Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 145 Natural disaster? Man-made disaster?

Different world.

Zhoujiacun Cemetery.

Men and women dressed in mourning clothes knelt on the ground, with soft sobs heard from time to time. Flags and flags were hung high, and sacrifices were placed on the altar.

The autumn wind is coming, and it is bitingly cold.

"Taixu is mysterious, watching your dead soul; Tianyuan Taiyi, the main soldier of Jingsi; those who are not in harmony with yin and yang, forgive me!"

Zhang Mingrui is holding a mahogany sword, stepping on the Tiangang steps, waving the ghost paper in his hand, muttering something in his mouth, and is casting spells for the newly deceased:

"All living beings have many grievances. The grievances are so deep that it is difficult to untie them. The grievances formed in one life will not stop in three lives. I am now passing on the wonderful method to relieve all the karma of grievances. If you listen to it with your heart and listen to it, your enemies will disappear."

The curse of resolving grievances.

When you are alive, life circumstances are different, and it is inevitable that there will be joys and sorrows, and resentment in your heart. If resentment accumulates when you die, it may turn into a ghost.

So resolving grievances is essential.

"Your Majesty's decree of pardon will transcend your lonely soul; all ghosts and monsters will be blessed by you in all your lives."

"He who has a head will surpass him, but he who has no head will survive; he who will kill with a spear or a sword, or he who dives will hang on a rope."

"Death openly and secretly, death due to injustice; enemies of creditors and enemies, begging for life."

"Kneel down in front of my stage, and the spirit will shine; Zhan Ru will go away, and you will be reborn in another place!"

"Ancestor of the Zhou family, go!"

Reborn curse!

After going through a set of procedures, the gloomy cemetery seems to have a little more warmth, and the sunlight shining in the sky makes people feel warmer.


"My dad!"


Cries and suona sounds followed.

Mingzhi was swayed and flying all over the sky. Houses, carriages and maids tied with various kinds of paper were piled on the grave and lit with fire folding sticks.


The blazing flame also symbolizes the end of the memorial ceremony.

"Daozhang Zhang."

When everything was over, the white-haired Mr. Zhou took Zhang Mingrui's hands with a grateful look on his face:

"Thank you for coming all the way from the county to perform the magic in person. You can set up an altar to guide the way. My father will be able to rest in peace now that he knows what is going on."

"Don't dare, don't dare." Zhang Mingrui shook his head repeatedly:

"Mr. Zhou is serious."



He rubbed his hands and made a secret gesture.

"Of course." Mr. Zhou understood:

"Twenty taels of silver will be given to you. I won't give you any less this week. Let's go back to dinner first. There will be a theater troupe to watch after the banquet."

"I let the troupe perform for three consecutive days. Firstly, it will be convenient for the folks in the village. Secondly, my father will not feel lonely on the way down."

"Master Zhou's filial piety is commendable." Zhang Mingrui raised his head and looked at the sky:

"However, the weather has been bad these days and it may rain. Mr. Zhou needs to make arrangements in advance to prevent others from getting hurt by the rain."

"Is it raining?" Mr. Zhou raised his head and immediately said:

"Zhou knows."

Back at Zhou Mansion, the banquet was ready.

Villagers from neighboring villages gathered together, the cook set up a large pot, stacked steamers high, and the rich aroma of meat filled the air.

Many children gathered around the steamer. They were not afraid of the high temperature and wanted to touch it from time to time, which also attracted scoldings.

It was obviously a funeral, but there was constant laughter.

after all,

For children in many villages, eating at banquets is the only time they have the opportunity to eat meat besides the Chinese New Year.

Besides, Mr. Zhou lived to be more than ninety years old before he died. He had enjoyed blessings for most of his life, and there was no pain when he died. It was considered a happy burial.

"Taoist Master."

Mr. Zhou stretched out his hand and said:

"Please come in."

"Someone is coming."

"Take the two Taoist priests to sit down. The two Taoist priests have worked hard today. It's not a small gesture to show respect. Go back and buy some candies."

As he spoke, he took out a few copper plates from his arms and put them into the hands of Qingfeng and Mingyue. The two children took them with joy on their faces and followed them to the front yard.

"Daozhang Zhang!"

As soon as he entered the main room, a familiar voice floated into his ears.


