Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 1091 Heart of Moonlight

I understand, I understand completely.

The previous understanding of Wuhun was completely vague, but at this moment, it finally became completely clear.

"Okay, I've made this deal!"

After getting the "Fragmentary Scroll of the Soul" and letting the Lizard Ancestor leave, there would be no loss for him.

He has eyes of light, and in his current state, the Lizard Ancestor cannot hurt him at all.

"You are indeed a smart man."

The Lizard Ancestor chuckled, and a memory was instantly transferred to Ling Xiao's mind.

"Is this the fragment of the soul?"

Ling Xiao carefully recognized every word and sentence.

He has never seen the real "Yuanshen Fragments", but his mountain and river martial arts can analyze whether these words are reasonable and harmful.

If the Lizard Ancestor plays tricks on him, then he will naturally not show mercy.

The lizard ancestor secretly smiled in his heart: Boy, no matter how smart you are, ancestor, I will slightly change some of the important words, but you won't be able to recognize them. What's more, the words on them are words from outside the world, there is no way you can know it. has a problem.

His wishful thinking was very good. If Ling Xiao dared to practice the problematic "Yuan Shen Fragment", his soul would definitely be damaged. At that time, he could take the opportunity to snatch Ling Xiao's body.

In fact, there is one thing he has never told the truth. His current "Original Soul Fragment" is not only cultivated to the soul stage, but also cultivated to the possession stage!

In other words, as long as Ling Xiao's soul is injured, he can possess him, suppress Ling Xiao's soul, and gain control of this body.

This is somewhat different from seizing a body.

After seizing the body, the soul of the other party will also be destroyed.

Possession cannot do this, and has to suppress the other party's soul at all times.

But the lizard ancestor is not afraid.

In his opinion, his soul is much stronger than Ling Xiao, and as long as he has this opportunity, he will be able to successfully achieve his goal.

"very happy?"

Ling Xiao suddenly asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm happy. I'm going to be free soon."

The lizard ancestor said with a smile.

"You're still pretending to me? Although most of your "Yuanshen Fragment" is true, there are obviously problems with a few key points. You really think I'm stupid. I was sincerely trading with you. Since you are so If you don’t know how to cherish it, don’t blame me!”

Ling Xiao was too lazy to talk nonsense with this old guy. By refining this old guy's soul, he could also get "The Fragment of the Soul" and even this old guy's martial arts. It was just a waste of time. difficulty.

That's why he wanted to do this deal.

But who knew that this old guy was so cunning and wanted to harm him? How could I bear this?

In the world of mountains and rivers, the blazing sun completely enveloped the lizard ancestor. Here, the lizard ancestor was completely unable to move freely and could only let the blazing sunshine slowly peel away his soul.

"I will give you the real one, the real "Yuan Shen Fragment"!"

The lizard ancestor was really scared at this time.

"Do you regret it now? It's too late!"

Ling Xiao stopped talking nonsense and his soul exited the world of mountains and rivers.

The cultivation of "The Fragment of the Soul" cannot be completed overnight, nor can the soul of the Lizard Ancestor be refined overnight.

Now that he has recovered from his injuries, he should return to Beimo City as soon as possible.

He has not forgotten that there are tens of thousands of brothers and more than 100,000 people there who are eagerly looking forward to him.

The royal family of the Divine Phoenix Empire plotted against him, and the Righteous Alliance plotted against him, but the people and the Northern Desert Army fought side by side with him to the end.

Fortunately, he still knew the difference clearly.

Xie Li had also woken up from training at this time.

Looking at his body excitedly, he couldn't believe it.


Ling Xiao asked.

"Well, the Yin and Yang realm!"

Xie Li nodded.

It was like a dream. He was directly promoted from the tenth cave to the first level of Yin-Yang Realm, crossing the half-step of Yin-Yang Realm that most warriors need to go through.

This shows that she must have obtained an extremely strong power, so much so that she no longer needed to accumulate it and directly broke through to a higher realm.

"Congratulations, Sister Xie Li. Although the Scorpion Tribe lost a Scorpion King in battle, another strong man in the Yin and Yang realm was born. At least there should be no danger at this stage."

Ling Xiao smiled.

"Young master, you are joking. We scorpion people cannot break our blood oath. Since I have already said that I will become your slave, I cannot break it."

Xie Li said seriously.

She was saved by Ling Xiao. Without Ling Xiao, she would have been insulted by the blind scorpion guy.

The Scorpion Tribe was also saved by Ling Xiao. Without Ling Xiao, the Scorpion Tribe would have been completely destroyed by Timur Mutu.

Even her current breakthrough in cultivation is because of Ling Xiao.

She Xie Li is not a good person, but she is definitely a person who values ​​blood oaths very much. She will never disobey the oath she has sworn.

"Okay, it's up to you. Let's talk about this matter after it's out. Let's go. I believe your people are already impatient."

Ling Xiao didn't insist on anything anymore.

What else could he be dissatisfied about having a slave in the Yin and Yang realm?

"As you command, sir!"

Xie Li nodded and followed Ling Xiao towards the outside of the forbidden area.

Outside the Blood Mirror Pool, the members of Dark Thorn were eating.

These delicious barbecued meats and vegetables were found and cooked with the help of warriors from the Scorpion Tribe.

The Moon Girl didn't eat. She stood there quietly all the time, with a strange moonlight always surrounding her body, like a moonlight fairy.

However, no one knew what kind of pain Yuenv was experiencing.

A long time ago, she once accepted a female disciple named Yihua.

This disciple was extremely talented and was originally trained by her to succeed as the leader of the Yuehua Sect.

However, when Yihua was sixteen years old, she fell in love with a man.

The origin of this man is very mysterious, but he is very powerful. Within a few days, Yihua was completely obsessed with him.

For this man, Yihua even took advantage of Yue Nu's trust and took away Yue Nu's most precious "Moonlight Heart".

The Heart of Moonlight is the heart of the Moon Girl.

A heart that looks like a beautiful jade.

This heart was condensed by Yue Nu after countless years, and is the key to helping her transform into a human form.

Once it is lost, not only will the cultivation level be greatly reduced and the body will be extremely weak, but the most terrifying thing is that once the moon cannot be seen, the body will have to endure great pain. She has not told anyone about that kind of pain.

Only she knew that it was more terrifying than having tens of thousands of steel needles stuck in her heart.

Later, she found a way to restrain this pain, which was to stay in her palace, because it could release a light very similar to moonlight to relieve her pain.

Since the construction of this palace, the number of times she left the Yuehua Sect has become very rare.

The first time he left Yuehua Sect was to deal with the evil beast Demon King.

That was to complete what she promised Immortal Yuehua nearly 100,000 years ago.

The second time was to protect Ling Xiao during the martial arts festival held in the Holy City.

And this time, it was also for Ling Xiao.

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