Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 196 Sun and Moon God Kei

Fang Zheng suddenly jumped out and struck directly with his fist.

There was no emotion on his face, and all his energy and energy were concentrated on the front of his fist. Before anyone arrived, his fist intention was already firmly locked on the target.

"It's you?"

Master Heifeng recognized the Wuluo martial artist who participated in the siege and assassination of him, and also knew the identity of the visitor.

Gu'an County dominates!

The Lord of Fang Mansion!

For a moment, I was filled with shock and anger.

What was shocking was that now that he was seriously injured and his strength was at its lowest, he was attacked by the opponent.

What makes him angry is what kind of person he is. In the past, he would never take the small tyrant of Gu'an County seriously, but now he dares to attack him.


Can feel the mortal threat!


Amidst the angry shouts, wind and sand swept across the place, turning into a wall between the two people, separating them from each other.


Fang Zheng's fist penetrated the 'wall', and the wind and sand exploded immediately.

However, the wind and sand are like water, layer upon layer, and the flow is endless. If the fist penetrates only a few feet, it feels like entering a quagmire, making it difficult to advance.

Not to mention touching the target behind.


With a cold snort, Fang Zheng's eyes flashed with lightning, his whole body suddenly lit up, and all the power of thunder was concentrated on his fist.


A thick electric light shot out through the edge of the fist, directly penetrated the wall transformed by the wind and sand, and blasted towards Master Black Wind.


A tortoise-shell shield appeared out of thin air and stopped in front of Master Black Wind. Although the huge force pushed him staggering backward, his body was unscathed.

Defense weapon?

Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly, and his figure flashed as he approached again. He struck out with both palms in succession, and thunder blasted out first.

Five thunder palms!

At the same time, he sarcastically said:

"The so-called invincibility of real people turns out to be nothing more than that."


Master Heifeng controlled the shield to intercept the thunder, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and at the same time he used the wind and sand to defend against the enemy.

Although he knew that the other party wanted to anger him, he still couldn't help but lose control of his emotions.

"How dare you, junior, humiliate me like this?"

"court death!"

His eyes widened, and he fiercely raised the remaining mana in his body, turning the wind and sand into a vast expanse that covered it.

The next moment.

The scene before him made his expression change drastically.

Fang Zheng was wrapped in the wind and sand, and a protective force of four feet and three inches appeared around his body, firmly guarding the spot.

Four feet three inches?

For an ordinary and flawless martial artist, even if his cultivation reaches the peak level, his body-protecting strength is only three feet.

Qing Lang is said to be extremely talented, and his body-protecting strength is only four feet and seven inches. This person is actually four feet and three inches?

This shows that the skills he practiced are indeed very good and have reached an extremely high level.

With such cultivation,

Why was it not famous before?

"So what if you have high cultivation level?"

As his thoughts turned, Master Black Wind smiled coldly:

"Trapped in my bone-eroding soul-crushing wind and the extinguishing sand of heaven and earth, it's hard to tell the direction. It's a dead end in the end."

"Even if I only have one point of mana left, I can still kill you!"

"Really?" Fang Zheng smiled lightly:

"Don't forget, Fang is also a mage."

As he spoke, dozens of spiritual talismans flew out of the Qiankun Bag, submerged into the wind and sand, and were all detonated.


Thunder talisman!


Fang Zheng waved his hand, and balls of lightning appeared out of thin air, turning into thunder knives under his control.

The thunder knife flew vertically and horizontally in the air, and its power surged with the blessing of the thunder talisman.


There seemed to be a terrifying giant beast struggling out of the wind and sand. Even though the wind and sand swept over it, it couldn't suppress it.

Master Heifeng's face turned pale, and he turned around to escape, but found that his hands and feet could not move at all.

At some point, five phantoms appeared around him, reaching out to grab them.


"When did this happen?"

"Right at the beginning." Fang Zheng said, wrapped in thunder and jumped out of the wind and sand.

Mind - Five Thunders!

Two percent of his true energy turned into dazzling lightning, which fell from the sky and instantly enveloped Master Black Wind.


Thunder roared.

As the rocks beneath his feet cracked, Master Heifeng was scorched black all over. He rolled his eyes and fainted.


Fang Zheng exhaled softly:

"If his strength is intact, I am afraid that he can only compete with him head-on by using the Five Ghosts and Heavenly Demon Transformation."

