"what happened?"

"Get out of the way and ask Judges Zhong and Yang to take a look."

While cleaning the battlefield, Ma Ning's situation attracted the attention of many people and even alerted the judge.

When Zhong Yuan and Yang Ye came closer and checked the situation, their expressions changed.


"It's Neidan!"

Yang Ye is the leader of the five great judges in Fengdu City. He has a profound background and is only one step away from attaining the true state of magic.

Even though he was well-informed, he was still surprised.

"Looking at its aura, it should be Huagui Guansuo's Blurred Pill. How could it end up in this girl's body?"

"Someone saw Guan Suo just now, but after the city lord showed up, he looked for an opportunity to escape." Zhong Yuan gently stroked his beard:

"Is it possible that he was intercepted and killed, leaving behind his inner elixir?"

"Impossible!" Yang Ye shook his head:

"With the strength of you and me, we can barely defeat Huagui Guansuo, but it's almost impossible to kill him."

"Even if it's the Ghost King..."

"There is no problem in killing Guan Suo, but Guan Suo can detonate the inner elixir with just a thought. If you want to seize the inner elixir, the city lord must take action himself."

The key is.

How could such beings care about the inner elixir of a great mage?

Even if it was taken by the younger generation, he would still put it in his own hands. How could it end up in this girl's body?

"Your name is Fang...Fang Yan, right?"


Zhong Yuan turned his head and asked:

"What was the situation?"

"This..." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Fang was fighting with his opponent at the time and was not present. By the time Fang arrived, he was already like this."

He had been fighting with the Minotaur and Horsemen for a long time, and there were many bystanders who could testify for him, and no one suspected that he had done something secretly.

"I'm here." Cui Gu said hurriedly:


She recounted her experience one by one, and her tone was somewhat unnatural when she talked about cutting the inner alchemy away.

Although I don’t know what the inner elixir is used for.

But from the shocked and envious tone of the two judges, we can also guess that Erya missed a huge opportunity.


After listening to the whole process, the two judges still looked puzzled.

However, we learned from other people that Huagui Guansuo blew himself up in the air not long ago, and this is undoubtedly true.

"Both of you."

Founder handed over:

"The reason why Guan Suo died can be discussed later. How should this situation be solved now?"

Ma Ning was no more than a low-level warlock, but he had a piece of inner elixir containing the essence of a master's lifelong practice stuffed into his body. It was like a wooden barrel holding a lake of water. It couldn't hold it at all and was about to explode.


If Fang Zheng showed his full strength, he could suppress them by force, but he definitely couldn't do it now.

"I can cast a spell to temporarily suppress it."

Yang Ye spoke:

"If we want to solve it completely, I'm afraid the city lord will need to personally take action."

"rest assured!"

He comforted slowly:

"Such an unbelievable situation, the Lord of the City will not ignore it. This girl is a blessing in disguise. Her future is limitless!"

"Yes." Zhong Yuan nodded in agreement:

"If she can refine the inner elixir in her body, even if she cannot become a great mage, she can still cultivate magic power in a short time."

"This opportunity..."

"It's comparable to the work of creation!"


This is the future that Ma Ning can foresee.

Even the judges of Fengdu City were filled with envy when faced with such strange things, and their eyes were filled with wonder.

Others had different expressions.

Some people publicized it as an anecdote, while some people who knew Ma Ning had complicated expressions.

This doll...

The future is going to be great!

Whether he has offended the Ma family siblings or not, people who have offended are worried, while those who have not offended are secretly lucky.

Cui Gu's expression changed back and forth, as if she was regretful and unwilling. Finally, she sighed and shook her head helplessly.

If he hadn't waved his sword to intercept it at that time, wouldn't this great opportunity belong to Erya?

But it's too late to say anything now.

"The city lord is here!"

"The city lord is back!"

"Lord City Lord..."

Zhou beg!

The Lord of Fengdu City.

Ghost King!

A legend of a generation!

This person has a plain appearance. He looks like an ordinary old man walking on the street. His clothes are not luxurious. At first glance, he gives the impression that he is just an ordinary old man.

But it was this man who turned the tide hundreds of years ago and single-handedly suppressed the entire Fengdu territory.

He almost wiped out Montenegro several times.


After listening to others' retelling and looking at the unconscious Ma Ning in the field, the ghost king couldn't help but be surprised.

Obviously, this was the first time in his long life that he had encountered this kind of thing.

Immediately, he waved his big hand, and a majestic magical power silently entered Ma Ning's body, instantly suppressing the restless and confused inner elixir.

"Come back home with me first, and then we'll talk after you wake up."


Everyone bowed their heads.

"grown ups."

Fang Zheng suddenly said:


"She is my apprentice."

"Huh?" Zhou Qi tilted his head, and his spiritual thoughts swept over Fangzheng silently, looking through Fangzheng from the inside out.

It's just that although he is strong, he can't see through the cover of Tianji Compass.

He smiled lightly and said:

"You little kid, do you still think that I want to steal your disciple?"

"Sir." Yang Ye's eyes moved slightly and he whispered:

"It should be about the quota to enter the inner city."

