Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1823: Dongfeng, good!

Seeing Chen Yu shaking his head and sighing, Tang Hua was in a good mood and couldn't help looking up and laughing.

"Mr. Chen, who was the first person in Tianxie Xingzhou, shook his head. My Tang family is really honored."

Everyone was almost angry when they saw Tang Hua.

"Tang Hua! You shameless bastard, you have turned to an alien!"

Wen Qian couldn't stand it first, cursing wildly. Beside her, a group of people were cursing the Tang Hua family.

But Tang Hua just smiled coldly, waved his hand, didn't care.

"Huh, it has been defeated since ancient times. It only makes sense to live! I just chose the way to live! If you are so great, let's die! My Tang family is not with you!"

indignant! Everyone's eyes turned red, they already understood that it was Tang Hua, who leaked all the plans to the alien!

"Damn! I didn't expect us to end up in our own hands!"

Bai Feng hissed, the blue veins on his forehead exploded, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Haha, Mr. Chen, what else do you want to say now? You think you have no tactics, but what about that? In my eyes, you are just a arrogant boy. From beginning to end, you are the old man's. It's a calculation! "

Tang Hua looked at Chen Yu with a proud look. On the side, Tang Ziyu greedily looked at Prajna Liuli, Liu Yunyu, Shuirou and others.

He has already told the aliens before, when the aliens play with these women, he can also share a cup!

The thought of these amazing beauties waiting to be ridden by him, he was extremely excited.

"Tang Hua, you know, why this time the raid, I let all the strong of the seven forces gather next to me, instead of letting them station the nineteen stars?"

Chen Yu spoke faintly, unlike other people. At this time, his face did not change at all, and he could not see any fear at all.

Tang Hua froze and sneered: "Naturally it was to be able to succeed in surprise. What do you say about this?"

A strange feeling suddenly appeared in Tang Hua's heart.

In the same way, Bai Feng was stunned. He glanced at Chen Yu in doubt, and then took a sigh of cold air. The entire scalp was violently blown, and his face was shocked.

Is it? !!

Chen Yu smiled and said faintly: "Because I never thought that there would be fighting on the nineteen stars."

"what do you mean?"

The anxiety in Tang Hua's heart grew stronger!

The people who were still desperate just now suddenly looked at Chen Yu with some surprise, as if they were infected by Chen Yu's calmness, and they were not so desperate.

Casey frowned, looking at Chen Yu with some doubt.

Among the crowd, the most excited is Bai Feng! At this time, he even trembled with only two words of Chen Yu in his mind.

The most cutting heart, Yuren Yuji!

Borrow Dongfeng!

"Oh, I didn't expect that the Dongfeng I borrowed came from your Tang family. Okay, really good."

Chen Yu said with a smile, but the next moment, his face sank, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

"What the **** do you mean!"

The whole person of Tang Hua was going crazy, and the uneasiness in his heart was like a giant hand, holding his heart fiercely.

"At the top, if no one reports to the aliens, how could Kasai gather all the aliens here, and how could I have the opportunity to go deeper and complete the last step of my plan, let me kill them all at once. Have fun? "

Chen Yu's gaze was so cold that he stepped out suddenly, and his body burst into the air!

"Do you really think that I didn't expect someone to take refuge in the alien race ?? Tang Hua, Kasai, let you see, my means! Star Smasher, get up!"

Chen Yu stopped drinking, and in the moment, she made countless marks!

The power of the consciousness and the power of the emperor dragon flew out violently, blended together in the starry sky, and turned into a huge golden light array with a full range!

At the same time, above the nearby nineteen stars, a beam of light suddenly burst out!

"Everyone listened to my orders. The aliens have left Nineteen Stars as I planned and started the big battle!"

Through the formation method, Chen Yu's voice echoed above the nineteen stars!

The defenders above the nineteen stars were all stunned. They were desperate just now, thinking that the aliens had seen Chen Yu's plan, but did not expect this time, and then came the voice of Chen Yu, and the meaning of obedience, Chen Yu already knew that this would happen!

"This is also Mr. Chen's plan? Quickly, quickly start the formation !!!"

On the nineteen stars, hundreds of people put all the real power into the large array at the same time, and the large array turned into action. Under the guidance of everyone's true power, the large array directly extracted the energy of the entire planet and directed towards Chen Yu. Gush there!

Broken Star Soul Explosion!

It's a combination formation! Able to kill the enemy with the power of the planet! Just this kind of formation, although Chen Yu can be arranged, it is difficult to start, and the half a million people on each planet are the keys to start the formation!

With the power of half a million monks, drive the sub-array method into a broken star destroyer!

Suddenly, between the nineteen stars, golden lines straddled the starry sky, criss-crossing, an extremely horrifying force suddenly emerged, and evolved into a huge starry array!

"Me, my God! Here, what is this? Starry sky formation! Mr. Chen, he had expected this step long ago?"

Everyone was shocked watching the vision in the starry sky.

"Taking the planet as a guide, this, a large array of this scale, terrifying, is really terrifying!"

Jiuhe almost stood still.

Bai Feng looked up, and his admiration was incomparable!

"The most cutting heart, Yuren Yuji, that's what it means! All of us are Mr. Chen's pawns, pawns! Even betrayed people are used by Mr. Chen! This is borrowing Dongfeng! Dongfeng! "

At this time Bai Feng, this is considered to fully understand Chen Yu's plan. The more he deduced, the more he realized the horror of Chen Yu's scheme.

Even if no one is telling you, there is a good chance that they will succeed if a raid comes in. And once someone tells you, then Nineteen Stars will act as a big array to hang all the aliens. No matter what, Chen Yu has the absolute initiative!

What the **** is this **** brain! Only to applaud everyone!

Bai Feng could hardly help cursing.

Tang Hua was dumbfounded, staring blankly at Chen Yu and asking, "You, you already knew? You fucking, treat me like a chess piece ?!"

Chen Yu smiled coldly and nodded.

"Yes. You, my chess piece."

A finger ticked, a thunder, suddenly shot out from the large array!

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