Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 193 Returning to the County


Run away!

Lu Xin's forehead was sweating, his body movements were operating to the extreme, and his body turned into a shadow and flew forward.

He just heard a slight movement and went back to take a look out of curiosity, but he didn't expect to see the scene of Zhu Gui being killed.

No one missed!

There was no way to fight back in front of that man, and he was easily killed by a few palms.

Looking back now, he only regretted why he was so curious and wanted to come back to take a look.

There was even more secret hatred in my heart.

The man named Zhu is seeking death, so why should he be dragged into it?

The opponent has such strength, if I really try to intercept him tomorrow, wouldn't I be seeking death?


A strong wind struck from behind.

Lu Xin jumped up, his back spine squirming, and his whole body was like a big dragon swooping forward.

While dodging attacks from behind, his forward speed was not affected at all.

"Qinggong is pretty good."

Fangzheng's light and fluttering voice sounded, neither fast nor slow, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and his movements were even more elegant and free:

"Take another move from me!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and groups of green flame thunderballs appeared out of thin air. The thunderballs expanded and turned into a thunder knife.

Eighteen thunder knives rotated in the air, with such power that all the surrounding vegetation, snakes, insects, rats, and ants bowed their heads.


The thunder knife broke through the air and swept dozens of feet ahead in an instant.


Lu Xin's eyes widened, his face was filled with fear, and he let out a low roar, turning into a shadow and constantly shuttling in the thunder knife.



The lightning explodes in the air, and the thunder is like water, leaving no gaps. No matter how skilled you are, it is difficult to avoid it.


Lu Zhitian screamed, his body stiffened by the electric shock, and before he could recover, he saw a palm attack.

Subconsciously waved his arms to block.


The huge force directly broke his arm bones.

Only then could he truly understand what Zhu Gui felt just now, the fear and despair that penetrated his bones.

other side……

Horrible with great strength!

With such huge power, no moves are needed at all, just a simple swing of arms and punches, and no one can stop it.

No matter how many ways you have, the opponent's punch will be completely useless.

Fang Zheng didn't know what Lu Xinxin was thinking, so he stepped forward and punched again.

The strength of the fist went straight to the heart.


Lu Xin's body was stiff, his clothes were torn at the back of his vest, and his vitality was gone as his heart shattered.

No leaks,


In the blink of an eye, two martial arts masters were killed in succession. It was not because Zhu Gui and Lu Xin were too weak, but because Fang Zheng was too strong.

Zhu Gui and his two brothers have well-known names in the martial arts world. They are not the strongest among Wuluo martial arts masters, but they are not weak either.


Met Fang Zheng.


Habitually touching corpses, Fangzheng raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Finally something gained, and the hard work was not in vain."

Lu Xin brought some banknotes with him, not much, only more than a thousand taels, but it could also reduce losses.


The next day.

Fang Zheng got on his horse, and Linghu An and several acquaintances from the city came to see him off.



Several strong horses galloped over and stopped in front of everyone. The armored man on the horse waved the reins and shouted:

"But Gu'an County Founder?"


Fang Fang looked surprised, cupped his fists and raised his hands:

"Is there something wrong with this general?"

"I'm in Pingxi Army, Tong Yong. I'm currently in front of the prince, and I'm here to ask you a few words." Tong Yong shouted:

"Where did you go last night?"

"Last night?" Fang Zheng hesitated and replied:

"Fang met Princess Qingyuan at Qunxian Pavilion, and then several friends held a banquet in the city to see Fang off."

"Until daybreak."

"Not bad!" Linghu An nodded hurriedly:

"I can testify to this."


"We drank until dawn last night."

"There will be no lies!"

Several people in the field echoed one after another. One of them knew Tong Yong and asked curiously:

"General Tong, what happened?"

"It's nothing." Tong Yong shook his head:

"The second leader of Black Wind Village was killed outside the city last night. Next to him was the body of Lu Xin from the Green Wolf Gang."


Everyone was shocked.

Fang Zheng even said:

"It seems that both sides suffer losses, but why did Master Zhu Er encounter the people of the Green Wolf Gang late at night?"


Tong Yong snorted coldly:

"Instead of both sides losing, there is actually someone else who killed them, but... the relationship between Zhu Gui and Lu Xin is quite suspicious."

"General Tong means..." Linghu An raised his eyebrows:

"Zhu Gui secretly colluded with the Qinglang Gang?"

