The strange yellow wheat birds are singing indiscriminately, and the swallows are flying sideways and their shadows are difficult to catch up with.

The left and right diagonal movements are based on hitting, and the horizontal strength is generated from the middle of the ridge.

Swallow shape!


Fangzheng's movement techniques have changed, and to this day, all the secret techniques such as the confluence of hundreds of rivers and the uncertainty of the universe have been integrated into the twelve new forms of his mind.

Twelve shapes,

Follow your thoughts.


The body-protecting Gangjin rotates and reciprocates, releasing force and rebounding almost instinctively.

Wave your palms.

The bear's paw is strong and invincible, its shape is invincible, and its powerful force bursts out, breaking open monuments and cracking stones easily.

In terms of proficiency in martial arts and exquisite moves, few martial arts masters in the world can compare with him.

Let’s just talk about the realm of martial arts.

Fang Zheng asked himself that he was no less powerful than some martial arts masters.

He created his own Xinyiquan from scratch, and now it can be regarded as the best martial arts in the world.

The sudden explosion, incredible palm strength, and moves were beyond the expectations of the three of them.

The six-foot-high strength was launched brazenly, even Wu Luo could not block it, and he easily killed two Seven Killers Zong Wu Lu within a few palms.

Qichuan Yushi's magic weapon struggled slightly, and the flying sword even broke through the protective force, but was blocked by Fang Zheng's powerful body.

After breaking through the Gang Jin, the flying sword had no remaining power to cut into the flesh.


Qi Chuan's upper body was instantly blasted into blood foam by the madman with vast palm power.


Fang Zheng regained his energy, put away the valuable things from the three of them, and disappeared in a flash.

It takes no more than one stick of incense to kill the three masters.

However, the person who took the picture of the dragon blood fruit was a martial arts master and must have a close relationship with Qi Chuan. It would be better to take this opportunity and leave early.

A few hours later.


Fang Zheng did not sort out the elixirs needed for the Three Treasure Pills, but hurried to the Princess's Mansion.

"Rare visitor."

Li Shu held a spear and stood firmly in the middle of the martial arts arena. A stream of condensed energy came out of her body, and her energy and blood were unbelievable.

I don't know what kind of method she practiced, but the explosive power was terrifying, much stronger than the vowel thunder method.

If he hadn't known about her cultivation level, he might have mistakenly thought that he was a martial arts master in front of him.

"How did you come?"

"Go back to the princess." Fang Zheng handed over his hand:

"My unlucky child Fang Heng secretly went to the front line of Jinzhou Prefecture, and Fang wanted to take him back."

"I hope the princess will allow it."

"Huh?" Li Shu put away her gun, and her majestic energy and blood instantly converged, without any suddenness, showing her amazing control.

She turned around and said slowly:

"It seems you heard something?"

"Yes." Fang Zheng did not hide anything and replied:

"Not long ago, someone from Jinzhou Prefecture wanted to win over Fang, saying that they were well prepared for this suppression."

"Princess Princess."

"It's not that Fang is disloyal to the court, but that my wife is in poor health. She fell ill in bed when she heard that Fang Heng went to the front line. If..."

"I hope the county master can understand the feelings of being a parent."

If the situation on the front line was good, he wouldn't mind Fang Heng hanging around for a while, but the current situation was obviously different.

According to Qichuan's words, Sanxian Village has been prepared for a long time, and it is not afraid of Prince Kang behind Zhaonan Mansion.

It is difficult to guarantee that nothing will happen to Fang Heng.

"Hmph!" Li Shu snorted coldly after hearing this:

"Who doesn't have parents?"

"With so many people going to the front line, who doesn't have family members who are afraid? Fang Heng is willing to go to the front line to gain a future. This kind of fighting spirit should be rewarded, and you should be proud of having such a son."

"Princess." Fang Zheng lowered his head:

"Fang can come back in his place."


Li Shu raised her eyebrows.

Since the two met, she had never seen Fang Zheng take the initiative, so this invitation made her a little moved.

"Poor parents in the world..."

Shaking her head, she spoke slowly:

"The news you got is true. Just now, a riot broke out in Jinzhou Prefecture. My sister rushed there in person after receiving the letter."

"The front line is in chaos. I'm afraid I won't be able to find Fang Heng for a while. Just go back and wait. I will notify you as soon as I have news."

"..." Fang Zheng looked up, pondered for a moment and then nodded helplessly:


The front lines are in turmoil.

Soon the news spread back to Zhaonan Mansion.

It is said that several martial arts masters and masters of martial arts appeared on the battlefield, making the situation more and more confusing.

Fang Zheng planned to go to the front line in person several times, but he also knew that he might not be able to find Fang Heng in the chaos, and might get himself into trouble instead. He thought for a long time before giving up.

Fang Heng's news failed to return, but Du Qiaoyun's physical condition suddenly deteriorated, and he had to return to Gu'an County.


Fang Mansion.


"Sir, you are back."


