Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 153 Five Ghost Kabuto advances (please vote for me)

Senior Brother Wu has superb swordsmanship and is well prepared. Seeing Xiang Xiu rushing towards him in an attempt to intercept him, a sneer appeared on his lips.

It’s you who’s waiting!


The moonlight in the sky suddenly shrank and turned into a crescent moon, slanting towards Xiu.

Xiang Xiu mentioned just now that the "Martial Arts" compiled by the previous dynasty ranked the top ten martial arts in the world, and one of them was the Ruyi Tianmo Sword.

It is rumored.

This sword contains the power of the Six Desire Demon Gods. It can dispatch gods and restrain spirits, and is worthy of creation. It is the best sword technique in the world.

And this sword technique belongs to the Hehuan Sect. The sword technique that Senior Brother Wu learned is not the Ruyi Tianmo Sword, but it is in the same vein.

Years of practice.

The sword cuts off water and can split waterfalls. It is extremely powerful. This time, the sword's power is concentrated and its intention covers all directions. It is an almost unavoidable blow.

As soon as the opponent's sword turned, Xiang Xiu immediately sensed something was wrong, and the hairs all over his body stood up suddenly. Before he had time to think about it, he threw the Qianyuan Palm Qiankun and struck out.


The light of the sword was twisted, like the full moon on the water surface shattering in colorful colors, and the invisible strength collapsed. Xiang Xiu groaned and had to retreat continuously.

His hands were trembling, and there were blood marks on his fingers. He was obviously injured by the opponent's sword energy.


If he hadn't dodged in time, both hands would have been disabled!

"Great Zhou Tianwu Master?"

Senior Brother Wu’s audio tape disdains:

"What a waste!"

He was only in his early thirties, and had only been promoted to the Great Zhoutian for a few years. In terms of Qi cultivation, he was far inferior to Xiang Xiu, who was in his sixties, but he gained the upper hand with one move.


Xiang Xiu's eyes widened in anger, and he let out a silent roar. The ground beneath his feet suddenly exploded, and he stepped out eight times in a row. The dirt was flying and he pounced on the opponent.

Qiankun eight combos!

He waved his arms, and the power of his palms roared out. Each palm was faster than the other, and each move was harder than the other. Each move was close to the vital point. Every time he waved his palms, a dull and powerful muffled sound was heard in the air, and the palm power was even more intense. Layers overlay.

Senior Brother Wu's expression changed slightly. This old guy can still be so strong at such an old age, so he should not be underestimated.

As soon as the scimitar was retracted, his whole body was twisting like a poisonous snake in the palm force, and from time to time he swung the sword to break the wind of the palm.



The two of them rolled over and fought, causing immediate damage to the surrounding trees and grass. The soil on the ground exploded and the trees broke, as if they were being ravaged by wild beasts.



Xiang Xiu was furious, his eyes were wide open, and he waved his palms desperately, but his decline was clearly visible.

He has decades more cultivation than his opponent, and has rich experience in fighting in the arena, but this cannot offset the gap in strength.

Senior Brother Wu's sword skills were uncanny, and his scimitar was extremely sharp. The sharpness of the sword's energy gave him chills every time he touched it.

It's like dancing on the tip of a knife. If you are not careful, you will be stabbed to the core.

In comparison.

Senior Brother Wu, who was wielding a machete, looked much more composed, his movements became more and more relaxed, and he had a vague sense of leisurelyness like a cat playing with a mouse.


Seeing that Xiang Xiu was about to die, a ghost roared not far away.

Four fierce ghosts and one resentful soul sprang out from the pockets of the five ghosts. They pounced on Brother Wu in the air, and the ghost claws in the sky were the first to catch him.

"Scary ghost!"


Senior Brother Wu's expression changed, and the sword light in the field rose again, and a breathtaking sword intention emerged, slashing at the ghost claws in the sky.


The fierce ghost screamed, and the ghost energy escaped.

The illusory ghost body was also cut into cracks by this knife.

Knife intention!