"As expected of an old guy who has been running rampant for decades, he does have a few moments."

"But there is no need to belittle oneself. Fang has only been on the path of spiritual practice for more than 20 years, so it is nothing compared to normal."

After calming down, he looked back, grabbed Master Heifeng and Li Shu, and ran away.


A cave somewhere.

Dark, cold and damp.


A basin of cold water was poured on Master Black Wind's head, causing him to jolt and wake up from his coma.

However, in an instant, he discovered that he was subject to several restrictions and could not use any means.


Looking squarely, his eyes flickered:

"You didn't kill me?"

"No hurry." Fang Zheng walked closer, holding something in each hand, one was a palm-sized pocket gourd, and the other was a bowl-sized tortoise shell.

These two things are treasures in the hands of Master Black Wind. One can release wind and sand, and the other is a defensive weapon.

All are extraordinary.


Fang Zheng squatted in front of the other party and spoke slowly:

"I heard that you have a treasure on your body that can greatly increase your understanding. That's why you became so famous."

"You know a lot." Master Black Wind snorted coldly:


"I gave that thing to someone else a long time ago, so don't count on it. If that person knows that you killed me, he might avenge me."

"Are you talking about the real Iron Flute Immortal?" Fang Zheng chuckled:

"As far as I know, that person was just protecting you from the threat of Zhenren and Wuzong. That's why the prince didn't kill you."

"If Wuzong takes action, I'm afraid that person is too lazy to pay attention."


His eyes narrowed slightly:

"As far as I know, you have a total of two treasures that can greatly increase your understanding. If you donate one, there will be another."


Master Black Wind's expression changed:

"how do you know?"

This matter was so secret that only a few people knew about it, and no one would even know about it unless he made a drunken blunder.


Even if the people who knew about this matter were all his trusted confidants, Master Black Wind had also considered killing him to silence him.


A flash of inspiration occurred in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Master Heifeng shouted:

"Did you kill Zhu Gui?"

"Not bad." Fang was surprised:

"Senior actually guessed it."


Master Black Wind snorted coldly:

"I knew he was unreliable. If I hadn't come to his place usefully, I would have dealt with him long ago."

"Ha..." Fang Zheng chuckled:

"Tell me, where is the thing?"

After learning about this incident, he specifically investigated Master Black Wind.

When he was young, this man was a gangster in the county town, but later he became desperate and joined the bandits.

I should have been in my mid-twenties when I really came into contact with spiritual practice.

However, he was 'extraordinary' in his talent, and he had distinguished himself in the art of magic in just a few years, and then he was out of control.

In his early thirties, he became a mage.

Under the age of forty, he became a famous mage!

Now in his eighties, looking at the entire Zhaonan Mansion, no one dares to talk about an easy victory under Zhenren and Wuzong.


If he had not come into contact with spiritual practice a little late, he might have become a real person, but even so there is hope for a breakthrough.

He is said to be invincible against real people.

This kind of experience may seem to others to be a late bloomer with extraordinary talent, but Fang Zheng knew that he was probably relying on foreign objects.

What on earth could transform a street gangster into a gifted Taoist wizard?

Of course he was curious.

"Ha ha……"

Master Black Wind laughed up to the sky:

"Boy, do you think I'm going to tell you?"

"If you don't tell me, I'm afraid it's out of your control." Fang's face turned cold.

"Threatening me?" Master Black Wind narrowed his eyes and sneered:

"After all, this old man is also a great mage. He proclaims himself a soul, and he has no fear even if he is cut into pieces by a thousand swords."


"If you have any means, feel free to use it. If grandpa is afraid of you, he will bear your surname in the next life!"

Fang Zheng shook his head.

Although Master Heifeng is a great mage, he has obviously not changed his past as a rogue.

Pushy, flamboyant, vulgar language...

Will this kind of people be wise?

Absolutely impossible!

He stood up and gave up the seat behind him, only to see that a simple altar had been set up here.


As a great mage, Master Heifeng could see Fang Zheng's plan at a glance, and disdain immediately appeared on his face:

"You are dreaming when you use soul-stirring techniques on an archmage and ask about the secrets deep in your heart!"

Not to mention that Fang Zheng's practice in magic is far inferior to him. Even a real person may not be able to do it.


