There are three Cao offices in Fucheng. The meritorious officials are responsible for the promotion of local officials. Among the three Cao officials, they have the highest status.

This official position is appointed by the palace master.

The Bing Cao is in charge of the military affairs of a place, and can also command the army of the government. Since the arrival of the prince, he has taken over full responsibility.

Jin Cao is in charge of the finance of the government and has five officials. Song Ji is one of them and has an independent office.

In addition, there is Cao Cao, who is in charge of arresting thieves, Cao Cao, who is in charge of grain transportation, Xing Cao, who is in charge of determining punishments, etc...

The status is far inferior to that of the three Cao officials.


A figure appeared in the corner of the room, lowering his head and reporting:

"There is a letter from Sanxian Village, saying that everything is ready; the crazy senior has arrived at Zhaonan Mansion and is missing for the time being; the auction will be held in five days, and it is said that there are heaven and earth spiritual objects for sale. The Liu family and the Taishi family have sent people to come..."

"Fang Zheng's location has not been found yet."


Song Ji, who was sitting at his desk, raised his head slightly:

"what happened?"

"I don't know, either." The figure replied:

"After the man named Fang left that day, he disappeared without a trace. After some investigation, I found that this man's whereabouts were extremely mysterious. He often disappeared and then suddenly appeared again after a while. Even the people around him did not know where he had gone. .”

"But don't worry, young master, today is the day when the Linghu family is separated, and Fang Zheng will definitely appear as a witness."

"We can do it later!"


Song Ji nodded casually:

"What you have to do is prepare the silver I need before the auction starts so that I can use it then."


The figure bowed:

"I'm sorry to say goodbye!"

He took a step back. There was clearly a wall behind him, and his retreat blended into it silently.

Song Ji was obviously used to this. His expression did not change when he saw this, and he picked up the book and started reading again.

"Jingle Bell……"

The copper bell hanging on his waist suddenly trembled, and his instinct made him lean forward, but it was already a step too late.

A big black hand suddenly appeared, reached out from behind, penetrated into the heart, and squeezed hard.


Song Ji's body trembled.

He seemed to hear the sound of his heart breaking. His face was full of despair and unwillingness. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.


His body fell heavily to the ground, and he didn't even die completely for a while.

who is it?

He has a protective jade and a spiritual aperture talisman. Even a great mage who is proficient in the secret method of gathering breath cannot appear in front of him without noticing.


The visitor ignored many protective objects and approached him to kill him, but there was almost no reaction at all.

Could it be that he is a martial arts master?

Why would such a master want to sneak attack and assassinate himself?

I still have a lot to do!

I am young and have a bright future. I could have become a martial artist and a real person. Why...


With deep reluctance, the vitality in Song Ji's eyes quietly dissipated, and blood flowed from his heart.

"A practitioner of both magic and martial arts, and a direct descendant of the Song family, he is actually vulnerable."

Fang Zheng's figure appeared in the field, moved his wrist slightly, and showed a satisfied look on his face:


Under normal circumstances, even if he could kill Song Ji, he would never be able to do so easily, and there was a high probability of a draw. After all, Song Ji's identity must have life-saving means left by Wu Zong and Zhenren.

At this time, Fang Zheng was covered in a faint layer of black aura, his eyes were deep and transparent, and his figure was like a phantom.


Everything in the world is divided into black and white. There are no colorful colors, and only the two qi of yin and yang are used to distinguish them.

The breath flows, back and forth.

This is the state where the ghost king merges with the physical body.

It is similar to the Five Ghosts and Heavenly Demon Transformation, but its power is not the same.

The Ghost King does not have a physical body, so he does not have the ability to control him from the air, and it can only be used by melting into the physical body.

There are many surprises in this first try.

The three Cao Mansion offices all have formations, and their grades are not low. Logically speaking, it is impossible for aliens such as ghosts and ghosts to get close to them.


He escaped into it, but the formation showed no response.


The books on the table made Fang Zheng's eyes move slightly, and he stretched out his hand to take them into his palm.

"The yin and yang of heaven and earth are in harmony with each other!"

"It's actually a secret book of martial arts?"

As soon as I flipped through it, I realized that this was a book on how to cultivate both men and women. However, what was written in it was grand and upright, and it was not the method of harvesting yin and replenishing yang like the Hehuan Sect. It also seemed to have a miraculous effect in helping practitioners break through the realm.

