Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1860: Still braised

The wind is fierce, setting off heavy waves!

The man who shot it was like the wind, he didn't care about the Chen Yu people at all, as if they were air, he didn't care.

Everyone was sneer, watching this scene quietly.

Even if it's in front of you, grabbing what you have?

Here, but their place!

Kong Qianqiu's excited look.

It's close!

Immediately, this magical array is his!

With this formation, the speed of your own cultivation will be several times faster! Maybe, tonight, you can make a breakthrough in your exercises! By that time, your own strength will become even stronger!


At this time, a scream screamed, and all of them were shocked.

When that guy came into contact with the formation, a golden light burst out from the formation, and was severely chopped on the person who was doing it!

Suddenly, the man flew out, patted his buttocks on the ground, his face was pale, and his whole body was cold sweat.

He shivered and looked at the formation hard, making a terrible scream! In the eyes, all are despair and panic!

"Ah! I, my Dantian! My true power! No more, no more!"

"what did you say!"

Kong Qianqiu was shocked, and stepped forward to pick up the guy. When he saw what he was like, he suddenly took a sigh of air, and in his gaze, he couldn't stop the shocked look.

"How could this be!"

The guy in his hand, Dan Tian has shrunk completely! Moreover, all the true power in the body seems to have been emptied, and the meridians in the whole body have become abnormally soft. It seems that with just a little force, it can tear and tear!

Kong Qianqiu knows that this guy is completely useless! Practice the road, never cut off!

The culprit is the golden light that was just radiated from the formation!

That golden light directly took away all the real power from the hands of the human body! Not only that, but it was also overbearing. Even his Dantian was completely exhausted!

"Hisse, this formation is so horrible! Not only the spirit of heaven and earth, but even the true power of the practitioner can be forcibly plundered!"

The sharp-eyed person saw everything, scared back a few steps, and took a hard breath.

Spectators, all are shocked!

No one thinks that this spirit-defeating array is so overbearing!

"My son! My son!"

There was a middle-aged guy who ran to Kong Qianqiu's side all of a sudden, and took the guy who fell to the ground in his arms and was in pain.

Everyone was silent. This young guy is also a arrogant figure. He has great potential and a bright future. I didn't expect that it would only take a moment to end up like this!

At the moment, everyone is afraid of this formation!

The skyrocketing taunt just now disappeared without a trace.

"You guys, who else wants to try?"

Chen Yu flicked her fingers, her eyelids drooping, and she said indifferently.


Many people step back and look at each other, but no one dares to stand up!

They are scared!


He Cheng widened his eyes and looked at Chen Yu, full of shock.

It's just a formation method that scares everyone! What an incredible thing!

"Master, miss, is this your teacher?"

He Cheng could not help asking.

Jian Shuang and Jian Yue, with pride in their faces, raised their chests high and nodded their points.

"Yes! This is our teacher!"

Kong Qianqiu looked at the formation in the yard with great fear, and slowly returned to Zhou Youji's side.

"Mother, what now?"

Zhou Youji clenched her fists, her complexion, and she had become very blue!

Jian Hong! Unexpectedly, you guys have left such a thing!

Squinting his eyes, Zhou Youji looked at He Cheng.

"It's ruthless! He Cheng, the young lady of your family didn't expect to die. He left such a vicious thing! This is the end of the young Tianjiao of our family! You can be guilty!"

The sound was rolling, and He Cheng was so frightened that he would kneel down, but Chen Yu stopped He Cheng with one hand!

"Have me here. From today, you only need to kneel Jane Frost and Jane Moon! As for them? Not worth it!"

He Cheng was shocked. He looked at Chen Yu, but somehow he suddenly wanted to cry.

After wiping some reddish eyes, He Cheng nodded again and again.

"Oh, hey, the old slave knows, knows !!!"


Zhou Youji's eyes flickered, and her eyes were covered with haze, among which there was a murderous flicker.

"You are the teachers of these two Ono species? Huh, who are you, and dare to be mad in front of me?"

"Who am I?"

Thinking with a tilted head, Chen Yu smiled, "I'm the one you can't mess with."


Zhou Youji yelled, her eyes glared sharply, and two sword-like gazes pierced Chen Yu!

These two eyes are one of the unique talents of the Devil Eagles. They are called Devil Eyes. They use their own momentum to mix the power of the gods to oppress each other!

This trick is invisible, unlike other pupils, with the light visible to the naked eye, but hidden murderous, uninformed people, even with one eye, will be captured the mind, defeated without a fight.

If you are a weaker guy, you may be destroyed by your eyes and become an idiot!

Kong Qianqiu naturally knew Zhou Youji's move, and suddenly a thick smile rose at the corner of his mouth. Want to see how Chen Yu looks ugly.

But he was disappointed!

In the face of Zhou Youji's eyes, Chen Yu did not evade in the slightest. With four eyes facing each other, her face did not change at all!

"Enough to see? Enough to see, then get out." Chen Yu said lightly.

Zhou Youji was shocked and looked at Chen Yu inconceivably.

This guy didn't even respond to his eyes? Why is that?

For a moment, Zhou Youji could not see through Chen Yu!

"If you don't roll now, do you want me to kill you all?"

Chen Yu looked at the crowd and said lightly.


Everyone was holding back.

"He, is he threatening us?"

"Here, what the **** is this? A little guy, dare, dare to say such a word to us?"

"Hehe, it ’s interesting, human beings. In our family, dare to speak like this? Really think that with this formation left by Jian Hong, you can be arrogant?"

Zhou Youji looked at Chen Yu, her eyes were cold.

"Young man, I advise you, keep a low profile, this is not a place where you can spread wild!"

"Low-key?" Chen Yu's gaze swept through many swallowing monsters, and the corners of his mouth appeared a thick disdainful smile.

"You guys, is it worthy of me to keep a low profile? I count three times and don't roll, I will kill you all and eat stew!"


Hearing this, Gazcui, who was sitting bored aside, suddenly bounced from his seat, looked at the crowd, and swallowed.

"Dad, I don't want to stew meat, I think it's braised."

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