Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 562 Black Rope Purgatory

"Black Dragon King, is that all you have? I don't use my sword moves, I just attack you with normal attacks, but you can't do any harm to me, so you dare to threaten to kill me?"

Ling Xiao sneered, and after running "Dragon Golden Body", his body quickly returned to normal, his legs no longer trembled, and his face no longer flushed.

"I'm just teasing you, how powerful do you really think you are? I'm going to kill you like a dog or a chicken!"

The Black Dragon King's expression also returned to normal, his true energy suddenly became stronger, and his originally tall and mighty body became even taller.

The body that was originally only two or three meters tall grew to five or six meters tall in an instant.

Not only that, his whole body has almost completely transformed into a black dragon, including black dragon scales, black head, blood-red dragon eyes, and dragon claws.

Black energy surged around him, and it was actually much stronger than before.

The moment this form appeared, all the spiritual energy between heaven and earth seemed to flow into his body, creating some kind of special resonance.

In the sky, a dark cloud appeared, which actually showed signs of causing changes in the world.

"Boy, I have lived for tens of thousands of years. Although I cannot reach a stronger cultivation level because of the seal, I have experienced battles and practiced for far longer than you. You cannot condense this form no matter what!"

The Black Dragon King stood proudly and said coldly: "Today, I will let you know what the Dragon Clan is and what the Black Dragon is!"

After the words fell, the huge body suddenly jumped out, and a gust of wind actually lifted up huge rocks, and smoke and dust were swirling, extremely violent.

In this form, the Black Dragon King's power is close to that of the black dragon, but his speed will not slow down. On the contrary, his moves will become more fierce and terrifying.

With almost one punch, a huge crack will appear on the ground.

I always feel that the current Black Dragon King is 30 to 40% stronger than before.

This time, the dragon claws condensed into a fist, and with one punch, black flames exploded, and a crazy heat wave swept over the scene.

"The Fist of Black Flame!"

Black flames wrapped around the huge dragon claws, forming a huge fireball that hit Ling Xiao's head like a meteorite.

Ling Xiao's expression was indifferent, and the Rain Covering Sword in his hand was replaced by the Ice Dragon Sword. His body was gradually changing. The human-dragon form that originally resembled a human was gradually developing in the direction of an ancient golden dragon.

Eight points resemble a human and two points resemble a dragon.

The dragon horns on his head are even clearer.

"The Celestial Phenomenon of Thunder·Melting Water!"

Amidst the thunder, the surrounding force field suddenly changed. The Black Dragon King's violent punch actually missed the tip of the sword and hit directly three to five meters away from Ling Xiao, instantly blasting out a burning weapon. A huge pit of black flames.

Among the looming shadows of mountains and rivers behind Ling Xiao, the glaciers became more real, and then almost seemed to have condensed into a solid entity.

"Power of Glacier·Ice and Snow Storm!"

He did not hold back, and facing the Black Dragon King, Ling Xiao did not dare to hold back. The fierce ice and snow storm contained a strong will of the mountains and rivers, and it was like a glacier piercing the Black Dragon King directly.

The Black Dragon King's expression changed slightly, knowing that his defense could not block this blow.

The Black Spirit National Master finally took action.

Originally, he wanted the Black Dragon King to kill Ling Xiao alone. This would obviously help the Black Dragon King's reputation.

But now it seems that if he doesn't take action, the Black Dragon King will probably fall.

"Black Rope Purgatory!"

As soon as the Black Spirit National Master took action, countless black primeval energy burst out from his body. These black primeval energy were like black ropes, entangled with the Ice Dragon Sword in Ling Xiao's hand.

This "Black Rope Purgatory" is a unique skill belonging to Black Ling, a natural martial arts. Like Dragon's Roar, it can continuously increase in power as its strength increases.

When used in the hands of Black Ling Guoshi, it is as powerful as a gold-grade top martial arts.

The true energy condenses into a black rope and wraps around the enemy or its weapons. Not only can it inject terrifying hallucinations, but it can also absorb the enemy's true energy.

The onlookers can clearly see that the area where the black ropes are intertwined is surrounded by a black space. This is already a martial art involving space power.

The black rope tightened suddenly, trying to pull the Ice Dragon Sword away from Ling Xiao's hand.

At that time, Ling Xiao could even feel that his true energy was being sucked away by the black rope along the ice dragon sword.

"It's really evil!"

Ling Xiao frowned slightly and suddenly raised the purple electric sword with his right hand.

"Purple lightning shocks the world!"

A bright purple light shot up into the sky, and the dark night sky suddenly became as bright as day.

"Crack me!"

Ling Xiao faced the Black Rope Purgatory. Although it was a bit tricky at first, he was not afraid at all. The Purple Lightning Sword used its special skills to be directly promoted to an immortal treasure, which was enough to cut through the Black Rope Purgatory.


The sound of electric current bombarding came from the purple electric sword.

"Electric Celestial Phenomenon!"


Under the attack of the immortal treasure "Purple Lightning Shocking World Sword", all the black ropes were directly cut into pieces like ordinary ropes, and immediately lost their original effectiveness.

Even the black rope purgatory was split open by this sword, revealing a piece of light.


The continuous electric current surged, and the black cloak of the Black Spirit Master was shattered into pieces, revealing that weird face.

That face was very strange. It had no eyes, no nose, no mouth. It was simply a black hole of nothingness.

Does the black spirit have no entity at all?

Ling Xiao suddenly thought of this.

He felt it when he just killed the black spirit master. The feeling was very strange, as if the body did not belong to the black spirit at all.

"He really is from the Black Spirit Organization!"

"Our national master has always been our enemy!"

"The Black Dragon King actually conspired with his enemy to seize the throne!"

For a moment, the onlookers became excited.

"Black Dragon King, your conspiracy has been exposed. I would like to see how long you can keep your stubbornness."

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

"So what? As long as I kill you, what can those cowards dare to do? I am still the Dragon King!"

The Black Dragon King roared.

"That's right. It seems that the only way to solve the problem is to kill you!"

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and looked at the two masters in front of him. If I wanted to kill these two people today, I would have to use all my strength, otherwise it would not be easy for me.

"The generals listened to the order, surrounded Ling Xiao, and set up the 'Trapped Dragon Formation'. They must kill this kid!"

The Black Dragon King's face was gloomy.

He no longer cares about appearance.

It doesn't matter if he does it alone or not.

As long as Ling Xiao can be killed, it is victory!

"Those who are watching the excitement, please listen. Whoever is willing to help will become a hero of the Dragon Kingdom. Not only will he be rewarded with high-ranking officials and generous salaries, but he will also be gifted with top-notch martial arts skills."

The Black Dragon King continued to incite everyone: "If you just watch the excitement, you will not get any rewards afterwards. Of course, as long as you do not favor Ling Xiao, your original status will still be retained."

There was no need for him to offend those onlookers, even though he really hated those people.

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