The main hall, which was specially used to hold banquets and entertain guests, was in a mess. The ground was stained with blood, and broken tables, chairs and benches were scattered everywhere.

Someone brought intact tables and chairs from various rooms, and a dozen people dressed as scholars prepared pens, ink, paper and inkstones and were writing.

Some of them were recording the harvest, and some were copying books.

Boxes of different sizes were carried out one after another, and the lids of the boxes were opened, revealing the gold, silver, and precious jade inside.

There are even mountains of silk and satin.

There were stacks of banknotes, land deeds, and documents. The faces of those carrying them were all flushed, and they didn't mind the blood stained on them at all.

The more valuable items were selected and placed on a long table.

On it were daggers cut from gold and jade, luminous pearls the size of dragon's eyes, unknown wood and metal, and some rare herbs.

Fang Zheng's eyes turned and landed on the wood and metal.

Magic weapon materials!

Although he had never seen anything similar, his sense told him that these two things were the rumored materials for refining magic weapons.

"The name of this thing is the dark wood. It is said that it can be used as a parasite for the souls of the dead. It is also an excellent material for refining the dark magic weapon."

Ye Nanqiu took a step forward and introduced:

"As for this piece of gold and iron, it should be iron essence, which is indispensable for refining magic swords. After being refined into a sword, it can cut iron like clay."

As expected of a warlock with a heritage, he knows more than others.

"Master Linghu."

Pan Ran stretched out his hand to signal:

"After you!"

Hearing this, the person representing the Bai family's martial arts in the field moved slightly, but in an instant he lowered his head to suppress the impulse in his heart.

Logically speaking.

Thanks to Bai Hai, the head of the Bai family, for this trip, he was busy contacting all parties. When it comes to sharing the harvest, the Bai family should make the selection first.

This is also what was agreed upon.


Bai Hai died, the Bai family lacked a sea-fixing needle, and the Pan family deliberately suppressed him. Even if they were dissatisfied, they did not dare to say anything.

Linghu An chuckled and nodded:

"Then you're welcome."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and walked around the table. His eyes lingered on a few things for a moment, and then he reached out and took something away.

It's the luminous pearl the size of a dragon's eye.

This choice is not surprising.

Of the objects in the field, the Night Pearl is the most valuable. Although the materials of the magical weapon are rare, they are only useful if they fall into the hands of a mage.

Pan Ran spoke again:

"Brother Wen, you are second."

"Yeah." Fang Zheng nodded, walked over and picked up the piece of gloomy wood.

His choice was unexpected by others. After all, in terms of value, the dagger inlaid with gems was higher.

Little did I know.

With the technology of modern society, it is not troublesome to forge similar objects. On the contrary, it is the material for refining magic weapons, which makes him even more excited.

As for why not choose that iron spirit...

Tie Jing is only the size of an adult's thumb, but Gloomy Wood is as big as a brick. He doesn't understand value, so naturally whoever elects whom should be elected.

After the two had chosen, it was the turn of the Pan family, the Bai family martial arts and others.


At this time, someone dragged a person out from the backyard and shouted:

"There is also a wild man here."

"I'm not a wild man!" The man, who was about thirty years old, was dragged to the ground, holding a baby under his loose robe.

His face was covered with dirt and he looked panicked, and he said hurriedly:

"I am Mr. Huang's apprentice. I have been treating Mr. Wang in the past few years. I know medical skills. Please don't kill me."

"My child has just been born, and I don't want to die..."


The child in his arms was frightened and immediately burst into tears. The cry was loud. The man hurriedly covered the child but did not dare to use too much force. He was sweating profusely.

"Huang Lao?" Pan Ran looked confused.

"That's the doctor invited by the Wang family from Qingzhou." A person behind him said to explain:

"This old man died a few years ago. It is said that his medical skills are so good that he can resurrect human flesh and white bones. The old man can live so long thanks to his diagnosis and treatment."

"The flesh and bones of the living dead?" Pan Ran sneered:

"If you are so capable, how could you die so simply?"

A big wave of his hand.



The subordinate should be walking over with the knife in hand.


Linghu An's eyes moved slightly, he raised his hand to stop the opponent's movements, and said:

"It is unlucky to kill a doctor."

"In addition, I am very interested in the prescription that Mrs. Wang used to save his life. If you are willing to hand it over, there is no harm in sparing his life."

"Not bad." Pan Ran's eyes moved slightly:

"That old guy was half-dead many years ago, but he is able to survive until now. It is said that he used some magic formula. Let's ask first."

