Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 212 Advancement to Martial Arts

Although the crazy Taoist's method of converting three pure states into one qi is not the right way, it is also extraordinary. The three clones can all be called the original body to some extent.

It's just that two of the clones were condensed by the concentrated mana of the soul spirit's light, and they have no real physical bodies.


The roaring explosive bombs, more than three hundred rounds per second, instantly engulfed the clone.


There was a continuum of explosions.


The crazy Taoist looked up to the sky and roared, the water flowing several feet around him was tumbling, and he had already pushed the five-yuan secret method of capturing the sea to its limit.


The phantom of the dragon loomed in the water.

The flowing water looks weak, but in fact it is the best at defense. Even if thousands of arrows are fired at once, it will be difficult to penetrate three feet of water.

Not to mention the blessing of secret techniques and the flowing water transformed by magical powers?


The explosions came one after another, and the water flowed through it for several feet, and the remaining force drowned the clone on the spot.


Just five seconds.

A clone exploded on the spot.

Fang Zheng stood up against the 2030 close-range anti-cannon, turned the barrel, and aimed at the other clone who was fighting the Ghost King.


"Da da da……"

The barrel rotates and the explosive shells are released.


Under the suppression of the Ghost King, the second clone couldn't last long and exploded on the spot, like fireworks.

After losing two clones in a row, the mad Taoist's face changed drastically, and for the first time his eyes showed fear.



The word "crazy" used by crazy Taoists is no joke. How can a normal person be willing to split his soul into three parts?

Frightened and angry, he became even more crazy.

The true secret of Feixiao sword control!

Unlike Luhua, the power of the top sword technique of Menluofu Immortal Sect in the hands of a crazy Taoist is extremely terrifying.

The sword light surged, with the potential to sweep through thousands of armies, and everything within a few dozen feet was filled with sword light.

at the same time.

The flags of wind and clouds danced wildly, and hurricanes that connected the sky and the earth appeared in the field, sweeping everything around them.

There were also various magical auras shooting out in all directions, and countless houses collapsed and people died in the chaos.

Yang Meng shouted angrily, and the dragon transformed from the battle array hovered in the sky, gradually reducing the movement range of the mad Taoist.

The elusive Ghost King is making sneak attacks from time to time.

"Da da da……"

Fang Fang looked solemn and turned the switch. The explosive bombs were released wildly, and balls of flames kept exploding.

for a long time.


With a deep roar, a strong wind swept through most of Gu'an County, shattering everything in the core.


Fang Zheng put down the hot close-range defense cannon and looked at the scene in front of him with a gloomy expression.


Several long streets near the county government office were all reduced to rubble, and it was unknown how many people died on the spot.

The private soldiers also suffered heavy losses. Only five of the nine-headed dragons were left, and the dragon's body was riddled with holes and its breath was withered.

The military formation almost collapsed on the spot.

Even the Ghost King swayed far away.

"My lord."

Yang Mengfei fell down, glanced at the close-range defense cannon on the side, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he cupped his fists and raised his hands:

"He was incompetent in his humble position and caused... so many people to die."

She thought it would be easy to suppress the real person with a battle formation composed of thousands of elite soldiers, but she never thought...

The real power is so terrifying!

If Fang Zheng hadn't helped, thousands of private soldiers might have been killed, and the mad Taoist might not have been able to survive.

‘I think too highly of soldiers’ battle formations. ’

‘Not to mention the real person, even the Mo family’s mechanism in the master’s hands can break up the battle formation. ’

"Nothing to do with you."

Fang Zheng shook his head:

"It was Fang who was impulsive in a moment, but forgot that the crazy Taoist is considered a top expert even among real people."

"You did very well."


He exhaled for a long time:

"Count the dead and wounded private soldiers, treat nearby people, and double the pensions for those who died in battle or were killed."


Yang Meng lowered his head and responded.


"Four hundred and thirty-nine private soldiers of the Fang Mansion died, more than 1,300 were injured, and no less than 600 were seriously injured."

"The final death toll should be over 600."

Shangguan took back the report and said in a trembling voice:


"The number of casualties has exceeded 5,000, and the statistics have not yet been completed. The final number may be in the tens of thousands."

"The dead have exceeded a thousand."

"Collapsed buildings and other losses are still being counted, and there is also a huge shortage of doctors and medicinal materials."

Gu'an County is too small and too densely populated, especially near the county government office, where all residents live.

The crazy Taoist's counterattack before his death spread to most of Gu'an County, and the area near the county government office was almost razed to the ground.

Seeing that Fang Zheng was speechless for a long time, Shangguan Duo spoke softly.

"My lord."


Fang Zheng came back to his senses and said:

"Contact several nearby counties to get doctors and herbal medicine to come over. Try to save those who can be saved without delay."

"Let the people in the city free up their houses as much as possible to house the wounded. This will cost the government a lot of money."


