"Are you really sure?"

One of them looked at the base camp of the horrifying ape, and there was a look of anxiety in the eyebrows.

Everyone knows that this extremely icy ice field is the Jedi, and the aboriginal ape is extremely horrible as the aborigines here. Now several of them rush here and say that it is impossible to worry about it.

A leading man smiled, waved his hands, and didn't care.

"Relax, don't forget our hands, but there are trump cards."

Then, the man held a black ball in his hand, his eyes were cold.

"Arthur's son, Ature, was cursed by that adult. We came here this time, but under the order of that adult, we came to take the treasure that was about to be born."

"Ature is the only son of Atulha, who can lift the curse on his son. Atulha will never dare to presumptuously. Now Xin Xiuming has taken the order of the adult and went to arrest Xiao Feiyu and lead the tyrant And we came here to get the treasure, and this trip was a complete success. "

He smiled and said, the man looked proud in his eyes, then looked at the surrounding scenery, his eyes filled with emotion.

"The horrible ape family is really terrifying. I don't know who provokes them, and it turned out to be like this. Who can think of the so-called heavy treasure in fact in the realm of the horrible ape? Within? If we don't have the handle of the horrifying ape and ape, and we can beat them, this time I will never come here! "

The place where they stood now was where Chen Yu and Atuhe met for the first time. At this moment, the ice field was broken and looked like a mess, as if meteorite had left it, and in the air, there were still palpitations. fluctuation.

Several people nodded and agreed.

"Yeah, the sight from here and the breath remaining in the air is enough to imagine how fierce the previous fighting was."

"You said, is it still possible that the guy who fights the ape and the ape is alive?"


When they heard this, they were all stunned, then looked at each other, shook their heads with a smile.

How could it be alive?

The horror ape, whether it is a single combat force or the number of the entire ethnic group, can be called terror. The strength of almost every horror ape is not much worse than the master of a city, and their king is even more powerful. Is the Lord beyond a city.

Even those people cannot survive under the attack of the hordes of apes!

"I don't know, where is that Cang Yu coming in? It's a pity that we haven't met that guy till now. Otherwise, we could kill him and make a name for himself."

"Hehe, Cang Yu? With that boy's strength, I'm afraid I've already died. Even if I'm not dead, I'm afraid I'm struggling now and want to join Xiao Fei Yu. But he doesn't know if he finds Xiao Fei Yu That was the beginning of his nightmare! "

Several people laughed. Indeed, Xin Xiuming and others are now arresting Xiao Feiyu. If Chen Yu and Xiao Feiyu converge, they will end up in Xin Xiuming's hands. . .

"Forget it, that Cang Fei is just a reptile, don't worry too much. If you encounter it, just wipe it out. Let's go and go to the territory of the horrible ape! Oh, this extremely icy ice field is Jedi to others, But for us, there is no danger. Let's go and see how this so-called fierce race will be at our feet! "

A few people were laughing and laughing, as if traveling.

. . . . . .

In the palace of the horrible ape, Chen Yu sat on the main seat and looked at the lingering moon lotus in her hand, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

This trip to the extremely icy ice field has reached his goal, and he is in a good mood.

"Sir, you are so amazing! I adore it!"

Atuhe looked at Chen Yu, with a smile on her face, and glanced at the three or four boxes of things on the floor of the hall.

"These things should be the treasures you said. For us, these things have no effect. Please take them all."

As soon as Chen Yu and Atuhe and others returned, they received news that three or four large boxes suddenly appeared in the square of the palace, many of which were treasured.

Atuhe had learned from talking with Chen Yu that many people came to the extremely icy ice field this time, the purpose was to bring about the so-called heavy treasure, but did not expect that the heavy treasure appeared in his palace.

Chen Yu looked at these three or four boxes, and smiled silently.

Who would have thought that so many city lords had arrived in the extremely icy ice field together, and they wanted to find the treasure that they had obtained so easily.

It's just that these things all strengthen the human consciousness. To others, these things are naturally extremely precious. For these things, they will even fight for you.

After all, something that strengthens consciousness is extremely rare.

But for current Chen Yu, it doesn't do much. Chen Yu ’s knowledge, but God ’s knowledge, is among the best. Not to mention that Chen Yu was a human being, and the power of consciousness doubled, reaching a terrifying point.

For Chen Yu, this so-called strengthening of consciousness is simply something dispensable, far less important than the lingering moon lotus.

"This thing, let Xiao Feiyu."

Thinking about it this way, a horrifying ape came over.

"Wang, outside our realm, four humans have come to call you by name."

"Huh? Humans? Want to see me?"

Atu hesitated, with some surprises.

"Sir, please wait a bit here, I'll see."

Chen Yu nodded.

Atuga left the hall and came outside the palace. I saw four people standing there with their hands on their backs, with a proud smile on the corners of their mouths.

Behind Atuhe, hundreds of thugs and apes followed, and they were curious as they looked at the four.

"His, really terrifying, I am also the master of a city, and my strength is among the best in the virtual world, but these beasts just stand there, they make me feel depressed and palpitated."

"Oh, yeah, we enter the ethereal realm, but we enter it with the power of consciousness, but these beasts, born from the ethereal realm, have great advantages in the heavens. But they are stronger, now they can only Submit to us! "

Several people whispered and were confident.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Atuhe spoke, watching a few people coldly.

The leader raised an eyebrow and looked at Atuhe, his chin raised slightly.

"Oh, we? Are your masters!"

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