Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1677: See what this is

"Thank you, Grandpa!"

Wei Yuan and Wei Ke were shocked, their faces were covered with joy, and they knelt down with a whisper to Wei Yunsheng.

Liupin and Qiwen's elixir!

There are only two Wei houses in the entire Wei family. Usually, they are stored in the treasure house of the Wei family. No one has been able to use them. When the two of Wei Yuan were young, they heard their own father said that the magic of these two pills was unexpected, but one day, they had the opportunity to take these pills.

"Haha, my father is bright! After they took this elixir, they will definitely win the battle for the Wei family!"

Wei Hongfang and Wei Hongcheng both laughed and looked around Wei Hongru from time to time, all with smiles on their faces.

"Brother, this time Wei Yuan and Wei Ke, they laughed and accepted the two elixir, ha ha ha ha."


Wei Hongru clenched his fists, his eyes were extremely gloomy. But he was helpless. Indeed, if really speaking, these two pills are suitable for both of them, as for his son Wei Yang?

Hey. . .

Wei Hongru sighed deeply, all of which were seen by Wei Yunsheng.

"Since the ancient panacea, those who can get it, Hongru, do you know?"

Wei Yunsheng asked.

"Hongru knows that as long as the Wei family can win this battle, everything is fine. I have no dissatisfaction in my heart."

Wei Yunsheng nodded, and then sighed.

"Although Wei Yang is a little bad, he is kind and has great morale, but his future achievements will always be limited. He is not suitable for the practice of cruelty and cruel fighting. In the future, let him spend the rest of his life in the Wei family."


Wei Hongru's body suddenly trembled, with a bitter smile on his face.

"I know."

"Well. Wei Yuan and Wei Ke, you have to practice well these two days. Be well prepared!"


Wei Yuan and Wei Ke's voices were loud, and their faces were utterly confident.

Time passed by, and it didn't take long before the day of the battle had already arrived.

At this time in the Wei family, headed by Wei Yunsheng, they were full of warfare. And Chen Yu, Jia Cui, and Wei Yang, who have never been seen, finally appeared in front of everyone!

"finally come!"

Wei Hongru looked at Chen Yu, his eyes suddenly calmed. For some reason, faintly, his heart raised a look of expectation. Looking forward to what Chen Yu can really teach Wei Yang.

It was only after his eyes turned on Wei Yang that Wei Hongru's expectations turned into disappointment.

Because he hasn't found anything special about Wei Yang so far, except that he seems to be getting fatter?

Hey. . .

Wei Hongru shook his head and meditated in his heart, this is biological, this is biological. . .

"Wei Yang, huh, what have you been doing these two days? Are you exercising and how to eat?"

Wei Yuan looked at Wei Yang and laughed.

Several other people looked at Wei Yang with some curiosity.

"Yeah, I'm just eating."

Wei anode answered seriously.


Wei Yuan hesitated, and never expected that Wei Yang would say so generously, and looking at Wei Yang's face, there seemed to be a hint of pride?

How is this going?

"Huh! The rotten wood cannot be carved! It's a rice bucket!"

Seeing Wei Yang's appearance, Wei Yun waved angrily and utterly yelled.

"Chen Yinian, this is the student you teach? It's ridiculous! If you don't have the ability, give up early!" Qiao Yu looked at Chen Yu with a cold smile.

In the past two days, he made every effort to teach Wei Yuan and Wei Ke, so that they made great progress. But Chen Yu taught him to eat? Isn't this a big joke?

"How do I teach, you are not qualified to ask."

Chen Yu flicked her fingers and watched Qiao Yu laugh.

"But one thing is certain. My students are much stronger than your two wastes."

"what did you say!"

Not only Qiao Yu, Wei Hongfang, and others, their faces suddenly changed.

"Your ears are bad? My dad said, he, Wei Yang, is better than these two guys!"

Jia Cui pointed at Wei Yang and shouted milkily.

Click, click. . .

Qiao Yu's fist clenched tightly, making a crisp sound.

"Oh, okay! When the battle is over, I'd like to see, where is this Wei Yang strong? Huh!"

Qiao Yu was so angry that he waved his sleeves.

And Wei Yuan and Wei Ke looked at Wei Yang with gloomy eyes, and then they looked at each other as if they had already discussed each other and showed a weird smile at the same time.

"Hey, brother, since you have been eating for the past two days, then we have something good now, I wonder if you have eaten?"

"What?" Wei Yang wondered.

"That's it."

Wei Yuan casually took out an elixir, which was the six-pin seven-striped elixir that Wei Yunsheng gave to the two of them before. Both of them had never taken it, just to eat it in front of Wei Yang's face!

"Do you remember, when we were young, the three of us talked about this elixir, but it was terrible at that time. I just didn't expect that now this elixir has got me both, you can only watch us eat Oh, it's a pity. "

vomit! !! !!

Wei Yuan had just finished speaking, and the sudden vomiting sounded suddenly, making everyone all choke.

I saw Wei Yang stooping, covering his stomach with his hands, and the pale look on his face kept retching.

"You, what's wrong with you?"

Wei Yuan grasped the elixir and started talking stupidly.

This reaction is wrong, shouldn't Wei Yang be envious of envy? What the **** is it now? Seeing the elixir, the **** vomited?

"Fast, fast away! I can't see this! I have eaten this all these two days.

The trembling voice came from Wei Yang's mouth.

Elixir! During these two days of fucking, Wei Yang himself did not know how much elixir he had taken. He only remembered one thing. He didn't even have time to sleep. There was only one thing, which was to eat elixir in bed! And it's all **** piping and nine patterns!

That surging medicine power makes Wei Yang simply want to die.

Only then did he understand that eating things would also become a kind of unparalleled torture!

Seeing this elixir now, Wei Yang instinctively felt vomiting.

Shit is a panacea! !! !!

In a word, Wei Yuan and Wei Ke looked very pale, and became extremely strange.

What this said is also very agreeable!

The two looked at the effervescent elixir in their hands, and the corners of their mouths were violently ragged. Under their brain supplement, the eel incense seemed to have become somewhat different.

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