"I'll say it, I'll say it!" The man said hurriedly when he saw this, and looked at Linghu An, the only one in the field who let him go, with a hopeful look on his face:

"This hero...senior, if I tell you, are you really willing to let me live?"

He originally wanted to call him Daxia, but when he thought that the current situation in the Wang family was definitely not caused by Daxia, he changed the subject and changed the title to Senior.

"Heh..." Hearing this, Linghu An chuckled and shook his head:

"Even if I let you go, where can you go now? Today's events cannot be told outside. How can we let you go or stay as you like?"

"follow me!"

"As long as you don't run around, in three to five years, the Wang family will be forgotten by the world, and you can leave if you want."

The man's face turned pale.

The same was true for him in the Wang family. It was equivalent to being kept in captivity. Although he had no worries about food and drink, it was like being in prison with no freedom.

Never thought...

The Wang family fell, but the outcome could not be changed.

He opened his mouth and saw that Linghu An's face turned cold. He couldn't help but tremble. He looked down at the child in his arms and nodded repeatedly:

"I do!"

"Your Majesty, please accept my homage!"


"Crane Nine Heavens Divine Art?"

"Is this the original?"

A burst of noise sounded from behind, and everyone's expressions changed slightly. They ignored the wild man and hurriedly ran towards the direction of the sound.

There were many people gathered around the study room of the Wang family's back house. When they saw the crowd coming, they hurriedly dispersed to make way for a passage.

The study houses a darkroom.

At this time, the darkroom had been opened, and several corpses fell on the ground. It seemed that the process of opening the darkroom was not smooth sailing.

There were also several corpses in the room. The corpses were blue and black in color and had a stench. They died of poisoning.

There is a high platform in the middle of the darkroom, and a delicate wooden box is placed on the high platform. There are several thick books in the wooden box.

On the cover of the top book, there are six characters: Hejiu Jiutian Sheng Gong.




Several people in the room bowed and saluted, and one of them said:

"The Wang family is so cruel that they actually manipulated their own family's inherited martial arts. Brother Xu and the others fell into the trap without realizing it."


Sighing, he added:

"The secret book of the Crane's Nine Heavens Magic Technique is hidden here. I turned it over with jade chopsticks. It's true, but it's probably missing a few key formulas."

"It doesn't matter." Pan Ran waved his hand:

"In this kind of inheritance, it is inevitable that the key points will be passed down orally."

"With the secret book, and comparing it one by one with what was tortured from the Wang family, we should be able to restore 99% of it, which is enough for us."

Others nodded.

No one expects to be able to obtain the complete Hexi Nine Heavens Divine Skill. Besides, although the skill is good, it still depends on who gets it and who practices it.

Top skills may not produce top masters.

The man said again:

"In addition to the Crane Nine Heavens Magic Technique, there is also a true immortality technique below. This is probably the method used by Mrs. Wang to fake death and survive."


Pan Ran raised his eyebrows:

"Copy it together and give it to a few of them."


That person should be.

From the beginning to the end, none of the survivors of the Bai family's martial arts practice said a word. It seemed that the Pan family's power in Santai County was certain.




"A true message can be passed down, but a false message can be sent to thousands of books!"

Fang Zheng put down the book in his hand and couldn't help but sigh:

"I cannot be deceived by the sincerity of the ancients!"

Before he obtained the Wang Family's Crane and Nine Heavens Divine Art, he never knew that there were so many tricks to operating the true energy.

Stimulating the corresponding acupuncture points with zhenqi can speed up the recovery of injuries, increase the speed of body movements, and even help gain energy.

The relationship between true qi, essence, qi, and spirit is so close.

"Unknowingly, I have taken so many detours?"

Recalling his experiences over the past two years, Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly. If he could start this skill early, why would he be so ignorant.

Kung Fu is one aspect.

The Hexiao Jiutian Divine Art also records many explorations and deductions related to Qi, and even involves many mysterious orifices of the human body.


Mostly common sense.


What Fang Zheng lacks is common sense!

He cultivated Zhenqi by himself and never communicated with anyone in the same realm. All he learned came from a few secret books, so he lacked common sense.

And some tips, if no one mentions them, you may never know them in your lifetime.

"Relying on the experience I gained when I was still a warrior, I was able to cultivate to the Great Zhoutian without going crazy. Now that I think about it, I am blessed with great fortune."

