The looming thunder stopped over the city. Fang Zheng lowered his head and looked at the battlefield full of fighting and roaring, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Then he shook his head slightly, and before the patrolling people noticed, the lightning disappeared again and quickly moved away.


A small island suspended in the void.

Fangzheng's figure was revealed, and the lightning penetrated the cracks in the rocks, revealing a natural cave inside.

The sword ape sat cross-legged in the middle, the red light outside his body fluctuated, and suddenly his body trembled, and he opened his mouth and spat out a bloody arrow.


When the blood arrow hit the ground, it was like high-strength sulfuric acid, and even the hard rock was corroded to a large extent.

Take a closer look.

There seemed to be many black strange insects hidden in the blood, twisting wildly and making sharp screams.


"The method of killing by curse!"

Sword Ape smiled bitterly:

"I'm afraid I'm doomed this time."

"Ji people have their own destiny, senior, nothing will happen to him." Fang Zheng shook his head, waved his hand and released a thunder light to disperse the blood poison.

"Heh..." Jian Yuan sighed:

"They came prepared. I have never seen the black sword of Lord Jiqiu before. It must have been specially made to restrain me."

"The curse-killing method contains the intention of death, and I am afraid it is a method borrowed from an alien evil god."

Fangzheng was silent.

Mo Kan Jian Yuan looked weak at this moment, but in fact, 99% of his body had completely collapsed.

The appearance revealed now is nothing more than the manifestation of divine thoughts.

In comparison, Fang Zheng's condition is much better, but his energy and spirit are weak, and he can recover after a while of nursing.

"I was too careless."

Sword Ape narrowed his eyes:

"If we had noticed it early, this would not have happened."

"Who did it?"

They have no enmity or enmity with Jiqiu Jun, Jiang Yongzhen and others, and they still have some friendship after decades of getting along.

The other party's sudden stabbing of the two people in the back was definitely not a sudden move, it must have been for another reason.

Someone is behind it!


This matter should not only involve the two of them.

Jian Yuan has a clear mind. He understood the moment Jiqiu Jun took action and had the answer in his heart.

Now we only get the certainty.

"Kangcangzi." Fang Zheng said:

"I turned around, and the disciples of Tianshi Dao were already attacking. All the passages to the outside world were either destroyed or closed."

"Wei Boyang..."

"I'm afraid something unexpected has happened!"

If Wei Boyang were here, Kangcangzi would never dare to go to war in such a big way.

Looking at the reactions from various places, Xuan Tiandao was in chaos, hastily responding to the enemy, and was retreating steadily.


Jian Yuan Qinghe:

"It seems he still hasn't lived enough."

"But Wei Boyang is probably not dead. The Holy Sword of Humanity in my hand came from him. If he is dead, the mark on it should have dissipated."

Fang Zheng's eyes lit up.

If Wei Boyang had not died, with his strength and power, he would have easily captured several cities.

Don’t say anything else.

There will be no trouble entering or leaving the restricted area.

"Don't think too much."

Sword Ape looked up, smiled bitterly and said:

"Even if he is not dead, I'm afraid the situation is not good. If Wei Boyang's strength is intact, how can Kang Cangzi dare to take action?"

"Yes." Fang Zheng nodded:

"What's next?"

Jian Yuan was silent.

a long time.

"There are not many Loose Immortals in the world. Most of them are in the same level of strength. There are only a few who can dominate others."

Even he, a heavenly demon who has lived for tens of thousands of years, is not sure of victory when faced with the two loose immortals joining forces.

Like this time.

Although Lord Jiqiu was the one who made the sneak attack, if Fang Zheng had not come to help, he might not have been able to escape.

The Three Overseas Immortals, Miaojiang Gu Mother, and Arctic Empress may not be weaker than him if they really take action.

That is to say.

Except for the new Loose Immortals, most of the remaining Loose Immortals are at the same level.

For this reason, in most cases, Sanxian will not take action because there is no guarantee of victory.