Fang's expression remained unchanged, he just took out transparent bottles containing liquids from the Qiankun Bag and placed them in front of him.

"Senior, do you know what these are?"


He chuckled and shook his head:

"I guess you don't know that these things are called sedatives, which can block people's brain nerves."

"You don't understand even if I tell you."

"You just need to know that these things are specially prepared by Fang for people like Senior."

As he spoke, he held a syringe in his hand to absorb the medicine, and then injected dozens of sedatives into Master Black Wind's body.

A quarter of an hour later.


Fang Fang looked solemn:

"Where is the thing?"

Opposite him, Master Black Wind rolled his eyes upwards, foam kept coming out of his mouth, and his body moved back and forth.

"Say it!"

Fangzheng used the hand seal technique, went all out with the soul-obsessing technique, vented the true energy in his body crazily, and asked word by word:

"Where is the thing?"


"In the south of Black Wind Village...in the woods..."

a long time.

Fang Zheng lay on his back with sweat on his forehead and panting heavily. It took him a long time to regain some energy and struggle to get up.


"I only asked where the things are, but I didn't ask about the method of cultivation. I don't know how to refine the Black Wind Gourd."

"Sun and Moon God Gui..."

"Is there such a strange thing in the world?"


Drowsing, Li Shu suddenly opened her eyes.


She subconsciously stretched out her hand and grasped the spear beside her. The spear was only slightly settled in her hand, and then she realized something was wrong.

He must have lost to Master Black Wind and fainted.

Logically speaking,

I should have my acupoints sealed and my personal freedom restricted, so why is the zhenqi in my body running smoothly now?

It was a little difficult just because of the injuries on his body.

He struggled to sit up and looked around. He thought this was a valley, and there was a simple thatched house not far away.

Not far to the side is a vibrant willow tree. Under the willow tree is a tomb without an inscription.

on the grave,

There are several white flowers blooming. The white flowers are in pairs and complement each other, swaying in the breeze.

"The princess is awake?"

A familiar voice sounded, and Fang Zheng appeared nearby with a bucket in his hand, nodding towards Li Shu:

"This is Fang's residence in the mountains. Very few people know about it and there are no outsiders."

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to indicate:

"I made porridge, do you want to try some?"

"..." Li Shu's throat turned and she nodded slowly:


The hot porridge is filled with white smoke, with rice grains and minced meat mixed with some green vegetables. The faint aroma makes people appetizing.

Li Shu held a wooden spoon in her hand, stirred the hot porridge, and asked:

"Where is Master Black Wind?"

"he died."

"Did you kill him?"


Fang Zheng nodded:

"When Fang arrived, Master Heifeng was already seriously injured, and he succeeded easily in the sneak attack."

As he spoke, he took out Master Black Wind's gourd and tortoise shell.

"Seriously injured..." Li Shu said thoughtfully:

"It seems that he failed to completely avoid the Four-Phase Magic Sword, and his strength was greatly reduced. He was attacked at close range by a flawless martial artist. It is normal for him to be killed."

She didn't doubt it.

Master Black Wind was already injured, and her resistance before she fell into coma would definitely add to the injuries.


After all, Fang Zheng is a flawless martial artist, not a weakling. What's more, the mage is not good at close combat with others.


Taking a deep breath, Li Shu spoke slowly:

"I want to take these two things back."

After the words fell, her body couldn't help but tense up, and she was secretly angry. She shouldn't be talking nonsense at this time.

What if Fang Zheng doesn’t agree?

just in case……

What should I do if the other person is interested in me?

Now that I am seriously injured, I am not even strong enough. If the opponent turns against me, I will definitely not be my opponent.

So reckless!


With her thoughts turning, she hurriedly said:

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree. After all, it's your trophy. I'm just making a suggestion."

"It doesn't matter." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Fang doesn't know much about magic, and both of these things require secret techniques to be refined, so they are useless in my hands."

"The princess can take it if she needs it."

"..." Li Shu was stunned, looked at Fang Zheng in a daze, hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding:

"That's fine."

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer."

Fang Zheng smiled lightly and said:

"Princess, although there is a simple formation to cover up the aura here, it is not very safe after all. We still have to leave as much as possible."

"Yes." Li Shu nodded:

"Take a short rest and then go."




