Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1828: Come, let me show you!

The sarcastic look was revealed on Chen Yu's face, but Cassel didn't even notice it!

He laughed, his eyes filled with pride.

"Yes! Boy, I just want to compare you with elixir! Life and death consume you! You draw the power of starlight into the body, you need to rely on your own true power to comb, how long can you persist in this case? I want to see Hold on to you and die! "

Just like a cat and a mouse, Cassie is full of drama.

The alien army all changed their faces, and then, suddenly, it was loud!

"Ah, it really is a general! How terrifying is this battle IQ?"

"Well, the general is invincible! Every human, dare to anger the general? There are a hundred ways for the general to kill you!"

"Hey, these elixir were plundered by the general. I didn't expect it to come in handy here, but I heard that there are dozens of bottles of elixir in the general's hands! Well, are you afraid ? "

Many aliens burst into laughter.

Only the next moment, they froze.

Why do those guys on the opposite side have that expression?

Bai Feng, Jiuhe and Wen Qian. . . . . .

One person after another is silent, but in that look, it is extremely complicated.

Is there irony, ridicule, or even a touch of sympathy?

That look is like looking at a poor man and showing off a month's wages crazy in front of a rich second generation!

Why is that?

The atmosphere of the battlefield suddenly became very strange.

"You guys, very ignorant. Counting it, this battle has been a long time."

Chen Yu glanced at the battlefield and suddenly sneered.

On the battlefield, there have been countless deaths and injuries. Although there are large arrays of assistance, the number of aliens is one hundred times their own, so everyone's consumption is extremely huge. However, correspondingly, aliens have also consumed a lot.

Although aliens are born in the flesh, they have more advantages, are more resistant to fatigue, and have greater endurance, but such intense fighting has also made them extremely tired.

"What do you mean?"

Cassie was shocked, and for some reason, a bad feeling was raised.

Chen Yu ignored him, but with a long sword, the sword pointed at the alien, and a sudden roar!

"Everyone is obedient. The second round of combat begins. Take the elixir and kill the enemy!"


The deafening shout burst out suddenly!

Casey stunned and yelled at all the aliens.

"Take elixir!"


The roar of the aliens sounded at the same time, and they took the elixir from the appetite and swallowed it.

The aliens do not have the habit of refining elixir, but they fight and plunder all the year round, so everyone has some stolen inventory of elixir. However, in the hands of these alien soldiers, the levels of elixir are not uniform. Some take only four grades of elixir, while others use five grades.

But even so, it's better than nothing. Moreover, any slight difference on the battlefield will have a great impact on the outcome of the battle. It is possible that in the end, whoever lives and who dies is just a small gap in true power. So these restorations are important!

After taking elixir, the breath of many soldiers from other races has recovered. Although it is incomparable with the heyday, it is no longer as tired as before!

Many alien soldiers looked at the crowd with a smirk, but the next moment, the smirk turned into stagnation, and then it became shocked!

With Chen Yu's order, everyone took out the elixir. Immediately, the entire battlefield was filled with unparalleled elixir. The eight patterns on the elixir were intertwined. A feast of colors!

Everyone's hands are full of six grades and eight patterns of elixir!

And Prajna Ruri and other people's hands are even more beautiful!

"I, I Cao! Have I read it right? All, all fuck, yes, it's Liupin! Or Qiwen !!!"

Horrified and sluggish, spreading over everyone's face.

This is a million people! It is hard to imagine, how can these people have so many high-quality elixir?

Kasai stayed, and even the attack was a little delayed. A sense of vertigo appeared in his mind.

Isn't it wrong for you? So many elixir? Where did he get it from?

In the stagnation, everyone has taken the elixir!


The breath of the sea suddenly burst out! The thriving power of Liupin Qiwen Dan Medicine instantly restores everyone to its peak state!

Everyone is very emotional, thank you all for all this! If not Mr. Chen, why would they be treated like this?

Looking at the faces of aliens, it looks so dull, this feeling is really cool!

"Haha, alien cubs, you **** arrogant? Come back for three hundred wars!"

"Interracial dog stuff! My sword is already hungry and thirsty, come on! Come on!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill the majesty of waiting with the blood of aliens!"

. . . . . .

Morale is rainbow!

The people who restored the peak, such as the tiger down the mountain, rushed to the alien!

War, trigger again! In the large array, many soldiers did not fear death, gorgeous martial arts, crazy flashes, blooming in the stars, taking away life.

The aliens were shocked, and their morale was extremely weak. It didn't take long for them to fall into the downside!

"Damn! Kill!"

Casey's eyes were red, and his attack on Chen Yu became even more violent! He also saw that Chen Yu is the core of this group of people. As long as Chen Yu is killed, all problems will be solved!

"Casay, aren't you trying to compare me to elixir! Then, come to compare!"

Chen Yu suddenly smiled, and took out a jade bottle from the ring, just like Cassie, directly poured into his mouth!

Among them, they are all elixir of six grades and nine patterns! It is more than a few grades higher than Kasai's elixir!

This, this is!

Kasai's pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle tip, but this is not over yet!

I saw that Chen Yu once again took out seven or eight bottles of elixir and poured it directly into her mouth!


The breath of the sea burst out from Chen Yu's body instantly! Let Chen Yu return to its peak again!

"Seven or eight bottles did he restore his true power? What kind of evildoer is this boy, how much elixir does he have?"

You know, just a bottle of elixir was enough even if it was a jam! But Chen Yu is a few times his!

Kasai knows that this is not just a gap in Zhenli's quantity. It is more in the quality of Zhenli that Chen Yu is far superior to him! That's why this happens!

As if knowing Kasai's thoughts, Chen Yu smiled coldly.

"I heard that you have dozens of bottles of elixir? I don't know, can you survive me?"

Then, Chen Yu exposed a scene in the ring, and let Caser take a look. Only this one, Casser stayed!

What did he see?

At that corner, the elixir was piled up like a mountain! !! !!

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