Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1841: wait for me!

Four eyes are opposite, only silence!

Chen Yu was standing at the boundary wall, Xiao Xuan'er was standing in the sky, and the two of them looked at each other like this, their eyes were complicated.

too long.

It's been too long.

Chen Yu opened her mouth, but found that she could not speak a word. Thousands of words seemed to be stuck in her throat, and she wanted to speak, but she didn't know where to start.

"Zhi Yu ..."

In Xiao Xuan's eyes, the two lines of tears shed like this! She didn't know what she was crying for, just because the man appeared in front of her, and the emotions hidden in the weekdays could no longer be controlled.

How big the sky is and how difficult it is to meet you.

Seeing Chen Yu's face again, Xiao Xuaner seemed to be able to see the vicissitudes of peace from that face.

Yeah, in the Tianfeng Xuansu Palace, she was cared for by the older generation, and sought after by the younger generation.

Don't worry about whether you will die tomorrow, or worry about the shortage of resources. Everyone around was greeted with a smile.

But what about Chen Yu?

How hard and how thrilling have you been for this meeting!

At this point, Xiao Xuan'er's heart was full of distress!

"Phoenix girl, she cried!"

"His, this is the first time I've seen it. They all say that Feng Nu is as cold as an iceberg. She has not shown a smile to any man. I did not expect that she would cry in front of this guy!"

"This guy, is it !!!"

Shock came to everyone's mind.

According to rumors, Xiao Xuan'er's man!

"Sure enough, a man who can become a Phoenix Girl is really extraordinary! Breaking the wall, this guy is really terrifying!"

The crowd looked at each other, their eyes staring.

Many of them are interested in Xiao Xuan'er. Now, when I see Chen Yu being so powerful, I can't help but have no taste in my heart.

This feeling is like being compared by Chen Yu!

Nangong Hao's face was gloomy like water, looking at the two of them, in his heart, resentment was like weeds, growing in madness!

But the more revenge in his heart, the more smile on his face.

Squinting his eyes, the two cold mans are like swords, piercing Chen Yu!

"Oh, terrific! Really terrific! I thought, Chen Yu, you are talented in playing with women, but you do n’t expect talent to be so wicked. Just your daughter? Why did n’t you see Xiao Xuaner with you? ? "

"You gave birth to a daughter with another woman, and do you still have the face to meet Xiao Xuan'er? Do you know how much Xiao Xuaner paid for you! I have waited for many Tianjiao, which one is not better than you !? But Xiao Xuan Son, for your rejection one by one, you are so heartless, you are not worthy of Xiao Xuan'er! "

Nangong Hao shouted, and sure enough, everyone's eyes flashed, and no matter what happened, he immediately condemned Chen Yu!


As soon as Nangong Hao mentioned, Xiao Xuan'er's face turned pale, and his face rose up with a faint euphemism!

"Zhi Yu, tell me, is this true !?"

Chen Yugang just opened his mouth to explain, but at this moment, he only heard a loud bang, and it came suddenly from the sky above the virtual world of Hedao!

"People who are not eligible to enter this country, expel!"


In the sky, a huge blue air stream jets out from the nothingness toward Chen Yu!

This is the manifestation of the rules of the combined realm of the virtual world!

At the same time, from the ethereal realm of condensed spirits, blue chains suddenly rushed out of the opened hole, and instantly climbed Chen Yu's limbs, pulling him back!

In the past, there was the impact of the rules of the virtual world of Taoism, and the pulling of the rules of the virtual world of the gods. Even Chen Yu couldn't support it now!

After all, even if he is against the sky, his realm is still too low! Moreover, he is now in the realm of virtual reality! Powerless to resist!

Chen Yu wanted to speak, to explain, but the entire virtual spirit world was frantically oppressing him so that he couldn't even speak!

"No! Xuaner, I don't! That's my righteous daughter! My righteous daughter !!!"

"Fuck the chains, get out of me! Ethereal, let me talk! Let me tell Xuan'er, my heart!"

"Break it! Give me it! Fuck it off for me!"

In the heart of Chen Yu, the crazy roar is like the raging sea of ​​anger! Chen Yu's hair was flying like a demon, and her face was extremely embarrassed, and her blue muscles exploded on her neck!

Yes, useless!

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Yu only issued a low growl! That way, it's almost like a madman!

"The rules are suppressing him! It makes it difficult for him to stay in the amalgamated virtual world! Everyone follows me to expel this guy!"

Nangong Hao yelled at the thought.

Lies need to continue!

He was also worried that if Chen Yu spoke and told Xiao Xuaner the truth of the matter, he might make everything uncontrollable.

"Okay! Let's do it together! Guys who are condensed, just go back!"

Everyone nodded at the same time and reached a tacit understanding in an instant!

They don't want to see Chen Yu contact Xiao Xuan'er again!

None of the people gathered here today are the weak, and now they are working hard at the same time. Based on the current Chen Yu, it is impossible to resist!

"Do not!"

Xiao Xuan'er exclaimed, anxious. She hasn't heard Chen Yu's explanation yet, and she wants to know what's going on! How can Chen Yu leave like this?

Wanting to stop everyone, but she just moved, Li Ma Jianqiu stood in front of her with a cold face. In addition to him, three other men and one woman blocked Xiao Xuaner.

"Miss Xiao, you still don't have to do it, he is not worth it."

Glancing at Chen Yu, Jian Wuqiu looked disdainful. At the same time, there is a hint of glee.

"Oh, yeah, Miss Xiao, it's rare that he can come here. I think this is the last time you meet him. From now on, it's broken."

"Yes, my sister advised you, it seems like these ruthless and unrighteous people have wild seeds with other women outside, why do you hold on to your sister? There are too many people better than him in this starry sky. It's up! "

One person said one thing, and wanted to trample Chen Yu in the dirt!


Xiao Xuan'er slap on the face of the woman who just spoke!

"You, you hit me." The woman's choke stopped.

Xiao Xuan'er's face was cold and he said, "It's you who hit you! That's my man, I can say that he's not good! You can't!"

"And where do you come from, dare to think of my sister?"

Having said that, Xiao Xuan'er glanced at his sword without asking a few people and smiled coldly.

"No one can compare with him in this starry sky. You so-called top-level Tianjiao, can't do it! Give me away! Otherwise, don't blame me and you, duel!"

In a word, domineering, let Jian Wuqiu face a few people, instantly rose extremely red. It turned out that in the eyes of Xiao Xuan'er, they couldn't compare to a guy who was in a state of mind!

But they subconsciously removed their steps and gave way.

They were scared by Xiao Xuan'er's momentum!

Xiao Xuan'er snorted and rushed to Chen Yu.

"Chi Yu, wait for me!"

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