Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1795: You can't play him

At this time, everyone looked at Chen Yu, his eyes playful.

They all want to see how Chen Yu broke the situation in the face of such a thing.

Chen Yu looked at the man with open eyes, his eyes were cold. This person has a reflection and is the helm of a first-class force. Although he is not as good as the seven major forces, he should not be underestimated. It can be said that it is the same level of existence as Ou Longzi and others.

"What is your name?"

Chen Yu asked, the man just wanted to speak, but Chen Yu waved his hand to stop the man.

"Forget it, a dead person, knowing the name doesn't mean anything?"


The man suddenly trembled, his pupils shrank fiercely, only to see a flash of golden light, and then turned around, the last picture in his eyes was his own headless body, and a blood column more than one meter high was sprayed from his neck. Then he was completely in darkness, without any breath!


The man's body was severely hit on the ground. After his head fell to the ground, he grumbled like a ball, rolled away, blood was flowing, his eyes were still open, and an incredible look remained. It seemed that Chen Yu was unexpected. Will do this kind of thing!

The crowd was all stunned, and then took a breath of air, with a look of horror. All the people who wanted to see the crowd just now were all dizzy.

"Who else wants me to go to alchemy?"

Chen Yu found a seat and sat down, flicking his fingers, his eyelids drooping, his voice very quiet.

But everyone was shocked. Those people just stepped back unconsciously. There was no such arrogance and their necks shrunk, and they dared not say a word.

Kill people without a word, who dare to say more?

"Hisse! It's awful, I just reversed the unfavorable situation just now. This is a great move! It was so easy to break the situation!"

Shangguanxiong's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but take a breath.

"More than that, do you feel that Chen Yu is doing something too hot? Step by step, it seems ..."

Shangguan's body leaned back slightly, and there was a serious look in his eyes.

Shang Guanxiong froze, his eyes flashed suddenly, his face was incredible.

"Brother, you mean!"

Shangguan Ao didn't look at Guanxiong, just stared at Chen Yu and nodded heavily. Seeing his elder brother's appearance, Shangguan turned his head fiercely, his eyes focused on Chen Yu, leaving a cold sweat on his forehead.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it ..."

"Father, uncle, what are you doing here? What's wrong with him? Isn't it just killing someone? Is it worth it for you? I think this Chen Yu is too arrogant? He just doesn't want to think about it. Maybe it will provoke a rebound from everyone. So impulsive, why do you all look scared? "

Looking at his father and uncle, Shangguanzhi frowned, very puzzled.

Shangguan Ao just shook his head and sighed.

"Zhier, you are still too young, don't understand, don't understand! Axiong, explain to Zhier."

Nodded, Shang Guanxiong glanced at Chen Yu again, and then he spoke.

"You know, Chen Yu just now, why did he take out so much Liupin Shidan Pill?"

"Huh? Isn't it to show off? This is pretending to be, isn't it to show off that you are rich?" Shang Guanzhi was puzzled.

Shangguan Xiong shook his head.

"Not just showing off, but more, this Chen Yu is building momentum!"

what? Build momentum?

"Nice! After learning about the alien race, he took out so much of the best elixir. One was to highlight his status and completely subdue the Ryukaku Pavilion. The two were to keep everyone in the mind. Pay more attention to him and get a heavier voice! I am afraid that at that time, he expected to choose the leader next! "

"It's just that this guy who didn't have long eyes later wanted to let Chen Yu to refine elixir and treasures because of his long time in his heart. If it's someone else, I'm afraid he will fight some battle, but Chen Yu ... "

Speaking, Shang Guanxiong glanced at Chen Yu again and swallowed hard.

"He just defeated Liuguang Pavilion and took out the elixir. The prestige is in its heyday, and it is unexpected. He decisively killed the guy who took the lead in the trouble and directly suppressed everything. The method is so old! I'm afraid Chen Yu had already thought about it. Even if he killed the guy by himself, everyone could not say more after seeing the elixir and his strength. Chen Yu, right The grasp of the minds of the people is simply wonderful. "

On the one side, Shangguan Ao nodded his head. Looking at Chen Yu's eyes, he already had some awe.

"Yeah, this Chen Yu, I only thought he was very powerful before, but when it comes to dealing with people and dealing with many forces, I think I am much stronger than him. After all, I am Zhaotianmen Leader, during such a long time in Tianxiexingzhou, I have accumulated sufficient experience in the struggle between various forces and various people. "

"But if I change to his position now, I can never do better than him! Without saying anything else, just the thirty elixir, if it was changed to me, it would never be so magnanimous. Take it out, but he? He didn't even blink his eyelids! And then I never dare to kill that guy in front of so many people! "

Sighing deeply, Shangguan Ao spoke again.

"If we say that we are following a treacherous and harmonious way. Then Chen Yu is using the king! Domineering! This guy's energy and means are much higher than us! How is he so young? This step? "

Looking at Chen Yu with a complex look, Shangguan proudly shook his head.

Shangguanzhi had long been dumbfounded, staring blankly at Chen Yu and swallowing.

If it weren't for Shangguan Ao and Shangguanxiong's explanation, then he would not be able to see all of this.

"Is he so good?"

Shangguan Zhi murmured, Shangguan proudly nodded.

"This person is far beyond our imagination. Zhier, you must never oppose him in the future, even if it is in your heart, you must not have the trouble to find him! Otherwise, you will die very hard! I can't protect you! "

At the end, it seemed a bit uneasy, Shang Guanao said again, "You can't play him."

Shangguanzhi was shocked, his face was ugly, he clenched his fists, and after a long time he was unable to hang down, gritted his teeth and said, "I know!"

But at this moment, Chen Yu spoke again, but after this sentence, the crowd was noisy again, everyone was shocked, and it seemed that Chen Yu would not even say that!

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