang turned over and landed on the ground, his hands trembling slightly:


"The Ren family is really smart. They actually placed their house in a very yin place. The intersection of yin and yang nurtures the zombies below."

"After so many years, I actually raised two bronze-armored corpses!"

No wonder there have been frequent turmoils in Gu'an County over the years. The reason why the Ren family has always been able to stand firm is because of these two bronze armored corpses.

The bronze armored corpse, the copper skin and the iron bones, are comparable to the flawless true body. With it as a support, how can a few bandits and refugees shake the foundation of the Ren family?


For the Ren family, the bronze-armored corpse is also too powerful, and most of the time it needs to be placed underground to suppress and nurture. When needed, it needs to be awakened by the blood of the family before it can be driven.

Just like now!

"The surname is Song." Someone yelled below:

"Although the Ren family is destroyed today, you can't even think of leaving alive. The two ancestors quickly take action and kill this guy to avenge my father!"


Song Kewang raised his eyebrows:

"These two bronze-armored corpses are actually the ancestors of your Song family?"


"By practicing the Heavenly Corpse Technique, you can control your family while you are alive, and you can sacrifice your corpse after death. You can also drive enemies to kill."

"If the place you live in doesn't have enough Yin Qi, given you hundreds of years, you might be able to raise an army of zombies."

"Good idea!"

"What a plan!"

He praised repeatedly, and then changed the subject:

"It's a pity that we met Mr. Song. It's only fitting that your Ren family will suffer this disaster!"

"Here comes the sword!"

The scabbard behind his back trembled slightly and suddenly exploded. A flash of blood broke free from the restraints of the scabbard and turned into a flash of red light and fell into Song Kewang's hand.


The sword intent soared into the sky.



"If I could live forever, what would I want?"


Song Kewang opened his eyes, murderous intent emerged, and the sword light danced colorfully, like red ribbons, tightly wrapping the two bronze armored corpses.



The sword blade sliced ​​through the supposedly indestructible body of the bronze-armored corpse, and the rich corpse energy turned into white smoke and spurted out, wrapping up one person and two corpses in an instant.

a long time.

The white smoke cleared.

Three figures stood in the center.

Song Kewang held a sword in one hand with a cold expression on his face. The two figures behind him staggered, then their heads fell off and their bodies fell heavily to the ground.


The Ren family looked desperate and rushed over with screams.


Song Kewang snorted disdainfully and was about to swing his sword when his brows suddenly furrowed, then his eyes turned cold and his body even trembled slightly uncontrollably.


"who is it!"

"How dare you son!"

He clenched his steel teeth, his eyes widened, and his figure suddenly disappeared on the spot, turning into a line of blood and rushing towards somewhere in the city.

"what happened?"

"Where are you going, General Song?"

Outside Ren Mansion.

A group of soldiers surrounding Ren Mansion looked at each other in confusion. One of them looked sideways and whispered:

"Master Qianhu, would you like to follow me and have a look?"

Ming Qianhu looked up, his eyes still showing fatigue, obviously his injuries had not yet healed.

The siege here has come to an end, and assuming there will be no changes in the future, there is no harm in detaching some people to follow them and take a look.

He nodded immediately and said:

"That's fine."


"Whether we succeed or not, we can't stay here any longer."

On the street not far from Fang Mansion, Fang Zheng said:

"Wu Hai, take them to Ci'en Temple to hide first. There is our kiln entrance there. You are also familiar with the roads on the mountain. It will be easy to hide even if there are court soldiers searching."

"As soon as we can avoid the limelight, we will go to Zhaonan Mansion."

"I'll wait for you over there."

"My boss."

Wu Hai and others looked up, their eyes burning.

"Brother Kong." Fang Zheng turned his head and looked at Kong Baihu:

"what's your plan?"

"Let's take it one step at a time." Kong Baihu lowered his head, subconsciously glanced at the two Jinshu girls beside him, and whispered:

"I wonder if Miss Jinshu is going somewhere?"

"What happened today is mostly Jin Shu's fault. If Master Baihu and Mr. Fang hadn't taken action, my daughter might not have been able to escape. We sisters are the unfortunate ones." Jin Shu lowered his head and said:


"I plan to live somewhere else."

As for where to change, he didn't say.

Kong Baihu looked regretful.

But I also know that if we say goodbye on this trip, we may never have the chance to see each other again.


Fang Zheng raised his head:

"So fast?"

He thought for a while, then he reached an uninhabited rooftop, took out his monitoring equipment, took a look at it, and then gently pressed the switch.


Fang Mansion.

The light of Song Kewang's blood fell in lightly, and it was Young Master Song's body that caught his eye.

The corpse was placed in the middle of the lobby, with its head tilted outward, and its lifeless eyes happened to be looking at Song Kewang.

"My son..."

Song Kewang's body trembled, and he staggered to Young Master Song's side, bending down to protect Young Master Song's body.

"My son!"

"Who killed..."


Blazing flames erupted from the ground, and the destructive explosion enveloped the entire Fang Mansion. The high explosives that could open mountains showed their power here.

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