The gourd that can release wind and sand is undoubtedly the treasure that made Master Black Wind famous, but unfortunately it requires a special method to refine it.

Turtle shell is slightly better, but not easy to obtain.

Although the things are good, they are not of much use to Fang Zheng. It is better to find a good relationship with the princess.

Soon after returning to Gu'an County, King Kang sent more than a thousand elite soldiers to escort Li Shu back to the capital.

Half a month later.

"Brother Fang!"

Tong Yong smiled enthusiastically and held his hands in his hands:

"Dong is here to cause trouble!"

As the prince's general, Tong Yong always called Fang Zheng by his first name, but this time he was much more polite.

Attitudes have also changed drastically.

"How dare you." Fang Zheng extended his hand to invite:

"General Tong, please come in quickly!"

"Haha..." Tong Yonglang laughed:

"Not only Tong is here this time, he is also bringing someone with him. Brother Fang, why not guess who it is?"

No need to guess.

Before he finished speaking, Fang Heng had already jumped out from behind.



Fang Zheng's eyes lit up and he took a step forward to measure his height. He couldn't help but sigh:

"Up to my shoulders, grown up."


"Go see your mother quickly. Since we met in Fucheng last year, you two haven't seen each other for more than a year."

"Yeah." Fang Heng nodded heavily:

"Father, I'm going."

"Brother Fang." Tong Yong said with a smile:

"Princess Qingyuan has an order. Fang Heng is successful in his studies. He does not need to stay at the martial arts hall in the future and can travel to and from Gu'an County at will."

"In the past three years, your family Fang Heng is the first one to come back."

"Thank you, Princess." Fang Zheng handed over his hand:

"Thank you, General Tong!"

"Tong doesn't dare to take credit." Tong Yong shook his head:

"These are gifts from the princess. In addition, the princess also asked me to bring something to give to Brother Fang."

He said and handed over a brocade box.

The brocade box is not big, only about a foot long. When opened, there is a tortoise shell with a spiritual light on its surface.

That protective magical weapon of Master Black Wind?


Although there are some similarities, they are not the same upon closer inspection, and this aura has obviously never been refined.

That is to say...

Fang Zheng only needs to refine it a little to turn it into his own personal protective weapon.

Look at the breath exposed,

I'm afraid the grade is not low!

There should be no problem in blocking the attack of the Wuluo martial artist.

"Good baby!"

Fangzheng's eyes lit up:

"Thank you, Princess!"

He did the right thing by handing Master Black Wind's things to Li Shu.

He exchanged two unusable items for a protective magical weapon that could be used for sacrifice, and also allowed Fang Heng to regain his freedom.


Peace is still in Fucheng.

"If Brother Fang wants to say thank you, you might as well go to Fucheng to meet the little princess in person." Tong Yong waved his hand:

"Unexpectedly, Master Black Wind is so evil that he dares to collude with the Blue Wolf remnant bandit. It is not a pity for this thief to die."


"Although Master Heifeng is dead, Heifeng Stronghold is still there."

"Your Majesty is so powerful, why is the Little Black Wind Village in danger?" Fang Zheng handed over his hand:

"If the general takes action, Heifeng Stronghold will be defeated soon!"


Tong Yong nodded:

"This time Tong came here to contact heroes from all over the country and join forces to defeat Heifeng Stronghold, and Fang Mansion is one of them."

"Before coming here, the little princess specially ordered that the black wind stronghold be destroyed, and the brothers who received the gold and silver in it will get 10%."


And there are such benefits!

Fang Zheng's eyes lit up and he nodded immediately:

"Thanks to the princess's love, Fang will definitely go all out!"

As early as three years ago, Heifeng Village was in decline, and now even Master Heifeng, the Dinghai Shenzhen, has died. It can be said that the fish and meat on the sticky board are left to be slaughtered.

Logically speaking,

The little-known Fang Mansion can't get a share of the pie, but since the princess has spoken, of course it can.

not to mention,

You can also take the opportunity to get the treasure hidden by Master Black Wind.

"Brother Fang."

Tong Yong narrowed his eyes:

"I heard that the Fang Mansion's military training method came from the Tiger Ben Army, which was famous all over the world. I want to see it this time."

"Easy to say." Fang Zheng chuckled.


A few days later.

Fang Zheng, Yang Meng, and Lu Zhi led a thousand private soldiers to join King Kang's army and headed straight for Heifeng Stronghold.

