Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1652: Familiar old place

"He, what did he say, what?"

Looking at Cang Qiansheng in shock, everyone stayed!

The first is because Chen Yu is okay, and the second is the thing that Chen Yu said, it's too amazing! Looking at the reaction of Cang Qiansheng, Chen Yu said that it was all true!


Cang Qiansheng is an alien!

"No, this, this is not true!"

Nie Hong shook her head, and the whole person was disheartened. His fiance, turned out to be an alien!

"Grandpa, tell me, this, this is not true!"

Nie Yuanming stared at Cang Qiansheng, then sighed deeply.

Cang Qiansheng himself said, how could it be fake?

"Blind! We are really, blind!"

Nie Yuanming spoke, terribly afraid. If Chen Yu loses in this battle, the entire Obi Star Island will be ruled by aliens!

It was ridiculous that before, they also hoped that Qian Qiansheng could win!

"Why, why you didn't die !!! Where is Gu Bao? !!!"

Cang Qiansheng yelled and looked at Chen Yu.

"He? I'll send you to see him now!"


With a flash of his body, Chen Yu came to the front of Cang Qiansheng and suppressed it with one palm!

"Since you don't want to be a human, then you should be your alien! To aliens, there is only one word, kill!"


The palm fell, and the four dragons and big seals slammed on Cang Qiansheng's head severely. This time there was no protection from any rule. Cang Qiansheng's head burst into pieces, followed by his body. Until the end, his The consciousness was completely killed by the earthquake, and the whole person turned into a mist of blood.

"Dead, dead!"

Everyone's eyes were shocked. Looking at the sky, the figure of Ling Lingtian was full of shock.

"Mr. Chen is majestic and invincible, I'll wait for worship!"

Suddenly, there was a big man in the sky, who laid down his body, in awe.

"I'll wait for worship!"

After figure after figure, folded back in front of Chen Yu!

They were completely convinced, and in awe, with a touch of gratitude and shame.

If it was not Chen Yu, then it is almost conceivable that in the future, they will all become slaves of alien races!

Nie Yuanming sighed gently and brought Nie Hongyu to Chen Yu.

"Mr. Chen, Yuanming is blind-eyed and Yuanming apologizes to you here."

"Chen, Mr. Chen, Hong, Hong was wrong, yes, sorry."

Nie Hong wanted to lower her head and bit her lip, a look of shame on her face.

"Don't apologize, because I didn't care about you at all."

Leaving a sentence coldly, Chen Yu didn't even look at the two of them, and returned directly to the Shen Fei people, leaving chicly.

"Everything, are we just arrogant?"

Nie Yuanming looked at Chen Yu and laughed at himself.

A storm passed, and Obi Sing Chau returned to calm again, and the so-called battle of the strong was cancelled because of this time.

The Douwu Holy Palace of His Majesty's Palace, at this moment has become almost the holy place of the entire Orbi Star Island!

People who come to see Chen Yu every day are endless. But without exception, all were blocked back, only the gifts brought by him were left by Shen Fei.

Everyone in His Majesty's Palace has heard of Chen Yu's deeds and regarded Chen Yu as an idol.

To all of this, Chen Yu didn't care about it, but stayed in the Douwu Holy Palace, playing with a dark bead in his hands, his eyes filled with excitement.

"I didn't expect it. There is such a thing in Cang Qiansheng's appetite! It is incredible that he can get the login magic weapon of the Ethereal World."

Chen Yu was feeling.

The small bead in his hand is the login treasure of the ethereal realm. With this bead, he can enter the ethereal realm.

Ethereal world. . .

Mentioning this name, Chen Yu's gaze appeared with a strong nostalgia.

The so-called virtual spirit is the existence that exists outside the real world, similar to the online games on the earth.

The ethereal world is very old, and no one knows when he actually existed, but it is said that this was created by the supreme character, so that people can enter it and get a magical place to experience.

The person who enters it does not really enter into it, but uses this virtual spirit bead to project his own virtual spirit in the virtual spirit realm.

This virtual spirit, with all the cultivating realms of the entrants, is almost a perfect replica.

The people in it can fight, communicate, and even buy and sell. It's like a real world.

Because of its special attributes, the Ethereal World will only be weak for a while in reality, and will not really die.

Therefore, in order to hone their record, many big power Tianjiao will choose to enter the ethereal realm, and there are many hidden good things in the ethereal realm, as long as they can get the rewards, for Xiuwei, it is even There are great benefits.

And such things as virtual spirit beads, only those great forces have. Although Obi Sing Chau covers a vast area, but from the central area of ​​the starry sky, it can only be regarded as a remote country. No matter whether it is a state of practice or the strength of a strong person, it cannot be compared with those places.

It can be said that Tianjiao in Orbi Star Continent has not yet entered the virtual world!

Naturally, when Chen Yu got this Ethereal Bead, she would be surprised and surprised.

"In the last life, I entered the ethereal realm, or did I enter the teacher's door, and the teacher gave me the ethereal beads, and then entered it. And this time?"

Thinking of this, Chen Yu smiled and tightened the ethereal beads in her hands.

In this life, the previous opponents, let me see, can you now fight against me?

With a flash of eyes, Chen Yu no longer hesitated, holding the Ethereal Bead, and the power of divine knowledge entered into it. Immediately in Chen Yu's mind, a vortex appeared, and a huge pulling force took him directly Pulled into the ethereal realm!

Opening his eyes slowly, Chen Yu smiled softly as she looked at the sight in front of her.

Sure enough, it is still the same.

The self of the last life also entered the ethereal realm while condensing the realm. When he first entered, he also appeared in a place similar to the open-air square.

"Novice village."

Chen Yu shook her head and smiled.

In the ethereal realm, anyone who enters it for the first time will be divided into different villages according to different realms.

In these villages, no one can fight each other. Once you go out, you just fight casually.

So now here is tantamount to a novice welfare village in online games, which protects people who just came in.

As soon as Chen Yu was nostalgic, one after another the sounds kept ringing.

"Today, when Wei Mingzhe enters this place, he will definitely become the first person to condense!"

"Haha, I have finally entered the realm of virtual spirits. Are you afraid of the little cubs who are condensed?"

"Well, the monks who are in a state of mind are all ants in front of my Simon!"

. . . . . .

One figure after another appeared slowly here.

The face of each figure is full of absolute confidence!

Chen Yu frowned, some accidents, some abusive.

"Interesting, really interesting."

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