"No wonder!" Someone looked surprised:

"The Green Wolf Gang has been wreaking havoc in Zhaonan Mansion in the past few years, and all major forces have been affected. Only Black Wind Village has not been affected, but its sphere of influence has become larger and larger. It turns out that they are secretly colluding."

"Brother Wang, be careful what you say!"

"What are you afraid of? There are no outsiders here."


Everyone was whispering, and the noise continued for a while.


Tong Yong waved his hand:

"You don't need to say more about this matter. Master Heifeng has already met the prince and asked himself to be the vanguard of the bandit suppression."


"There is no problem in Heifeng Village. If there is a problem, it is Zhu Gui alone."

Everyone looked at each other.

Even Tong Yong himself may not believe this, but Heifeng Village's willingness to be the vanguard shows that he has gained the prince's trust.

Or forgive.


Soon after, everyone else left, but Linghu An was sent to Shili Changting and said:

"The prince came to Zhaonan Mansion. There are different opinions. It is said that suppressing bandits is only one of the purposes, and not the main purpose."

"There are rumors..."

"Your Majesty's deadline is approaching, but he has not decided on a prince. It is normal for the prince to want to occupy a place in the palace."

"What my father-in-law means is that the prince wants to fight for the throne, so he takes Zhaonan Mansion first?" Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"He is His Majesty's uncle, and he is a bit too old."

"Who knows." Linghu An shook his head:

"But if the prince really doesn't mind that Black Wind Village colludes with the Green Wolf Gang, I'm afraid he really doesn't pay attention to suppressing bandits. At least he cares more about keeping Zhaonan Mansion in his hands than eliminating banditry on one side."


"Don't be too prominent in recent years."

"Yeah." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Don't worry, father-in-law, you also know my character and will never take the initiative to cause trouble."





In front of Fang Mansion.

Pan Xin and Pan Shizheng knelt on the ground and cried loudly, especially Pan Shizheng, with tears and runny nose streaming down his face.

"What are you doing?"

Fang Zheng frowned, waved his sleeves to inspire an invisible force of energy, and lifted the two of them up:

"Get up and talk!"

He hadn't even returned home when something like this happened. He was inevitably a little unhappy, but it wasn't easy to get angry.


Pan Shizheng cried loudly, and his body that had just been lifted fell to the ground again, howling:

"Uncle makes the decision for our Pan family!"

"..." Fang Zheng's mouth twitched:

"Don't worry, the prince has personally led the army to encircle and suppress the Qinglang Gang. It won't take long before the bandits are wiped out."

"Brother Pan, you will get revenge."

"Uncle!" Pan Shizheng raised his head and said:

"My father once told us during his lifetime that the only person we can trust in this life is you, uncle."

"You have superb martial arts and extraordinary tactics. If you had not been trapped in this cautious Gu'an County voluntarily, your reputation would have been spread far and wide."

"No one in the world knows it, no one knows it."


Fangzheng was speechless. He didn't know whether Pan Ran had said this or not, but he was sure that you were thick-skinned.

Now he said slowly:

"Let me tell you the truth. I promise Brother Pan to take care of you. As long as Fang is here, I won't deprive you of food and drink."


Pan Shizheng sniffed and said in a muffled voice:

"My father was killed, the Pan family suffered heavy losses, and the descendants are so innocent, why should they be bullied?"

"Huh?" Fang Zheng frowned:

"what happened?"


"Since the news of Pan Ran's death came back, turmoil has erupted in San'an County, and several remaining members of Pan's family have been killed."

"Everyone in the Pan family is in danger."

Founder is clear.

If the Pan family can become the dominant force in San'an County, it is natural that they will not give up to others, and they will inevitably use thunderbolt methods.

He also made many enemies.

When Pan Ran was alive and the Pan family was prosperous, these enemies did not dare to act rashly, and their hatred was accumulated in their hearts.


Pan Ran was killed and almost all the elite members of the Pan family died. How could the enemy let go of such a great opportunity?

It is natural to be retaliated against.


Fang Zheng sighed and said:

"I can understand your feelings, but uncle, I am an outsider after all, and it is not my place to interfere in the Pan family's affairs."

"Uncle..." Pan Shizheng looked up.

"Don't worry!"

Fang Zheng waved his hand and suppressed the other party's words:

"Even if I help you solve your current troubles, what can I do? If Brother Pan is not here, what can you and your brothers do?"

"You two are not even martial arts masters!"