"Apart from Kang Cangzi and Wei Boyang, there is only one person who can truly stand alone, the number one master of the ten heavenly demons."

Jian Yuan said:

"If Wang Hu is invited, he should be able to compete with Kangcangzi."

"No matter what Kang Cangzi wants to do, there are definitely many loose immortals in the forbidden area who are his opponents. If they join forces, they may not have no chance of winning."


Fang Zheng pursed his lips and said:

"It is said that Wei Boyang was able to escape, but the Tiger King took action and cut off his escape route."

"..." Jian Yuan's expression froze.


He opened his mouth and vomited blood:

"You know this tiger is unreliable!"


Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"I think we should leave the forbidden area first and then talk about other things."


Unexpectedly, Jian Yuan directly rejected it:

"Once he leaves, it will be difficult to come back. If the forbidden area is full of Kangcangzi's people, who can stop him from doing what he wants to do?"

"You should be able to guess that Kang Cangzi is afraid that he wants to break the restrictions of the forbidden area and let the evil gods from the outside world come in."

"Let me tell you why so many evil gods from outside the world have come here in recent years. I'm afraid it's because of him."

Fang Zheng frowned.


If you leave, it is equivalent to giving up on being an enemy of Kang Cangzi.

And when the forbidden realm collapses and the evil gods from the outside world invade, I am afraid that this world will become the scene of ancient times again.


A group of practitioners will be driven out and killed by the gods.

In order to promote faith, the gods will never allow such a group of powerful unbelievers to exist.

In other words, for them, leaving is just a matter of lingering for a while, but I can't see it as clearly as Jian Yuan.

In fact, the main reason is that Fang Zheng can return to Earth, and even if the evil gods from outside come, he will have a way out.

The other party failed.


It should be said that except for him, none of the practitioners in this world are good.


Sword Ape looked sideways, his eyes flashing:

"In just a few decades, your cultivation has improved so much. I'm afraid you're not much worse than Yuan."

"Then Zhao Yizi is not bad at strength, but you can kill him easily."

"It's a fluke." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"He was too careless."


Sword Ape hummed:

"He's careless, but he's not bad at all."

As he said that, his eyes fell on the long knife hanging on Fang Zheng's waist, and his eyes flickered with spiritual light.

The previous war.

Zhao Yizi, Jiang Yongzhen, and the evil god were all killed by this sword.

As Fang Zheng said, Zhao Yizi was too careless, but it also shows that the power of this sword is amazing.

"I haven't seen you use a sword in these years. I almost forgot that you are a master of swordsmanship and a loose immortal in martial arts."

"This sword has just been forged, but it has been dyed with the blood of Sanxian." Fang Zheng smiled, holding the sword in his hand:

"Senior, please take a look."


Lightly swing the long knife.


When the knife fell, there was no energy in front of it, but a deep mark appeared on the rock a hundred meters away from the side.

"This is……"

The eyes of the sword ape are twitching:

"Tear apart space?"


Fang Zheng nodded:

"My sword has the ability to tear apart the void. Zhao Yizi cast a spell to attack from a distance. He never thought that I could teleport."

"So if you are not careful, you will lose everything."

Not only Dao Jin can teleport, but the people with him can too.


Every sword strike by Fang Zheng can be launched from any angle, making it difficult for people to avoid and avoid.


This is the trick he has honed over the past few decades.


Jian Yuan touched his chin:

"Wang Hu doesn't succeed, you can give it a try. Of course, the first priority is to contact other loose immortals."

"Also, find Wei Boyang."

Although the dragon-slaying knife in Fang Zheng's hand was extremely powerful, if it were their first fight, even he might be hit.

But dealing with Wang Hu and Kang Cangzi is still not enough.

It may be possible to achieve success by taking someone by surprise, but once they are prepared, the power of the dragon-slaying sword will be limited.

It's urgent.

It’s better to find Wei Boyang and talk about other things.


Fang Zheng nodded slowly.

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