The bald monks sat cross-legged on the ground. Their faces were dull, their eyes were dull, and saliva was flowing from the corners of their mouths, like stupid people.



The golden-armored god developed by the Mo family stepped forward, causing the ground to tremble slightly, which also alarmed these monks.


As the monk stood up, a pair of things that looked like bat wings spread out from behind them.

The curled-up hands and feet were also covered with hair like wild beasts, and the sharp nails were as sharp as blades.

Said 'they' were human, but had bat wings.

It is said that 'they' are bats, but they have human facial features and cheeks.

The only thing they have in common is that they all have a layer of light mist and a strange power.

According to the spiritual world, this kind of power may be called a curse.

Curse of Chaos!

As long as you are contaminated with this kind of power and there is no way to restrain it, your body and even your will will undergo changes.


The 'monks' looked up to the sky and screamed strangely, flapping their wings and soaring into the sky, their cloudy eyes glowing scarlet at the same time.

A group of monks jumped into the air, wrapped in a light mist, and pounced on the charging golden-armored god.


The golden-armored god stretched his hands forward, and two thick giant swords appeared out of thin air in his palms, sweeping towards the incoming monk.


The giant sword flew across the sky, and several monks were immediately split into two. Above the sound of the sword, sword energy surged wildly, several dozen of them were more than ten feet away.

Even if the monks along the way are not killed, they will be knocked away.

Six golden-armored giants ran rampant through the group of monks, without a single enemy, and they fought their way through a bloody path.


It's meaningless in front of them.

Even the strange power of the curse seems to have no effect because the giant is a puppet.


Three meat balls fell from the sky, transformed into giants about ten meters tall, and were covered in abscesses, and rushed towards them.


The meat ball rushed and roared, and the sound waves were visible to the naked eye. The rocks were shattered wherever it passed, and the steps of the golden-armored god could not help but be delayed.


The six golden armored figures were divided into two waves. Three of them faced the meat ball, while the other three made a detour and charged forward.


The ground trembled, and countless tentacles shot out from the ground, wrapping around the golden-armored god at an astonishing speed.

Everything here has changed.

Various creatures that were originally ordinary have become extremely terrifying, and they continue to become stronger day after day.

This is why Jian Yuan doesn't want to wait any longer.


Fang Zheng, standing in the void, stretched out one hand and spat out from his mouth, and the power of thunder quietly condensed in the void.


Countless thunderbolts fell from the sky.



The thick thunder seemed to have intelligence, chasing the strange aura on the ground and slashing continuously.

All of a sudden.

Three meat balls and one bat and tentacles were either dead or injured, and even the strange force was suppressed.

The power of thunder is extremely strong and yang, so it is naturally the nemesis of evil forces.

"The wind of the void brings news."

A disembodied voice sounded:

"A new world will open to the gods, and many unbelievers will have the right to choose their gods."

"Useless resistance will ultimately be in vain."

As the voice came, a fairy with delicate features, tall figure and gorgeous clothes walked slowly over.


Not a fairy.

The loose immortal temperament comes out of the dust, is misty and has no trace, as if it has never existed in the world.

This woman's body has a hazy halo, and her eyes reveal complex human nature, with a sense of respect.

Not a fairy,

But God!


"She's actually a woman?"

Fang Zheng was thoughtful:

"Does God also have a gender?"

However, he suddenly realized that if the gods of the outer world were also the gathering of human thoughts, then there would naturally be men and women.

Even if people's beliefs change, the gender and appearance of the gods will change accordingly.

"He is indeed an unbeliever." The goddess shook her head:

"This world is full of wills that blaspheme the gods. We should repent amidst plagues and curses."


Fangzheng’s voice was calm:

"You might as well let me see what you can do."

According to ancient records, the weak gods in ancient times were no more than Wuzong and Zhenren, and the top masters were not as good as the Celestial Masters.

Most of them are in the stage of loose immortality.

There is no need to be afraid.

As he spoke, he raised his hand to offer sacrifices to the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, waved two talismans and shot straight towards the goddess.

Divine Thunder Talisman!

These magical talismans, which once killed the Iron Flute Immortal at the peak of his true form, are also capable of causing damage to loose immortals.

And if thunder can restrain evil forces, it should also restrain the opponent.


The woman's eyes flashed.

He raised his hand, and something like a staff appeared in his palm.

It's just that the staff is shaped like a human spine, and there are several miniature human faces on the top with distorted expressions.

The dark red color is even more eerie and cold, and one more look at it will make people mentally collapse.

With the waving of the staff, streams of light appeared out of thin air, forming a large net to welcome the incoming talisman.


Thunder exploded.

The woman tapped her foot lightly, and her whole person suddenly disappeared on the spot.

He appeared again behind Fang Zheng, with a stabbing sword that looked like a blood vessel sticking out of his left hand.

Her thrust was incredibly fast.

Like a special magical power, the flow of time seems to have slowed down, except that the speed of the stabbing sword remains unchanged.


The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda trembled crazily, and the Buddha's light covering Fang Zheng's body trembled, and was immediately penetrated by it.

But such a delay was enough for Fang Zhengyuan to escape.

"Five thunders!"

Raising his hand, there was thunder for miles around, and the power of the plague that filled the world was wiped out.

If the other party is the god of plague and curse.

Then Fang Zheng is the God of Thunder!



The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded.

The woman had a staff in her left hand and a stabbing sword in her right hand. The staff inspired various curses, and the stabbing sword pierced with sword light.

Although he kept suppressing Fang Zheng, he still failed to make any real achievements.

"The power is acceptable, the speed is very fast, and it has the ability to move the void to a certain extent. The spell seems ordinary, but in fact it is terrifyingly powerful. Even the top magic weapon Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is affected to a certain extent."

While doing it, Founder estimated at the same time.

Also look down.

There are only three of the six golden-armored gods left. No..., only two are left. The other one has been corrupted. Together with the 'monk', 'meat ball' and 'tentacle', they besieged the other two golden statues. A man of God.

‘Can even dead objects be affected? ’

‘The divine power is really amazing! ’


After fighting for a long time, the woman suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed.

not good!

Fang Zheng's heart was beating wildly, and he turned into a thunderbolt and retreated quickly, followed by thick fog rolling up behind him.

In the mist, a huge ball of flesh slowly squirmed.


The balls of flesh split open.

A huge monster covered in abscesses and with a distorted face appeared in his perception. The monster was so weird that even his spiritual thoughts would be affected to a certain extent if he approached, and a terrifying pressure emerged.


Fang Zheng groaned and stepped back again.

"It's our turn!"

A familiar voice sounded, and a sword light penetrated straight into the mist, creating a crack.

Sword Ape takes action.

"I knew the original body of this thing wasn't that good-looking. If that's the case, just let Xiaoyou Fang stand aside."

Lord Jiqiu offered his seal and appeared beside him.


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