The corners of Fang Zheng's eyes twitched, and his face looked solemn.

However, unlike his own martial arts will, the opponent's sword intention comes from the sword technique, and the vicious sword technique generates the sword intention from itself.


The sword's intention is pure and can kill powerful ghosts!

This kind of sword technique is probably no less than a one-word clear-cut attack!


With a slight snort, he had a thought, and the ghosts in the field changed, turning into black clouds covering an area of ​​more than ten feet, and instantly became filled with ghostly energy.

Ghost shadows shuttled back and forth, and ghost claws poked out from them.

Five ghost transport method!

With the help of the five ghosts, Xiang Xiu's pressure suddenly decreased. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to be careless. He continued to wave his palms to meet the enemy with bated breath.

Neither he nor the Five Ghosts are any match for Senior Brother Wu.

Only by joining forces,

Only then do you have a chance to win!


A sweet laugh sounded, and a beautiful figure floated close to Fang Zheng.

"Young Master is so clever that he actually raised five ghosts. But aren't you afraid of being with such things all day long?"

"How can ghosts be as scary as the human heart?" Fang Zheng tilted his head and looked at the other person:

"Is that what the girl said?"

"What are you talking about? The human heart is much scarier than ghosts." 'Junior Sister Qin' smiled sweetly, her delicate body kept approaching:

"It's a pity that I'm a concubine. I wonder what you should call me, sir?"

"What a pity?" Fang Zheng nodded:

"This feeling can be recalled later, but I was already at a loss at that time. The girl gave me a good name."

"...What a poem." Qin Keqing's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise on her face:

"Young Master is so talented in literature. If he were met by those Keqing sisters, I'm afraid he would be unable to help but recommend himself to me, just for a night of fun."

As they spoke, the distance between the two of them was almost three feet. Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, but Qin Keqing let out a sweet smile and flew to the side.


Just fly!

The beauty of this woman's body movements is simply unbelievable. Her entire figure seems to ignore gravity and inertia, moving left and right, her feet never touching the ground, and elusive.

Every time the distance got closer, when Fang Zheng was about to take action, he suddenly retreated.

Such constant pulling and probing, with even more coquettish smiles in his mouth, distracted his attention and made people have to treat him with caution.

"Young Master smells so good."

Qin Keqing sniffed lightly, her beautiful eyes twinkling:

"What kind of perfume is this? People can't help but be immersed in it, and it also makes Keqing think of a senior sister from the past."

"Speaking of which..."

"Although that senior sister is not very talented in martial arts, she is very talented in literature. If the young master meets her, he will definitely have a pleasant conversation with her."

"Really?" Fang Zheng said in a calm voice:

"The girl is such a fairy-like person that she can still admire other people. I think she must be extraordinary, but it is a pity that I have no chance to meet her."

As he spoke, the zhenqi circulated in his body, never stopping for a moment.

Vowel Refa!

Since the enlightenment of the Dharma, when the true energy surges, the sound of thunder will be generated in the body. The sound of thunder will beat endlessly, the muscles and bones will roar together, and the bone marrow and skin will be everywhere.

The internal organs, intestines and bone marrow were all vibrating, and a numbing sensation reached all the limbs.

The perception of the outside world has reached a limit. Whenever the other party has murderous intentions in his heart and gets closer, the hair on his body will explode.

The energy condensed.

As soon as the murderous intention weakens and the distance is far away, the true energy will return to its original state without any hindrance.


Qin Keqing smiled sweetly:

"Compared to senior sister, what am I?"

"Young master, you speak so nicely. His little mouth is like honey. It's so sweet that people can't help but want to get close to you."

As she spoke, she had already tested him several times, but every time she came within three feet of Fang Zheng, a warning sign would appear in her heart.

This forced her to retreat temporarily.

However, facing the siege of Li Gui and Xiang Xiu on the other side, Senior Brother Wu is already in danger. If he doesn't take action, the situation may change.

Qin Keqing bit her soft lips and quietly crossed the three-foot limit with her bare hands.