Zhang Mingrui was stunned for a moment, then his face was filled with surprise:

"Why are Mr. Fang here?"

There was a man in the field standing with his hands behind his back. He was wearing a green shirt, with long hair, and an extraordinary bearing. He was not as rustic as the common people in the village, and he looked like a handsome young man.

It's exactly Founder.

"What?" Fang Zheng said with a smile:

"Brother Zhang can come, but Fang can't?"

"I'm joking. Some of Fang's tenants are in Zhoujia Village. The autumn harvest is about to begin. I came over to see how the crops are growing. Why don't I come when the old lady is being buried?"

"Daozhang Zhang doesn't know something. Mr. Fang exempted two families from rent last year, but he is a well-known good man in our village." Mr. Zhou stroked his beard and said:

“If we let people rent again, there will definitely be people vying for it.”


"You two, sit down quickly."

Fang Zheng and Zhang Mingrui have known each other for many years, so they never see each other and sit next to each other.

In modern society, the Mu family's troubles have long been resolved, and even Mu Shichong and Mrs. Mu who fled to Myanmar were not spared.

It's not that Founder's wrists reach the sky.

But the Mu family also has many enemies in Myanmar. Seeing the Mu family in distress, they inevitably take advantage of the situation and rob them. The Mu family is completely finished.

on the other hand.

Fangtian Group is gradually getting on the right track.

Yunzhi Textile has become a star in the textile industry since its debut. Floating cotton, Liuyun yarn, and Yunshang fairy clothes have even stepped onto the world stage.

Thanks to this.

The status of square porcelain has also increased, and the sales market has expanded a lot, sales have increased significantly, and the monthly net profit has ranked among the top three in Qu City.

The Chen family's takeover of the Mu family's jade business went smoothly, with 60% of Founder's shares in it, and the monthly profits were also considerable.

There is also an asset management company that, with the help of Fang Ci's expansion, has acquired several stores one after another, and its management quota has also reached 200 million.


Fangtian Group also established a new entertainment company.

It has just started operation and has only signed a few artists. There are various songs, dances, and even stories that have been told for thousands of years in different worlds that can be developed.

This is also a huge untapped wealth.

The entertainment company was Wen Lei’s suggestion.

According to her, once successful, she can use her artists to promote Fangtian Group's products and expand its influence among the people.

Everything is ready.

Just wait until the time comes.

Before you know it, time is slipping away from your fingertips.

A flash.

More than a year has passed in modern society, Fangtian Group has gradually become famous, and nearly three years have passed in the different world.


On the wine table,

Everyone is enjoying themselves.

"Brother Zhang, how many acres of land do you want to buy?"

Fang Zheng was stunned when he heard this and put down the wine cup in his hand:

"Are you planning to settle in Gu'an County and not return to Chunyang Palace?"

"Return?" Zhang Mingrui's face was filled with bitterness, he shook his head and drank the glass of wine:

"I'm already forty years old this year, and I'm still far away from becoming a mage. If I can't make further progress, I'm afraid the palace won't call me back."

"In that case, it's better to make plans early."

Whether you are practicing martial arts or practicing magic, after the age of forty you will no longer have the energy you had when you were young, and the possibility of going further is extremely low.

Many years ago, Zhang Mingrui was a high-level warlock.


After so many years, I still haven't been able to cultivate my magic power.

Maybe it was because he was too old when he entered Taoism, maybe because his foundation was insufficient, maybe because his inheritance was inconsistent with him, but in short, he had given up.

"What a pity!" Fang Zheng sighed:

"Brother Zhang's talent is not low. If he could obtain the true inheritance of Chunyang Palace, he would have become a mage long ago, and he would not have wasted so many years."

Warlock, mage,

One word difference, but a world of difference.

This is different from warriors and martial arts masters. Although third-blood warriors are not as good as martial arts masters, their status is not bad if they are only in the county.

And the mage...

The county town can no longer tolerate such existence, and they are all respected in the capital.

Warlocks were not welcomed in Chunyang Palace, and even high-level warlocks would not receive much attention as long as they were not true disciples.

But as long as you become a mage, your status will be completely different.

When you become a mage and have magic power, you don't need to use a magic altar or your own blood to cast spells. You can cast spells at will.

The power will also be greatly increased.

The means that can be used are greatly increased.

