The black stretch car looks unremarkable, but in fact it is a global limited edition luxury car.

Each of these cars is worth tens of millions, and to buy one you not only need money, but also status.


The latter is relatively more important.

A young man in a custom-made suit stepped out of the car door, straightened his tie, and looked forward.


The middle-aged man dressed as a butler put down his mobile phone, bowed and replied:

"Taoist Master Fang has come out, should we go over to greet him?"

"What to welcome?" Zheng Liang sneered, with a touch of disdain on his face:

"Welcome a Taoist priest who appears out of nowhere? A broker who has tricked his way into the upper class?"

"Master." The butler frowned:

"The master said that Taoist Fang is a man of real ability. He wants us to treat him with courtesy and we must not neglect him."

"After all, he may be able to cure Miss."

Zheng Liang's face moved slightly.

The education he received made him naturally reject those nonsense things, and most of the people he came into contact with were liars. Even if they had real abilities, they were far less magical than the legends said, and he gradually looked down upon them even more.


If the treatment results abroad were not very satisfactory, he would not be willing to let his mother bring his sister back.

"That's it!"

Shaking his head, he stepped forward:

"For my sister's sake, it doesn't hurt to greet her."

While he was talking, a Taoist priest walked over.

Different from the frail Taoist priests we usually see, this person has a strong build and piercing eyes. The wooden hairpin is inserted casually into the back of his head, and his waist-length hair is falling down. He has a different kind of appearance.

Even though Zheng Liang looked down on Taoist priests who pretended to be gods and ghosts, he couldn't help but secretly praise him for his extraordinary appearance.


Aren't those masters still liars with all their lofty ideals?

His thoughts were turning, but his face remained calm as he stepped forward to greet him:

"But Taoist Fang from Tianshi Dao?"

"It's Pindao." Fang Zheng raised one hand in front of him and gave a salute:

“I’ll help you, little brother, to lead the way.”

Little brother?

Zheng Liang narrowed his eyes, feeling unhappy, then suppressed his anger and waved his hand:


After getting in the car, the luxurious furnishings and exquisite utensils inside did not move Fang Zheng's expression at all.

This also made Zheng Liang look at him high again. No matter what, this Taoist priest was good at cultivating qi.

"Master Fang."

As the car drove slowly, Zheng Liang spoke slowly:

"Qingzhou is the territory of the Langya Wang family. Our Zheng family has certain concerns, so we have not purchased any real estate here."

"We are going to Master Ji's villa now."

"Master Ji?" Fang Zheng said:

"I wonder what kind of practice this fellow Taoist practices?"

"Ha..." Zheng Liang grinned, with a hint of disdain on his face:

"Master Ji Baoshengji is a famous qigong master. It is said that one of his powers caused a tsunami in the South China Sea."

"He is a very remarkable master!"


Fang Zheng shook his head.

Even if Jiu Yuanzi is a real person, it is not easy to set off a tsunami, let alone the people here.

Looking at Zheng Liang's expression, he knew that this person was most likely a liar.


Zheng Liang continued:

"I have never seen Master Ji's ability to use his power to set off a tsunami, but his method of building relationships is very admirable. Many political and business celebrities are frequent visitors to his home."

"He has a bed. Many celebrities whose fortunes are declining or unable to conceive will ask him to consecrate the bed."

"The people who can sleep on his bed are all famous people."

"Really?" Fang Zheng said:

"Do these people believe it?"

"In this world, there are always some people who are not clear-headed." Zheng Liang picked up the wine bottle and glass, filled it with wine, and said slowly:

"Master Ji has a good appearance and a moral integrity, not to mention his ability to make connections."

Founder is clear.

This Master Ji is just a broker!

The so-called broker is a person who introduces transactions for others and earns commissions from them. However, compared to intermediaries, brokers pay more attention to interpersonal relationships and mostly travel in the upper class. There is even a term for brokering skills.

Each of these people are top lobbyists, and most of them wear the names of Taoist priests, monks, and masters.

Fang Zheng glanced at Zheng Liang.

How could he not see the other person's thoughts? This young man was afraid that he would be regarded as a similar person.


Fang Zheng smiled and said nothing, closed his eyes and rested.


After an unknown amount of time, the voice of the butler and driver sounded:

"We're getting there."


The golden door has a plaque with gold letters on a red background and the two characters "Ji Mansion" written on it, which is extremely majestic.

