Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 173 Indescribable value

Lying on the hospital bed was a girl about ten years old.

The girl's head was extremely large, but her limbs were extremely thin, as if most of her body weight rested on her heavy head.

The misaligned body makes people feel even more weird.

At this time, the little girl opened her eyes wide and looked curiously at the figure busy in front of the hospital bed, her eyes rolling.

"Grandpa Cui."

She spoke curiously:

"Can this really cure my disease?"

As long as she can remember, various people have come to diagnose and treat diseases, and various instruments and medicines have been used in turn.


This was the first time I saw people setting tables and ringing bells.

"It should be okay." Mr. Cui nodded, stepped forward and touched the girl's bald head, with a little kindness in his eyes:

"At least it'll make you feel better."


The little girl nodded heavily:

"Thank you Grandpa Cui."

"What an obedient girl." Mr. Cui sighed:

"Close your eyes and have a good rest, and wait for grandpa to treat you."

"Will it hurt?"


Mr. Cui smiled and said:

"It should be very comfortable."

"very nice."

The little girl looked satisfied and closed her eyes obediently.


Mr. Cui let out a breath, took two steps back and stood still on the set altar, and went through the entire process of casting the spell again in his mind.

After confirming that it is correct, he holds the peach wood sword in one hand and shakes the copper bell in the other hand. At the same time, he steps on the Seven Star Steps and chants the Baogao in conjunction with his mouth.

"Above the three realms, there is Brahma Qi Miluo. The highest is the highest, the sky within the sky. Yuluo Xiaotai, the capital of Jade Mountain. The misty golden tower, Senluo Jinghong. Xuanyuan Yiqi, the precursor of chaos..."

The sound was like a lullaby, gradually calming down and quieting the restless minds of him and the little girl until a certain requirement was reached.

"Sooth the soul!"

"Hurry as the law dictates!"

Cui Lao's eyes widened, and he suddenly cut his finger with his sword, smeared the blood on a piece of talisman paper, and threw it towards the little girl.


The talisman fell on the little girl's chest and suddenly ignited without fire. Before anyone else could react, it turned into gray smoke.

at the same time.

An inexplicable fluctuation quietly appeared as the talisman burned, like a special magnetic field that enveloped the little girl.


A person at the door waved hurriedly:

"Let's see what's going on."


Several people in white coats were dumbfounded. After hearing this, they hurried forward and operated various instruments beside the bed to check the little girl's condition.

"Breathe calmly!"

"The pulse has improved too!"

"The cardiopulmonary disorder has also subsided..."

"How can it be?"

The results of the inspection were incredible, and the scene just now went beyond common sense, which made them look at Mr. Cui with a strange look.

Mr. Cui waved his hand and was helped to sit down beside him. For him who had just come into contact with magic, the first time he performed the method was very exhausting.

It seemed like he was just activating a piece of talisman paper, easily, but in fact he was so exhausted that he couldn't even make a sound.

"Mr. Cui."

A middle-aged man came to him with an excited expression:

"It really works. The girl is saved! She is saved!"

"Don't get excited yet."

Mr. Cui waved his hand, slowly sat up straight, and sighed:

"The method does work, but I tried it and it was impossible to cure the person."


The middle-aged man was not disappointed and said:

"I would be very satisfied if the girl could not suffer so much when she was alive and there would be no pain when she left."

"Thank you Mr. Cui!"

"Well..." Cui Lao said with a thoughtful look on his face:

"Don't be too discouraged. Since my method is effective, it means that the girl's disease is indeed not in the physical body, but in the soul."

"I can't cure this disease, but someone should be able to."


Hearing this, the middle-aged man trembled.

He has taken his daughter to too many places, including top medical institutions, the best hospitals, and even some laboratories.


The situation never improved.

Even as his daughter's age increased, the situation became worse and worse. Now he has long given up on the plan of complete cure.

Hope suddenly appeared in the midst of despair, and I was so excited that I couldn't control myself.


"Mr. Cui...are you telling the truth?"