It was like pressing a switch, a volcano erupted in front of me, thunder exploded, and a burst of extremely strong and yang energy suddenly hit me.


Qin Keqing's figure changed, and various afterimages appeared in the field instantly, and there were even more charming smiles, whispers and breaths, pulling people's consciousness down.

Girl's body technique!

Confusing divine sounds!

If there is any real Qi, it is like a mesh intertwined, covering Fangzheng layer by layer, and instantly there seem to be figures in all directions.


Fang Zheng snorted softly, and Yan Jun, who was wrapped in thunder from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, jumped out and blasted towards the shadows in the field through his eyes, all illusions were shattered.

at the same time.

He raised one hand, and there was already a pistol in his palm.


Qin Keqing was slightly startled.

She had many plans in mind for how to deal with Fang Zheng, such as drawing swords, controlling objects, and casting spells, but she never expected that she would pull out an unknown strange thing.

compare to.

It's nothing if the other party breaks his body and phantom.


Just when she was in shock, she saw a flash of fire suddenly appear from the object in Fang Zheng's hand, and an oval object erupted from the depth of the short tube, shooting towards her at an astonishing speed.


Shocked in her heart, Qin Keqing retreated subconsciously. At the same time, her wrist trembled and a slender soft sword popped out of her sleeve, stabbing the incoming object.


The tip of the sword collided with it, and a pure force of impact came. The rapier suddenly vibrated, and the bullets flew away.

next moment.



"Peng Peng Peng!"

Fang Zheng held a pistol in each hand and fired wildly at the figure within a few feet, bullets flying out in a violent rain.

The opponent looked to be only about twenty years old. Even if he practiced martial arts in his mother's womb, he would only be entering the Great Zhou Dynasty for the first time at most, and he would be far from immune to bullets.

I don’t believe it,

With my own reaction speed, I can't hit him from such close range!


Qin Keqing's beautiful eyes widened with fear, she screamed, her body skills were pushed to the limit at this moment, and she dodged frantically.

At the same time, the soft sword in his hand danced crazily, colliding with incoming bullets and sparks.


There was a muffled sound.

Qin Keqing's expression suddenly changed, her body retreated crazily, she jumped several feet, and disappeared into the forest in a few flashes.

The speed is incredible.

From the moment she took action to the moment she fled hastily, it was over in the blink of an eye before anyone else could recover.


Fang Zheng hummed softly, waved his sleeves lightly, and the Lightning Bolt hanging from his waist flew out, drawing an arc and hitting Senior Brother Wu.

at the same time.

The Five Ghosts' offensive suddenly became urgent. Xiang Xiuye ​​gritted his teeth and pushed the Qianyuan Palm to its limit.



The energy exploded.

The Luopo Zhuang broke through the siege and hit Senior Brother Wu hard on the back. Its soul-shaking power made his body stiffen, and he took the opportunity to pounce on Xiu Wugui.

Especially Xiang Xiu.

The two palms formed a chain, and each strike contained a huge force of ten thousand kilograms. It really hit Senior Brother Hongwu's chest, breaking his ribs and shattering his internal organs.

Even so, he still didn't forget to leap towards Gu Chong who was trying to escape when he saw the situation was bad. Three steps turned into two steps to catch up and kill him on the spot with one palm.


Seeing that the two people were dead on the spot, he relaxed and put his hands on his knees to gasp for air.



The five ghosts were regarded as the only resentful souls. After eating and drinking, they let out a long roar of contentment. The ghost energy in their bodies became strong, and they finally successfully advanced.

The five resentful spirits eventually became evil ghosts.

The five ghosts put the five ghosts into the five ghost pockets, and the five ghost pockets immediately trembled slightly and spontaneously swallowed the ghost energy from the five ghosts to make themselves stronger.

The stronger the Five Ghost Kabuto is, the stronger its ability to nurture ghosts will be.


"This brother."