As far as Fang Zheng knew, junior mages could almost kill the little Zhou Tianwu Master. If they were well prepared, the Great Zhou Tianwu Master would be no match.

And compared to fighting with each other, the mage can do more.

More than thirty years ago.

There is a severe drought in Jizhou, and there is no harvest in several prefectures.

Dozens of mages set up altars and performed rituals, using their own essence, blood and spiritual thoughts as guides to offer sacrifices to the sky, causing heavy rain and killing countless people.

This is something a martial artist cannot do no matter what.

That's why.

It is clear that true energy has the characteristics of magical power, and the status of the mage is still respected, whether among the people or the court.

"Now is not a good time to buy land."

Mr. Zhou shook his head:

"In disaster years, land prices drop significantly. Now the price of one acre of land can buy two to three acres of land, and the price of bad land can buy good land."

"Didn't Mr. Fang acquire the fertile land at that time?"

"Disaster year?" Zhang Mingrui shook his head when he heard this, with a look of dismay on his face:

"Wouldn't that be taking advantage of others' misfortune?"

"You can't say that." Qi Yuanwai, who was at the same table, shook his head:

"It's not a disaster year and there is no shortage of food. How can ordinary people buy their own farmland? We all get rich in disaster years."


"That's it!"

The people at the table were all squires from the nearby area, and they all nodded in agreement after hearing this.

"Daozhang Zhang, there is no need to expect to make a fortune growing grain." Fang Zheng said:

"Fang has a tenant who cultivates five acres of land. The annual output of grain is more than ten dan, which is barely enough to feed a family of four."

"He rented another ten acres of land from Fang, and split the harvest in half. This is enough to support food and clothing expenses, and that's in good times."

"This year, he has another child in his family. He was just discussing whether he could rent a few more acres of land from me, and we could split it 40-60."

"He's four and I'm six."

"Young Master Fang is kind-hearted." Master Zhou handed over his hand:

"We have set an annual quota, ranging from three buckets per stone to two buckets per stone."

One stone is equivalent to one hundred and twenty kilograms. Most of the grain output here is less than two stones per mu. If the land is good and cultivated intensively, it may exceed two stones.

But one stone three buckets or one stone two buckets is definitely more than a 50-50 split.


Once there is a disaster year, the food in the fields needs to be supplied to the owner's family first, and it is possible that he will not harvest anything after being busy for a year.

He even owed his master food.

In addition to the taxes that need to be paid, most people do part-time jobs in their spare time to support their families, and they are beaten to death for a little bit of land.

"Speaking of which, there was a rich farmer in our village a few years ago. He owned 70 acres of farmland, of which 40 acres were fertile land alone."

One person laughed and said:

"Back then, he was a frequent visitor to my house, and he talked about running the business well. When the grain warehouse was full and he exchanged money for it, he also imitated me to buy fertile land and become a rich man."


"When a disaster comes, the harvest from his land will be reduced to ten percent, and he will have to rest on his laurels. So what if other people's land is sold cheaper?"

"Not only did we and the wealthy businessmen in the city buy those lands, but when the taxes were paid, he himself would also have to sell off his property."

"It's only five years!"

He gestured with five fingers and said with a smile:

"Of the dozens of acres of land back then, only a few acres were left to support my family. I had to work as a tenant in my house and rent some fields for farming."

"I think back then, he hired people to help him with the work."

"Ha ha……"

The people at the table laughed together, and the laughter was hearty, but Zhang Mingrui's heart sank, and the delicious fish became tasteless in his mouth.

"How can it be so easy to start a business?"

Master Zhou said:

"Three generations of rich peasants and wealthy households have farmed and studied, all they want is to be able to provide a scholar to be elected, or else they will marry the daughter of a rich man or a wealthy businessman."

"With help, we won't have to sell our property when there is a disaster. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to go further."

"That's how I got here too."


"That's exactly what it means."


Everyone nodded.

"The doctor doesn't knock on the door, and the law doesn't spread lightly." Seeing Zhang Mingrui looking lonely, Fang Zheng said in a low voice:

"The Taoist Master once said that everyone has his or her own karma and cause and effect. It is enough for us to be able to protect our skin."

"As for the outside..."

“Let the flowers bloom and the trees bear fruit, let him be.”

Zhang Mingrui looked up.

