Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1852: Ga Cui, you go!

"so big!"

Jian Shuang and Jian Yue both looked up and looked at the giant beast in front of them, saying that it was not shocking, it was false.

Xuan Yi saw the two of them stupid, smiled coldly, and became more proud.

Sure enough, I haven't seen any soil buns!

Thinking, he looked at Chen Yu again, and wanted to see what kind of expression Chen Yu would have,

But he was disappointed!

Chen Yu's face remained the same. In her eyes, there was only some fluctuation at first, and then she calmed down completely!

Not only Chen Yu, but also Jia Cui next to him, did not have emotions like shock.

"Dad, this silly big man is really big. How many days will you eat if you make a dish?"

Ga Cui said.

Chen Yu shook her head. "This thing is not delicious, the meat is too tight, and it is not easy to taste."

"Well? Dad, have you ever eaten?" Cui curiously said.

Chen Yu nodded.

"Well, I used to eat it before, and I threw it without a bite."

This beast, Chen Yu already knows, it is the mixed offspring of the swallowing demon Peng tribe and the demon eagle tribe. In the last life, Chen Yu once ate during the training, but did not expect to encounter one here.

This kind of mixed-generation offspring has no real power in his body, and is completely based on the physical body. Moreover, this guy has strong immunity to Zhenli, and his strength is also extremely horrible.

"Oh, that's it, that's fine."

Gazcu glanced at the so-called guardian beast, and licked his tongue unwillingly.

Xuan Yi, already dead, stared at Chen Yu with wide eyes.

"You, you guys are talking about eating, eating him ?!"

There was pity in the sky, and the three of Xuanyi stuttered. They have never heard anyone talk about the issue of eating when confronted with the guardian beast!

Nima, what I want is you shocked, not for you to discuss whether to eat or not!

Do not! These two guys must be intentional!

How could he have eaten this thing?

Correct! They must have been scared, so they didn't say anything in front of us!

The three Xuan Yi glanced at each other and nodded secretly.

"Huh? You guys, these three little guys from Xuanjia?"

Kong Bao looked at the three Xuan Yi and said, his voice was like thunder, full of power!

Xuan Yi's three people worshiped Kong Feng immediately.

"I've seen Mr. Kong storm. This time we went out to perform the mission. It just ended. I'm sorry to disturb you."

The three spoke extremely respectfully.

Confucian storms have a very special status among them.

It is rumored to be a child born a long time ago by the patriarch and the maiden of the Devil Eagles. The eagle family, although not one of the beasts in the sky, is also extremely powerful, so Kong Feng's status is not low.

In addition, Kong Bao inherited the strengths of the two races and was extremely strong, so he has always been valued.

Moreover, Kong Feng has a long life span and is an elder among a group, let alone them. Even if the current patriarch saw Kong Feng, he must respect him.

They dare not make trouble.

"Well, go. I also just woke up. Hey? Who are these guys?"

After seeing Chen Yu's people, Kong Bao froze and asked. But the tone is not very good.

Just now he was kind to Xuan Yi's three people. When they arrived at Chen Yu, they were already questioning.


The three of Xuan Yi glanced at each other, and there was a strange color in their eyes.

Kong Feng's qualifications are very high, so even here, there is nothing wrong with what Kong Feng did!

"Hehe, Master Kongbo, they are called Jian Shuang and Jian Yue. They are half humans and half beasts, and they have half of the blood of my family.

"Oh? These two guys are the offspring of that humble woman?"

Kong Feng suddenly changed his face, extremely gloomy.

"Hey, what do you say! Don't say bad things about my mother!"

Jian Shuang and Jian Yue yelled immediately.

Although they have never seen their mother, they will never allow it to be vilified!

"Well, two little guys, dare to talk to me like this? It's really overwhelming! If it's not the order of the old man, what qualifications are you on this planet in your capacity! Dare to prey on me!"

There was a thunderous sound, and there was undisguised disdain in the huge eyes!

"Well? Who are these two guys?"

Turning his head, Kong Bao saw Chen Yu and Jia Cui, hesitated.

Xuan Yi smiled, his eyes flashed.

"His name is Chen Yu, and he is the teacher of the two. Next to him is Jia Yu, the daughter of Chen Yu. Both of them are human."

"what did you say!"

Kong Feng suddenly froze, then his eyes suddenly became red, and the fangs in his mouth suddenly exposed.

"Two human beings, dare to set foot here? Don't hurry up and get me out! There are two of you, who have the blood of swallowing the sky demon penguin, and even recognize a human being as a teacher, it is simply a pity! You have all been lost! "

Kong Bao growled, and thunder seemed to sound across the plain.

The faces of Chen Yu and Ga Cui suddenly became gloomy.

Xuan Yi, all three laughed! The smile is so proud.

"Oh, two, it seems that I swallowed the gates of the Celestial Peng tribe. It is not easy for you to come in."

"You! Shameless!"

Jian Shuang and Jian Yue panted, their eyes were red.

They have understood that all this is arranged! Xuan Yi's three knew that this would happen!

The purpose is to embarrass Chen Yu!

My teacher was ashamed because of them!

The hearts of the two men were extremely blameworthy.

"Oh, that doesn't blame us, isn't he your teacher? If you don't have the ability to step into the door of our family, then he has no ability."

Xuan Yi held her arms in front of her chest, looking at the theater.

"Okay, teacher, let's go! This swallows the demon Peng, let's not go!"

Jian Shuang and Jian Yue were guilty and looked at Chen Yu with burning eyes.

But at this time, the three did not have any intention of blocking.

go? If the three of them had not been brought back before, it was their responsibility, but now, Kong Feng had taken him away. At that time, even if he was an old clan leader, there was nothing he could say.

Chen Yu just smiled slightly and shook her head, completely angry.

"Since it's here, how can it be so easy to leave?"

Looking at Kong Feng, Chen Yu smiled coldly.

"Today, this gate that swallowed the Tian Yao Peng, I'm set! A mixed blood beast just wants to stop me?"


Kong Feng stared like a knife, staring at Chen Yu.

"What? You want to do it with me ?!"

Xuan Yi's eyes brightened! Immediately look forward to it.

"Do it with you?" Chen Yu shook her head. "You are not worth it!"

Chen Yu's collar was raised, and Chen Yu smiled.

"Gattri, you, talk to him."

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