The stone lions on both sides of the gate have a majestic posture, and the lion's eyes are staring forward, making visitors subconsciously fearful.

"This used to be a villa of a prince."

Zheng Liang spoke:

"Master Ji took it down and renovated it. The gold you see is all decorated with real gold."

Fang Zheng chuckled:



Zheng Liang hummed.

He looked down upon the behavior of such a nouveau riche. No one from a truly wealthy family would be so flamboyant?

"Master Zheng!"

"Is this Taoist Fang?"

While he was talking, an old man in his early fifties with a three-inch beard came out surrounded by a group of people.

The visitor stretched out his hand to hold it and said with a smile:

"Ji has been waiting for you for a long time!"


"Please come in!"

After entering the mansion, we walked along the stone steps and wooden corridors for a while, and then came to the main hall. The area was so large that it was worthy of being called a "mansion".

There are many photos hanging on both sides of the wall, all of which are taken by Master Ji and others.

Take a quick glance,

It can be seen that there are many familiar faces on it.

Many top celebrities, politicians, and wealthy businessmen are on it. It seems that Zheng Liang's statement about Master Ji's wide connections is true.

There are also several photos that look like promotional photos.

Master Ji above has a serious look on his face, as if he is performing his martial arts, with several venomous snakes wrapped around his bare upper body.

"Master Ji's ability to retrieve snakes from the air and restore them after breaking them is unique in the world." Zheng Liang explained:

"I've seen it before, it's really amazing."

"Young Master Zheng is joking." Master Ji waved his hand hurriedly:

"It's just some small tricks that can't be put on the table. Director Fang is well-informed and must be much better than me."

"Master, you are too modest." Fang Zheng raised his hand and saluted, saying:

"Where is the patient?"

"Yes, yes." Master Ji patted his forehead:

"Look at my brain. I always forget things when I get older. Treatment is the most important thing. Please come with me, Master Fang."

This way.

He said and led towards the backyard.


In the spacious room, a little girl was lying on the bed, looking at Fang Zheng with a pair of big eyes curiously.

Zheng Liang, Master Ji, and a woman were around.

There should be an air purification system here. As soon as you step into the room, you will feel completely different from the outside.

a long time.

Mother Zheng couldn't help but said:

"Taoist Priest, how is Xiaolu's condition?"

Fangzheng pressed the girl's pulse, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound, his eyes moved slightly, and he slowly retracted his fingers.

"Some trouble."

He spoke slowly:

"It is difficult to get rid of the root cause of the disease in a short time, but it is not difficult to suppress it temporarily. This is the first time Pindao has encountered this situation, and he was a little distracted for a while."

"Really?" Mother Zheng was ecstatic and stepped forward hastily:

"Please ask the Taoist priest to cast a spell!"

"No hurry." Fang Zheng waved his hand:

"I have something to ask for."

"Taoist Master, please speak." Zheng Liang took a step forward and said seriously:

"As long as my sister can be cured, my Zheng family will give you whatever you want. Zheng will never break his promise!"

Although he still regarded Fang Zheng as a charlatan in his heart, he would not give up as long as there was a glimmer of hope.

This commitment is also firm.

Master Ji on the side shook his head slightly, this man is still too young, why should he be so eager to get benefits?


It takes a little maintenance.

Having shown kindness to the Zheng family, will I still treat you badly in the future? A steady stream of water is the way to permanence.

Now there are benefits even before diagnosis and treatment. It is just a transaction, and the Zheng family will not feel short-changed afterwards.



This person has no ability to treat diseases at all. He just relies on his reputation to make a fortune and leave. Is the Zheng family easy to deceive?

He hummed softly and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Sure enough, although Mother Zheng did not speak, her face showed displeasure and her attitude changed slightly.

"I have a friend who was detained by the security department for some reason."

Fang Zheng seemed not to notice anything wrong with the atmosphere at the scene, and spoke directly:

"He didn't make any mistakes. He was just affected. We asked the Zheng family to take action and bring him out."

"Public security..." Zheng Liang looked at his mother.

"No problem." Mother Zheng's voice was cold and solemn:

"As long as Taoist Master cures Xiaolu, let alone being affected, the Zheng family can bring him out even if he really made any mistakes."

"Taoist priest, please rest assured."

"Xiao Liang!"