"Master Fang's words are quite Zen-like."

He smiled and looked out the door:

"It's raining."

"Yes." Fang Zheng tilted his head, his eyes leisurely:

"It's raining."

The drizzle fell from the sky, covering everything with a veil. The children who had eaten and drank enough were barefoot and cheered in the drizzle, causing the adults to shout.



At this moment, a servant hurried over with a panic look on his face:

"Oops, the South Embankment is about to collapse!"


The expressions of everyone at the table changed drastically.




"Huishui flows down from east to west, connecting the vast East China Sea at the top and the mountains in the northwest at the bottom. The water is so strong that dams must be built at intervals to prevent floods."

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Zhang Mingrui was walking on the embankment holding an umbrella and frowning:

"If this section of the dam really collapses, it will not only affect a few villages, but also people in several counties will suffer."

"It may also spread to other places."

"There should be a flood discharge point, right?" Fang Zheng said:

"When there is a lot of water, opening the gate and releasing the water into the reservoir will ease the situation."

As far as the eye can see.

The torrential water has approached the warning line of the dam, and the waves are rolling, rolling up the dam from time to time, washing away the people above.

"The reservoir is already full?"

Mr. Zhou looked bitter:

"And that side is the property of several court officials. Even if Gu'an County is flooded, no one will dare to continue releasing water there."

Several members of the committee and the masters nodded one after another.

In times of disaster, it is true that they can purchase land at low prices, but if the embankment collapses, their old manor and house will not be saved.

Many years of foundation have been wiped clean.

Naturally, he is equally unwilling.

"This soil..."

Zhang Mingrui's eyes moved slightly, he squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil, and with a little force, a series of straws were pulled out from underneath.

Looking at the straw, he couldn't help but look stunned:

"How is this going?"

The dam defense has its own requirements. The stone, rammed earth, and construction methods are very strict. Once the requirements are not met, it will be difficult to withstand the flood.

I have never heard of straw being used to fill dams.


Qi Yuanwai's eyes flashed and he whispered:

"It's all like this. The money allocated by the imperial court is limited. It's impossible to build a good dam. We can only fill it with grass to make it look like it."

"more than!"

Someone said:

"The soil used to build the embankment is also mature soil for growing crops. After all, suitable soil needs to be hauled from dozens of miles away, and mature soil is available nearby."

"There are also bluestones. The original three-layer structure became two layers, and the two-layer structure became one layer. However, as long as the water is stable, it can support it."

Zhang Mingrui's face turned pale, his wrists trembled, his oil-paper umbrella was blown away by the strong wind, and his body was drenched by the cold rain.

"never mind."

Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Let's go."


Zhang Mingrui gritted his teeth:

"Once the dam is washed away by water, I don't know how many people will suffer as a result. Everyone... we might as well go find the capital water envoy together."

"This..." Mr. Zhou's expression changed:

"I suddenly remembered that I still have things to deal with at home, so I will go back first."

"Qi also has something to do..."

"Go together, go together."

In the blink of an eye, everyone in the venue had dispersed.

Zhang Mingrui looked disappointed and looked back with hope in his eyes.

"Brother Fang?"

"Don't look at me." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Whether the dam will collapse or not is none of my business."

"Let's go!"

"That's good." Zhang Mingrui gritted his steel teeth and stamped his feet:

"If you don't go, I'll go by myself!"

"It's useless for you to go." Fang Zheng was speechless. After thinking for a while, he said:

"Master Wang, the Master of Water, is not someone to be trifled with. It's up to you whether you can come out or not. If you really want to solve the problem, you might as well go to Master Yan."

"Master Yan will be promoted in a few months. He definitely doesn't want to have floods during this period."


He warned:

"This matter has nothing to do with Fang."

"Master Yan?" Zhang Mingrui is also a thoughtful person. He was just so angry that he didn't think of the crux of the matter for a while.

Hearing this, he nodded:

"Let's go back to Gu'an County!"



County government hall.

Master Yan frowned, and a woman gently rubbed his temples with her slender jade fingers to relieve his depression:

"It's really a wave of ups and downs. When it doesn't make people feel at ease, I won't be a party affairs officer next time."

"grown ups."

The servant reports:

"Master Wang, the envoy of Dushui, Master Li from Santai County has arrived."