"It should be no problem." Cui Lao nodded and said:

"But the other party is an expert from outside the world. It remains to be seen whether we can invite him over."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and said:

"Before I came here, I called that person but couldn't get through. It's been like this for several days and I still can't get in touch."

"This..." The middle-aged man's mood was like a roller coaster. He thought for a while before saying:

"Do you know the other party's identity?"

"I only know the name, but I don't know anything else." Mr. Cui shook his head:


"How to contact people and how to invite people is the key to the problem."

The middle-aged man stood up after hearing the words, with a thoughtful expression on his face and said nothing. A sense of majesty that had been in a position of power for a long time naturally came out of him.

"Mr. Cui."

"Where is the other party now?"

"She should have gone to Qingzhou." Cui Lao said:

"This master is not interested in external things such as money. He seems to be out here just to find colleagues to exchange experiences."

"He went to Qingzhou to go to the Wang family."

"Wang family?" The middle-aged man frowned, with some fear in his eyes:

"Langya Wang Family?"


Cui Lao nodded.

"Other than Mr. Cui, who else can contact that person?" the middle-aged man said:

"If you find someone, I can take the girl directly to Qingzhou."

"This..." Mr. Cui said in deep thought, and then his eyes lit up slightly:

"Someone should be able to contact him."

"I forgot her name. It seems that she is in the shop owned by the second son of the Li family... Song Yatou from Juqizhai can contact her."

"Okay!" The middle-aged man nodded:

"I'll go find her right away."


Dong Lin sat in Song Xin's sports car and rubbed her hands in confusion as she saw the sports car drive into a huge manor.

I couldn't help but asked out of curiosity:

"Manager Song, what are we doing here?"

"It's not me." Song Xin shook her head:

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be qualified to come in."

"Let's go!"

She parked the car and greeted:

"Someone wants to see you."

"See me?" Dong Lin looked surprised:


The style here was beyond her imagination. It was not the kind of splendid luxury, but a kind of calm and restrained nobility.

Even the security personnel guarding the door seemed extraordinary.

Song Xin didn't answer. It seemed that when she got here, even she became cautious and followed the people who came to meet her into the lobby.

The furnishings in the lobby were not old but the two were sitting in the middle.

One of them is Mr. Cui whom I met a few days ago, and the other middle-aged man looks familiar, as if he has seen him on TV.


Dong Lin's heart was beating wildly.

It can't really be that one, right?

"Dong Lin, right?"

The middle-aged man stood up and shook hands warmly:

"I'm really sorry for interrupting your work, and I have to trouble you to make a trip."

"No...no..." Dong Lin's pretty face turned red and she shook her head:

"Zheng...Mr. Zheng, do you have something to do with me?"

"I want to meet that Taoist priest Fang." The middle-aged man said:

"I heard that you have his phone number, can you help me contact him?"

"This..." Dong Lin hesitated subconsciously, then nodded heavily:

"no problem."

As he said that, he immediately took out his cell phone and made a call.

Then he smiled bitterly.

"No one answered."

"It doesn't matter." The middle-aged man said slowly:

"Just give me one shot a day. Let me know when you get in touch. My daughter's illness requires Chief Fang's diagnosis and treatment."

Make a phone call every day?

Isn't this annoying?

Dong Lin frowned subconsciously.

If you really do this, you will definitely offend Taoist Fang. What if the other party gets angry and blocks you?

Mr. Cui also has Daozhang Fang’s phone number. Why don’t you let him call?

Dong Lin's thoughts turned, and she saw Mr. Zheng's hopeful eyes, and then thought of the other party's behavior, then nodded and said seriously:

"no problem!"

"I called Director Fang every day until I contacted him."

Fang is an expert outside the world, and he is honored to know him, but an expert outside the world will not bring him convenience in life.

And if I could please the person in front of me...

In the future, there will be no need to make sales all day long.

"Thank you!"

Mr. Zheng looked grateful:

"Thank you!"