"Remember the person mentioned by the Taoist priest, and go and visit him."


Zheng Liang should be.

After a while.

Zheng Liang left in a hurry, Master Ji also left to avoid suspicion, but Zheng's mother still stayed by the girl's side.

"Taoist Master."

The little girl’s first name is Zheng Yi, which means “fitness” and “health”. Her baby name is Xiaolu, which means longevity.


The Zheng family just wants her to be safe and healthy.

She looked at Fang Zheng and said curiously:

"Do you know Grandpa Cui?"

"Mr. Cui?" Fang Zheng nodded:


"Grandpa Cui is a very nice person. After he treated me that time, I didn't have any pain for a long time." Zheng Yiqiang smiled:

"The pain became more and more painful, and Grandpa Cui's methods didn't work anymore."

"His method is counterproductive and does not apply to you." Fang Zheng touched his little daughter's sparse hair:

"Extreme wisdom will inevitably hurt you!"

"Your little head is full of wisdom, but it's a pity that your physical body is too weak, which is why the disease appears."

"Taoist Master." Mother Zheng frowned when she heard this:

"Xiaolu is bedridden before going to school and doesn't have much time to read. How is it possible that Hui Ji will be injured?"


She paused and then said:

"It took me a long time to memorize the multiplication formula from the little deer's back. Although it's not that slow, it doesn't seem to be smart either."

"Humans have three souls and seven souls. The Linghui Soul governs wisdom and the Heavenly Chong Soul governs thinking." Fang Zheng said with a smile:

"What ordinary people call memory and reaction power are thoughts, which are controlled by Tian Chong Po. A good memory can be said to be smart, but it cannot be considered wise."

"People with deep wisdom may have poor memory, but they can ignore the appearance of external objects and instinctively point to the root of the problem."

"This girl is just that kind of person!"



If this little girl were in another world, she would definitely be a genius in practicing Taoism, the kind that all the sects are clamoring for.

Once you get started, you will definitely receive key training. Even if you cannot become a real person in the future, you will most likely become a mage.

it's here,

But we can only wait to die!

It's also a big joke.

"She has wisdom, but she is too outstanding. The three souls and seven souls were originally restrained, but the aura of her spiritual wisdom and soul went straight to her forehead."

Fang Zheng shook his head and said:

"It is so powerful that it makes it difficult for the physical body to adapt, so it becomes thinner and more miserable all day long."

"That's why treatments targeting the physical body are useless to her."

"Taoist Master."

Mother Zheng was confused when she heard this, so she simply ignored it and asked directly:

"You can cure the deer, right?"

"Yes." Fang Zheng nodded:

"But this is a congenital disease that needs to be treated step by step. It is difficult to eliminate the root cause of the disease in a short period of time, and even poor people cannot guard her all the time."


Zheng's mother's expression changed and she said anxiously:

"Taoist Priest, our Zheng family is willing to pay a lot of money for your diagnosis and treatment. You can do nothing during the treatment."

Fang Zheng shook his head.

"Taoist Master." Mother Zheng said:

"Could it be that you doubt the financial strength of my Zheng family?"

"I am not short of money." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Madam, you are overthinking."

"Then what do you want?" Mother Zheng asked anxiously:

"You can say that as long as Xiaolu can be cured, our Zheng family will give you whatever you want. We will never break your promise."

Fang Zheng was speechless.

He just expressed his troubles, but did not expect the other party to provide a solution. Zheng's mother acted as if she was threatening the other party.

"Taoist Master."

Zheng Yi rolled his eyes and suddenly struggled to get off the bed. His knees softened and he fell to the ground:

"Can I become your disciple?"

"Haha..." Fang Zheng smiled and helped her up:

"You are indeed a girl with deep wisdom, but it's a pity that... Pindao has no intention of accepting a disciple."

"Then..." Zheng Yi spoke again:

"Can I learn from you? How to treat my illness? I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want my family to worry all the time."

Fangzheng was silent.

a long time,

Fang spoke slowly:

"It's not impossible."

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!" Zheng Yi knelt down again:

"When I learn my skills, I will definitely honor you."

"Heh..." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Girl, you are very smart, but you don't have to focus on Pindao. I am treating you because Pindao needs help from the Zheng family."

"I'm not teaching you the secret just to repay you."

Zheng Yi looked up, his eyes blank.

