Ga Cui's face was very unsightly.

When they came, they had seen that the whole planet was prosperous. Especially here, it should be the most central place, so the accommodation conditions are even better.

There are towering buildings everywhere, magnificent, and the surface is spotless, almost like new!

But here?

It's almost like a slum!

Although the entire small yard is not small, the skin on the outer wall has been peeled off to reveal the wall tiles inside.

In the corner, weeds are overgrown and desolate.

At a glance, you know that this is by no means a place for guests!

Jian Shuang and Jian Yue, but they found them! I didn't expect to encounter such treatment here!

Chen Yu's face became cold, and she looked at the three with frost.

"Give me an explanation, otherwise, you guys can't get out of here today!"


The faces of Xuan Yi's three changed, and they took a few steps back, a little afraid.

With a reluctant smile, Xuanyi said, "Oh, several people, although this is worn out, but this is not an ordinary place! This is where Jane Frost and Jane's mother lived before they died."

"If you don't live, this place will be razed to the ground. You will never, haha ​​..."

The words haven't finished, but the meaning is already obvious.

"What did you say! Me, where my mother lived before she died!"

The faces of Jianyue and Jianshuang have changed. I did not expect that there is such a history!

"The home of their two mothers?"

Chen Yu also froze, squinting his eyes and nodding.

"If that's the case, that's it."

Although it is broken here, the place is very quiet, and there are no other people living around.


At this moment, the door to the courtyard opened, and an old man with a gray beard, leaning his waist, came out slowly.

He apparently did not expect that with so many people coming today, it was a sudden stun. But when he saw the three of Xuan Yi, he suddenly panicked, his body shrinking.

"Xuan, Master Xuan, do you have anything here? Old man me, I haven't left here today."

The old man was very afraid of Xuan Yi, slamming the door with his hands and leaning.

"Who is he?" Jian Shuang asked in wonder.

"Hehe, he is your mother's old servant, called He Cheng."

"He Cheng, coming here today is not to trouble you. The two of them are the children of your master. Hehe, we brought them back."

what! He Cheng's face changed greatly, and the three of Xuanyi were smiling mysteriously.

"Well, let's talk about the old, let's go."

After looking at Ga Cui with some fear, the three left immediately.

"You, you are the children of the lady, children!"

He Cheng walked to the side of Jian Shuang and Jian Yue in a panic, and looked at them up and down, their faces were all shocked!

"Like! It's too much! You two, too much like a lady! You shouldn't come! You shouldn't come!"

He Cheng's head drooped and he sighed.

"Grandpa Ho, you, you know what happened to our mother? What happened that year? Why did we abandon us? Who is our father? What happened?"

Too many questions appeared in their minds.

Chen Yu and Jia Cui stared at each other, frowning. It seems that the trip this time will not be so simple.

"Hey, go ahead and talk."

He Cheng sighed and introduced several people into the yard.

The scene in the yard surprised a few people.

From the outside, the yard was run down, but inside, it was clean and spotless. The flowers and plants in the yard are neatly trimmed. As far as I can see, there is no dust.

It's just that it's obviously empty for a long time, lacks humanity, and looks dead, like an abandoned house, and He Cheng, like a lonely ghost in this house.

"Grandpa Ho, are you here to clean up?"

After settling down, several people gathered in the yard, and Jian Shuang couldn't help asking questions.

He Cheng nodded, looking at Jian Shuang and Jian Yue with a look of relief.

"Unexpectedly, you are all so big. If the lady knew, she would be very happy."

"It's just that the lady can't see it anymore. Hey ..."

Talking, He Chengcheng cried. Tears, rushing to stay.

"Grandpa Ho, what's going on? You talk to me soon."

He Cheng wiped her tears and explained: "Your two mothers, named Jian Hong, fell in love with the patriarch Kong, who fearlessly, and finally got married."

"Everything was beautiful, but Tuntian Yaopeng thought highly of him and didn't look down on humans. After returning to the clan, the two met fierce opposition, but with fearless protection, others would not dare Miss is disrespectful. "

"However, Kong Wuyou also had to compromise. Under the arrangement of the clan, he married a woman in the clan named Zhou Youji! Everyone has been peaceful for ten years, but in a battle, Kong Wuwei died. At that time, the lady just gave birth to you. She knew that the great trouble had come! So the lady took the initiative to find Zhou Youji and negotiated the conditions with her, in exchange for her life, in exchange for a way for you! "

"In the end, the lady died, and you, too, were sent out to swallow the demon Peng alien, only me, stay here, like a wild ghost, guarding the house left by the lady."

Tears burst out from He Cheng's eyes again, and memories were always the most painful thing.

"It turns out, is everything like this ..."

Jianyue and Jianshuang were sitting on the seats blankly, with tears in their eyes!

Both Chen Yu and Jia Cui were silent, and did not expect that their students would encounter such a thing.

"Everything is over, and the most important thing now is to look forward! They take your parents' things, you guys, get them back again!"

Chen Yu spoke, and Jian Shuang and Jian Yue nodded.

"Who is this?"

He Cheng looked at Chen Yu, first wondering, then leaned forward sharply, carefully looked at Chen Yu, took a breath of air.

"You, you are human !?"

Chen Yu nodded. "Is there anything wrong?"


He slammed the table suddenly, He Cheng stood up, looked at Chen Yu, anxious look of anxiety.

"You, you, a human, how come here! Don't you know what this place is! Swallowing the Tian Yao Peng clan, but they hate others the most and set foot on their territory! Especially, Zhou Youji and him now Kong Qianqiu ’s son is even more prejudiced against the human race. Are you here to die? ”

"Jian Shuang, Jian Yue, is he your servant? Don't worry, as long as he doesn't get out of this house, they won't do anything to him! However, you still have the opportunity to hurry up, here, this is not where you can stay! "

"Old man, I will definitely protect them!"

He Cheng's face was firm, but at this time, bursts of laughter came from outside.

"He Cheng, you are immortal, and you want to protect a human being? It is just a joke! Where is that human being, let us be happy, we will not kill him."


He Cheng turned his head abruptly, looking outside the courtyard, his face suddenly changed!

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