"Invite them in."

Master Yan stood up, waved his hand to the maid, straightened his clothes, and stepped forward to greet her.

"Lord Wang!"

"Master Li!"

"Master Yan, how have you always been?"

The three people bowed their hands and saluted, and then sat down one after another after being polite.

"I heard that Mr. Yan has a way to get promoted. He is worthy of being his disciple. We are ashamed of ourselves." Mr. Li said with a smile:

"Li, I would like to congratulate Master Yan first."

"Just kidding, just kidding." Master Yan waved his hand gently:

"The management assessment has not been passed, and the outcome is still unknown. Moreover, Gu'an County has a simple heart and friendly people, so Yan is not willing to leave."

"Master Yan."

Mr. Wang, the Du Shui Commander, was tall and tall, with a beard all over his face, and a pair of big copper bell eyes that were particularly scary. He waved his hand impatiently:

"No further talk, why did you call us here today?"

Several people have similar official ranks and different official positions. Although Lord Yan has a backing and is about to be promoted, he has no control over the Dushui envoy.


The Wang family was an official recruited by the imperial court, not a man of culture.


The smile on Mr. Yan's face froze, and a hint of anger appeared in his eyes, but he was suppressed by force in an instant and said slowly:

"Yesterday, someone reported that the South Embankment was showing signs of collapse. As the capital's water envoy, does Mr. Wang know nothing about this?"


Mr. Wang looked confused:


"It's the section between Gu'an County and Santai County." Master Yan said in a low voice:

"I remember that Mr. Wang was responsible for three dams in total, and the south embankment was the longest section. Why...even Mr. Wang didn't remember it."

"Of course I remember!" Mr. Wang slammed the table and said loudly:

"I just asked casually."

"Yes, yes." Mr. Li said hurriedly:

"Master Wang, don't be angry."

"The key now is that once the South Embankment breaks, several surrounding counties will be flooded, and I don't know how many people will be killed."

"Huh!" Mr. Wang snorted coldly:

"so what?"

"Master Wang." Master Yan's voice deepened:

"The area you are responsible for breaks out, destroys fertile farmland, and harms the people. Aren't you afraid that the court will punish you? Do you think you can stay out of it?"

"I can't." Mr. Wang raised the corner of his mouth:

"Can you?"

"Master Yan is about to be promoted, and he doesn't want to cause chaos under his administration. If something unexpected happens and lowers your evaluation of your tenure, I'm afraid you will have to stay in Gu'an County for another four years."

There was silence.

Master Yan's face was ashen.

It was only then that he took a serious look at Lord Du Shui Wang.

This person looks reckless and has a bad temper, but in fact he has a clear mind and sees the truth far more clearly than others.

"Both of you."

Mr. Wang raised his head and said:

"Now we are grasshoppers on the same rope. Once something happens to the South Embankment, no one can escape, so...how do you plan to solve it?"


Mr. Li stood up angrily:

"What does this matter have to do with us?"

"In the past ten years, the imperial court has allocated hundreds of thousands of silver coins for flood control, if not one million. Look at what you have done."

"Fill the dike with straw, and the dike will look like paper. The water has only risen for a few days and cracks have already appeared. It's obviously your fault in controlling the water!"


Lord Wang slapped the table and stood up. The solid solid wood Eight Immortals table shattered under his hands. His eyes widened and he glared at Lord Li:

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

"What about hundreds of thousands of taels of silver? Over the years, I have received a total of five thousand taels of silver. What can five thousand taels of silver be used for?"

"You think I don't want to control the water properly. You think I want something to happen to the embankment. Those who are greedy for money are the people above and have nothing to do with Wang."

"Okay." Master Yan said:

"Even if the money is not enough, the labor is always enough. Every year, several counties around the country recruit people to strengthen the dams, but you don't have to pay for it."

"Hehe..." Mr. Wang sneered:

"You know this better than I do. Some people use money to pay for labor, but not a cent of that money falls into my hands."

"They say it's to strengthen the embankment, but how many people actually come?"

"With that few people, it's hard enough to weed weeds!"

"To be honest, if the court only gives Wang such a small amount of money and these few people, I can keep the diba going for so many years without any trouble!"

As he spoke, he became more and more aggrieved, and couldn't help but started to curse, sometimes scolding the court, and sometimes scolding the two of them, with constant filthy words in his mouth.