Although she was bedridden all year round and didn't have much opportunity to study, she learned about the exchange of interests from the people she met.

Just now I subconsciously said to be filial to the Founder, that's it.

Bind yourself to the other party's interests.


The Taoist priest in front of him was different from the people he had interacted with before. He seemed to really have nothing to ask for.

save people,

Maybe it's just because I can't bear it.

As his thoughts turned, Zheng Yi pursed his lips and kowtowed, banging his head against the ground, which made Mother Zheng's heart beat with fear.

"Get up!"

Shaking his head, Fang Zheng waved with one hand, and an invisible force appeared out of thin air, lifting the little girl onto the bed.

This scene made Zheng's mother, who had planned to see it, freeze on the spot, her eyes filled with horror.

how did you do that?

As the daughter of a wealthy family and the daughter-in-law of the Zheng family, she knows that some people in this world have special abilities.

But it is far from as magical as the legend, and there is absolutely no way to control objects through the air.

And the scene in front of me...

What happened again?

"Taoist Priest!"

Zheng Yi was not afraid, but looked surprised:

"That's awesome, how did you do it?"

"If you can practice well, you will have the opportunity to do it in the future." Fang Zheng smiled and stretched out one hand:

"Hold your breath and concentrate, don't think too much."

His words seemed to have a strange power. Zheng Yi's eyes were filled with confusion, and his consciousness naturally fell silent.

"Thousands of opportunities are ever-changing, but the heart is eternal."

Fang Zheng took a deep breath and flicked his fingers.



A huge, illusory, and complex compass appeared out of thin air in the middle of the room, with countless circles on the compass slowly rotating.

There are countless grids and characters, just looking at them makes you feel dazzled.


The compass trembled slightly, then suddenly shrank, turning into the size of a coin and appearing on Fang Zheng's fingertips.

Zheng's mother breathed rapidly, watching Fang Zheng tap Zheng Yi's forehead with his fingertips, and the illusory compass then disappeared into her daughter's head. If she looked at it with the Dharma Eyes, the aura of Ling Hui Po would also be suppressed by the compass.

Immediately afterwards.

Countless electric arcs emerged from Fang Zheng's body, and then turned into something like plasma, rushing towards Zheng Yi's body.



Time seemed to have passed for a long time, and it seemed that it was just a moment, until Zheng's mother regained consciousness. Everything in the scene was as before. It seemed that everything just now was her own hallucination. Only her daughter Zheng Yi was lying on the bed and fell into a deep sleep, with emotions appearing on her face. A healthy blush.

"I have done a simple bone cleansing and marrow removal for her, and taught her the method of visualization. I have also sealed several Dharma doors in her sea of ​​consciousness, which can only be opened when her cultivation level is high enough."

Fang Zheng turned around and said slowly:

"When she wakes up, she will know how to do it. If she studies hard and practices hard, she will be fine. It may even be a blessing in disguise."

He passed on a simplified version of the Celestial Compass, visualization methods, and several protective spells. With Zheng Yi's talent, it was even possible for him to cultivate magic and become a mage.

"..." Mother Zheng opened her mouth and stammered:

"Tao... Priest, can... can... let my daughter..."

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!"

She originally planned to beg the other party to see if she could let her daughter become a disciple. After all, the scene just now could not be faked. The person in front of her was a strange person with real abilities.

But after seeing Fang Zheng's expression, he immediately chose to give up.

The other party will never agree.


Out the door.

Master Ji has been waiting for a long time.

"Master Fang."

He cupped his hands and smiled:

"It seems that you really have a way to cure the daughter of the Zheng family. If you can climb up to the Zheng family, it can be said that you will reach the sky in one step!"

"Taoist Master, don't leave in a hurry."

Seeing Fang Zheng stepping forward, he hurriedly said:

"I heard that you are very interested in ghost writing?"


Fang Zheng stopped when he heard this.

"That's right." Master Ji said:

"I have a friend who is a Feng Shui master, known as Gu Gu. He sold a piece of pottery in Haizhou a few days ago, and it had ghost writing on it."

"That thing seems to be in the hands of Fang Daochang."


That thing at the auction?


Fang Zheng nodded:

"Master Ji, do you have anything related to ghost writing?"

"I didn't." Master Ji shook his head and said:

"But my friend knows a place where objects related to it are hidden. I wonder if Mr. Fang is interested?"

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