"Thanks to the technology of modern society, I can practice with the help of a generator without involving too much knowledge about meridians and orifices..."

Fang Zheng touched his chin, thoughtfully:

"In this way, the key to the failure to break through the realm of the Four Thunders is still the physical body. Relying too much on external forces causes one's strength to improve too quickly, and the physical body becomes too strong, causing a gap with the true energy."

"The solution is quite simple."

"First, the sedimentation slows down the speed of cultivation. After three to five years, you can adapt. By then, it will be a matter of time to advance to the realm of Five Thunders."

"Second, take the elixir so that your physical body can withstand stronger Qi!"

"However, we can also take two paths together, while re-understanding the vowel thunder method, and at the same time using the power of the elixir to temper the physical body, so that there is no delay in both."


Fang Zheng sighed lightly and frowned.

This is the trouble with no one to point out.

The problem he is facing now is that he does not understand the vowel thunder method well enough. To reach the realm of four thunders, he relies solely on the brute force of the outside world.

Even if you can achieve the realm of Five Thunders or even the realm of Six Thunders with the help of elixirs, there are limits after all.


Relying solely on external force will also damage the physical body, which is definitely not a long-term solution.

Only by obtaining a complete vowel thunder method can the problem be fundamentally solved.

"It seems that Chen Jiuniang's appointment at Wanbao Pavilion will have to go after all, but... wait until I reach the realm of Five Thunders first."

The elixir matter is easy to solve.

The old man of the Wang family suffered from a serious illness and his vitality was weak. He survived thanks to taking a decoction called Shen Jing Hu Bao Decoction.

Not only did he survive, he lived for eight years.

This soup,

It can greatly replenish the vitality of the human body and nourish the physical body, which is enough to make the Founder's vowel thunder method, which has been unable to make progress for a long time, one step closer.

"And the Tongqiao Pearl!"

He couldn't help but smile as he took something out of his body.

This item also came from Wanbao Pavilion. It was originally a commodity that Chen Jiuniang traded with someone, but by chance it fell into his hands.

However, after I bought it, I didn’t know how to use it, and I was afraid of hurting myself if I misused it, so it was completely reduced to an ornamental item.

It’s different now…

He raised his hand and opened his mouth, and the Tongqiao beads fell into his mouth.

The true energy in the body circulates and sinks into the orb through the mouth orifice. After rotating inside the orifice, the true energy returns to the body again.

After such a transformation, the true energy seemed to have been tempered, and the violent thunder power became much docile and more calm.

The true energy circulates in the body, and a numbing feeling comes to mind.


Fang Zheng raised his head and moaned.

After a while.

"It can increase the speed of practice by almost 10%. The key is that the true energy circulates in the orifice, making it easier to control."


"You can only use this thing to practice one stick of incense in one day, and it will be useless any longer."

"This item is of great use to the Little Zhou Tianwu Master, but to the Great Zhou Tianwu Master it is better than nothing. I mastered it a little late."

Fang Zheng took out the orifice bead, wiped it clean, and put it in a box aside. Fang Zheng took out a book again and read it carefully with the help of light.

This book comes from that ‘wild doctor’.

The wild doctor's surname was Zhang Wanqiu. He was originally a scholar with a little knowledge of medical skills. For some reason, he was favored by Mr. Huang and became his disciple.

More medical skills need to be passed on.

It was also because of this medical skill that Zhang Wangqiu survived.

"Hundred Ginseng Classic"

This is the medical book handed down by Mr. Huang.

The medical techniques contained in this book are completely different from those commonly heard in the market, and the methods for processing herbal medicines are even more unheard of.

It is said that

The origin is very remarkable.

However, the medicine inside is not available to ordinary people.

Most of the herbs in the Sutra have been refined and dissolved. For example, the most important ginseng essence requires more than ten kilograms of ginseng to refine just one drop.

Say it again.

Ordinary people's qi and blood are not strong, and only martial artists who have cultivated true qi can withstand the medicinal power of ginseng essence.

Ginseng essence is ginseng essence.

After the metal is tempered, it becomes iron essence, and the iron essence is the material for refining magic weapons.

Is it possible...

Was this medical book passed down by a practitioner?

Ginseng is a great tonic and not cheap.

Traditionally, ginseng has been bought based on the strain, not the pound. What’s more, one drop of ginseng essence requires ten pounds of ginseng. How many people can afford it?

"Fortunately, there is no requirement for the age of ginseng, as long as it is ginseng, otherwise even the Wang family would not be able to produce a few drops of ginseng essence."