Pan Shizheng was speechless.


The Pan family doesn't even have a decent martial artist now, and they still want to be the tyrant of San'an County, but it's just a wishful thinking.


Pan Shizheng bit his steel teeth and said in a muffled voice:

"We are willing to sacrifice San'an County. We only ask my uncle to suppress those who are plotting against our Pan family."

"From now on, as long as Panjiazhai is in San'an County, the surname will be Fang!"

"Dedicate yourself to San'an County?" Fang Zheng shook his head:

"In the whole world, is it the land of the king? On the shore of the land, is it the minister of the king? What use does Fang have for San'an County?"

"Uncle!" Pan Shizheng cried:

"Are we, siblings, just going to have to watch our relatives die tragically at the hands of others?"

"I hope my uncle will help me and be so kind. Even if Shizheng can't repay him in this life, he will repay me in the next life."


Pan Xin, who had been crying, also fell to his knees and hit his head on the ground, causing bruises and bleeding on his forehead.

"Ms. sir."

The two people's pleading made Linghu Qiuchan unable to bear it, and she couldn't help but pull Fangzheng's sleeves.


Fang Zheng sighed:

"Brother Pan entrusted you to Fang's care because he wanted to preserve the blood of the Pan family in case something unexpected happens."

"Brother Pan and I have known each other for many years, and I cannot sit back and watch the Pan family being bullied."

He lowered his head and looked at Pan Shizheng and said:

"Shi Zheng, I can send someone to pick up the remaining members of the Pan family, but you must also understand that the Pan family is no longer what it used to be."

"If you want to revive your family business, you still need to work hard on your own."

"..." Pan Shizheng raised his head, his eyes flickered, and then he kowtowed heavily:

"Thank you uncle!"


In order to rescue the remaining members of the Pan family, Yang Meng personally led 800 private soldiers of the Fang Mansion and took Yuan Zhongdao on the road.

Pan Ran, who was just a Dzogchen martial artist, could become the top tyrant in San'an County, which shows that the martial arts background here is shallow.

Not to mention Yang Meng,

With hundreds of private soldiers, Yuan Zhongdao was able to sweep through San'an County.

In addition, Fang Zheng's reputation was growing day by day. When Fang's private soldiers arrived, the turmoil in Pan's house was put under control.

When the private soldiers of Fang Mansion entered Pan Mansion,

No one dares to come to the door to cause trouble anymore!


Sisters Pan Xin and Pan Shizheng invited Yang Meng and Yuan Zhongdao to a banquet, but Yang Meng declined on the grounds that she was tired.


In the room, Pan Shizheng spoke solemnly:

"Uncle asked us to take the Pan family back to Gu'an County. What do you think?"

"Me?" Pan Xin looked confused:

"What ideas can I have?"

"My father was killed, and my second uncle, eldest brother, and Zhang Huyuan were also killed by the Qinglang Gang. Now our Pan family is incomparable to before. It is indeed safer to bring my aunt and the others to Gu'an County."

"Are you willing to do this? Are you willing to give up the property that the Pan family has accumulated over the years?" Pan Shizheng's face tightened and he gritted his teeth and said:

"If we really go to Gu'an County, we will have to live under someone else's roof and look at other people's faces before doing anything. We won't be able to hold our heads high again!"

"Otherwise?" Pan Xin smiled bitterly:

"How can we, siblings, still want to revive the family business? You have to be determined and practice your true energy first."

"Even if you are a Zhenqi martial artist, you can't be afraid!"

"Why not?" Pan Shizheng's eyes flashed:

"San'an County is not as good as Gu'an County. It doesn't have as many experts, and my uncle is obviously not interested in San'an County."

"This is our chance!"

"Shi Zheng, it won't work." Pan Xin shook his head and advised earnestly:

"I have now understood that in today's world, only those who are strong enough can have a say. Without strength, nothing can be done."

"How can you gain a foothold in San'an County if you don't even have the energy?"

Pan Shizheng said nothing, just stared at Pan Xin.

"What's wrong?"

Pan Xin subconsciously touched her cheek and asked:

"Is there something on my face?"

"No." Pan Shizheng shook his head:

"Sister, you're beautiful."

"Presumptuous!" Pan Xin was ashamed and angry, and couldn't help but stamp her feet and shouted:

"Don't let me beat you!"

"Sister." Pan Shizheng said:

"What I said is true. Haven't you noticed that Brother Yuan has been secretly watching you on the way here?"