Fang Zheng hurried into the backyard and opened the door.



Du Qiaoyun was lying on the bed with a pale face. Hearing the sound, he opened his cloudy eyes and looked towards Fang Zheng.

She forced a smile on her face:

"You're back."


Fang Zheng came to the bedside and put his hand to hold Du Qiaoyun's pulse. His heart sank immediately, but his face remained calm:

"Don't worry, Heng'er will be fine. I have asked the princess to take care of him and will send him back as soon as there is news."


Du Qiaoyun's face softened slightly:

"As long as the master is here, Heng'er will be fine."

"Mr. Sir." Linghu Qiuchan said from the side:

"Sister Qiaoyun suffered a heart attack and became ill. In addition, she lost her vitality when she was young. The doctor said she needs a good rest."

"I know."

Fang Zheng nodded:

"Go get some water."


Linghu Qiuchan realized what was going on and left, waving his hand to exclude the others, leaving the two of them alone time together.

The relationship between Fang Zheng and Du Qiaoyun is quite special.

They were husband and wife in name, but Du Qiaoyun did not regard herself as the Fang family's wife, and called Fang Zheng "Master".

Think of yourself as a servant.

However, Fangzheng regarded her as his wife. He discussed all the big and small matters with her at home, and she did not shy away from talking to others.

He even regarded Fang Heng as his own son.

Someone once made rude remarks to Du Qiaoyun, and Fang Zheng rarely got angry and ordered him to be severely punished.

Therefore, no one in the Fang Mansion dares to look down upon this 'eldest lady' and regard her as the master of the Fang Mansion.

It all started a long time ago.

Early years.

When Fang Zheng first entered this world, Du Qiaoyun, the young master of Panshe Martial Arts School, taught him some martial arts skills.

The two also met and knew each other at that time, but their friendship was mostly friends, not necessarily a relationship between a man and a woman.

After that, Du Qiaoyun got married and Fang Zheng didn't bother her again.


The county town was in turmoil, the Panshe Martial Arts Hall was in ruins, and Du Qiaoyun's husband died. She hid alone with her children.

Fortunately, thanks to the blessing of Fang Zheng, he can live a stable life.

Love grows over time.

Du Qiaoyun moved into the Fang Mansion and asked her children to adopt the Fang surname, but she always regarded herself as a maid.

At that time.

Fang Zheng has no relatives in this world and has no comfort in his heart. The two of them can be regarded as relying on each other to a certain extent.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they live together as a group.

This lasts for decades.

Recalling the past, Du Qiaoyun's eyes were confused. After a long time, he combed his hair with some difficulty, rested his head on Fang Zheng's lap, and sighed softly and asked:

"How long can I live?"

"..." Fang Zheng paused slightly and said:

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"You don't have to lie to me." Du Qiaoyun smiled, with a bitter smile:

"I know my condition. If you hadn't taken medicine every day to make up for it, I would have been dead ten years ago."

"You know, I'm not afraid."

Fangzheng lowered his head and stroked Du Qiaoyun's long hair. The once black and beautiful hair was now yellow and dry.

He didn't know how to answer, so he could only speak slowly:

"Heng'er will be fine."

"I trust you."

Du Qiaoyun took a deep breath. Her only concern now was Fang Heng, and she had already taken care of the rest.


After resting for a moment, she said slowly:

"Do you believe in an afterlife?"

"..." Fang Zheng pondered, and after a long time he said:

"I didn't believe it before, but now, I am willing to believe it."

"I want to believe it." Du Qiaoyun's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, shining with unprecedented brightness, and his voice said longingly:

"If there is an afterlife, I hope I can meet you first, so that the regrets of this life will not be left to the next life."

"I will." Fang Zheng smiled lightly:

"When I become a real person, my soul is stable, and I can be reincarnated with my memories, then even if you don't remember, I can go find you first."

"That's a good feeling." Du Qiaoyun's body trembled slightly, then his face showed pain, and his breathing became a little short.


She calmed down and spoke slowly:

"It would be great if I could do it again in this life."

"We could have had many happy days, and I could have been Mrs. Fang for granted."

"Do you think I am a woman who changes hearts easily?"

Du Qiaoyun once had a husband, and her relationship was pretty good, but now she only has her son and Fang Zheng in her heart.


Fang Zheng raised his head:

"I'm late."


Du Qiaoyun closed his eyes and said slowly:

"I know that you have a great heart and don't care about your children. You don't even want to have any descendants."

"But neither Qiu Chan nor I will regret it."


"my husband."

"One day you will become a real person, an immortal, or even a higher being. You will be different from others..."

"no the same……"

Fangzheng remained silent, watching Du Qiaoyun, who was muttering quietly, slowly fall into sleep.




Seven days later.

Du Qiaoyun's aura was extremely weak, as if a breeze could take her away.

"My lord."

Yang Meng lowered his head:

"There is still no news from Fucheng."

Fang Zheng closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he suddenly waved his hand back, and a chill enveloped Du Qiaoyun.