Fangzheng put his chin in his hand, thoughtfully:

"What ginseng essence requires is the essence of ginseng. It doesn't matter how old it is. As long as it is ginseng, artificially cultivated ginseng should also be fine."

In modern society, ginseng has been cultivated artificially for a long time. With a large output, ginseng has become worthless. Younger ones are sold by the pound.

if you can……

Couldn’t he drink as much Ginsengjinghubao Decoction as he wanted?

In addition to "Crane Nine Heavens Divine Art" and "Hundred Ginseng Sutra", there is also "The True Art of Immortality", which can be called an unexpected surprise.

This skill does not increase cultivation or strength, but it has the effect of prolonging life and even locking vitality to prevent the loss of essence.

The essence does not leak out,

You can never grow old or die!

That’s why it’s called the True Skill of Immortality.


This is just the theory. This power can at most slow down the flow of essence, but it is impossible to truly achieve immortality, which is already rare.

One of the reasons why Mr. Wang was able to survive for eight years was the ginseng essence and death. The other big reason... was that he had practiced the true skill of immortality.

"The art of feigning death?"

Turning to the end, a secret technique came into view, which made Fang Zheng chuckle.

"It's a pity that I'm young and energetic now, so I won't be able to use this skill for the time being. I can practice it when I get older and live a few more years."

"This trip is not a loss. There is a bumper harvest of money, treasures, and martial arts. Is it really true that I have made a fortune by destroying every household? If I have worked hard to save, I can get these in the years of the monkey?"


With slightly raised eyebrows, he looked sideways at the door:

"what happened?"

"My boss."

The gatekeeper, Old Liu, hurried over from the front yard. He didn't have time to catch his breath and replied with a look of panic on his face:

"The South Embankment collapsed!"


Fang Zheng was stunned:

"So fast?"

He had thought that the South Embankment would collapse, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly. The collapse happened just after the Wang family's accident, and the timing was too coincidental.

Could it be...

Someone did this on purpose?

"That's it!"

Shaking his head, he asked:

"Who informed me?"

"Tenants in Zhoujiacun." Old Liu lowered his head and asked:

"My boss, these tenants have fled and come here to ask for help. How are they going to be accommodated?"

"The textile factories and kilns can still bring in some people and let them go temporarily. If there is no food this year, they can still work to support their families." Fang Zheng had expected this, put away the book and said slowly:

"The flood is coming. I'm afraid there will be unrest in Zhaonan Mansion recently. Anyone who can go up the mountain will go up the mountain. There are experts at Ci'en Temple in Dingseng Mountain. We can always save our lives. We will wait until next year."


Old Liu Yingshi sighed with emotion:

"They are really lucky to be able to become tenants of their employer. They have been blessed for several lifetimes. If there is a disaster, they don't have to turn in food and the employer can still live on."

"If it were another owner..."


"How can there be so much emotion?" Fang Zheng chuckled and stood up:

"I'll go out and let Wu Hai take care of the arrangements."


Old Liu lowered his head.

As for what Fang Zheng was going to do when he went out so late, he didn't dare to ask.


"Daozhang Zhang."

Two government officials knocked on the door of Sanqing Temple:

"Someone from Dutai is asking about the South Embankment. You are the first person to discover that there is a problem with the embankment. Please come with us."


Zhang Mingrui was awakened from his sleep and said drowsily:

"Wait a moment, let me explain a few words."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome." The officer shook his head:

"Just go over and reply with a few words, and I'll be back in a moment."


Zhang Mingrui should be:

"I changed my clothes. After all, I am going to meet the adults. It would be rude to be disheveled."

"Okay, okay." The Yamen servant waved his hand impatiently:

"Hurry up. It would be truly rude to keep your Excellency waiting."

"I don't dare." Zhang Mingrui bowed hurriedly:

"Just a moment, you two, we'll be ready soon."

He returned to his room and changed into his robe. After thinking for a while, he picked up the magic sword beside him. After getting ready, he got into the carriage prepared by the Yamen servant.

"Crunch... crunch..."

Ruts rolled over the road, moving slowly.

Shortly after.

Zhang Mingrui frowned, opened the curtain and looked outside. The stars were dim and he could only vaguely see the courtyards on both sides of the road.

"You two, this doesn't seem to be the way to the Yamen?"

"Who told you that we are going to the Yamen?" The Yamen driver said calmly:

"The adults from Dutai have just arrived at the post station outside the city. The magistrate will take them there first. We will go directly to the inn to answer the question."