In addition to the cheats, there is also a token.

He knew this thing. It was a token given by Xuantian Dao Wanbao Pavilion auction, but it seemed a little different from ordinary tokens.


Just as he was about to take a closer look, Fang Zheng stopped because of something strange he sensed. He quickly touched the body and then stepped on it.

The yin and yang of heaven and earth suddenly separated in the sight, and the ghost king's body stepped into the darkness. After taking a few steps, he appeared several miles away.

Wherever he goes, it's like piercing through the void.

Houses, walls, rocks, human bodies... all seemed to be illusory, unable to stop movement at all.

Ghost King!

It can go in and out of the netherworld, travel in the endless world, and its escape speed is unparalleled.


When he came to a deserted place, with a thought, the ghost king broke away from his body and floated behind him. Fang Zheng staggered, and his face showed fatigue.


Even if it is a perfect masterpiece, it cannot rely on the power of the Ghost King for a long time, not to mention the difficulty and the danger of assimilation.

As time goes by, it becomes impossible to leave even if you want to.

After calming down, he took out the Buddhist altar and put away the Ghost King, straightened his clothes, and headed towards the Linghu family mansion.

Not long after.

There were shouts.

"Master Fang Zhengfang of Gu'an County has entered the government..."


"Master Fang."

Today, Mr. Qiao still came to bear witness. After sitting down, he looked at Fang Zheng, who was frowning next to him, and asked:

"Are you worried?"

"The separation of the Linghu family is a foregone conclusion. Instead of continuing to be in such chaos, it would be better to separate."

"Yeah." Fang Zheng nodded, rubbed his brow and said:

"It's not just a matter of the Linghu family."


He sighed and continued:

"My child named Fang Heng was disobedient and secretly joined the army and went to Jinzhou Prefecture. He is still on the front line."


"Soldiers on the front line are fighting dangerously. As a parent, how can we not be worried?"

He also just got the news not long ago.

While he was in seclusion to worship the Ghost King, Fang Heng secretly left Gu'an County and rushed to the front line with several young people from the martial arts hall.

By the time he got the news, it was already too late. Du Qiaoyun was so frightened that he fell ill in bed.

"This..." Mr. Qiao was stunned and said:

"Young people have their own ideas. This is inevitable. There is no need to worry about Fang Daxia. There are Wuzong and Zhenren on the front lines. The rebellion in Jinzhou Prefecture will be suppressed in a few days. They will be fine."

"Perhaps, I can still make a great contribution and shine on my family!"

"It's enough that Fang doesn't ask him to make great achievements and not let his mother worry about him." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"This kid is the most careless!"

"You two." As he spoke, a person came closer and whispered:

"here we go."


The two came back to their senses and looked towards the field.

The Linghu family split up.

The conservative side belongs to Linghu Mingquan, and the Dafang family is intertwined and eventually accounts for most of the family property.

Others are attributed to Linghu Changping.

The two parties almost broke up, and under the witness of Fang Zheng and others, they signed a contract, and then one family was divided into two families.


Immortal Qiao stroked his beard and sighed:

"The most saddening thing in the world is brothers fighting each other, and father and son killing each other. If the previous head of the Linghu family was still alive, he would probably be heartbroken when he saw this scene today."

"Both of you."

He spoke slowly:

"After all, you inherit the same bloodline. Although your families are separated for some reason, don't forget your ancestors."

"If you can help in the future, try to help."

"Yes." Linghu Changping raised his hands:

"That's what Mr. Qiao said."

Linghu Mingquan snorted softly and said:

"Changping, the matter has been settled. The house belongs to me, so I won't invite you to stay."

"That's fine."

Linghu Changping turned around:

"I also made an appointment with a few friends from the martial arts world. Changping said goodbye!"

"Uncle, Senior Qiao..."



At this moment, a person hurried to the lobby and looked at Fang Zheng while breathing heavily:

"Fang...Master Fang."

"The master over at the government office wants you to go to Jin Cao's residence."

"Huh?" Fang was surprised:

"What do you want from Fang?"

"I don't know, little one."




The main hall of the government office.

Li Yingxuan holds a jade Ruyi, wears a gorgeous crown, and wears black forged boots embroidered with gold phoenixes, just like the immortal goddess in the painting.