Xuanbing curse!


The cold air condensed into ice, freezing Du Qiaoyun in it.

"Sister Qiaoyun..."

Linghu Qiuchan took a step forward, her beautiful eyes filled with tears, her body trembling slightly, and she covered her lips with her hands to stop her crying.

She knew it.

Although Fang Zheng's move froze Du Qiaoyun's vitality, it allowed her to wait until Fang Heng came to see her.


It also means that Du Qiaoyun has no chance of surviving. After seeing Fang Heng once, she will leave forever.

Moreover, the Black Ice Curse cannot extend a person's lifespan indefinitely, and the person inside will be completely frozen to death within a month at most.

"Call private soldiers."

Fang Zheng took a deep breath:

"Wait another five days. If there is still no news, you can follow me to Jinzhou Mansion."


Yang Meng cupped his fists and cupped his hands, then backed away slowly.

"Ms. sir."

Linghu Qiuchan took a step forward, his voice choked.


Fang Zheng waved his hand, knowing what she was worried about:

"Three thousand private soldiers form a battle formation, which is enough to deal with Wuzong and Zhenren, and Fang is not that weak."

"I went to Jinzhou Mansion, and it was more than enough to protect myself."


He smiled and said:

"Isn't it necessary to raise so many private soldiers? If you don't use them to protect your family, what use are they?"


Linghu Qiuchan nodded slowly.


No news came from Jinzhou Prefecture, but an uninvited guest came to Gu'an County and showed up at the county government office.

The visitor’s hair was disheveled, his robes were full of dirt, and his straw sandals were in tatters, but no one dared to ask for instructions.


He came from the sky.

Walk with the wind!

It cannot be done by anyone but a master of martial arts and a master of martial arts.

Since the previous county magistrate died in Ci'en Temple, the imperial court has not sent magistrates to Gu'an County again. This place is also used as an outer residence of Fang Mansion, specially used to welcome distinguished guests.

Fang Zheng and a group of people appeared in the lobby of the county government office. He cupped his fists and raised his hands toward the figure sitting upright above:

"Senior, we say goodbye to each other in Fucheng and meet again."


The mad Taoist stood up with his hands behind his hands, walked up to Fang Zheng, circled around him twice, and asked slowly:

"Did you kill Song Ji?"

"Senior, why did you say this?" Fang said calmly:

"Not to mention that Fang is not Mr. Song's opponent at all. Even if he is, why would he attack Mr. Song?"

"It doesn't make sense!"

"That's right." The crazy Taoist stroked his beard lightly and then said:

"Before Song Ji died, he sent someone to contact Sanxian Village in Jinzhou Prefecture. He planned to contact the rebels to ambush King Kang."

"Huh?" Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"Master Song is an important official of the imperial court and a member of the prince's family. If he really does this, I'm afraid it will chill people's hearts."


"You should tell the princess about this matter. I think there are many people here and the dead are large, so the princess will not pursue any further investigation."

"Heh..." the crazy Taoist chuckled:

"Let me tell you, it's not that Song Ji did something wrong, but that I plan to deal with King Kang like him."


"You have many private soldiers, and they seem to be well-trained. Why don't you join the Song family and rebel against the imperial court?"


Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and his heart beat wildly.

In his perception, the mad Taoist in front of him was like an active volcano that could erupt at any time.

A dangerous warning sign is hovering in the sea of ​​consciousness.


He pursed his lips and whispered:

"Are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm joking?" The crazy Taoist frowned, with a look of surprise on his face:

"I never joke with others. You are suspected of killing Song Ji and should have been executed. But since it is still of some use, if you are willing to serve this time, I can forget about the past."

"This..." Fang Zheng hesitated:

"Why is Senior like this?"

"There is news from the capital that the new emperor died two days ago. King Kang has no backer and he is dead." The crazy Taoist laughed:

"Isn't it natural to kill him while he is sick?"


The new emperor who just ascended the throne is dead?

Fang Zheng felt a sudden surge in his heart, and his expression became solemn:

"Senior, are you really planning to take action against the prince?"

"Then there is still a lie?" The crazy Taoist opened his eyes:

"Boy, if you do it with me, it will be your benefit."

"Senior." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Fang's family has something to deal with recently."

"I know." The crazy Taoist said:

"Your wife is about to die, isn't she? What does it matter? At worst, after dealing with King Kang, I will find you some more wives."

"..." Fang Zheng paused, slowly raised his head to look at the other party, and said slowly:

"What if Fang says no?"


The crazy Taoist raised his eyebrows, then chuckled softly:

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to?"

"Of course I know." Fang Zheng said:

"The madman of the Song family."

There was silence.

The mad Taoist stared at Fang Zheng with his eyes wide open, and for a long time he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed:

"Ha ha……"

"Good boy, you are really bold. Do you know how long it has been since I heard these two words?"


"you wanna die!"

Violent sound waves roared in.

In contrast, dazzling lightning spread across the entire venue:

"You are the one who died!"

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