And said:

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."


Zhang Mingrui nodded:

"It's just a poor person who talks too much."

The carriage continued to move forward. After leaving the city gate and heading south for two sticks of incense, the carriage bumped and undulated and had already deviated from the official road.

"Both of you."

Zhang Mingrui frowned and couldn't help but ask:

"This doesn't seem to be the way to the inn?"

"It's the same no matter where you go." The officer who was driving the carriage chuckled, suddenly turned around and cracked his whip, and the whip scurried into the carriage like a poisonous snake.


The crack of the car whip also shook Zhang Mingrui out of the car.

The other man turned over and dismounted, the arm holding the knife shook slightly, and the bones in each joint of the arm made a slight crunching sound.

It was like a series of firecrackers exploding.

Bones ring with a string of whips!

This is the mark of a three-blooded warrior.

At the same time, his body rushed forward and he slashed wildly with the long knife in his hand. It was like a violent storm, drowning Zhang Mingrui in just an instant.



Zhang Mingrui, covered in blood, rushed out of the sword light. His clothes were in tatters, his robes were soaked in blood, and his eyes were filled with fear.

"How brave!"

His body trembled, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"Pindao is a Taoist who has been canonized by the imperial court. He is the master of Sanqing Temple. His rank is no less than that of a county magistrate. How dare you kill me? Aren't you afraid of being punished by the imperial court?"

"Ha!" The whip-wielding officer sneered:

"It really seems that this was six hundred years ago when the dynasty was founded. At that time, the Taoist temple master was comparable to the county magistrate. Now Taoists like you are nothing!"

"Why?" Zhang Mingrui glared at the two of them and backed away:

"Zhang asked himself who he had never sinned against. Why did you want to kill me?"

"Still want to cast a spell?" The officer with a sword rushed forward and waved his sword, interrupting Zhang Mingrui's secret casting action. The sword flashed and shouted:

"We also admire Daozhang Zhang, but..."

"If you want to blame it, it's your fault for not meddling in other people's business. Now that the South Embankment has burst, the floods have caused Wang Biao to commit suicide out of fear. You should follow him on the road!"


The sword flashed across, bringing out a line of blood.

Zhang Mingrui has also practiced martial arts, and he himself has a cultivation level close to the second level. However, what he is really good at is spells, and he is not good at fighting in close combat with others.

not to mention.

The opponent was a third-blood warrior, and he was covered in wounds in the blink of an eye.

If it weren't for some tricks as a warlock, I'm afraid he would have fallen to the ground.

"The South Embankment breached?"

At this time, Zhang Mingrui seemed to have completely forgotten about the injuries on his body, his eyes were dull, his face was in disbelief, and he hissed angrily:

"How can it be?"

"Master Yan has collected money to strengthen the dike. There has been no heavy rain in the past few days. How could something happen to a good dike?"

"How naive!" The whip-wielding officer waved his long whip, crackling, and said with a sneer:

"The 20,000 taels of silver were used by Mr. Yan to plow up and down. Do you really think it would be used to strengthen the dam? I remember that the Taoist Master also paid 500 taels."

"Taoist Master is frugal. I must have spent a lot of time saving five hundred taels of silver. It's a pity... the money you spent can't save anyone."

"Take care of it up and down?" Zhang Mingrui's eyes were confused:

"A breach of the South Embankment will inundate fertile farmland in several counties. Most of Nanfu will be robbed. I don't know how many people will have nowhere to go."

"Yes." The whip-wielding officer nodded with an indifferent look on his face:

"so what?"

"This has nothing to do with Mr. Yan. It's because Wang Biao, the envoy of Dushui, acted unfavorably and embezzled the money allocated by the imperial court. Moreover, he has committed suicide out of fear of guilt."

"How could this happen? It shouldn't be like this?" Zhang Mingrui was beaten until he kept rolling on the ground. In the blink of an eye, the blood was mixed with the soil, and he murmured:

"This is a major event that concerns hundreds of thousands of people. How could could they..."

He gritted his steel teeth and said angrily:

"I'm going to go to the Futai Yamen to sue them!"

"I knew it would be like this." The knife-wielding officer shook his head:

"How transparent is the Taoist priest in his daily work? Why are you so stubborn now? If it weren't for this, Mr. Yan wouldn't have let our brothers send you on your way."


He sighed softly:

"Taoist Master, have a good trip!"

