Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1812: I'm on the bar with you!

No way? Is it?

Many aliens were surprised to see the location of the entrance to the passage, and everyone thought that way.

Just under their gaze, a golden figure appeared again in front of them!

Chen Yu! Again!

"I Cao!"

Seeing this scene, many aliens were stunned. They just let this guy explode just now. Why is this guy coming over again now?

Isn't he afraid of death? Doesn't he worry about the great loss of his consciousness?

"How could this guy still appear? He still has the power to come over?"

The alien next to Kasai opened his mouth wide, his face incredible. Even Casey looked surprised.


Chen Yu didn't have much nonsense, once again rushed into the alien race, and furiously fought! This time, it was another **** storm, many strange aliens shouted and rushed to Chen Yu again.

"Cao! If you dare to come, I dare to kill! I'd like to see how much of your power of knowledge can be consumed! I will play with you to the end!"

Casey growled and joined the battle.

Chen Yu ’s power of consciousness this time is still only one-tenth. After all, his power of consciousness exceeds that of ordinary people too much. If he comes over too much at one time, then he is not the channel that this double shadow alien has become Will be overwhelmed and directly broken, this is not the situation that Chen Yu wants to see.

After all, his attack is far from over!

Kasai is a strong man at the same level as the great man who has become a strong man in human union. Moreover, because of his racial superiority, he is more powerful than humans of the same level. With the joining of Kasai, Chen Yu was seriously injured again soon. Just when his power of consciousness was about to be destroyed, Chen Yu blew himself up for the second time!

The violent roar, accompanied by a strong golden flame, directly devoured the surrounding aliens.

In just a moment, a huge lethality was formed.

The scene was messy again! Thousands of aliens died here again.

At Mo Xie Hai, Chen Yu was shocked again and looked at the entrance of the passage.

"Mr. Chen, you ..." Wen Qian looked at Chen Yu suddenly, and just when she wanted to speak, she saw Chen Yu's eyebrows. She walked out of a golden villain for the third time. In the passage!

The whole Moxie sea was dead. Everyone looked at this scene in a stun, completely stunned.

"Again, go again?"

Someone said stupidly. That's the power of consciousness! Unlike the real power in the body, it can be obtained and supplemented so easily. It's not easy to make up for the loss. Chen Yu's current behavior is really too bad in their eyes!

"It seems that something happened over there that made Mr. Chen so furious. Just as a leader, this impulsive way of doing things is really ..."

Bai Feng shook his head, and was slightly dissatisfied with Chen Yu. In his opinion, no matter what happened to the opposite, Chen Yu should not be so impulsive. As soon as the war broke out, Chen Yu, as one of the main combat forces, lost so much of the power of knowledge, but it had a great impact on the next war.

Not only him, but many others also shook their heads, with some disappointment in their eyes.

In their view, Chen Yu's approach is not what a mature leader should do.

"Huh? Jiuhe, what happened to you?"

Bai Feng looked at the Jiuhe beside him, and found that Jiuhe's brows were locked tightly, staring at Chen Yu with a look of doubt, and a touch of shock and sorrow.

"Why, it seems to me that Mr. Chen has not been affected? He seems to have no weakness at all."


Bai Feng stunned, and then carefully observed Chen Yu, and then was shocked.


Just now continuously released the power of consciousness, Chen Yu's body, the breath did not even show a slight weakening!

The power of consciousness is a very important power. Once lost, it will affect the state of the person, just like ordinary people. If you can't sleep well, the next day's spirit will also be poor, and the entire person will be in a bad state.

The loss of the power of consciousness is similar to this situation. It is like staying overnight, and all aspects of the body will be greatly affected.

But Chen Yu, his breath was always stable, and he was not affected at all by the damage of the power of consciousness.

The two looked at each other, and both were a bit silly. This scene has exceeded their understanding.

What they don't know is that the spiritual power that Chen Yu now shows is far from his true spiritual power!

Chen Yu's power of consciousness is of the rank of heaven. Although it cannot be released completely because of the current state, it can be quickly added after consumption.

This is like the power of other people ’s consciousness, like a water tank, put a little less, but the power of consciousness of Chen Yu, behind the water tank, is connected to the ocean! Even if it is less, it can be restored immediately.

The two are not on an order of magnitude at all!

This is also the case, only for the third time, Chen Yu will release the power of consciousness into the channel!

For him, he didn't care about losing some!

On Zhao Yunxing, Kasai jumped with anger and forehead, and turned sharply to stare at the entrance of the passage, his eyes were as if killing people.

"Asshole! Asshole! Get out of me! I'll kill you again! Kill you again!"

Casey growled, like a mad dog who lost his mind. In just a short while, thousands of aliens have died, which made Kasai thunder.

But he also knew that after two consecutive attacks of consciousness, I am afraid that person would never appear. And from the bottom of his heart, he doesn't want the other party to appear again. After all, these aliens are all his soldiers.

Just after he just roared, a golden figure rushed out of the tunnel again!

Chen Yu is here for the third time!

"I Cao!"

Casey's eyes widened, and the whole man was blindfolded. Really here again?


The tragic sound sounded again, and Chen Yu, like a butcher, took control of the sickle of death, and harvested the lives of aliens. Casey ran up for the third time, biting his teeth, and killed Chen Yu's power of consciousness a half-death. Then the same scene was performed, and Chen Yu blew himself up again, killing an alien.

"Ah! Protect me for that channel! I'll see how many times he can come! Once, I will kill once!"

Casey growled frantically and was completely on the bar. Not only did he not think of destroying the channel, but he did not allow anyone to touch the channel. He wanted to see if he could kill Chen Yu to the cold!


When a stranger roared, he saw a golden light flashing out from the passage, and plunged into the group where the aliens gathered!

"Cao! I killed you!"

Casey shouted that he would have to do something to Chen Yu, but this time Chen Yu didn't do anything and chose to explode directly!

"Day!" Kasai flushed with anger, and just about to yell, suddenly a loud roar again!

"My Cao! He's here again!"

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