Chang Wei stood up tremblingly, cupped his fists and raised his hands towards the two of them:

"Thank you both for your help. If it weren't for you two, Chang wouldn't have been able to escape today. The Chang family also has some strength in Zhaonan Mansion. I will definitely thank you generously when we enter the city."


Xiang Xiu snorted, Jian Fang had no expression on his face, and waved his sleeves:


If it weren't for the other party today, they would not be involved in this trouble at all. Now that one person has escaped, I don't know if there will be any trouble in the future.

When he thought of this, he felt secretly annoyed.

If you haven't slapped the opponent, you are already well-trained.


Chang Wei had a sly expression and opened his mouth to speak, but Xiang Xiu waited for him to go back.


"It's my fault today..."

"Leave now, I'll leave now!"

He smiled awkwardly and stepped back step by step. When he was submerged in the forest, he turned around and ran towards the distance, not even paying attention to the bodies of the guards in the field.


Xiang Xiu turned around, looking ashamed:

"It's all Xiang's fault. I shouldn't have stopped Na Gu Chong before."

"That's all."

Fang Zheng waved his hand gently:

"Pack your things and leave before we talk."


Xiang Xiuying is.

"In addition..." Fang Zheng pondered for a moment and said:

"Since we have offended people from the Hehuan Sect and some people have fled, it is better to keep a low profile when we go to Zhaonan Mansion and not reveal our identity for the time being."


Bow to Xiu.


Deep in the forest.

Qin Keqing gasped and lowered her head to look at her waist.


As she circulated her true energy, she forced the two bullets out. The bullets clattered to the ground, leaving two bloody holes.


The girl's miraculous power was running, her skin and flesh squirmed, and the two blood holes were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, her skin was smooth and there were no scars anymore.

If you don't see such a miracle with your own eyes, no one will believe it.

However, it was not easy for Qin Keqing to do this. Her pretty face was pale, her delicate body was trembling slightly, and her breath became extremely weak.

"What a weird hidden weapon. Just by gently pulling the trigger, you can shoot out more than ten hidden weapons in an instant with astonishing speed and power..."

She bent down and picked up a bullet, with a look of surprise on her face:

"Unless one has attained a true body without leakage or is a great Zhoutian martial artist who has practiced top-notch hard skills in the physical body, no one can resist this little thing."


"This object only has pure penetrating power, and does not have magic or infuriating qualities. Otherwise, I may not be able to escape today."

Putting down the bullet, Qin Keqing was thoughtful.

"Why have I never heard of such hidden weapons?"

"There are no similar things in the Tang Clan, the Mo Family, and the Duanmu Family. This person is so weird, and the fragrance on his body, could it be..."


As she murmured in her mouth, her expression became more and more excited, as if she had encountered an interesting prey, and the surface of her skin was rosy with excitement.

As a disciple of the Hehuan Sect, Qin Keqing saw many handsome men and beautiful women, and gradually lost interest in good-looking men.

On the contrary, men with secrets are more attractive to her.


A small voice came from not far away.

Qin Keqing's expression changed slightly, her beautiful eyes turned, and a slight smile appeared on her face:

"Chang Wei?"

"What a coincidence!"

She chuckled, and silently rushed towards the direction of the sound like a ghost.




There are nine states in the world.

Ji, Yan, Qing, Xu, Yu, Jing, Yong, Liang, Yang...

Jizhou has a vast territory with mountains and rivers. It has four prefectures and thirteen counties, among which Zhaonan Prefecture is located at the intersection of three rivers.

Watch it from a distance.

The city is located between mountains and rivers, with a terrain that is high in the south and low in the north, and the whole city is long and narrow.

The four main gates and two side gates have been open all year round, like six huge mouths for handling goods, with carriages and pedestrians coming and going in an endless stream.


Xiang Xiu jumped out of the carriage and opened the curtain:

"Sir, we are here. We have found a small courtyard in the East District as you ordered. We have no contact with Fang Ci for the time being."


Fang Zheng nodded:

"Have a few days of rest and don't be busy with anything else."


Xiang Xiu didn't ask any more questions and just led the horse to feed the grass and clean the yard.