He explained in an orderly manner:

"This turmoil must have alerted the surrounding area, so the private soldiers who were not injured must not relax."

"in case……"


Shangguan Du should be.

After reporting the news and saying goodbye, Linghu Qiuchan walked out from behind the screen and came to Fang Zheng's side.


She pursed her lips and whispered:

"Some things are always inevitable, and you don't need to blame yourself."


Fang Zheng sighed.

As his pillow partner, Linghu Qiuchan understood him better.

She knew that Fang Zheng's temperament was a little indifferent compared to others, but he was not a truly cold and heartless person.

It's not easy to feel so many people died because of him.

"It's just because of a certain word or decision by Fang that thousands of people were killed. After all, I feel a little regretful."

Fang Zheng stood up, put his hands behind his hands and looked into the distance with a faint look in his eyes:

"It seems that I am not a person who achieves great things."

"My husband has protected the people of this area for decades, which can be considered a great mercy." Linghu Qiuchan clasped his hands and said:

"Without her husband, Gu'an County would not be as stable and prosperous as it is today, and the people's lives would be difficult."

"It's just that the current situation in the court is turbulent. We want stability, but others may not allow it."

"Yes!" Fang Zheng raised his head:

"It's not good to live in a corner. In this world, if you don't have strength, you will definitely be bullied."

"That's it!"

He shook his head and said:

"When soldiers come, they will block it, and when water comes, the soil will cover it."

As he spoke, he looked at a few things on the table beside him.

A flying sword!

A long flag!

A jade tablet full of cracks.

The Green Suo Sword and the Fengyun Banner are both magic weapons, especially the flying sword, which is extremely sharp.

However, Fang Zheng is not good at swordsmanship. Even if he refines it, he cannot exert its power. On the contrary, the Fengyun Banner...

If it can be refined, even if you are not a martial artist or a real person, you can control it and fly into the sky without resorting to the power of the Ghost King.

As for the jade tablet.

This object is a defensive magic weapon, and its defensive power is excellent. Unfortunately, it was almost collapsed by the close-range defense artillery fire.

I estimate that after two or three uses, it will completely fall apart.

"The crazy Taoist died here, and the news will spread soon. I'm afraid the Song family won't let me go easily." Fang Zheng said:

"Fortunately, there are not many real people and martial sects in Song Ji, so it won't be a problem in a short period of time."

"In the past few days, I have been staying in Qiaoyun's room for retreat. If there is any news about Fang Heng, please notify me in time."


Linghu Qiuchan nodded.




On the floor of the room, complex patterns are carved with cinnabar, green boron and other materials to form a formation.

The frozen Du Qiaoyun lay in the middle, with a hint of cold air coming out of his body.

Fang Zheng found a futon, sat cross-legged not far away, checked the formation, and took out a medicine bottle from the Qiankun bag after confirming that it was fine.

The medicine bottle was opened and there were two pills inside.

Sanbao Dan!

Refining this elixir is not difficult. The difficulty is that the elixir is hard to find. Fortunately, he has collected all three elixirs.

He even refined two Three Treasure Pills.

This elixir can help practitioners open their spiritual apertures and break through to the realm of martial arts masters and mage masters. Even if the breakthrough fails, it can protect the heart from serious injury at critical moments.

After looking at the pills for a long time, Fang Zheng took out one and placed it in front of him, then put away the pill bottle and sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

I do not know how long it has been.

He opened his eyes, took up the Three Treasure Pill and swallowed it.

"The thunder from the sky is panicking and entering my spiritual aperture!"

Knead the seal with your hands, turn the secret mantra in your heart, and the vowel thunder method will move accordingly, going straight to the Baihui point on the top of your head.

All the acupoints on the top of the head are of great importance.

Even with his cultivation level and control over the true energy in his body, this operation still carries great risks.

But this step has to be taken!


After exhaling turbid air for a long time, Fang Zheng's mind condensed, and his consciousness of the sea outlined the image of Lord Yama, and his energy and spirit suddenly gathered.

at the same time.

The effect of the Three Treasure Pills immersed in the body also turned into a warm current, pouring into the sea of ​​consciousness.



All of a sudden.

The sea of ​​​​consciousness stirred up turbulent waves, and the weak 'Yuan Shen' was instantly submerged by it and sank into the endless abyss.



There is no black and white here, only chaos.

In the chaos, there is no time, no space, no consciousness, and everything gradually turns into nothingness.

outside world.

Fangzheng sat cross-legged, making seals with his hands. The aura on his body first surged, and then suddenly dropped.

This fall,

The breath was so weak that it was almost invisible, and even the breathing and heartbeat that normal people should have gradually stopped.

at some point.


A dim light cut through the emptiness and chaos in the sea of ​​consciousness.


The bright light twisted and twisted, tearing a gap into the chaos.

This is……

"Thunder and lightning!"


