Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 183 Human Sacrifice Snake Den

The crowd moved upon hearing the sound, parting the dense grass and vines, and a huge serpentine stone sculpture came into view.

Stone carving is a type of artistic sculpture. Because it is time-consuming, labor-intensive and difficult, few people engage in it.

The stone sculpture in front of you has a snake body that is circling seven or eight meters, and the shape is lifelike. It must have been made by a master.

Especially the pair of snake eyes, crystal clear...



Someone in the mercenary team said with a trembling voice:

"Snake eyes are gems!"

Even if you are not a jade expert, you can still see that the pair of snake eyes are extraordinary, and the valuation is definitely not low.

After all, fist-sized gems are extremely rare, and even if there are impurities inside, they can be divided into several parts and sold.

"Go up."

Two of the mercenaries quickly climbed onto the snake's head and pried the two snake eyes with daggers.

Master Ji opened his mouth, then fell silent.


Lame Ding saw this and whispered:

"Where did Ji find the mercenaries? They can't restrain them. Don't mess up the matter."

Gu nodded slowly.

Mercenaries are paid to do things.

Theoretically, their remuneration is fixed, and whatever they gain along the way should be attributed to Master Ji.

Even if you see the treasure, you can't make any decisions.

And now,

This group of mercenaries ignored Master Ji who hired them and climbed directly onto the snake's head to pry away the gems.

It's obviously against the rules.


The snake's eyes were loosened, and the mercenary holding the dagger looked ecstatic. He reached out and grabbed the gem and carefully took it out.

"Got it!"

He held the gem high in his hand and showed it off to his companions below, completely unaware of the horrified looks of everyone below.



But seeing the snake eyes that had lost their precious stones, they were like a dark hole, with gray snakes emerging from them.

In the blink of an eye, it was covered with snake heads.

Snake eyes are like a seal. Now that the seal comes into contact, the sealed demon immediately escapes.


Someone among the mercenaries shouted loudly, which also startled the long snakes that came out, and the snakes swarmed and flew around.

Just flying!

The long snakes actually spread out a pair of wings as thin as cicada wings from behind, and swooped towards the crowd.

They came with lightning speed, and the speed was astonishing, causing screams in the field.

The two people lying on the snake's head bore the brunt of the impact and were covered by the group of snakes emerging from the snake's eyes, and fell heavily.

Along with the crazy biting, the screams of the two people also stopped abruptly.



Gunfire rang out.

This group of mercenaries actually carried firearms. In their desperation, they took out their guns and started shooting without caring about anything else.

It's just that the flying snake has a slender body and is fast, so it's not easy to hit, but it's not as easy to use as a dagger.




For a moment, the field was filled with screams, gunshots, and flapping wings, making it a chaotic mess.

These winged gray snakes have sharp teeth and are very fast. They can tear off a piece of flesh with one bite.

Fortunately, it's non-toxic.

As long as the vital points are protected, they will not die immediately, but there are so many of them that it is difficult to guard against them. There are a steady stream of flying snakes coming out of the snake's eyes, which seems to be endless.



The lame man held the dagger in his hand, narrowed his eyes and danced back and forth. Every time he danced, a snake would be killed by it.

Sword skills?

And it’s quite rewarding!

Gu Gu did not know what method he used, but the flying snakes in the sky ignored his existence and would not stop even if they passed him by.

It was as if he was not alive.

As for Founder...

Within three feet of the body, the flying snake avoids itself, and even if there is any intrusion, it will retreat crazily.

If there is an invisible forbidden area.


Master Ji waved his long sleeves and shouted angrily:

"Rush forward, rush over and talk about it later!"

As he spoke, he took the lead and rushed forward. Scar appeared near him at some point, also rushing forward.

Shortly after.

After losing nearly one-third of the personnel, the remaining people finally escaped from the siege of flying snakes.


Master Ji looked gloomy and shouted angrily at the remaining mercenaries:

"Without me, don't touch the things here, I was almost killed by you!"

"We didn't know there were so many strange snakes hidden in that stone sculpture." The mercenary leader said in a low voice.

"You still say it!"

Master Ji said angrily:

"If you hadn't made your own decisions, what would have happened?"


He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a low voice:

"rest first."

"It's getting late. Find a place to rest for the night. We'll continue on the road tomorrow. This time, you'll all listen to me."


This time, the mercenary leader did not object.

Lame Ding looked at Master Ji, and then at Scar who was calm beside him, his eyes flickering slightly.


at the same time.

Two teams of special forces, fully armed, slid along the rope into the valley.

"One team, one team, can you receive it?"


"Communication abnormality, transition to silent state as planned, move forward!"

Following the captain's wave, the seven people ran towards the valley along the traces left by Fang Zheng and others.

After a while.


"There's a snake!"




Along with a burst of screams, the forest returned to calm again, with only a few rustling sounds coming from time to time.

This is a forbidden area for humans.