"Are you still aggrieved?" Mr. Li said with disdain on his face.

"Tell yourself, where did the people who were supposed to strengthen the dikes go? Did they help your family build a house, turn over the soil, or repair their residence?"

"Is it still reasonable to use public tools for private use?"

"You are clean!" Mr. Wang turned his head and shouted:

"What's the state of the official system in Santai County? How much of the subsidies handed out by the court are actually used in the official system?"

"And you, Master Yan!"

"Two years ago, the Anxi Army Division made a big fuss in Gu'an County. How many rich families' properties were swallowed up by you? How much of the fertile land sold was given to the court?"


Master Yan snorted coldly:

"No matter how many excuses you have, if something happens to the dam, as the city's water envoy, you will not be able to escape responsibility. We are all behind you."

"Ha..." Mr. Wang raised his head with an expression like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water:

"I will be afraid. At worst, I will fall into the hands of a bandit like my father did. When the time comes, Wang will attack people from your two counties first."


Master Yan frowned:

"Don't be angry, what should you do now?"

"What else can we do?" Mr. Wang waved his sleeves and sat back in his seat:

"Spending money on reinforcements, as long as you have enough money, there will be no problem in keeping the dams going for a year or two, unless there is a once-in-a-hundred-year flood."

"At that time..."

"You can also blame God for the disaster, it has nothing to do with us."

"Don't be afraid either."

He turned to comfort the two of them:

"If something happens to me, they will definitely expose the money-grubbing boss. They don't dare to let anything happen to me, and they will definitely try their best to protect me."

"Same for you!"

"Master Li sends money to the superiors every year, and Master Yan also has evidence that the superiors are corrupt and bending the law. If we are unlucky, they will not be well off either."

"Let's talk about money." Master Yan waved his hand:

"You are the capital's water envoy. How much silver will it cost to let Nanti survive this disaster?"

"Well..." Mr. Wang thought for a while and said:

"It can range from one to twenty thousand taels, to as many as three to fifty thousand taels. The more money you have, the longer you can hold on. With two hundred thousand taels, I can keep the dam from being destroyed for a hundred years."

"One to twenty thousand taels?" Mr. Li's expression changed:

"so much?"

"Is this much?" Mr. Wang pouted:

"If you want to overhaul the dam, you will need hundreds of labors every day. Do you know how much it costs to feed and drink hundreds of people?"

"In short, if you have money, you can do it. If you don't have money, you can just leave it to fate."

"Then twenty thousand taels." Master Yan narrowed his eyes:

"Nothing can happen to me while I'm in office!"

"If it really takes twenty thousand miles, I guarantee that nothing will happen this year." Mr. Wang's eyes lit up, and then he said:

"But my money is tight. I can only give you three thousand taels of silver at most. You are all local officials. A few thousand taels for each of you is not too much, right?"


Master Li and Master Yan looked at each other, nodded slowly, and acquiesced.


"Reckless man!"

When Mr. Wang, the Du Shui Commander, left, Mr. Li spoke angrily:

"Twenty thousand taels of silver, I'm afraid he can be greedy for half of it."

"Yes." Master Yan narrowed his eyes and said slowly:

"But I'm not that reckless. The guy named Wang is still a bit smart, otherwise he wouldn't have been a water envoy for so many years."

"Brother Yan." Mr. Li looked sideways:

"What do you want?"

"Let's raise money first." Master Yan said:

"I can raise ten thousand taels here, and I have to trouble Mr. Li for the rest."

"Ten thousand taels?" Mr. Li nodded:

"The remaining Li can be taken out by the wealthy households in the county, but... Mr. Yan really intends to give him the money?"

"Ha..." Master Yan chuckled:

"What do you think Mr. Li thinks?"

"Haha..." Mr. Li was stunned for a moment, then laughed:

"This is twenty thousand taels of silver. It's too much of a waste to give it to a reckless man. The dam will be destroyed sooner or later anyway, so it's better to just let it be destroyed."

"The adults above have been looking forward to a disaster year so that they can take advantage of the opportunity to acquire fertile land."

Master Yan nodded slightly.

As for the consequences of the dam accident...

As long as someone "commits suicide out of fear of crime", he can abdicate the responsibility.

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