"If Miss Dong needs anything, just ask me and I will definitely satisfy you."

Hearing this,

Dong Lin smiled sweetly.




Qingzhou is near the sea, similar to Qu City.

However, unlike the flat ground in Qushi, the terrain in Qingzhou is higher in the south and lower in the north. The entire terrain is sloped, and the roads are mostly uphill and downhill.

It will inevitably be a bit difficult to walk along.

Fang Zheng was wearing a Taoist robe and Yin Yang boots, walking slowly in the dilapidated alley.

The moss on the stone walls on both sides shows the long history of this place, and the old iron caltrops on the wall have become sparse.

Pedestrians on the road are different.

It started to rain lightly in the early morning, and the drizzle fell from the sky like silk, falling on the body with ice and cold. The lingering morning mist added to the hazy beauty.

He looked happy and walked neither fast nor slowly. He just kept walking and looked around from time to time, and so he came all the way to Qingzhou.

Come to Aoshan, the most famous place in Qingzhou.

Aoshan is the collective name for hundreds of peaks, which are in continuous groups and have different mountain terrains.

Except for a few peaks that have been developed for tourists to climb and enjoy, the vast majority of mountain forests are still in a relatively primitive form.

Across Aoshan Mountain is the most prosperous area in Qingzhou.

"Looking for immortals in Aoshan Mountain, the true nature is hidden in the quiet environment. The ridges are greener than the white cranes, and the peaks are strangely purple clouds. The bright clouds clear the sky and the earth, and the sound of the tide is pleasant to Kunlun. There is Qingdao on the sea, and there is no red dust in my heart."

While walking among the mountains and forests, Fang Zheng raised his eyes and looked out, a poem naturally appeared in his mind, and his heart felt empty.

Tao follows nature!

There is a feeling in the heart, and the qi and machine converge.


Thunder roared across the sky.


It's getting bigger and bigger.

Fang Zheng raised his head, and there was a faint flash of lightning in his eyes. Then he flashed and disappeared from the spot.

Aoshan was once one of the ancestral temples of Taoism, and the allusions of Aoshan Taoist priests are also widely circulated. There is even a fairy legend on the top of Yuqing Mountain.

It is said.

In a certain month of a certain year, a Taoist was practicing in a cave on the top of a mountain. One day, he succeeded in practicing Taoism and realized an immortal secret, but he was struck by thunder from the sky.

That day, there was a thunderous thunder in the sky, which shattered the cave and fell on the Taoist. The Taoist got this opportunity and became an immortal.

The cave where Taoists practice is also called Immortal Cave.

There are many similar legends.

Fairy Cave,

But there is only one.

Fang Zheng's figure appeared in front of the Immortal Cave. Seeing several tourists and scenic area staff taking shelter from the rain inside the cave, he shook his head and turned to leave.

What was once a Taoist holy land and a place to seek immortality is now a tourist attraction, with only bustle and hustle and bustle, but no profound silence.

His figure was seen and immediately attracted whispers.

"It seemed like someone came over just now?"

"Where is there? Have you seen a ghost?"

"There seemed to be someone, and I saw it too. The person disappeared in a flash."

"Is it possible... there is really a ghost?"

"Is there a fart ghost?"

"This is a Taoist holy land, even if there are immortals!"


A mountain somewhere.

Fangzheng was sitting cross-legged under the mountain rocks, hidden in the gaps, with invisible strength covering his whole body. When the heavy rain was three inches away from his body, he was all blown away.

Watch it from a distance,

Just like a stubborn rock!



There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the sound was endless.

The continuous sound of thunder merged with the breath in his body, causing the vowel thunder method to move on its own, and the true energy wandered erratically in his limbs and bones.



Every time you breathe in, you can feel your physical body growing stronger and your strength gradually getting stronger.

This is……


For several months, Fang Zheng didn't take a car and hardly used his skills. He measured the land step by step like a normal person.

This journey lasted for several months.