"Bah!" Pan Xin's pretty face turned red:

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"What nonsense am I talking about?" Pan Shizheng called out to Qu Lai:

"Sister, you are naturally beautiful. Who in San'an County doesn't know about you?"

"Not to mention a small county town, even if I go to Zhaonan Mansion, I'm afraid I won't be able to find someone as beautiful as you."

"That's enough." Pan Xin shook his head:

“What’s the use of being good-looking?”

"Why is it useless?" Pan Shizheng took a step forward and whispered:

"Brother Yuan is about the same grade as us, but his cultivation level is about to break through to the realm of the Great Zhou Tianwu Master."

"This grade, this level of cultivation..."

"Even Uncle Fangzheng and the head of the Linghu family can't compare. He will definitely become a Wuluo martial artist in the future, and may even have a chance to become a martial arts master."


His voice was sharp and he said:

"If you marry him, and with Brother Yuan's help, why should our Pan family worry about not being able to stand firmly in San'an County?"

"This..." Pan Xin's beautiful eyes flashed:

"Is it really possible?"

"It's feasible!" Pan Shizheng nodded heavily:

"Sister, do you like Brother Yuan?"

"What did you say?" Pan Xin shook his head:

"I'm just afraid that others will look down on me."


Pan Shizheng hummed:

"Brother Yuan is extremely talented, but he has neither father nor mother. He is only where he is today thanks to the support of Uncle Fang."

"It's not much different from us."

"All members of the Pan family have been killed. Sister, I have to make the final decision on your marriage. I think Brother Yuan is a good fit."


At night,


Sisters Pan Xin and Pan Shizheng hosted a banquet for Yuan Zhongdao.


"Brother Yuan, please. This wine is a specialty of Zuixian Restaurant in Zhaonan Mansion. Only a few jars are released every year. It was only luck that our Pan family was able to get a jar."

"Okay, okay...please, both of you!"

Pan Shizheng glanced at Yuan Zhongdao, whose face was glowing red, and then at Pan Xin, who had a shy look on his face, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

At this time, Pan Xin's makeup was obviously carefully dressed up, making her already outstanding even more beautiful.

If you are not drunk with wine, everyone will get drunk.

From time to time, the beauty noticed that Yuan Zhongdao was already intoxicated.

The smile on Pan Shizheng's face became even wider.

He was very aware of his situation. His talent in martial arts was mediocre, and he didn't even know whether he could cultivate his true energy.

But Yuan Zhongdao is different.

This person will soon achieve the Great Zhou Tian, ​​and is destined to become Wu Lu. It can be said that he has a bright future.

If you can be tied to the Pan family, it is equivalent to tying a thigh. Why worry about others bullying the Pan family in the future?

"Brother Yuan."

With his thoughts turning, Pan Shizheng took out a brocade box and pushed it over:

"Thank you for your help, so that the lives of everyone in my Pan family can be saved. Small gifts are not disrespectful."


Yuan Zhongdao waved his hand hurriedly:

"I came here under orders. If Brother Pan wants to thank you, you should thank the Lord, or Commander Yang Mengyang."

"Uncle and Commander Yang, we have our own gifts of thanks." Pan Shizheng said with a smile:

"This belongs to Brother Yuan. I hope we don't delay it. Are the lives of everyone in our Pan family so worthless?"

"This..." Yuan Zhongdao hesitated.

"Brother Yuan, you might as well take a look at what's inside first." Pan Shizheng said:

"I heard that Brother Yuan practices the Crane Nine Heavens Divine Technique. This technique was actually inherited by the Wang family of the nearby Dushui envoys decades ago. When the Wang family was destroyed, all the major forces nearby copied a copy and took it back. Our Pan family also No exception, I was lucky enough to get some of the Wang family’s relics.”

"It should be of some help to Brother Yuan in his cultivation."

"Oh!" Yuan Zhongdao's eyes lit up and he immediately opened the brocade box.

There is a thick book in the brocade box, which is the Hexi Nine Heavens Magic Art, but it is thicker than the one in his hand.

There are indeed many dismantling and narrations by predecessors in it.

not only that……

In addition to the Crane Nine Heavens Magic Art, there are also some silver notes, some gold foil, gems and other objects below.


Yuan Zhongdao's eyes flashed, and after a long moment he slowly closed the lid of the box and spoke slowly:

"These things are really useful to me, thank you Brother Pan!"