The small courtyard here is similar to the courtyard in Xieliu Lane, Gu'an County, with three main rooms, two side rooms, and a toilet in the corner of the kitchen on the east side.

Everything that should be there is there.

It's just that the place is a little smaller.

Entered the house.

Fang Zheng casually cast a dust-removing spell and waved his sleeves to blow away the cobwebs in the corner. In the blink of an eye, the room became clean and refreshing.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, took off the Five Ghost Pocket and looked at it carefully.

Ever since all the five resentful souls advanced to become fierce ghosts, the five ghosts Kabuto seemed to have undergone some kind of change, which was a little different from the past.

Just take this opportunity to refine it again.

Caress the five ghost Kabuto.

The dusty unknown fabric has a rough texture and is as big as a money bag. It still feels cold to the touch even on a hot day.

If you put it to your ear and listen carefully, you can still vaguely hear the whistling of the ghost inside.

After pondering for a moment, Fang Zheng flicked his fingers and injected the true energy into the Five Ghost Pocket. The true energy stimulated the Five Ghost Pocket and made it beat slightly like a living thing.

next moment.


The bag opened and a stream of black smoke spurted out.

Black smoke condensed in the air, turning into characters, floating quietly in the air.


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"The art of raising ghosts!"

There is already a method of raising ghosts recorded in the Five Ghost Pockets, but it is obviously not as good as the one in front of you, and it is more sophisticated and perfect.

How to judge whether the zodiac signs of life are suitable, whether the five elements of Feng Shui can gather the ghosts, and progress from ghosts, resentful souls, and evil ghosts step by step.

Even become a ghost king.

It is all available, and it is a complete inheritance that directly points to the true path.

"Ghost King!"

His eyes fell on the second half of the ghost-raising technique. Even though Fang Zheng had a calm mind, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and look solemn.

Ghost King,

It is comparable to the existence of a master of martial arts and a true master of magic.

You know, whether it is the leader of Paijiao, the leader of the Beggar Clan, the master of the Six Paths of Demonic Heaven, the overseas immortals, or even the masters of Tianshi Dao and Xuantian Dao.

Although these world-famous strong men are different in strength and weakness, they are all martial sects and true men.

This ghost-raising technique can actually cultivate a ghost king, and it records how to subdue the ghost king and refine the incarnation outside the body.

Once successful.

The Lord of the Five Ghost Kabuto can use secret techniques to blend his body with the King of Ghosts, and he can advance to the level of a real person and become a ghost-like figure.

By then.

You can stand shoulder to shoulder with the above-mentioned strong men. The world is so big that you can do whatever you want!

"I've long guessed that this magical weapon is extraordinary, but I didn't expect it to be so extraordinary. The only flaw of this method of enlightenment is that it will suffer backlash. Once it can't bear it, it will die..."

Fang Zheng murmured, his eyes flashing:

"Theoretically, as long as the ghost king's backlash is suppressed, it is a shortcut to attaining the real person. Although the evil method is dangerous, it is indeed more convenient than ascetic practice."

"I wonder if my view of the Lord of Hell can stop the Ghost King's backlash?"

Ever since he started practicing Yama Jun Guan, he has never had any problems with his mental condition. Even the bewildering sounds of the Hehuan Sect's enchantress were of no use to him.


This concept can ignore psychic attacks.


The greater possibility is that he has not met a real master yet, but this concept is conducive to stabilizing the mind, but it is undoubtedly true.

"It's too early to think about that now."

Fang Zheng shook his head:

"If you want to achieve the unity of the five ghosts and advance to the realm of the Ghost King, you still have to wait until the end of the year. Even if you follow the convenient method, you will have to swallow the blood essence of at least ten thousand people."


"Killing tens of thousands of people, I'm afraid that the righteous Wuzong and Zhenren will be hunted down long ago."


"It's not good to be like a human or a ghost."

Having said that, according to the records of Chunyang Palace, a real person's lifespan is six years, which is three hundred years old. Who can resist this temptation?