The hidden danger is something that even the special forces armed with live ammunition cannot resist.

the other side.

Several people in one team clung to the big tree, their faces pale, holding their breath, and did not dare to move.

Behind them, a huge figure was slowly squirming.

how come?

The captain's forehead was sweating, his eyes were wide open, and he glanced at the terrifying figure from the corner of his sight, feeling a chill in his heart.

‘How could such a thing exist in this world? ’


At this moment, there was a strange sound not far away.


The terrifying figure suddenly turned around, and a fishy wind swept across the earth. Trees fell to the ground, revealing a special soldier hiding behind them.


The special soldier was thrown to the ground. Knowing that he could not escape, he roared and pulled the trigger towards the monster.

"Da da da……"

The barrel of the machine gun spewed flames, and countless bullets shot out and landed on the monster.


All were bounced away.


Seeing this, the special forces roared to the sky and pulled the bomb fuse as the monster fell from its mouth.

The next moment.


The loud noise shook all directions.

The monster couldn't help but scream in the sky, spitting thick smoke from its mouth, and its huge body rolled back and forth in the forest.

The special forces hiding behind the tree were also forced out.

"Do it!"

The captain yelled, took out the grenade from his waist and threw it out.

This type 82-2 handleless steel ball grenade has a killing radius of six meters and contains more than 600 steel balls. After detonating, it will not only cause explosion damage, but will also be strafed by hundreds of steel balls within 20 meters.

In the face of modern high-power weapons of destruction, the human body is as weak as tofu that breaks at the touch of a touch.


There were explosions.

Smoke and dust billowed, flames burned, and the strong wind blew them away. Everyone's eyes were full of fear and despair.

"It's over!"

Dark shadows rush in, everything is dark.




Night falls.

The clouds covered half of the crescent moon, and the mountains and forests became dark, making it difficult to see even one's fingers.

In this environment, a figure quietly left the team, avoiding the sight of peripheral patrols, and sneaked deeper into the valley.

The mountain road is difficult to travel,

The mountain road at night is even more difficult.

But the black shadow seemed to have the ability to regard the night as day, settling silently and running towards it quickly.

After a while.

The black shadow stopped in front of a group of stone sculptures.

The stone carvings are all snake-shaped carvings of different shapes, each one is lifelike.

The largest stone sculpture is nearly seven feet long, as wide as two people embracing it, with a snake's head raised and coiled in the middle.


The dark figure knelt down in front of the stone sculpture, knocked his head on the ground, and showed piety on his face:

"Great snake god, you are the mother of the sky, the lord of the earth, the god of lightning and speed."

"Time lies at your feet, the sun and the moon are between your eyes..."

"Believers prostrate themselves and pray for blessings..."



Just as he was praying in a low voice, a crisp burst of applause sounded from behind, and one person gave a generous gesture.

"Master Ji."

The visitor walked lamely and said with a smile:

"What did you get into?"

"It's you!" Master Ji stood up after hearing the sound, turned around and looked at the person:

"Lame Ding!"

"It's me." Lame Ding smiled, patted his sick leg, and sighed:

"Fortunately, although I am lame, I am not really lame. Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to keep up with you."

"Master Ji, now that the matter has come to a head, we might as well get straight to the point and talk about it."

"What are you talking about?" Master Ji snorted coldly:

"We have arrived at the ruins. We will naturally find what you are looking for when we get there."

"Heh..." Lame Ding shook his head:

"Master Ji is really a master at pretending to be confused, but I have a few questions that I don't understand, and I hope Master Ji can help me clarify them."

Without waiting for the other party to respond, he continued:

"Master Ji is now worth hundreds of millions and is a guest of a wealthy family. It can be said that he has everything he wants."

"Why risk your life and go here?"

"I said that."

Master Ji said in a low voice:

"Looking for a strange snake that can extend life. You also saw it today. There is a snake with wings here."

"There may not be snakes that can extend life."

"That's right." Lame Ding nodded:

"Before coming here, Ding had never seen a snake with wings, and probably never heard of it."


"What's your relationship with Scar?"

"What do you mean?" Master Ji frowned:

"Isn't Scar yours?"

"Yes and no." Lame Ding shook his head:

"We need a guide, and Scar happens to know this place very well, and he is very skilled and meets the requirements."

"But it's clear he's hiding something from us."

Touching his chin, he continued:

"The restaurant at the foot of the mountain deceives people under various pretexts, but they are obviously not seeking money."

"The dark room where people were detained was full of corpses, and there were bloodstains in the compartment of the off-road pickup truck that had not been wiped clean."

"I've seen the mountain road and there are obvious ruts."

"When we entered here, we encountered several white bones along the way. There seemed to be two beside Master Ji."

Master Ji bowed his head.

as expected.

On the ground next to him, there were two white bones lying on the ground, but they were covered with weeds and were not very conspicuous.

"What a keen observation."

Raising his eyebrows, Master Ji said slowly:

"No wonder Gu Gu must go to great lengths to get you out of the law and order. It's really amazing."