It was like the sound of the opening of heaven and earth, trembling in the sea of ​​consciousness, and countless thoughts tumbling up.

Heaven and earth are restored, and all things are born.

The 'new' soul, with a vigorous energy, broke through the chaos and even jumped out of the sea of ​​consciousness.


There was a blur before his eyes, and a familiar yet unfamiliar body appeared in front of him.

This is……


So what's going on with me now?

The soul is out of body!

As soon as the thought occurs, the 'sight' expands.

The formation patterns on the ground, the frozen Du Qiaoyun, and the body sitting cross-legged, everything was in full view.

As your eyes move up.

Fang Mansion also gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

The streets around Fang Mansion, the busy crowds, and the many families in the city who were grieving and worried because of the death or injury of their loved ones.

Not only can I see objects, but I can also clearly perceive the emotions of sadness and worry.

The scope is getting wider and wider.

It even covers half of Gu'an County.


It wasn't until a sudden feeling of exhaustion surged into his heart that Fang Zheng came back to his senses and hurriedly contracted his spiritual thoughts.


The soul returned to its position, and the physical body suddenly opened its eyes.

"The soul left the body?"

"That feeling is indeed very mysterious. It's a pity that this kind of opportunity can only be experienced when you have just made a breakthrough. Otherwise, only by becoming a loose immortal can you truly achieve the soul leaving the body, and ordinary real people cannot."

After calming down, Fang Zheng sighed softly:

"I didn't expect it to be so easy to break through."

He had already expected his breakthrough. After all, he had an extraordinary heritage and would not be able to achieve a breakthrough again.

But this attempt was a bit hasty after all, and I never thought that there would be no accidents except for the slight danger when the consciousness sank.

Take the crucial step with ease.

The joy of achieving a breakthrough in cultivation suddenly dropped when he saw Du Qiaoyun.

So what if I become a real person?


Half a month later.

Gu'an County is still in the process of post-disaster reconstruction, and almost every family is wearing a blanket and mourning every night.

Fang Mansion.


"Someone wants to see you!"

Fang Zheng stood up and straightened his clothes.

After advancing to the level of martial arts master, it will take some time for other changes to be revealed, but the heavenly compass left by Jiu Yuanzi can already be truly driven, and many of its mysterious changes can also be borrowed.

Jiu Yuanzi is a loose immortal.

And he is an extremely rare loose immortal who is proficient in divination and prediction.

The Tianji Compass is a condensation of what he has learned throughout his life. Although it is not a magic weapon, it is better than a magic weapon.

to some extent,

The celestial compass can predict the future.

However, in the past, due to insufficient cultivation, it was unable to exert its power. It was acceptable for ordinary people but had little effect on experts.

It is even more impossible to spy on Zhenren and Wuzong.

It's barely okay now.

Before the servants arrived, Fang Zheng had already felt something.

Not only did he know who the visitor was, he even had a guess as to why the other party came here.


He covered his mouth with one hand and coughed twice. His face instantly turned pale, and his breath showed weakness.

With the compass covering his face, no one would be able to see through his current situation.

Arriving at the living room, apart from Linghu Qiuchan, the hostess of Fang Mansion, there were two other people waiting here for a long time.

"Princess Princess."

Fangzheng lowered his eyebrows and said slowly:

"I apologize for missing you from afar!"

"Brother Fang, you're welcome." Qingyuan Princess Li Yingxuan looked at him carefully, with a solemn look on his face, and said seriously:

"Unexpectedly, the crazy Taoist from the Song family actually died in Gu'an County. Brother Fang... is really capable!"

"It's just that I was forced to have no choice." Fang Zheng said in a low voice:

"If there were other choices, how could Fang have offended the Song family and attacked a master of magic?"


He sighed:

"Now the city is full of raw materials, and there are countless casualties among the people. I only regret that Fang was not strong enough and could not kill the madman as soon as possible."

Li Yingxuan raised his eyebrows.

She could tell that Fang Zheng did not regret killing the crazy Taoist at all, but regretted that the loss was too great.

This person……

What a courage!

In the past, I only knew that he was calm and restrained, but I never thought that he had another side that was decisive and decisive.

Then he asked:

"Brother Fang is injured?"


Fang Zheng nodded:

"It was Fang who underestimated the crazy Taoist. He just suffered some aftermath, but his flawless body couldn't bear it."

"The crazy Taoist is not an ordinary real person. Brother Fang can kill him, which is already remarkable." Li Yingxuan said:

"But I'm afraid the Song family won't let you go."

"..." Fang's expression did not change:

"It doesn't matter."

"With thousands of private soldiers in hand, it won't be easy for the Song family to come to Gu'an County to cause trouble for Brother Fang." Li Yingxuan chuckled:

"But you can only commit a thief for a thousand days, and there is no reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days. Is Brother Fang willing to stay trapped in Gu'an County without leaving?"

"I have a way."

"It can solve Brother Fang's knot."

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