
In just a moment, Canghai's eyes narrowed, his eyes were extremely dignified.

Su Feng, did you even know that you were here?

How is this going?

Chen Yu frowned, but also a little surprised. Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan were even more nervous. In front of them, but usurped the position of Canghai Beast Emperor and became the new Beast Emperor!

Strength is terrifying, and this is still at their home!

"Fortunately, although they are very powerful, we still have three masters, Yuge, Canghai, and Blast Iron. There is no chance of winning."

Jin Buchang glanced at a few people, and his heart was a little more stable.

"Su Feng, didn't expect you to know that I would come?"

The sea smiled coldly, killing in his eyes.

"Since I'm back, I'll get my things back! The position of the Beast Emperor is not something you can sit on!"

Su Feng smiled when she heard the words of the sea, and smiled gloomily.

"Canghai, do you think, why do I know you are back?"

Then, Su Feng glanced at the iron.

"What are you waiting for?"


There was no sign of a palm, hitting directly behind the sea! The two originally met very close together, and this palm was a sneak attack on iron. Although the sea responded in an instant and resisted with all their strength, they still suffered a minor injury!

After the explosion of iron blasted out, he immediately stepped out and immediately came to Su Feng's side!

"Burning iron! You, why! Why!"

Canghai's mouth was bleeding, and she looked at the iron burst inconceivably, and was extremely shocked.

Everyone will betray themselves, but iron blasting should not be!

This guy, has not confessed to himself before, never said before, anyway, will he never give up on her?

why? Now that he had attacked himself from behind?

Several people in Chen Yu were shocked in their hearts, which was very unexpected.

Especially Chen Yu, although he knew that the iron blast was a bit wrong, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually do something to the sea. He thought that the iron blast was because of jealousy.

"Ha ha ha ha, Canghai, do you really think that iron blasting is the same as before? You are so naive!"

At this moment, Su Feng finally couldn't hold back, and laughed.

Bangtie looked at the sea, but shook his head.

"Canghai, these are your faults. You know how I care about you. I do almost everything for you."

"When I was going to chase you, my mother objected, and then I killed her. I also made the illusion that she died because you couldn't be her daughter-in-law."

"I used to have a childhood friend of a childhood friend. In order to be afraid that you thought I liked that woman, I went straight to her family of 27, including a 3-year-old child, overnight."

"For you, I have a friend who likes you too, **** it, that guy knows that I like you! He even offered to compete with me fairly! In the end, I can only dig out his magic Nuclear! Do you know how much I have done for you silently! You are not touched at all! "

Blast Iron's eyes were red and yelled. As if a child who had suffered a grievance, his eyes were wet.

"Crazy! You are a lunatic!"

Canghai's eyes widened and he looked at the iron blast.

I've done so many crazy things, and said, is it for her? A strong chill rose from the heart of the sea. For the first time, she saw a real explosion!

Paranoid and crazy!

"This guy is really terrifying!"

Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan were almost creepy. Killing mothers, killing friends, and killing relatives is simply a loss of conscience!

"Huh? Mad? Yeah, I'm crazy! I'm **** crazy because of you! You know how much I like you! But you? You let this humble human, look It's your body! You fucking, I haven't even seen it, you let him see it! "

Burst roars, growls, and is extremely hysterical!

"You! You bastard!"

The sea was flushed.

Jin Buhuan looked at Chen Yu, but the corner of his mouth was drawn fiercely.

"Brother Yu, it's a must to pull the hatred technique!"

Chen Yu is very speechless. He is just treating the disease. I didn't expect that this way would make the iron blast hostile to himself?

"Boy, I'm going to dig out your eyes later! Make a drink and eat it! You look at Cang Hai's body, I ate your eyes, that's what I see. Cang Hai, rest assured, except No one but me can desecrate you. "

Burst iron smiled softly, but had a tragic taste.

"Pervert!" Jin Buhuan whispered.

Chen Yu raised a brow. This iron burst looked very upright, and did not expect a guy whose heart was so distorted.

"Dig my eyes? Oh, you can try."

Chen Yu smiled coldly and said.

He sneered at Chen Yu's provocation and then looked at the sea again.

"Canghai, rest assured. After today, only my body will be able to see your body. When Su Feng poisoned you before, I actually made him less poisonous. In this way, wait for me to find When you are there, I will be able to save you and become a hero in your eyes. When the war is over, I will take you back to your residence, and we will definitely live a happy life. "

Burst iron said.

"What did you say? You also know that I was poisoned !!!"

Cang Hai's head exploded, looked at the iron blast, and looked shocked.

"Oh, Canghai, I'm afraid you don't know. The poisoning was proposed by the explosive iron, and even the toxin was provided by the explosive iron. His request is very simple, get you! And my request is very simple. And become the Beast Emperor. "

"Now, the goals of both of us have been reached. You said, wouldn't it be nice? Don't worry, I won't kill you. After killing these humans, the iron blast will take you away. And the Beast Emperor of the Beast Mountain will always be only me! Su Feng! "

Su Feng's face was enthusiastic, with both hands open, as if he was embracing the entire wild beast mountain range!

"Damn! You are shameless!"

The sea roared.

"Chen Yu, I'm sorry. I've burdened you."

Looking at Chen Yu, Canghai felt guilty. Originally thought that this time back, with the support of explosive iron, coupled with his own strength, has recovered a lot, regaining the position of the beast emperor, easily.

But I never expected that things would develop like this.

Now many beasts are surrounded, and there are two people who are stunned by the iron blast and Su Feng. They are almost dead!

Jin Buhuan and Dong Lan had a fierce pump in their hearts, and looked at Chen Yu with great worry.

"Brother Yu, me, what shall we do?"

Chen Yu smiled, and her eyes were full of murder.

"What to do? Of course it did!"

Step out, Chen Yu stood in front of the sea!

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