
Eleven o'clock.

At this time, most people have either fallen asleep or are lying in bed scrolling through their mobile phones. There are also some workers who have been squeezed to the limit and are still working overtime.

For some people, nightlife has just begun.

Brand street.

Sky Dance Bar.

Fangzheng scanned the QR code to pay and got out of the car, turned around, frowned at the LED sign with the colorful light changing back and forth, and subconsciously shook his head.

He has a clear plan for his future.

Relying on the resources of another world to practice martial arts and doing business at the same time, practicing martial arts to strengthen the body to prevent unexpected events, and doing business to accumulate wealth and lead a wonderful life. Both hands must be grasped and both hands must be strong.

What you want,

It's just stability and prosperity.

He would never be willing to come into contact with some unclean people unless he had to.

The other party has set the time to discuss business in the evening, and the place is here. He doesn't look like a serious businessman, so there won't be any changes, right?

With a sigh, he stepped inside, already thinking about arranging an assistant for himself. He was the boss and couldn't always do everything himself.




When I opened the door, the deafening music hit my eardrums, the blurry lights flashed back and forth, and figures shook their heads like a group of demons dancing wildly.

There is a mixture of fish and dragons here, filled with the atmosphere of indulgence and hedonism.

The smell of alcohol, smoke, shouting...


Fangzheng waved to the waiter and asked:

"Where is deck number six?"

"This way." The waiter in a neat suit looked like he was less than twenty years old. His face was full of youth, and he bowed and said:

"I'll take you there."

There was a man and a woman sitting in the booth. The man was dressed in casual clothes, with one foot on the table. He was smoking a cigarette and talking to his female companion.

He should be about thirty years old.

The woman had an exaggerated perm, smoky makeup, and cool clothes. Her plump figure swayed back and forth with laughter, which was touching.

Fang Zheng stopped in front of the booth and looked at the man:

"Chen Jian?"

"It's me." Chen Jian squinted her eyes, glanced at Fang Zheng, put her legs back and stood up:

"Boss Fang, right?"


Fang Zheng nodded and sat down opposite:

"Mr. Chen wants to discuss business here?"

"It's a three million business deal, where can we talk about it?" Chen Jian waved his hand casually:

"Give Boss Fang a contract."

The female companion smiled, took out a folder from the bag behind her and handed it over, taking the opportunity to reach out and scratch the back of Fang Zheng's hand.

"Handsome guy has a good figure. How do you maintain it? Do you have time to teach me?"

"Haha..." Chen Jian laughed:

"This kind of thing needs to be taught step by step to be effective. It is best to do it in a private space without outsiders, so that you can calm down."

"Fuck you!" The woman said with a shy look on her face.

"Master Chen will laugh at me."

Fang Zheng shook his head, took the file and unfolded it. The lights here flickered and flickered on and off. He had no choice but to take out his phone and turn on the light to check the contents.

"No problem." Chen Jian rolled his eyes:

"Boss Fang's goods are of good quality. If you sign here, I will transfer the money immediately."

"Our Chen family has some connections in southern Myanmar. Whether it is importing rough stones or selling ready-made jewelry, there will be no problem. We can cooperate more in the future."

This is why Fang Zheng found the other party.

Zhaonan Mansion is mountainous and rocky, and is also prolific in jade. He can continuously send jewelry from other worlds, but there must be a reason.

There must also be stable sales channels.

The Chen family can provide raw stones for producing jade, and can also recycle jewelry at high prices. With its strong strength, it is a perfect fit.

The jade sold this time is an attempt.

"I naturally trust the Chen family's strength." Fang Zheng nodded and continued to look through the documents:

"But it's better to be cautious when doing business for the first time."

Chen Jian pouted, his eyes showing disdain.

In his opinion, Fangzheng is just a small business owner engaged in jade trading. He has to do business by himself, and he has to go back and forth to confirm the three million.

Such people……


After waving, he called a waiter:

"Do you have a package similar to the Shenlong set here?"

"Yes!" When the waiter heard this, his eyes lit up:

"Eighteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight small divine dragons, thirty-eight thousand white eighty-eight great divine dragons. Sir, do you want a divine dragon set?"

"Eighteen thousand?" Chen Jian shrugged:

"Your consumption here is not that good!"

In the south, the starting price is at least 38,000 yuan, with 68,000 and 88,000 yuan being the normal prices. It is not uncommon to find dragon sets exceeding 100,000 yuan.

"Let's have a big dragon."

He stretched out his hand and pointed straight:

"This Boss Fang is treating me to a treat!"

"Boss Fang, do you mind?"

"Yeah." Fang Zheng raised his head:

"no problem."

If the jade is sold for three million, he can earn more than two million, not to mention the net profit. Naturally, he won't feel bad if he spends thirty or forty thousand.

Not long after.

The dragon set comes on stage.

The so-called Shenlong set is actually a set of wines of different colors, with smaller varieties of small Shenlongs and more complete varieties of large Shenlongs, along with some snacks and fruits.

The most important thing is the pomp!

More than a dozen beauties lined up in a long line, holding wine vessels in their hands, and came to booth No. 6 amidst the cheers of a group of service staff.

At the same time, the speaker is turned on:

"Boss Fang and Boss Chen have a big dragon set. I wish the two bosses a prosperous business and a lot of money!"

A group of waiters and beauties gathered around booth No. 6 and shouted in unison:

"I wish the two bosses a prosperous business and abundant financial resources!"

This exaggerated scene made Fang Zheng's embarrassment skyrocket, and the veins on his forehead bulged, before he continued to look down at the contract with a dry smile.

On the other hand, Chen Jian laughed heartily under the gaze of everyone, with a happy face.

"Boss Fang."

A man came to the booth, bent down and chuckled:

"Xike, why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming to Tianwu so that I could make arrangements?"

"Who are you?"

"I, Wang Tongxiu, am a small shareholder of Tianwu. I had the honor to meet you, Boss Fang, at the congressman's charity dinner." Wang Tongxiu rolled his eyes and called to the two of them:

"Taotao, Huanhuan, you two, don't be busy today. Please greet the two bosses here."


The two women turned around and nodded in agreement.

The beauty of the two of them was absolutely top-notch among the girls, roughly equivalent to the appearance of the bar, but they were left together by Wang Tongxiu.

Chen Jian's eyes flashed, and her expression when looking at Fang Zheng couldn't help but change.

"can not tell……"

Watching Wang Tongxiu leave, he smiled slightly and said, his attitude no longer so casual:

"Boss Fang is so proud."

"Others praise you." Fang Zheng's expression remained unchanged:

"I'm afraid it doesn't have a good reputation."

"Whether it's a good reputation or a bad reputation, just do it for the best." Chen Jian raised his glass:

"I respect you!"

Then he said to the two women:

"Don't you two just stand around here. Do you know how to dance? If you can, dance a song for Boss Fang to entertain you!"

Taotao and Huanhuan looked at each other and twisted their waists next to the booth. The gauze as thin as cicada wings shone under the dim light, reflecting the snow-white inside.

Fang Zheng rarely stopped looking at the contract and turned to the two women.

It's not just because the two girls are beautiful.

Rather, this dance...


Hip thrusting, leg swinging, turning, hand-eye coordination, body coordination, and some difficult movements are also performed extremely stably.

I can’t tell that the woman in the bar nightclub is actually a dance major. But was she spending so much money learning to dance just to do this?

The melodious sounds are paired with seductive dance moves...

This is the smell of money!

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