Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 591 The Black Spirit Attacks

?Ling Xiao doesn't have to worry about the next thing. With the mountain and river martial arts and the ancient golden dragon, it's only a matter of time before he can tame the ancient hell dragon.

What he has to do now is to quickly control the crazy energy in his body.

After the ball exploded, a large amount of black hellfire was released. If it was not guided in time, even the recovery ability would not be able to keep up.

The soul power forcibly guided a wisp of black hellfire to begin to circulate in Ling Xiao's body. Wherever it passed, the rest of the hellfire was also absorbed into it.

The energy belonging to the ancient hell dragon that was scattered in Ling Xiao's body was being fused and kneaded by him step by step.

When the last ray of black flames merged, Ling Xiao discovered that all nine of his martial veins had turned into black true energy——

Hellfire essence.

Moreover, these true essences look very viscous and feel like black magma. Both in terms of concentration and quality, they are far superior to any true essences before Ling Xiao.

However, this newly formed true essence was not so obedient. After all, there was still the remaining soul power of the ancient hell dragon mixed in it.

These guys become more violent in order to gain freedom.

Ling Xiao felt as if his body was going to explode, and there was a pain as if something was tearing him apart.

From the outside, Ling Xiao's body was cracked, as if it were dry ground.

The most terrifying thing is that there is not blood in the crack, but black magma.

At this time, Ling Xiao looked like a broken porcelain figure that was glued together with something. With a slight touch, it might completely shatter.

Dai Yuling, who was standing aside, felt terrible pain in his heart when he saw such a scene.

In fact, from the moment Ling Xiao helped her avenge her in Yuehua Sect and regained her martial soul, she began to have a crush on this boy.

It's a pity that she has never expressed this feeling in person. She is not a good expressive person.

She just suppressed this feeling in her heart, hoping that everything would be fine with Ling Xiao, and then she would be happy.

Seeing Ling Xiao's miserable and miserable look at this moment, she really wished they could exchange it.

She wanted to go over and help, but as soon as she got close to Ling Xiao, she was blown away by the terrifying energy, and red blood oozed from her mouth.

"What's going on? Ling Xiao, nothing can happen to you!"

Dai Yuling's eyes were already wet.

However, at this moment, bursts of energy fluctuations suddenly came from outside.

Dai Yuling stood up suddenly, closed his eyes, and manipulated the plants outside to check the situation.

Only then did I realize that the steel battleship that was supposed to be in the third level actually appeared in the fourth level!

Not only that, all the black spirits on the ship are attacking the Ten Thousand Thunder Jedi.

Including the Ancient Ship King.

Tantai Ayako!

Dai Yuling also saw a familiar figure, it was Tantai Lingzi!

This woman didn't look like she was being controlled. She was very close to the Ancient Ship King, almost leaning on each other, and they were talking and laughing.

Because his cultivation level was too low, Dai Yuling could only see such scenes, but could not hear what they said.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is that Ling Xiao is at a critical moment and these people must not be allowed to disturb Ling Xiao's devouring plan.

Fortunately, the Ten Thousand Thunder Jedi's defense is strong enough. According to the current situation, it can still last for about a quarter of an hour.

If Ling Xiao hadn't finished devouring it by then, then she would have no choice but to fight.

Anyway, the worst case scenario is death!

Whether it's being eliminated or real death, Dai Yuling is not afraid!

All she can think about now is Ling Xiao!

Guard Ling Xiao, protect Ling Xiao!

Ling Xiao was trying his best to cope with the crisis inside his body and had no idea about the situation outside.

Although his body was in danger of collapsing at any time, he still firmly believed that the most dangerous moment was over.

In fact, the moment he shattered the black ball of light, he was victorious.

Although the next experience was extremely painful, it was not so difficult because I had a goal.

Under the control of his powerful soul power, the restless Hell Fire Essence gradually calmed down, like a wild beast being gradually tamed.

Ling Xiao has always insisted on cultivating his soul, and he has achieved huge rewards at this time.

The violent aura quickly disappeared, replaced by a feeling of intimacy and familiarity.

The soul power of the ancient hell dragon that remained in the black hell fire essence was completely eliminated, and what was left was Ling Xiao's own soul power.


Dai Yuling was delighted to find that Ling Xiao's body began to heal, and there was no longer the trembling before, and there was even a smile of victory on his face.

She couldn't imagine anything other than success.

"As expected of Ling Xiao, he can still maintain his consciousness in such pain. I would definitely not be able to do it. It's amazing, it's amazing."

Dai Yuling now finally understood why Ling Xiao always walked ahead of others, always one step ahead.

No pain No gain!

This is so true.

Although Ling Xiao is not very talented, he is very able to endure hardships, and he is the crazy kind. There is no one like him.


Suddenly, the thunder and lightning storm at the foot of the mountain made a loud noise, and a huge groove was blasted out.

Oops! Wan Lei Jedi is about to collapse!

The enemy's attack was too violent.

Although the thunder and lightning storm has not been completely blown away yet, in at most two or three minutes, this place will become a dangerous place.


Dai Yuling glanced at the Black Dragon King and the extraordinary swordsman and ran down the mountain.

You can't disturb Ling Xiao's practice. If the other party rushes in, it can only last for a while.

Although the Ancient Ship King is very powerful and is a strong man in the First-line Heaven Realm, he also has two Half-Step Heavenly Lords on his side, who can at least hold on for a while.

Coupled with the powerful auxiliary ability of the new martial spirit she obtained, I hope Ling Xiao can complete the devouring of the ancient hell dragon martial spirit within this time.


In the world of mountains and rivers, the shadow of the ancient hell dragon was trampled under the feet of the ancient golden dragon, completely losing its tyranny.

At the same time, Shanhe's will was injected crazily, replacing his own soul and merging into Ling Xiao's soul.

From the outside, Ling Xiao was surrounded by a ball of black light, looking like a huge black silkworm cocoon.

I believe that when this cocoon breaks open, Ling Xiao will turn into a butterfly.

At this time, Ling Xiao's body was repairing and strengthening at the same time.

The black hellfire had previously messed up Lin Xiao's body.

But now, it cooperates with Tianlong's golden body to continuously repair and strengthen Ling Xiao's damaged meridians and internal organs.

I believe that after this repair and strengthening is completed, Ling Xiao's physical strength will be greatly improved again.

This will pave the way for him to be promoted to the Heavenly Realm in the future.

Many warriors in the extraordinary realm died at the last critical moment because their bodies were not strong enough and they were trying to open up a ray of sky.

And this is no longer a problem for Ling Xiao.

:. :


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