Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1875: In your opinion?

In the Douwu Holy Palace, after listening to everyone's report, Chen Yu has sorted out the ins and outs of the matter.

His Holiness passed prisoner Tian Xingzhou to teach at the altar.

If there is a fate, there is a chance to be accepted as a disciple by the respected.

His Holiness is a strong man who manifests the state of holiness, and only a strong man who is above the fulfillment of the holiest state and has not yet reached the final state of heavenly respect can be called a lord.

In particular, His Holiness is among the top of His Holiness.

If you are lucky enough to be admitted as a student, it will be a step in the sky!

"Brother Yu, you must not miss such a good thing."

Shen Fei looked at Chen Yu and rubbed his hands.

Chen Yu nodded.

He cannot naturally miss such a thing.

With his current strength, it is too reluctant to enter Xiaofeng Xuansu in Tianfeng Xuansu Palace. Especially in the ethereal realm, some people provoked a gap between him and Xiao Xuan'er. If they really hit the road, those young generations of Tianjiao will never let themselves go!

Once exposed, what is waiting for you will be a devastating blow!

Therefore, he must have a strong backer.

And his practice requires huge resources.

And the Supreme Master, no matter how good!

"Teacher, I didn't expect that after we were reborn, the two of us will continue our mentorship. This time, I will not let go of your good things in stock."

Chen Yu smiled and waved.

"You stay at Obi Star Island with peace of mind, and I will go to Prison Star Island alone!"

Chen Yu said.

The next step is getting harder and harder. It would be too dangerous for Shen Fei and others to stay with him, and he would have to split his mind to protect them. It's worth the trouble, but it's better to keep them here.

Shen Fei and others also understand that they are now a burden to Chen Yu, and they have no objection at the moment.

In this way, Chen Yu went on his own.

Shen Fei and others, like the spectators, looked at the back of Chen Yu's departure.

"It's the same again, we can only look at the back of the master away. The burden on his body, but we have no ability to share."

Ye Wushuang sighed, looking a little lonely.

Zhao Yun patted Ye Wushuang's shoulder and didn't speak.

"All we can do is work secretly, and one day we will follow in his footsteps!"

. . . . . .

Tianfeng Xuansu Palace is in Zhongtian Xingxing, and if you want to go to Zhongtian Xingxing, prisoner Xingzhou is the place that must pass.

Unlike Obi Star Island and Sky Evil Star Island, prisoner Xingzhou Island is closer to the center of the starry sky, so the number and quality of practitioners in it are far from comparable to that of Evil Star Island.

And if you want to go from Obi Star Island to Xingtian Xingzhou Island, you have to go through a vast desert of starry sky, which is extremely dangerous.

However, all this is nothing to Chen Yu.

After everything was settled, Chen Yu set off towards the prisoner Xingzhou Island through the teleportation array.

The distance between Xingtian Xingzhou and Orbi Xingzhou is extremely far away, and Chen Yu has made seven ancient teleportation movements. This has reached the starry desert on the edge of Xingtian Xingzhou.

The so-called starry desert is a series of dead stars that collide with each other, and finally become a huge piece of sand in the starry sky.

The formation of the starry desert is due to natural reasons and also due to the battle of the strong.

Although dangerous, there are many opportunities in the starry desert.

So from time to time, there will be explorers rushing into the starry desert to explore.

"Speaking of which, in the last life, I also ventured into the starry desert."

At this moment, Chen Yu stood in the starry desert with a smile on her lips.

The starry desert is as broad as a three-dimensional picture spread in the starry sky.

Above, there is also a thick atmosphere. The light emitted by the stars, through the atmosphere, is the entire starry desert, eternally in the day.

Standing in the desert and looking at the sky, the huge planets are like floating in the sky, showing their outlines.

It's spectacular and dangerous.

"Three thousand miles further, there should be a starry desert."

Chen Yu spotted a direction and mumbled to herself.

Three thousand miles ahead, it is a remote planet prisoner Xingzhou. Chen Yu's plan is to go to the planet first, ask for specific news, and then wait for the opportunity to see His Holiness.

Looking at the Na ring in his hand, Chen Yu could not help but smile slightly.

Gazcui was lying inside and sleeping. She had taken too much elixir and had reached the critical point of transformation. Before Chen Yu set out, he had already plunged into the ring.

"I don't know what kind of situation is this time to teach at the altar?"

Thinking about it, suddenly Chen Yu frowned.

Just in front of him, a few hundred meters beside him, from the sea of ​​sand, a squeak and a howling suddenly sounded, a fierce beast that was 100 meters high and looked like a cricket, rushed out, Pounced on Chen Yu.

"court death."

Chen Yu's face was cold and he just wanted to rush out, but the next moment he stopped and looked at the distance.


A loud voice came, followed closely by a beam of light that nearly spanned thousands of meters, directly piercing the body of the beast.

The beast screamed, and when the air exploded, a large amount of blood was sprinkled.

Several figures rushed over, everyone was young, not much bigger than Chen Yu.

With a touch of arrogance on their faces, it is obviously not ordinary people.

A prisoner of stars?

Chen Yu frowned, thinking to herself. The closest thing here is a planet called the Purple Star.

I am afraid that these people are the practitioners on the Purple Star.

"Well, I didn't expect anyone else here, sister, you saved someone."

Several people also saw Chen Yu, one of which had a baby-faced girl, and said with big eyes.

"Oh? Check it out."

Suddenly, several people fell directly to Chen Yu.

There are five people in this group, two women and three men. The clothes on them are all very precious.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The leading woman looked at Chen Yu, her brows frowned slightly.

"My name is Chen Yuntai, and I am a traveler from Orbi Star Island."

Chen Yu said.

He didn't know if anyone was hunting him now, and naturally, he could no longer use his real name.

"Obi Sing Chau? That broken place came over? Thank you so much for being here, but you didn't die halfway?"

Among the five, a man glanced at Chen Yu and was surprised. In his eyes, he was obviously contemptuous. The other two men also smiled slightly and seemed unconcerned.

Only the baby-faced woman looked at Chen Yu with some curiosity.

"I didn't expect you to come from that far away. It's dangerous here, where are you going? It's dangerous here."

Chen Yu smiled and said, "I heard that there is a Supreme Master who is going to teach at the prison in Xingzhou. I want to come and listen."


Several people froze, and then Haha laughed.

"Take a lesson? Just you !?"

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