"Haha..." Pan Shizheng laughed:

"Red powder is given to beauties, swords are given to heroes, and the combination of Crane and Nine Heavens Divine Skills should shine brightly in the hands of Brother Yuan."

"Young Master Yuan." Pan Xin turned her beautiful eyes and raised her wine glass lightly:

"I'll give you a toast."

"Okay, okay." Yuan Zhongdao was excited and hurriedly raised his glass:

"I did it, Miss Pan, do whatever you want!"

Pan Xin was already beautiful, but after drinking wine, her cheeks were as red as a flower, which made people intoxicated.

The faint fragrance makes people's blood rush.

Although Yuan Zhongdao has a high talent in martial arts, he lacks understanding of the world, especially the affairs between men and women.

I fight with a bunch of rough guys all day long, but I have never seen a beauty like Pan Xin before?

Now the beauty is beside him, the fragrance lingers on the tip of his nose, and every move makes his heart feel hot.



It wasn't until the moon was in the sky and the banquet was over that Yuan Zhongdao staggered back to his residence.


Pan Shizheng winked at Pan Xin:

“Strike while the iron is hot!”

"I don't think Brother Yuan is willing to be lonely. He has such a talent, how can he depend on others for the rest of his life?"

"It is only right to tie him firmly to our Pan family now!"

Pan Xin's pretty face turned red, and she kneaded the corners of her clothes with her hands. Although she understood in her heart, there was still flinching in her eyes.

"Uncle Fang was able to build such a huge foundation in Gu'an County from scratch. Brother Yuan is more talented and has greater potential than Uncle Fang. He has also learned how to train troops. With the support of San'an County, he has never been able to imitate a Fang Mansion."

Pan Shizheng continued:

"Brother Yuan is not famous now, just because he doesn't fight with outsiders like this. He will definitely be famous everywhere in the future."


"If you miss this opportunity, you may not be sure in the future!"

"I know." Pan Xin took a deep breath, reached out and took off the hairpin, letting her long hair fall down.

The blush after drinking was still on her face, and her long hair was loose, making her even more charming.

Glancing at Pan Shizheng, she walked toward Yuan Zhongdao's room.

"Da da……"

Knocking lightly on the door with bare hands.



Pan Xin bit her lip and whispered:

"Master Yuan, are you asleep?"

"Miss Pan."

There was a strange noise in the house. Yuan Zhongdao opened the door and saw the beautiful woman in front of the door who looked like a fairy under the moon. His expression was dull:

"You...what's wrong with you?"


Pan Xin's pretty face was red, her breathing was rapid, she lowered her head and said:

"Can you let me go in and talk?"

"Yes, yes!" Yuan Zhongdao nodded anxiously:

"In Miss Pan's room..."

He opened his mouth, seeming to realize that there would be something wrong with this, but his eyes narrowed and he stretched out his hand:



Two days later.

Yang Meng worried about everyone and prepared to take Pan's family back to Gu'an County.

"Commander Yang."

Pan Shizheng raised his hand and asked for instructions:

"The Pan family still has some properties in San'an County, which cannot be dealt with immediately. Can some people be left behind to wait?"


Yang Meng frowned:

"My lord only told me to escort the person back, not to deal with the Pan family's property."

"Commander Yang."

Pan Shizheng took a step forward and asked someone to carry out several wooden boxes:

"This is ten thousand taels of silver that our Pan family has accumulated over the years. If my uncle hadn't helped, it would have been taken over by outsiders."

"Now, I would like to dedicate all of it to my uncle!"


The lid of the wooden box was opened, and the bright light of silver dazzled everyone's eyes.

Even Yang Meng's eyes couldn't help but change slightly.

Raising private soldiers in captivity is expensive, and as the leader, she knows it clearly, and she also knows the value of ten thousand taels of silver.

"Commander Yang."

Pan Shizheng spoke at the right time:

"If Pan is allowed to stay, more gold and silver will be sent later, and I beg the commander to agree."

"This..." Yang Meng hesitated.


Yuan Zhongdao took a step forward and whispered:

"It's better to let the low-ranking officials stay. There is no need to keep too many people. Only a few dozen private soldiers plus the low-ranking officials are enough to suppress those with different intentions in San'an County."


Fang Mansion.

Fang Zheng looked at the boxes of silver in front of him and shook his head gently:

"That's it!"

"Everyone has his own ambitions and cannot be forced. If he wants to stay in San'an County, he can stay."

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