Zhang Mingrui's breathing was heavy and his body was trembling. He didn't understand the world or the human heart. On the contrary, he saw things very clearly.

He also understands that people’s hearts are all selfish.


The reason why people are human is because they still have goodness.

From ancient times to the present, countless sages have written books and preached in order to suppress people's greed and evil thoughts and make the world more clear.

Zhang Mingrui also knew that the officials of the imperial court protected each other and the wealthy businessmen were intertwined, like an invisible giant net covering the sky, plundering the people's wealth and anointing.


There should always be a bottom line.


He tried his best to swing the magic sword, but the huge force hit the sword, causing his body to tremble and his consciousness to become hazy.

The Taoist mind that had been cultivated for decades seemed to have completely collapsed.



The blade of the knife cut through the flesh and the long whip beat the body, but it was not as painful as the inversion of consciousness, and it also made Zhang Mingrui's expression become more ferocious.


Swords clashed.

There was a flash of inspiration on the magic sword, and a sound like a bell echoed in the field, and it also woke up the confused Zhang Mingrui.

“Only by never forgetting your original intention can you achieve success.”

He lowered his head and looked at the magic sword, grinned and shouted softly, his voice was weak but strangely clear and audible, like the thought in his heart that had washed away all the trouble:

"Slay demons and protect the common people..."


"You have good intentions, but you are a stupid disciple. It is only now that you are enlightened. I have been practicing Taoism for many years in vain, and I am as unable to wake up as if I have never heard the sutra."

The two government officials glanced at each other, and their faces became serious. Although they didn't understand what happened, the sudden aura from Zhang Mingrui's body made them feel alarmed.


"He's going to break through!" The sword-wielding officer opened his eyes and roared forward:


The yamen servant rushes forward, like a tiger descending a mountain. He simply pounces, lifts and cuts, interpreting the tiger shape vividly.

The long knife fell, and there was a faint sound of tiger roaring.


The crash sounded again.

The sword-wielding officer's eyes shrank with horror. The whip-wielding officer behind him who was about to follow also showed fear and subconsciously took a step back.

But he saw a long sword floating in the air, blocking the long sword.

Even though no one is holding the hilt, the sword can actually stand still.

The swords collided, and the blackened sword body was also shaken and peeled off. Pieces of iron filings fell off the magic sword one after another.

in a blink.

A brand new, slender sword appeared on the scene.


Passionate, exciting, and sharp whistles resounded from the field, and the magic sword seemed to have spirituality, making a joyful sound of breaking free from its restraints.


The sword light circulated and circled in the air.

The sword-wielding officer's body froze, his eyes dimmed, and a thin line of blood appeared from his neck, circling around in a circle.


The head fell to the ground.

Headless corpses follow.


The whip-wielding man hissed and turned to flee.


The sword light flashed again.

The magic sword penetrated into the heart of the whip-wielding Yamen servant from behind, and flew out from the chest, leaving a line of blood, and the Yamen servant also fell to the ground.

The sword light returned and fell into the scabbard on its own.

Zhang Mingrui stood in the middle of the field, holding the sword technique with one hand, his body swaying, and then his knees softened and he fell to the ground.



Just then, a burst of crisp applause sounded:

"With great enlightenment and complete enlightenment, Taoist Zhang is indeed a wise and penetrating person. He can only achieve the state of a mage at the critical moment of life and death."



In the dark night, a person walked slowly.

"It's you." Zhang Mingrui raised his head and looked at the person with a solemn expression:

"Mr. Shan!"

"Not bad." The person who came was dressed as a scholar, and it turned out to be Scholar Shan next to Master Yan. He looked at Zhang Mingrui and nodded lightly:

"Shan came to take a look just in case. I never thought there would be an accident."

"A few years ago, Yuan Xing of Ci'en Temple fully understood Buddhism and became a Buddhist Arhat in one day. Tonight, Taoist Zhang became a Dharma master and became an outstanding person in Gu'an County."

The advancement of enlightenment is completely different from the advancement of practice. This kind of person has greater potential. As long as he does not die, his future achievements are limitless.

Then he sighed again:


"Taoist priest is destined to have a disaster, and I can't tolerate you, so let Shan send you on your way."

"Hold on."

At this time, another person appeared.

"Feel sorry."

Fang Zheng bowed his hands:

"I came down a little late, but fortunately it's not too late. Are you okay, Taoist priest?"

See this.

Zhang Mingrui's eyes relaxed.

Scholar Shan's expression darkened.

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

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