If an outstanding disciple can enter the inner city, and the city lord takes the person away, whether Fang Zheng can enter the inner city is a matter of two opinions, so he must naturally show it.


Zhou Qi was stunned and then waved his hand:

"Just give it to him."

"Yes." Yang Ye responded.

"Thank you, sir!" Fang Zheng was overjoyed and hurriedly cupped his fists and handed over his hands.

Zhou Qi shook his head speechlessly. In his opinion, Ma Ning was far more important than the quota to enter the inner city. At that moment, he waved his long sleeves, and the void suddenly flickered, and his figure and Ma Ning disappeared.


Fangzheng raised his eyebrows slightly.


The void moves?

What kind of spell is this?

Zhenren and Wu Zong can fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and their speed is as fast as lightning, but they do not have the ability to move in the void.

Being able to move the void, in Jiu Yuanzi's memory, after reviewing the world's top escape techniques, secret techniques and even formations, only a few can do it.

By relying on this method alone, Zhou Qi can be invincible against the powerful enemy Zhou Qi!

But there should be restrictions, otherwise he can go anywhere, and there is no need to sit in the ghost town of Fengdu, lest the Black Mountains attack.




This battle,

The evil ways in Montenegro suffered heavy losses.

Huagui Guansuo died, many key evil cultivators lost their lives, and even the Ghost King Tiger was reportedly severely damaged and will not show up again in a short time...

Fengdu City is waiting for work and has set up a large net to catch fish. Although some losses are inevitable, it is not harmful.

None of the main battle masters died.

It was a great success!

The Bone Spaceship was in tatters by the tiger, but fortunately it escaped without any hindrance, and the group of people packed up and continued on their way.

Fang Zheng killed the bull-headed horse-faced man and got the soul-calling flag, the mourning stick, and some Yin-type materials.

In the same realm, it can be regarded as a rich harvest.

He exchanged the things he got with others for supplies, and for several days, Ma Chao's training needs were completely met.

"Brother Fang!"

Ding Li came closer with a smile on his face and stretched out his hand:

"Let me introduce you to some friends."

"This is Fellow Daoist Li Qian and Li from Beimei Town. This is Evil Sword Yunzheng, who is famous for practicing martial arts. This is..."

"I've met fellow Daoist Fang!"

"Brother Fang!"


Everyone bowed their hands one after another with enthusiasm on their faces.

Fang Zheng had become accustomed to it. He bowed his hands and saluted, responded one by one, and at the same time took out some food to entertain them.

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

The two judges have already said that once Ma Ning refines the inner elixir in his body, he will at best be a mage.


There is a chance to keep 50% of Huagui Guansuo's mana.

In other words, he immediately became a master who has cultivated the Yama Heart Sutra to the seventh level.

Judging from Ma Ning's current age, becoming a judge of Fengdu is just around the corner, and he is even expected to achieve the realm of the Ghost King.

Fang was her master, so her status had naturally risen. People had been coming to visit her in the past few days.

I just want to establish a relationship first.

"I heard that fellow Taoist Fang wants something to temper the body."

Evil Sword Yunzheng took something out of his arms and handed it over:

"This is a body-tempering ointment passed down from Yun's family. It has great benefits when applied on the body when practicing martial arts."

"It can also repair external injuries."

"It's a small thought, but I hope you can accept it."

"Why is this so embarrassing?" Fang Zheng repeatedly postponed.


Yun Zheng waved his hand:

"It's not worth a lot of money. Fellow Daoist Fang, please don't refuse. Could it be that you don't like Yun?"

"I don't dare." Fang Zheng accepted it politely:

"Thank you very much!"

"Haha..." Yun Zheng laughed:

"That's how it should be!"



After everyone left, Fang Zheng handed the ointment to Ma Chao while adding a drop of diluted monkey wine.

"For external application and internal use, practice the five evil elements ten or eight times tonight. Don't waste the power of the medicine."

"..." Ma Chao's cheek muscles twitched, and then he nodded heavily:

"Yes, Master!"

These days, he has been tortured by happiness.

Every day, there are elixirs to temper the body and spirit wine to provide essence. I was very excited at first, but gradually it became too much and I didn't dare to relax, so I could only practice hard.

While his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, his spirit has also been squeezed to the point of being breathless.

Especially the monkey wine.

This wine is a leak-free elixir that can only be taken by martial arts masters. Even after dilution, it still contains majestic essence.

Now that I have an excuse to take it, there is no need to be stingy.

But Ma Chao suffered.

In order to consume the power of the medicine, he tortured his body desperately.

"We will arrive at Fengdu City soon."

Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"After entering Fengdu City, you will have at most half a month to rest. If you cannot break through the Yama Heart Sutra to the second level before then, even if you can enter the inner city, you will not be able to truly inherit it."

"If there are no accidents, your sister will have other arrangements. If you still want to see her often, you need to work harder."

Ma Ning obtained the inner elixir, which meant that they could also enter the inner city.

But there are differences in the inner city, too.

Those who follow them in are just living. Only those who enter based on their ability can get the support of Fengdu City's resources and spend all their energy on cultivation.