"I still don't understand what you mean?"

"Heh..." Lame Ding chuckled lightly and said:

"Master Ji, have you ever heard of human sacrifice?"

"?" Master Ji's expression changed slightly:

"I heard a little bit, but I'm not sure."

"In ancient times, all living beings were ignorant. They had no way to resist natural disasters and did not know their causes. Therefore, they imagined that there was a god controlling natural disasters from behind." Lame Ding explained:

"They believe that as long as they can appease the anger of the gods, they can prevent natural disasters, and to appease the anger of the gods, sacrifices are required."

"The more valuable the sacrifice, the more sincere the heart, and the happier the gods will be, and naturally it will not cause natural disasters."

"And what is the most valuable?"

"In the eyes of man, nature is his own life!"

"So there is human sacrifice, but since the enlightenment of people's wisdom, human sacrifice has rarely happened."

"That's it." Master Ji nodded:

"Been taught a lesson."

"Huh..." Lame Ding shrugged and said:

"So, the Shanjiao Hotel deceives people after all their hard work, not to seek money, but to sacrifice them."

"The people are imprisoned in the dark room, so they don't care much about the life and death of the sacrifices. The blood stains on the pickup truck were also caused by the purpose of dragging people into the mountains."

"Even the clues obtained by Senior Brother and Master Gu may be traps deliberately set by predecessors to attract people."

"Scar must know this."

"As for Master Ji..."

"I have heard about your unique skills for a long time. Today, a group of snakes attacked you, but you were safe and sound. It makes people wonder."

Master Ji's unique skill is to take snakes from the air and restore them after breaking them off. These two methods happen to be related to snakes.

And here...

There are poisonous snakes everywhere.

There are also stone carvings of snake gods.

Just now, Master Ji sneaked out at night and came here by a familiar route. He even kowtowed to the snake statue. If he said he knew nothing about the situation here, no one would believe it.



Master Ji tapped his palms and expressed admiration:

"It's amazing! It's really amazing! Your Excellency, a lame man, can actually deduce it to this point."

"With such ability, I'm afraid that even if I go to the public security department, I can still be the local director."

"Just kidding."

Lame Ding grinned and said:

"Master Ji, I am not interested in what you are going to do, nor am I interested in avenging the sacrifice, but I am very interested in the life-extending strange snake you mentioned."

"I'm also very interested in the snake god you talk about."

"I wonder if we can join forces?"

At first, he thought the so-called snake god was just a rumor, but the environment here made him hesitate.


Is there really a snake god?

Even if not, Master Ji must have received huge benefits from this place, otherwise he would not have gone to all the trouble to come here.

As for the so-called human sacrifice...

He is a tomb robber with blood on his hands and doesn't care at all!

"Join forces?"

Master Ji’s face darkened:

"You deserve it too!"

Before he finished speaking, several venomous snakes suddenly emerged from the grass and pounced on the lame man under the cover of night.

at the same time.

Scar appeared behind Lame Ding at some point, holding a dagger in his hand, and silently stabbed him in the back of the neck.



The figures intertwined and the broken snake fell to the ground.

Scar groaned and stepped back again and again, looking at the ripped clothes at his heart, his expression darkened.

What a sharp swordsmanship!



Master Ji held a pistol in his hand and pointed it at Lame Ding, but he did not pull the trigger, but looked behind him with a solemn expression.

Gu Gu stood there quietly, as if he had always been there. Although the opponent's hands were empty, it made Master Ji feel afraid and did not dare to act rashly.

"The greatest benefit of the ruins is not the treasures buried deep in the ruins, but Master Ji."

Gu Gu spoke slowly:

"It can make a street gangster become the all-powerful Master Ji in just over ten years, and it can make Master Ji, a billionaire, give up his past and come back."

"I'm really curious, what is it?"

While talking.

The surrounding vegetation shook, and figures appeared one after another.


Amazingly on the list!

‘It seems that the wisdom of mortals cannot be underestimated. Although I am very powerful, I am not as able to see clearly as others. ’

'really! ’

Fang Zheng sighed:

‘Wits are not for me. ’

"Haha..." Seeing that he was surrounded by people and being pointed at by pistols, Master Ji actually smiled instead of being surprised.


"very good!"

"I didn't expect that I just came back and almost took my own life. It's a pity..."

"You didn't choose to take action in advance!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands, raised his head, ignored the presence of many pistols, and spoke in a leisurely voice:

"What can you do to me here?"



The grass and trees shook, and strange venomous and flying snakes appeared nearby, surrounding everyone.

"The surname is Ji!"

One person yelled:


In this weird situation, it is obvious that someone is controlling the snakes.

"I told you to stop!"


Gunfire rang out.

The next moment.

Everyone stayed where they were.

But he saw the bullet ejected from the barrel of the gun, hanging quietly in the air just a foot away from Master Ji.

How can this be!

Even Fang Zheng frowned.

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