The journey from Qushi to Haizhou, and from Haizhou to Qingzhou is thousands of miles long, passing through many cities and witnessing many joys and sorrows one by one.

The restless mood that had been cultivated for many years gradually settled down unconsciously during this period.


It is also thanks to the gift of Jiu Yuanzi and the guidance of Tianji Compass that he can move his mind towards the direction of today.


Entering into a state of enlightenment under certain circumstances.

"Tiangang Technique!"

As soon as the thought of the sea of ​​consciousness moves, the true energy circulating in the body then separates out wisps of breath, and penetrates into the body's various apertures and the soul of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The breaths intertwined and formed a big net.


It has become the power of Tiangang.

It’s called Tiangang Technique!

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Zheng slowly opened his eyes. The light in his eyes no longer overflowed, but instead became dark and silent, making it difficult to distinguish the depth.


After exhaling for a long time, Fang Zheng stood up and stretched his muscles.


"Once I had an epiphany and ascended in the day, although I did not ascend in the day, my strength increased greatly, and I was one step closer to the eighth level of the vowel thunder method."

"Even the Tiangang Technique has been mastered."

"Tiangang Technique..."

"It is indeed a divine art!"

The so-called magic is also a concept he got from ancient sacred texts, which literally means magic created by 'gods'.

Divine magic has the wonderful ability to go straight to the root.

"In this way, it seems that Yizi Xinxin Slash and Tianji Compass can also be regarded as divine arts, and Tianji Compass is even higher grade."

Fang Zheng was thoughtful:

"The magic created by God is not as good as Jiu Yuanzi. It seems that humans may not be able to defeat God."

The beauty of Tiangang Technique is that it uses mana to weave a large net. This large net covers the physical body, the soul, and the essence.

Once this technique is completed, it can only go in but not out.

Whether eating or practicing, the physical body will become stronger with the blessing of Tiangang Technique, and even life span will be extended.

The accumulated essence can even speed up the recovery of the physical body.

not only that!

The real mystery of Tiangang Shu lies in the Yuanshen.

After cultivating this skill, the soul is introverted, making it extremely difficult for outsiders to spy on him. Whether it is divination or the aversion to victory, it is difficult for him to have any effect.

"Ordinary martial arts all work on the physical body, using the physical body to feed back the soul. Even Zhenren and Wuzong are no exception to this."

"From Jiu Yuanzi's memory, it can be seen that it is normal."

"The Tiangang Technique is different. It can directly act on the soul. After it is completed, the physical body and the soul will become stronger all the time. Even if it is slow for a while, it can extend your life."

"After a few decades or hundreds of years, I will be able to reach the top!"

Fang Zheng stretched out his hand, and a pistol appeared in his palm.

Pistol No. 9.

He pointed the pistol at his own arm and pulled the trigger.


The barrel of the gun burst into flames, and the bullet penetrated the martial arts master's protective body, tore the skin and flesh, and collided with the bones inside.


There was a sound like gold and iron clashing, and the huge bullet warhead fell to the ground, and the top of the warhead was flattened.

Fang Zheng lowered his head and looked at his arm.

Although the skin and flesh were cracked, the cracks were not large. There were several imperceptible cracks on the bones, which were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just a moment.

The cracks in the bones have been restored, and there is only a mark on the flesh.

"The No. 9 pistol can break the body's protective force, and it is also very lethal to martial arts masters. Nowadays, it is difficult to seriously injure oneself at close range."

Fang Zheng chuckled and put away his pistol.


"A monk who cultivates immortality?"

"Sword God smiles?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, reaching out and shaking hands gently.

"I never thought we could meet offline."

Sword God Yixiao's real name is Bao Huiseng. He is a middle-aged man in his late forties, with a height of more than 1.9 meters and a plump build.

With his size, a slap could knock down a grown man.

In his early years, Fang Zheng searched for martial arts training information on the Internet, and got acquainted with him online. After some exchanges, he was pulled into a group.

There are not many members in the group, they are all martial arts enthusiasts.