Her eyes were enlightened and she spoke slowly:

"Senior is a master of Taoism. Is it possible that he has failed to find any clues and is using such stupid methods?"

"The person who did it has left no traces. Even the round light traceability method is useless. I'm afraid there is still a way to hide the secret." The person who spoke was slovenly, and the robes on his body were full of oil stains. Only a pair of eyes were deep and unpredictable. , he sat not far from Li Yingxuan, with a solemn expression on his face and spoke slowly:

"As for stupid methods..."

"As long as we can find out the real culprit, that's a good idea!"

"Senior." Li Yingxuan's beautiful eyes flashed and he said:

"That man was able to kill Song Ji silently under Jin Cao's Yamen and under heavy guard. He is by no means an ordinary person."

"If you can hide yourself from the detection of your seniors, how can you not have any means to avoid the mirror?"


The sloppy Taoist snorted coldly:

"What the princess said is true, but after thinking about it for a long time, the old Taoist didn't expect that any martial sect or real person nearby would take action against Song Ji."


"The princess doesn't like this junior member of the Song family. With the princess's methods, it's not difficult to kill him."

He said, squinting.

Li Yingxuan narrowed his beautiful eyes, and then smiled casually:

"Senior is joking."

Changing the subject and asking: "Who's next?"

One-person interface below:

"Snakehead Zhou Tong!"

"It's him." Li Yingxuan nodded:

"This person is a local snake in Zhaonan Mansion. He is not young but not weak. He also likes to make all kinds of friends."

"Because of some matters related to money, I had an encounter with Mr. Song. Although there was a grudge, it was not big."

Her words were naturally explained to the sloppy Taoist.


The Taoist nodded.

Immediately afterwards, a person walked into the hall and cupped his fists towards the two of them:

"Zhou Tong, I've met the princess, I've met Senior Song!"

Zhou Tong quickly glanced at the two people above him, paused briefly on the sloppy Taoist, and then lowered his head.

Crazy Taoist!

Real members of the Song family are known for their crazy and unexpected behavior.

It is said that sometimes this person's kindness is comparable to that of the Buddha who cut off his flesh to feed eagles, and sometimes he is evil and kills people all over his house with just one word.

"Zhou Tong."

Li Yingxuan waved his sleeves and released a round mirror. The mirror was suspended in mid-air. The mirror faced downwards and illuminated spiritual light, shrouding Zhou Tong inside and asked:

"Where were you today?"

"What time?" Zhou Tong thought for a while and replied:

"The younger one went to the southern suburbs and introduced the water veins in the south of the city to a few friends. They were very interested in purchasing real estate."

"Is there any witness?"

"Yes!" Zhou Channel:

"Liu Dayou of Xianghe County, Zhang Xun, a disciple of Chunyang Palace, and others can testify for the villain."

"Did you kill Song Ji?"

"Master Song is dead?" Zhou Tong was shocked, and then waved his hands:

"The younger one will never dare to attack Young Master Song. And with Young Master Song's strength, how can the younger one be his opponent?"

"This matter has nothing to do with the villain!"

"Yes." Li Yingxuan nodded and looked at the crazy Taoist beside him:


"The reaction in the heart-searching mirror shows that there is something untrue in what this person said." The mad Taoist said in a low voice:

"To be tortured!"

"Ah!" Zhou Tong was shocked, his knees softened and he fell to the ground:

"Senior, please spare your life, Princess, please spare your life. Mr. Song's death has absolutely nothing to do with this villain. If you lie, I will be punished by thunder from heaven!"

"Senior." Li Yingxuan sighed:

"What he said is untrue. He must have concealed the purpose of going to the southern suburbs and has nothing to do with the death of Mr. Song."

"Let me ask if the echocardiogram reaction is too small, it's not a serious problem."

"Hmph!" The crazy Taoist snorted coldly:


"The princess wants to protect this person?"

"It's not to protect..." Li Yingxuan opened his mouth, and then sighed helplessly:

"never mind!"

"Zhou Tong, you are hiding something after all. Let's go to jail for two days and come out after everything is found out."

"Princess!" Zhou Tong's expression changed drastically, and he knelt down and crawled forward:

"I will never dare to deceive the princess. The death of Mr. Song really has nothing to do with me!"

Li Yingxuan waved with a cold face:

"Put it down!"