Yang Meng is a descendant of Huben Army.

She trained her troops rigorously. Although she was a private soldier of the Fang Mansion, she advanced and retreated in an orderly manner, no less than the elite soldiers of the imperial court.

"Military formation!"

"The soldiers' Qi and blood can be gathered together to turn into smoke on the battlefield, which can cover a distance of more than ten miles. Within this range, spells are banned and martial arts Qi and blood are also suppressed."

"More than a thousand elite soldiers can easily kill and suppress the Archmage, and thousands of people can form an array without fear of the martial arts master."

"When the Wei Dynasty was first established, there were 300,000 troops. The formation was known to be overwhelming for thousands of miles. It directly wiped out several major cultivation sects, beheaded more than a dozen martial sects and real people, and forced Tianshi Dao to hand over the true tradition. How majestic was it?"

Yang Meng whispered:

"And if you want to form a formation, the soldiers of the army must follow the orders and prohibitions, and ten thousand people march as one man."

"In this way, we can form a military battle formation that is unrivaled!"


“It’s extremely difficult to do this!”

In the early days of the Wei Dynasty and when martial arts flourished, 300,000 people could form a battle formation, but now there are only a few who can form a formation of 10,000 people.

"That's what Miss Yang said."

Tong Yong sighed:

"If the power of the imperial army is still there, why fear the Six Paths of Demonic Heaven, let alone the Beggar Clan's arrangement."

"such a pity!"

As a general of the imperial court, he is extremely disappointed with the current imperial army, and somewhat hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

Especially when he saw the private soldiers of the Fang Mansion trained by Yang Meng, and then looked at his own soldiers, his expression changed even more.

The Pingxi Army was well-equipped and large in number, but when it came to their high morale and marching formation, they could not compare to the private soldiers below.

If it weren't for the small number of private soldiers in Fang Mansion and the difficulty of expanding them, he might have considered reporting it to the prince.


"father in law!"

the other side.

Fang Zheng actually met Linghu An.

"Are you here too?"


Linghu An gently stroked his beard, nodded and said:

"This is Black Wind Village. I don't know how many good things have been hidden over the years. Who doesn't want a share of the pie?"


His eyebrows were slightly slender and he whispered:

"How do you feel about what I said?"

"Are you talking about investigating the ruins of the Stealing Valley Immortal?" Fang Zheng shook his head slightly:

"Father-in-law, this trip is far away, and others may not be trustworthy, so why take the risk?"

"Robin Valley Immortal is a real person from six hundred years ago, who is especially good at cultivating elixirs." Linghu An said:

"It is said that he is one step closer to becoming a real person, comparable to a Taoist Sanxian. If he can enter his legacy..."

"You and I may not be able to attain martial arts!"

If the ruins are real, given the habits of the Grain Stealing Immortal, there will definitely be many elixirs left.

Even if the age of the elixir was still low back then, more than six hundred years have passed and it is already old enough.

"Wuzong?" Fang Zheng shook his head:

"It's hard to tell whether the legacy is real or not. If it goes away quickly, it will take years to live. Can my father-in-law let go of his family?"


“Life or death is uncertain, why take risks?”

Linghu An glanced at him and said nothing.

Unlike Fang Zheng, Linghu An is actually an old man in his seventies or eighties, although he is well-maintained and looks like a middle-aged man.

Even if there are no leaks, it starts to go downhill at this age.


Not much left.


With a sigh, Linghu An raised his eyes and looked into the distance with a long look in his eyes.




The army conquered, and Blackwind Village was almost vulnerable after losing its leader. After a little resistance, the gate was breached.

The next step is easy.

Masters from all major forces were dispatched, followed by private soldiers and the army to encircle and suppress the people. Everyone in Black Wind Village fled in all directions.



Fang Zheng turned into a ghost and seemed to be chasing the masters in Black Wind Village, but in fact he was quietly heading towards his intended target.

Sunset and stars move.

Hazy moonlight falls from the sky.

Fang Zheng's figure appeared in a small forest. Following Master Black Wind's description, he came to a huge rock.

He reached out and touched under the boulder, and something appeared in his hand.

Luna Kei!

One of the sun and moon gods Gui Zhong.

It is also the treasure that makes Master Black Wind ‘unusually gifted’.

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