Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1801: The strongest generation!


The crowd was stunned and had not yet recovered from the shock. At this time, when they heard Chen Yu's words, they didn't understand.

In the sky, there was silence, and Chen Yu seemed to be talking to the air.

Chen Yu waited for a few seconds before she smiled slightly and shook her head.

"Some tricks are trying to test me? Come out!"

With a little touch of your fingertips, you saw more than a dozen light filaments, which suddenly burst out from Chen Yu's fingertips and attacked over a dozen places in the sky. It was just weird. These light filaments seemed to strike in the void. Something hit, and a sparkling light burst out.

Then everyone saw that the places that had just been attacked were originally nothing, but at this time more than a dozen arrays of different sizes emerged, and in each array, several people were inside.

"Ha ha, Mr. Chen really has a bright eye like a torch, but none of them is bad, so we all corrected them, admired, really admired."

An old man with white hair shook Chen Yu with a light smile on his face.

"Who is this guy? Haven't seen it?" Someone said in doubt after seeing the old man.

Wen Qian frowned, then seemed to think of something, suddenly changed her look, took a breath of air.

"So, that's the legendary Jiuxiu Crane! That's the army **** Baifeng! And that's the preacher Sun Hong! Oh my god, these legendary characters all appeared today!"

Wen Qian couldn't stop sucking air conditioner, it was extremely shocking.

"Elder, these people are amazing? Why have I never heard of them?"

Shuirou asked, looking very puzzled. Not only her, but also Gu Jianxing and others were curious.

I saw Wen Qian shook her head, sighed deeply, and looked at more than a dozen people in the sky with complex eyes. Then she opened her mouth.

"Naturally you haven't heard of these people. Because they are all famous people of my grandfather's generation! It's been five or six generations with you!"

"I, my Cao, these are old monsters?" Gu Jianxing said silly.

Wen Qian nodded.

"Yes, these characters are strong men long ago, even Su Yingxiong, are juniors in front of them. When I was only in my teens, they had already moved the entire sky evil star continent. They were then , Claiming to be the strongest generation in Tian Xingzhou for thousands of years! "

"It ’s not just strength, it ’s because in the formation, strategy, etc., there are accomplishments far superior to those of their peers and even the previous generation! But then these people have disappeared one by one in the long history of history, but did not expect that today It turned out! "

Wen Qian was emotional, pointing to the many forces present.

"You see, those older generations are now shocked, and they must have recognized them!"

Shui Rou and others were shocked, and when they looked around, they found that everyone who was a little older was horrified and looked at a dozen people in the sky.

And those people are explaining the identity of these people to those around them.

Suddenly, everyone looked at the eyes of everyone in the sky, all changed.

Those dozens seemed to enjoy the performance of everyone, and each person's chest became taller and taller.

"You just lurked here before Su Yingxiong came and watched the whole battle. Do you want to try it now?"

Chen Yu returned to her seat and spoke slightly.

"What! They have been here for a long time!"

Su Yingxiong's pupils shrank fiercely, startled. Just now he didn't realize that there were still people lurking here, and his face suddenly became unsightly.

"Haha, Mr. Chen ’s reaction is really keen. I do n’t need to fight and kill. We all know that Mr. Chen ’s strength is amazing, but as you said before, in addition to killing, other aspects can also ask you Challenge, I can't wait, I want to try it, I wonder if Mr. Chen dare? "

The person who spoke was the old man with white hair. The appearance of a fairy-tale bone was exactly the fairy nine cranes. At this moment, there was a hint of slyness in his eyes.

Chen Yu nodded and said, "Yes."

Jiuhe nodded with a smile, and then the smile suddenly closed. The whole body suddenly rose up with awe.

"Mr. Chen, I'll study carefully, please see how it goes?"

He threw his hand violently, and from the hand of Jiuhe, a black compass that was not the size of a palm flew out and landed on Moxie Sea.

Jiuhe pointed with a single finger, a green light burst out, right in the middle of the compass, but for a moment, with the compass as the center, countless prosperous patterns suddenly spread out, covering a full circle for ten miles.

In the formation method, the air turned out to be slightly distorted, and the sounds of cranes came out from time to time. It can be seen from time to time that there are white cranes flying around in it, but in the course of the white crane flying, the wings But flashing heartbreaking cold mang.

"Oh? Nine dead Heming battle? Nine cranes, did you think you really studied it after so long studying hard?"

Someone in the sky saw this array of frowns and was very surprised. They are both the strongest generation of Jiuhe's peers. They also knew that Jiuhe disappeared at that time in order to integrate the lessons learned in his life and create the strongest formation. Arrived.

Jiuhe smiled and stunned Bai Hu in front of him, and said, "Yes, I have studied the formation method in my life, and also entered the united state with the formation method. I have spent a lot of time in this large array. Ten years, the test has been completed for more than a thousand times, and it is finally completed. "

As I was talking, I saw that within the range of the Moxie Formation, a hundred-meter-long beast suddenly burst out of the water from the bottom of the sea, and it seemed to be disturbed by the presence of Chen Yu and others. His rest, so made him angry.

This beast looks a bit like an octopus, but the difference is that it has eighteen long antennae. Each antennae is composed of countless fine bone knives, which is very scary.

When I saw it waving its tentacles and beating on the sea, the innumerable bone knives even spun out of the air, blasting out directly, and the innumerable bone knives suddenly swarmed in all directions.

On the sea, densely populated corpses suddenly appeared. These corpses were originally in the deep sea, and were killed by the bone knife of this fierce beast.

"This is the Bone Sword Beast, a monster in Mo Xiehai! The adult Bone Sword Beast has the same strength as the less powerful one!" Someone shuddered, wondering.

Jiuhe smiled, and looked at the Bone Blade Beast very satisfied.

"Yes, I just want to experiment with you and let people see the power of my formation. Kai."

A handprint was formed, and the large-scale array was formally and completely started. Only the sound of rumbling was heard, and then everyone saw that the savage boneblade suddenly mourned. Within the range of the formation method, the crane sounds gradually sounded. Bone Sword Beast was completely dismembered in front of the crowd, until the end, there was only a mist of blood and no bones left!

Everyone took a sip of air-conditioning and looked horrified. The people in the sky were also surprised, and seemed to be shocked that the power of this large array was so great.

Jiuhe smiled, looked at Chen Yu, and said gently with a little provocation: "Mr. Chen, I don't know how I play, can I still get in your eyes?"

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