As Zhou Tong begged for mercy, several generals stepped into the palace, put shackles on him and pulled him down.

Judging from their skillful movements, they must have done it many times.

"Next person!"

"Gu'an County Founder, come in!"

"Senior." Li Yingxuan said:

"This man is a wealthy man from the county below. He obviously has an industry called Fang Porcelain and is somewhat famous."

"Fang Zheng's cultivation level is acceptable, but his strength is not high. He has a docile temperament and never causes trouble."

"Really?" The crazy Taoist raised his head:

"Why did he offend Song Ji?"

The people summoned today are all people who have enmity or grievances against Song Ji, without exception.

"This..." Li Yingxuan shook the jade Ruyi in his hand slightly and said:

"The two of them probably haven't crossed paths, but the junior and Mr. Fang have some comrades in music theory and have met several times."

"Heh..." the crazy Taoist chuckled:

"I see."

Although Li Yingxuan didn't say it directly, he already pointed out that Song Ji was petty and didn't want to see anyone of the opposite sex around her.

Fangzheng walked into the hall, cupping his fists and cupping his hands:

"Gu'an County Founder has met the princess."

He didn't know the crazy Taoist. Although he had a guess in his mind, he was not sure, so he simply didn't mention it directly.


Li Yingxuan nodded and asked:

"Where were you today?"

"What time?" Fang Zheng raised his head, glanced at the heart-searching mirror shining with mysterious light above, and spoke slowly:

"Fang is at Linghu Mansion."

Ask the mirror?

A magical weapon that tortures other people's minds!

In this way, Song Ji's death has been known to everyone, and even the princess was alarmed.

As for the mind-asking mirror...

Let’s not mention that the founder’s idea of ​​​​Yam Jun is inherently extraordinary, and he can control his own thoughts at will.

What's more, there is Jiu Yuanzi's Tianji Compass. With this object guarding the soul, even the immortals can't even think of spying on his true thoughts.

"Is there any witness?"


Fang Zheng said:

"Today the Linghu family is divided. Many sages are present in the city, including Taoist Master Qiu of Chunyang Palace, Master Qiao, etc..."

"You can all testify for Fang."


Li Yingxuan nodded with satisfaction:

"For such a big event, there must be a lot of people present, and there is no response from the inquiring mirror. You can leave."

"Wait a minute!" the crazy Taoist said:

"He can't leave."

"Why?" Li Yingxuan frowned.

In her opinion, Fang Zheng could not possibly be the opponent to kill Song Ji, let alone his lack of strength.

There is no problem with the witness.

Moreover, there was no abnormality in the heart-searching mirror, indicating that what Fang Zheng said was true.

"People's hearts are selfish, no one is exception." The crazy Taoist said:

"The Inquiring Mirror didn't respond to what this person said. Could it be that he is a dead person, so he may have used secret methods to cover up his true thoughts."

"..." Li Yingxuan's expression changed, he shook the jade in his hand and then shook his head helplessly:


"If there is a response, you say you are lying, if there is no response, you say you are cheating. Is it possible that everyone should be put in jail?"

"My Song Ji is dead." The mad Taoist leaned forward, eyes wide open, and his expression suddenly became ferocious and terrifying:

"Song Ji is my sixth generation grandson. He was expected to become a real person, but the lives of these people combined are not as good as his!"

"Not to mention imprisoning them, what if they are all killed?"


There was a spiritual light blooming in the field.

Li Yingxuan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and the jade Ruyi in his hand shone brightly, making his whole person look more noble and noble.


She spoke slowly:

"A real person is nothing, especially at a time like this."


The crazy Taoist looked at Li Yingxuan, and the halo in his eyes changed, sometimes crazy, sometimes clear, sometimes fearful.

"The great freedom of mind!"


He nodded slowly:

"What a wonderful Princess Qingyuan. If you don't die, your achievements in the future will probably far surpass that of your prince and father."

"Senior, thank you." Li Yingxuan lowered his head and waved his sleeves towards Fang Zheng below:

"Master Fang, you can leave."

"..." Fang Zheng still looked shocked, and his body seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure of the two real people. He nodded hurriedly when he heard this:


"Fang resigns."

Watching Fang Zheng leave, the crazy Taoist did not stop him, but glanced at Li Yingxuan:

"The princess is quite fond of this person."

Li Yingxuan smiled lightly and said nothing.

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