"In addition to swallowing the essence and blood of living people, you can also use the evil spirit to assist in your training. Even if you can't become a ghost king, it is still a killing move."

"Evil spirit!"

Fang Zheng was thoughtful:

"If the evil spirit can be integrated into the ghost, the ghost's lethality will be greatly increased, and it will also have a certain resistance to martial arts will and magic."


"Releasing the five ghosts will dissipate the evil spirits and trap other people's magical weapons. It can also consume the spiritual power of the magical weapons and gain an upper hand against enemy mages."

"Good baby!"

"What a good baby!"


Time flies and nearly half a month passes.

In the past half month, except for occasionally leaving the courtyard to investigate the situation, Fang Zheng spent most of his time practicing in seclusion.

Thanks to the elixir brewed by the golden thread carp, the ginseng essence protecting treasure soup, and the understanding of the magic of vowel thunder, the realm of six thunders is getting closer and closer.


It seems to be right in front of you.

As for Gouki Kabuto...

This treasure has just advanced and needs to be cultivated for a period of time, and the ghost bodies of the five ghosts must be condensed until Yuan Yin is formed before trying to refine the evil energy.


The evil spirit entered the body, and Li Gui himself couldn't bear it and collapsed first.

‘If ghosts and resentful souls are regarded as the first stage of ghost cultivation, then the formation of Yuanyin and the condensation of evil spirits are the second stage of ghost cultivation. ’

‘The third stage is the Ghost King! ’

‘Warriors can take pills for practice, mages can burn incense to help stabilize their minds, and ghosts can also use the devouring of yin energy to strengthen themselves. ’

‘Though things containing Yin Qi are rare, they are not unheard of…’


Knock on Xiang Xiu:

"There's news."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng stopped thinking, raised his head and said:

"Come in and talk."


Xiang Xiu pushed the door open and entered.

He is an old man, and he is not very proficient in dressing up. He can easily find out some information without telling ordinary people.

"Go back to me, sir."

Xiang Xiu cupped his fists and raised his hands, saying:

"As you expected, there is indeed a problem with the Chen family."


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"tell me the story."

Zhaonan Mansion is different from Gu'an County. There are many experts and talents here, and the forces are even more complex.

In addition to the imperial yamen, there are also Chunyang Palace, Wanbao Pavilion, and even Paijiao, the branch of the Beggar Clan, the White Lotus Sect joining in the fun, etc...

No matter how they are arranged, the Chen family of Wanbao Pavilion is well known in Zhaonan Mansion. With the Chen family's methods, how could they not know that he is coming if they have the intention.


It has been half a month since they left Gu'an County, but the Chen family has not responded at all, which is very abnormal.

Recalling what Chen Jiuniang said back then, it is obvious that something is wrong with the current situation of the Chen family, and they no longer have the heart to understand the vowel thunder method.

"Young master, you should know that Wanbao Pavilion belongs to Xuantian Dao. The Chen family is just a branch of Wanbao Pavilion in Zhaonan Mansion and cannot represent Wanbao Pavilion."

Xiang Xiu said:

"A few years ago, the Chen family's patron in Xuan Tiandao passed away for some reason. Xuan Tiandao also supported the Qian family to establish another branch in Zhaonan Mansion."

"Perhaps they want to compete with each other so that business can flourish."

"But since then, conflicts between the two families have continued. Because the Qian family has a backer, the Chen family's life has become worse and worse."


"Last year, the Chen family's only flawless martial artist encountered a master while escorting goods and was seriously injured. The situation became even worse."

"The only perfect martial artist?" Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly:

"Is there only one person in the Chen family who is perfect?"

In the county town, not to mention the Wuluo martial arts master, even the Great Zhou Tianwu Master can be called the overlord, such as Linghu An of the Linghu family.

But in Fucheng.

It also represents Wanbao Pavilion. How can it be possible for only one member of the Chen family to be flawless?