More than just hobbies,

There is also a certain amount of real material.

Bao Huiseng is a Tai Chi master and runs a martial arts gym at home. Today, Bao's martial arts gym is still quite famous in Qingzhou.

However, as time passed, fewer and fewer people in the group were willing to talk. The last time anyone spoke was two months ago.

"Just in time to come to Qingzhou."

Fang Zheng smiled and said:

"I'm still going to trouble Brother Bao these days."

"Haha..." Bao Huiseng laughed loudly:

"It's on me, but monk, not only do you wear clothes like the ancients, but you also speak in a polite manner. You can't really just come down from the mountain, right?"

"Absolutely." Fang Zheng said:

"I want to find someone. There is an expert in Qingzhou who studies partial oracle bone inscriptions. I heard that he has some information, and I am very interested in it."


Bao Huiseng waved:

"There's no rush yet."

"When I come here, of course I have to fulfill my friendship as a landlord. Let's go have some fun first and put those who are looking for someone aside."

His so-called place to have fun is the bar.

The colorful lights change back and forth, the restless music stimulates people to move, and something in the air makes people's blood rush.


Bao Huiseng shouted loudly:

"Have fun and relax, I'm a regular here!"

"Brother Bao."

Fang Zheng said slowly:

"Didn't you say that your family's business is not doing well and is about to go bankrupt? Why are you still in the mood to come here to have fun?"

"Haha..." Bao Huiseng laughed and said:

"Business is not good, but we have a strong foundation to endure."


He sighed and said:

"My family used to run a martial arts gym, so it was inevitable that we would get involved in some gray business. A few years ago, we switched to opening gyms and martial arts gym branches, but we ended up losing everything."

"Fortunately, the security business is still okay. With hundreds of people running around, it is impossible to become rich and powerful, and making ends meet is not a problem."

Founder is clear.

Security businesses are generally outsourced.

Hotels, buildings, office areas, etc. rarely hire security personnel themselves, and most of them leave it to security companies.

in this way,

Firstly, it can save expenses, and secondly, if something goes wrong, it can be dumped on the security company.


While they were talking, a person wandered closer and sat on the seat opposite them without their permission. He crossed his legs and said with a smile:

"Fatty Bao, are you here to have fun again?"


Bao Huiseng snorted coldly:

"Cheng, I'm greeting my friends today and I'm not in the mood to talk to you, so get out of here."

Having said that, he didn't forcefully drive them away. He was obviously a little worried, but he was just a little unhappy at being disturbed.

The two are very familiar.

Just not friends.

"Ha..." The visitor chuckled:

"You Bao family are really ungrateful. When you were rich, you asked my father to help you a lot, but now you are so clean."


He looked sideways, looked at Fang Zheng, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

"Taoist Priest, you don't practice in a Taoist temple, so why are you here in a place like this? Isn't it against the rules for a Taoist priest to play with women?"

"Taoist precepts are different, and the requirements are also different." Fang Zheng said:

"Most Taoist priests are not allowed to marry."

Not only Taoist priests,

Some monks are even able to marry and have children.

"In this way..." The other party nodded, put his arms around a woman following behind, touched the woman's chin and said with a smile:

"Does the Taoist know how to tell fortunes?"

"Ever since this woman followed me, I have become very unlucky. Do you think she is a bad influence? Do you want to find a place to deal with her?"

As he spoke, he slapped the woman's cheek hard, with a loud and clear slap, and slapped her directly on the round table, even breaking the wine glass and causing the wine to overflow.

The woman's body was trembling, tears were dripping from her eyes, and she did not dare to resist despite being beaten. She was obviously extremely scared.

When Fang Zheng heard this, his eyes moved slightly.

"This girl has a very good face. She has dragon eyes, a windy neck, and a strange moon face. She is so precious!"

"Is it expensive?"

The visitor was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud, as if he had heard some funny joke:

"How valuable is she?"

"A thing without a mother and a father!"

I'm going to attend a wedding tomorrow and take a day off.

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