Ma Chao took a deep breath, took off his clothes, applied ointment on his body, and then drank the monkey wine after applying it.


Qi and blood surge up in the body, and the skin and flesh are also tempered.

Five evil elements!



Ma Chao turned around and practiced martial arts with each move. His eyes were focused and his breath was like burning fire cooking oil.


Fang Zheng nodded slowly.

Although Ma Chao is not as smart and straightforward as his sister, this personality is actually suitable for martial arts.

He can still complete the master's instructions no matter how hard and tiring he is.

Martial arts are more easily transformed into instinct after being refined over time.

Judging from the progress, there should be no problem in breaking through to the second level of the Yama Heart Sutra before the selection starts in Fengdu City.



The spaceship lands.

Except for the patrolling guards, everyone has already rested.

Fang Zheng set up a separate tent, sat cross-legged, and looked out with his eyebrows raised in deep thought.


At this moment, the tent was gently opened, and a graceful, warm, and white body slipped silently into the quilt.

"Fellow Daoist Fang."

"The night is long and I have no intention of sleeping. Would you mind if the little girl comes over to chat with you and have a little heart-to-heart talk?"

Fang Zheng turned his head and looked at the person coming.

The territory of Fengdu is bitterly cold, and the secret realm of Yama is cold and gloomy. Most of the people and monks here have pale skin without any color.

The visitor's face glowed red.

The skin is delicate and shimmering with an alluring luster, the quilt is squirming, and the vaguely beautiful scenery is exposed.

The apprentice has become promising, can the master still do such good things?

"Friend Daoist Wen."

Fang Zhan smiled softly and spoke slowly:

"Isn't this necessary?"

The visitor's name was Wen Qing, a female cultivator who attracted much attention among the passers-by and was often followed by several admirers.


"Fang Daoyou dislikes me?" Wen Qing said in a soft voice:

"Before coming, I... carefully cleaned myself."

"I have always been optimistic about that girl Ma Ning. I planned to accept her as my disciple, but I didn't expect that my Taoist friend would get there first. I was indeed right. Ma Ning has soared into the sky and is actually being taken care of by the Lord of the City himself."


She sighed:

"Why don't I have this kind of blessing?"

"Friend Daoist Wen." Fang Zheng said:

"Your disciple has already cultivated the Yama Heart Sutra to the second level, so he should have no problem staying in the outer city."

"Outer city..." Wen Qing narrowed his eyes:

“Where is the inner city better?”

She put a lot of thought into her apprentice, and gave all the good things she got from other men to her apprentice.

The apprentice is also quite ambitious, and he is considered to be a more outstanding person among the team entering Fengdu City this time.


In previous years, you could still fight your way into the inner city, but depending on the situation this year, I'm afraid you'll have to stay in the outer city to practice.

How can Wen Qing, who has always wanted to enter the inner city, be willing to do this?

"Fellow Daoist Fang."

She lay on the quilt, gently tangled her hair with her fingers, and said with a sweet smile:

"You can definitely enter the inner city, don't you mind bringing one more person with you?"

"Can you bring someone in?"

"As long as you are a couple!"


Fang Zheng shook his head gently:

"Sorry, I'm afraid Fang can't help me with this."

"It's very simple, just a little effort." Wen Qing opened the quilt, swayed his body, and said with a smile:

"As long as Fellow Taoist Fang says that we are husband and wife, I can enter the inner city. For this sentence, Fellow Daoist allows me to do anything."

"No big deal, you can divorce me in a few months, as long as you can let me enter the inner city."

The soft voice was full of charm.

The method she practices seems to have the ability to specifically mobilize the emotions of others.

"Feel sorry."

Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Fang has a wife."

"So what's the problem?" Wen Qing's beautiful eyes were charming and she said with a sweet smile:

"It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Besides, Daoyou Fang's wife may have died in Guitou Town..."

In the middle of her words, her voice suddenly stopped, and she felt a chill quietly emerge, which also made her face pale.

"go out!"

Fang Zheng said slowly:

"Don't let Fang chase people away!"

"You..." Wen Qing sat up straight, her face changing back and forth, then she stamped her feet angrily and picked up the clothes on the ground:

"Just leave!"

"You...are not a man at all!"

After saying that, before Fang Zheng could get angry, he ran out like a rabbit and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Fang Zheng shook his head:

"What the hell is this!"

After calming down, he was about to continue adjusting his breath, when his eyes moved again and he looked outside the tent.

"Miss Cui?"

"it's me."

Cui Gu opened the tent and walked in with a red face. She held the corners of her clothes with both hands and struggled for a long time before whispering:

"Fellow Daoist Fang, can you take our mother and daughter into the inner city?"


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"As a married couple?"

"..." Cui Gu's expression changed and she nodded:


"No." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"I have a wife."

"Just...just a name." Cui Gu waved her hands repeatedly:

"I won't take advantage of you. When I enter the inner city, I will find a job immediately and give you 90%...70% of the money I earn!"

"Feel sorry."

Fang Zheng still shook his head:

"Fellow Taoist, please come back!"

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