"There used to be three of them." Xiang Xiu said:

"But two people have died in recent years, and the last one last year was also seriously injured. Some people say...it is most likely the Qian family's work."

Fang Zheng shook his head slightly.

It doesn't matter whether the Qian family did it or not. What matters is that the Chen family can no longer represent Wanbao Pavilion and cannot protect itself.

Over the years.

The Chen family's occupation of Wanbao Pavilion's business channel in Zhaonan Mansion would be impossible without offending someone. This decline will definitely lead to revenge from their former enemies.

Just like Du Shui envoys to the Wang family!

And this kind of retaliation often eliminates the root cause, and no one wants to leave a trail of trouble.

Chen Jiuniang knew back then that the Chen family must not fall. Once it fell, it would be devastating and the opponent would not leave a single person alive.

The struggle for power is so cruel and ruthless.

"I saw him build a tall building, I saw him feasting with relatives and friends, I saw his building collapse..." Fang Zheng tapped on the table, his eyes flashing from time to time:

"It seems that now is not the time to get involved with the Chen family."


Xiang Xiu nodded hurriedly:

"Sir, although you and I are quite capable, in the confrontation between such forces, if we get involved, we may not even be able to survive."

"Please be careful!"

"I understand." Fangzheng put his chin in his hand:

"But the Chen family has what I want."

"This..." Xiang Xiu frowned:

"Do you have to get it?"

"It doesn't have to be." Fang Zheng thought for a moment and shook his head in denial.

It’s not like the Zhenqi method cannot be transferred. Without the follow-up Vowel Thunder method, the Crane and Nine Heavens Divine Art can also be proved to be flawless.

No matter how bad it is...

The method of the Ghost King of the Five Ghost Kabuto can transform a person into a real person even though he is neither a human nor a ghost.

"That's it!"

He waved his hand:

"Let's check the situation first. We won't contact the Chen family for the time being."


Xiang Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.


North District.

Zhaonan Mansion is surrounded by waters and the terrain is high in the south and low in the north.

Once there is a flood, the North District will be flooded without exception. Over time, the land will sink, and some gullies will gradually break out.

I don’t know when.

This has become a ghost market.

And deep in the ghost market, there is the legendary black market, where various large-value and rare goods that are difficult to access by the outside world are traded.

Fang Zheng changed his appearance, wearing a black robe, and took advantage of the darkness to arrive at the entrance of the black market.


Two black shadows walked out from behind the rocks:

"No badge, no entry!"


Fang Zheng waved his hand and threw out a waist card.

One of them took it, lowered his head and looked at it, then threw it back and said slowly:

"Don't cause trouble in there."


Fang Zheng nodded, pulled the hood on his head, and stepped into the black market.

The gatekeeper who had just checked his waistband watched him enter, his eyes flashed slightly, and he gestured to his companion:

"I'm going to take a pee."

"Go ahead, go ahead." The companion waved his hand silently:

"Lazy people poop and pee a lot, but you are the only one who is troublesome."

"Hey..." After hearing this, he was not annoyed. He came to a deserted place with a smile. When he turned around and saw no one around, he lightly knocked on the wooden board next to him:

"Someone entered the black market with the Chen family's badge."

"Chen family?"

Behind the wooden board, a person spoke in a muffled voice:

"Everyone in the Chen family is being stared at now, and no one can get out. They should be people who have gained the Chen family's belt in the past. There are many such people, so don't pay attention to them."

"Whatever." The gatekeeper shrugged:

"Anyway, I've already informed you."


The man behind the board snorted coldly and threw a money bag over:



The janitor took the money bag, weighed it, and couldn't help but grin:

"For the sake of past friendship, I would like to say one more thing. Although that person is wearing a robe, I am sure there is a lot inside."

"If you are interested, you can keep an eye on it."

"I know." The man behind the wooden board said in a muffled voice:

"Sooner or later you will die from talking too much."

"Hehe..." The gatekeeper shook his head and chuckled:

"If you die, just die. In life, you have to live a free and unrestrained life. For me, every day I can live is a day, and every day is earned."

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